Naruto: Contract for Outcasts IC

Ken followed the others ninjas who had jumped out of the trees, who had been hired as reinforcements by their mysterious employer. Although he had entered the battle, he still stayed hidden within the trees, masking his presence so he could use the element of surprise. They had initially been told they would stay back and only assist if necessary. Senryaka had told them that the squads currently in battle were not fairing so well and thus it had become necessary.

His mind flashed back to receiving the mask, the cloaks and the seals. He did not particular care for the cloak, but he did have to admit the mask was slightly impressive. However both their functions to keep his and his fellow members identities secrets seem necessary. The seal to him also seemed obvious and he had no problem, he had not feared death for a long time and he had not given any grief or resistance about taking it.

The new group had been given a brief break down of the situation, Ken who had always preferred to be prepared asked for full details on his supposed "allies", however Senryaka had stated that each member had a right to privacy, however she was willing to at least give names and said they could identify their allies by the masks and cloaks. He hoped that none had lost these items or the enemies did not perhaps steal a set, it would thus be very easy for an enemy to fool them. He had at least learnt the names of the survivors thanks to Senryaka for the sake of the mission and cooperation: Tah'Moe Deel Amagiri, Kurage Genzai, Yuki Aburame, Ryuzoji Takadori, Hogo Fukujin, Jinsoka Gorudo, Yogan Taka and final mysterious ally.

He had also been informed they were currently against three enemies with more approaching. An Uchiha with the famous Sharingan, an Aburame famous for their use of insects and an Akamichi who used body size increasing techniques. He knew his best bet was to go for the Aburame as his Crystal Imprisonment Wave was best suited for taking out a number of small bugs which would be a difficult task for any opponent to deal with.

His mind fast-forwarded to a few moments before while his group traveled through the trees to their destination. He had always liked to be well-prepared so he had used his Amethyst Crystal Sight technique to create 4 crystal bugs and scattered them around the forest within a 5 mile radius at 4 cardinal points. They would allow him to see if any new opponents tried to enter the forest and crossed the paths of the insects who sat in trees. It would be more useful if created more insects, but any more would waste too much chakra he would need for battle and be far too difficult to keep focused on.

He looked at the battle which was now before him, identifying his allies was easy thanks to the mask and cloaks. He saw three enemies, he was easily able to tell the Akimichi due to his great size, the Uchiha was also possible thanks to a little careful observation as he noticed the red eyes unique to the Sharingan. That meant the third opponent was the Aburame. He saw two of the masked shinobi being chased by insects and knew his first move was now clear.

He performed the signs and used Crystal Release: Crystal Imprisonment Wave to turn the bugs to crystals, this technique allowed Ken to entrap opponents in crystal by turning the air around them to crystal, eventually turning their every cell to crystal. This allowed him to trap a large number of small opponents with ease and little use of chakra. He could then shatter the crystal leaving nothing but crystal dust of the bugs. He aimed it for the two sets of bugs following the two masked shinobi. He then formed more hand seals, because he knew his opponent would notice his bugs predicament and attack the group.

He formed the seals for Crystal Release: Hexagonal Shurikens allowing to form shurikens of crystal shaped like snowflakes, he then launched them at the Aburame, knowing the element of surprise was on his size as his group had just quietly emerged from the trees and he was still hidden, also the opponent was preoccupied with another opponent, he knew these factors should aid his attack hitting the Aburame from behind.

After he launched the shurikens he immediately moved his position, knowing the shurikens would give it away and decided to find a new place to hide his presence and continue his attack or prepare to dodge should an opponent find him.

(Hope that is all ok)
Real Ryuzoji:

Ryuzoji began to laugh. Senryaka had the audacity to compare his comrades of those of Void. Skill wise, these ninja here would be on even ground, but mental fortitude, teamwork synergy, and combat readiness gives the ninja of Void the upper hand. He was going to make these points to Senryaka, but decided to keep his opinion to himself. He wouldn't want to lower the moral of the group as well, since they would be able to hear what he said. The only reason he wanted to retreat was to limit the casualties of his newly gained allies. That word had been a dream to him until Mikoto put him on this team and he didn't want to loose them on the first day, but this is the cruel life of a ninja. Death is inevitable.

Besides Senryaka mistake of comparing the two ninja groups, he did hear some good news. Reinforcements were on the way. The failure rate of this mission slowly diminished when he heard this news, but went back down as he considered that the Star ninja have yet to arrive. He frowned at the thought that the reinforcement were weaker than the people here. If more weak people congregated, it doesn't make a team stronger, it just means more weak people.

He breathed in and out to clear his mind as he continued to flee the stream of insects. He couldn't let his mind be clouded, it would lower his finesse. He wanted to thank the Aburame for awakening his sense for battle. He has been far from the flow of battle for too long, loosing his edge, but every moment with the Aburame as been reminding Ryuzoji of what true battle means. Ryuzoji could feel his steps getting more and more accurate and precise as he kicked off a tree and onto another. He would be the on to kill the Aburame

First thing first, he would need to disappear from the insects and the Aburame's view. It would only make matter's worst if he brought the insects to Moe as he performed his jutsu. As he was about to make a reply to Senryaka, looked back at Yogan, engulfed by flaming insects. It only strengthened his previous points, but in the end, it didn't matter, his orders were given.

"Understood Senryaka, We will proceed with the mission. Moe, Give me a second. I must disappear from the sight of the Aburame."

Disappearing was his expertise. No one was able to find him unless he wanted to show himself, with an exception of Mikoto.

Ryuzoji jumped behind a tree, cutting off the sight of the insects and the Aburame. In that same instance, he did two jutsus, hiding with camouflage technique and chakra suppression technique respectively. These were his moves that he had mastered., making his physical and charka presence disappear completely. He then noticed the Aburame being attacked by some sort of pink Shuriken. Seems as though our allies have finally arrived. The distraction was perfect and well timed. He would then use this opportunity to head to Moe undetected, with his light foot capabilities, making no sound.

Ryuzoji's clone:

Ryuzoji's clone would notice the sharp wind needle heading towards Yuki head. which would cause suddned death. He would also see that Yuki's attack could finish the Uchiha off for good, making Avenging Asuna's death.

With that in mind, the clone would use the last bit of chakra it had to do lightning release armor. He would then slightly push Yuki out of the way, allowing him to finish his jutsu and kill the Uchiha.
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Saizo was now travelling with a group wearing the same getup. Though he was probably more noticeable because of the giant broadsword he has strapped on his back. He was more accustomed to working alone though. He stayed at the back of the group as they were rushing to the battlefield. At the moment, he was feeling a strong urge to kill the people in front of him, even if they were his supposed allies for this mission.

"My, my. Such promising toys..." he thought to himself. He tried as hard as he could to contain his bloodlust and conceal his killing intent. It wasn't the right time. He thought back on a previous conversation.

"Saizo, are you finished?" said a voice after a small buzz that came from inside his mask and then into his ear.

"Yeah, it was boring..." he replied. There was blood almost everywhere from where he was standing. He was still gripping his giant sword with one hand as a number of corpses surrounded him. "I was expecting it to be a bit more fun since you mentioned it was a group rogue ninjas. I didn't expect them to be just a bunch of genin and chuunin level ninjas." he explained.

"Did you get the target?" the voice asked him.

Saizo looked at the corpse of the ninja he just killed. He was severed from his left shoulder across to his right waist. "Ah. It was a shame to have to kill him now though. He showed a lot of promise..."

The voice was silent for a moment. "We'll talk about that when you get back. Right now I have a new urgent mission for you..." the voice told him. "I'll give you a little time to clean up and get ready but we need you fast."

Saizo was listening intenly as he spoke again "Right, right. This better be worth my time, Senryaka." he said playfully as he smiled innocently.

Saizo's thoughts were now back at the present. He couldn't hold back the joy he was feeling after hearing the short briefing about the situation. They were up against shinobi, all seemed to be of a higher level than what he had fought recently. Blood was rushing to his head as he could already feel the ecstasy of killing them. They were up against an Uchiha, Aburame and an Akimichi. All of which are renowned clans in the Leaf. He didn't let the excitement cloud his judgement though. He knew that a moment of carelessness could completely change a battle.

Given his abilities, he would be a bad match against the Uchiha with his sharingan. His genjutsus would probably prove useless and his swordsmanship would become less efficient. Akimichis are known to be sturdy and powerful. But while the Akimichi is the ideal target, Saizo was gonna go for the Aburame. Even if the Aburame's loved fighting from a distance and while being hidden, Saizo has the necessary tools to counter all of this. He also already had the benefit of having two decoys. It was just a matter of waiting for the right time to attack.

As his teammates jumped to show themselves, Saizo conveniently stood back and concealed himself. With one of the ninjas with him acting quickly, he had to follow suit. He did a Water Clone Technique and formed more handseals thereby quickly concealing himself with his Assassin's shroud genjutsu. This would normally make him virtually invisible in close distance. It was now about how he should approach and attack the enemy and get him in range. For now, it was best if he was to observe from a distance and wait for his chance as his "teammates" fought. The clone was for misdirection. His clone would also hide. That way, the enemy will think he detected the real thing once he ascertains the whereabouts of his clone during battle. It would also make the target more weary, completely diverting attention from finding 'invisible' enemies.
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Yuki's head began to hurt as he continued to expel the stream of fire from his mouth. Asuna hissed as she began her retreat, just as Yuki had asked. But as she did, the Uchiha took advantage of this moment. He used her lack of speed and the fact that she was retreating to shoot a blast of fire toward her. Killing her instantly.

"Fool..." Yuki thought as he continued his jutsu. His chakra was quickly dropping, but due to his large chakra pool, and the fact that this was only his third jutsu since the start of this mission, he was able to maintain it. He then heard word of reinforcements through his mask. 'Just more fuel to the fire...' He thought to himself. He then intensified his jutsu, eager to annihilate the Uchiha. Then unaware to Yuki's knowledge, the uchiha launched a small needle toward Yuki. Under any other circumstances Yuki would have noticed, but since he was so content with killing the Uchiha; he didn't notice. Then suddenly Ryuzoji's mud clone tackled Yuki, for some reason that Yuki was unaware of. Since he didnt see the needle, he was unsure why the clone tackled him. "What...." Was all Yuki was able to say as he took another breath and continued spewing fire out of his mouth, while still being tackled by the clone.
The shit-show carried on with unscrupulous grace as Kurage, now passed exhausted and utterly failing as a shinobi, became a projectile that was redirected and rolling into his own teammates. Kurage had rushed in, hoping that the ally who showed up to his battle would synchronize his strikes to Kurage's simultaneously. Hogo, master of the necessary art of standing still in silence, watched as the Man-o-War was picked up and tossed to the side by the Akimichi, like some neglectful mother chucking her brain damaged step-child. Luckily for Kurage's conscience, Hogo found the energy to dodge the hurling death ball and avoid being yet another casualty to Kurage's foppery.

Kurage was punted like a proper shūkyū, now veering off passed Hogo and possibly... hopefully... into no one else. Had it turned out Kurage crashed into a tree or anything that wasn't a teammate, he would collapse to the ground and lay there. After being dazed and closing his eyes to cease the moving pictures swirling in his vision, Kurage would stumble to his feet and trudge towards the caravan wagons, grumbling and mumbling as he slipped out his last set of explosive tags. The Man-o-War would realize in his stupor that he had blown his load too soon, and all because he had miscalculated... well... everything.

If Kurage was able to make way to the caravans, he would stress over his failures on the way and ask his self why he did what he did:

~Why did I use my wall? Why did I attack the damn eye man? Why did I burn myself out? Why did I miss every damn chance I needed to make? Why did I let Sumire die?~

The Man-o-War knew that at this point, anything else he did pertaining to direct interference would be just that... interference. Kurage would attempt to load up the remaining caravan wagons with explosive tags, then back off to set them ablaze. In this process, while he was close to the caravans, he would keep an eye out for the weapon like thing Ikari had fiddled with before he died... likeuhbitch.
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Ryuzoji's clone took the hit for Yuki, and Yuki was even able to maintain his jutsu despite the sudden disruption, that is, until the clone suddenly exploded in a rain of sticky earth and mud. The stuff covered Yuki and smothered the fire, breaking the line between him and the Uchiha, and ending the jutsu. The fires did not simply go out, however, and both the ninja and the forest remained ablaze in the wake of the jutsu. The Uchiha fell from the trees, and landed, or rather, dove, into the earth, using a technique he had seen Ryuzoji use. The flames, now not longer powered by chakra, were smothered as he entered the ground and disappeared.

Yuki would be completely covered in the mud and it would take him precious time to get free, even with his insects trying to drain the chakra out of the mud and push it away. It took him thirteen seconds to free himself, but by then it was too late. The Uchiha suddenly sprouted from the ground behind the recently freed Aburame, and grasped him by his hair, the ninja's other hand bringing his sword whipping around. Speed had never been Yuki's specialty, while it was nearly a trademark of the Uchiha, and even as Yuki's insects suddenly began to swarm out from his back to attack the surprise attack, it was evident it would be too late.

Yuki would then hear a cry of pain, and then feel a burning pain of his own as he felt the sword cut into his shoulder. It did not cut his arm off, the blow having been lessened before falling off course, hitting Yuki's shoulder instead of his neck. The hand released Yuki's hair, allowing him to twist around and face what had happened. The Uchiha was impale, a black, charred spike sticking out from his chest. Behind him, a bloody, blackened monster of twisting spokes and smoke stood, lips burned away, exposing teeth and, oh so much bone. It was Asuna, alive if grotesquely so. She had grown her bones beneath her spin to create an armor that would last even after her skin had been burned away. Her mask was cracked, blackened and broken, revealing the lower right half of her face.

"Ruuuhhhhh..." She growled, her voice barely recognizable. "Rrrruuuuaahhhhh!!!" She screamed as she tore her bone out of the Uchiha and brought it about to stab again. But the Uchiha, despite his grisly wound, did not let this opportunity pass, and spun around, ready to decapitate her. If Yuki did nothing and watched, he would see Asuna die again, though this time not in vane. He did, however, have the chance to react, and possibly finish off the Uchiha before anything else could occur.

Meanwhile, Yogan was still having a lot of trouble coming to terms with his fire not being able to burn things, and so he continued to throw chakra into the mass of bugs which followed him, getting closer every second. The Aburame lost sight if Ryuzoji, and began trying to find him. It was then that a swarm of pink shuriken suddenly attacked the Aburame from behind, and using his sensor ability, he was able to avoid most of them, though three planted themselves into his back. He spat and his bugs pushed the blades out as he sent Ryuzoji's swarms after Ken. The swarms would approach from two different directions and be quite hard avoid without help.

A bizarre seen manifested then as mist poured into the burning forest, magically remaining despite the trees. This mist would make it hard for Ryuzoji to see as he charged in towards Moe, who was holding his breath as best he could, waiting to see Ryuzoji appear. When he got close enough that Moe could notice him, and assuming that he is not trying to hide from Moe, the older ninja would turn in surprise and blast Ryuzoji in the face with blade blue smoke. All he needed to do was breath it in once. Then suddenly Ryuzoji would feel a profound calm wash over him. Everything became crystal clear, and his mind was free of extraneous thoughts. Time slowed down, and it seemed that, perhaps for the first time, Ryuzoji could feel an inner peace awakening within his himself.

And while that was happening, Hogo was facing down Chojin, who has just sent Kurage spinning and spiraling past. Chojin waited a moment to see if Hogo would charge next, and then pulled out a belt of spikes, and wrapped it around his shoulders quickly. He would then roll into a spiked ball, and come after Hogo, already five times larger than his normal ball. The Encampment wall would do almost nothing to slow the Akimichi down, and if Hogo tried to place an explosive tag on the sharp, spinning mass he would quickly find it shredded or detonated in his hand. Chojin was not bothering with mere punches and kicks, he was taking Hogo seriously, and thus wanted to finish him quickly and with a powerful technique.

Kurage crashed not far away, smashing into a cart. Scrolls and rice fell around him, and he was then reminded of his mission and began to slip explosives onto the carts. As he was doing this, he would come across an impressive scroll case and a Katar lying beside it, the same weapon Ikari had found and then dropped a little while earlier. If Kurage picked it up, he would feel the same stinging sensation that Ikari had felt, but then he would also feel a rush of physical strength, speed, and energy.

Meanwhile, The three Star Ninja finally emerged, the thin one with the four chakra arms, the fat one with the chakra beasts, and the woman in the chakra sphere. They were all doing vicious battle with Absolith and the Deer Prince, who were barely holding their own against the powerful three. Absolith looked beat up, his mask cracked in several places, and his cloak torn and burnt. Jurojin was not doing much better, one of his antlers being cracked and bleeding, while he obviously bore many more injuries. Jinsokka joined them, battling to the best of her ability against the three powerful elites, but it was clear that they all would need help soon.
Ken noticed the Aburame had sent his bugs after him, although since he had moved location since attacking it would take time for them to find him, but eventually they would, his position soon to be compromised. He then performed the necessary seals as he created a Jade Crystal Clone, one would head in one direction to counter one swarm, while the other the second swarm. He jumped out of the trees, each heading a different direction. Both went to a clearer spot where they could perform Crystal Imprisonment Wave and cut off the bugs, a technique that would would turn the bugs into crystal and then shatter into crystal dust to trap all the bugs coming towards them.

The Crystal Clone:

As soon as the bugs came close enough he would perform the technique his crystal body shatter and using that crystal dust to entrap those bugs and turn them to dust.

The Real Ken:

Would also perform that technique to trap the second swarm of bugs in crystal.

If for some reason, it mysteriously did not work. He would then strengthen the Crystal Armor, an armor of thin see-through crystal constantly surrounding his own body to protect it and make it thicker around his own body to give it even more protection. He usually had a thin layer of it around his body at all times to protect himself much like Gaara's sand, in case for some reason his imprisonment wave did not he work he would still have some protection and time to react before the bugs got to his skin directly.

If it did work, Ken would then perform Crystal Release: Tearing Crystal Falling Dragon and summoned a crystal dragon that would shoot after the Aburame and attack him. He then moved closer to Aburame while the dragon went forward, close enough so that if the Aburame decided to concentrate on the Dragon instead and send his bugs to stop it, Ken could sneak behind and perform the Crystal Imprisonment Technique, a technique that would trap the bug-user in crystal and hopefully end this battle.

Ken had noticed the entrance of the Star Ninja, he had hoped they wouldn't have arrived so quickly but that was the situation. For now he had to focus on the Aburame, before he could move on to the Star Ninja.
Hiromitsu got a full understanding of the current situation thanks to Senryakas help. He was originally going to assist the ninjas known as Kurage and Hogo, but noticed the tight spot the Aburame was in. Once he got to the location, he saw the Uchiha about to strike the Aburame and he feared he was too late.

The Uchihas blade came down for the kill but was diverted due to the Kaguyas last minute intervention. With this he new it was his time to strike, he used his Smoke Style: Smoke Spear Technique and shot it at the Uchiha.

As he shot the spear, the Uchiha turned around to attack the Kaguya.

Hiromitsu had confidence in his spears speed. He knew he would be able to stop the Uchiha before he striked the Kaguya, but in the end, it was left to the fates to decide.

Name of Technique: Smoke Style: Smoke Spear Technique

Description: Channeling smoke chakra into their palm, the user performs hand seals and then thrusts their palm out at a foe. An arm-wide cloud of smoke bursts from their hand and extends up to 10 meters away at a very quick speed. When it hits, it hits with a force strong enough to knock you over and immediately condenses on a foe's body in the form of a thick cloud that grabs them in the smoke. Breaking free from the smoke will prove tp be very difficult. In addition, because of the density of the smoke, it is extremely difficult to see during the capture.
Ken was doing a wonderful job of distracting the Aburame. It also appeared that he didn't notice Saizo's water clone. The thing with long-range fighters is that they usually have weak close-range abilities. It required a lot of attention to control swarms of insects. Seeing that he diverted a swarm to chase Ken, this probably meant that it was his limit of control. Saizo didn't let his guard down though. This also presented one good chance to kill the Aburame.

Real Saizo:

With the Aburame virtually defenseless in close range as he was busy directing his insects, this presented the perfect opportunity to close in on him. He made necessary precautions before executing his attack. He attached a poison tag on his back that he could readily unseal. It would release a cloud of poison strong enough to render anyone helpless but Saizo, given his immunity to most poisons. He'll wait for his clone to attack from above and see how he reacts. If the Aburame somehow manages to block his clone's attack or counters, Saizo, with his assassin's shroud still active, will use his Mist Body Flicker to quickly initiate an attack using his giant sword to his back and that would be the end of it. If he were to dodge, Saizo would still capitalize on the opportunity and attack him from his blindspot. The Aburame would have almost a second to react after feeling the resulting shifts in the wind but it would still be probably enough to get a good shot at him. The third possibility is if the one he attacks happens to be a clone. Saizo would risk presenting an opening on his defense, trying to draw the Aburame in to attack him directly. He would then unseal the poison tag and jump out of the cloud and immediately do a scan with his chakra sonar technique.

Water Clone:

Seeing that Saizo's clone wasn't noticed, it posed the perfect opportunity to attack from two sides. The clone would attack from above with the intention of killing the enemy in one blow. From there, the real Saizo would react according to the enemy's course of action. The clone would switch places with the Real Saizo if the need arises.

Even if Saizo would fail to kill the Aburame, this way the Aburame would be disabled enough for Ken to use his crystal techniques to finish the job, assuming the crystal-user is as good as he appears. Otherwise, he'd be disappointed and contemplate on killing the crystal-user instead.
The mud clone tackled Yuki out of the way, it's reason for doing this was beyond Yuki, but he continued to spew the fire. Moments later the clone burst into an explosion of mud, not only putting out his jutsu, but also covering his sosa mask, obstructing his vision. "Damn clone...!" Yuki said as he flailed about, in a desperate attempt to get the mud off of him. His insects swarmed around, quickly devouring the chakra within the mud, but it was not enough. Before Yuki was able to recover from removing the mud, the Uchiha was behind him. He felt a hand grip his hair, and he rose his hands to his head, desperately trying to pry the hand away without ripping off his scalp.

He then felt a jagged metal blade began to slide into his shoulder, not a fatal wound, but enough to stun him for a moment. Following that he heard a shriek of pain come from behind him. Yuki turned to face the sound, unable to see he began to wipe the sosa mask, trying to get the mud off. This however, even smudged the mud more, further obstructing his vision. He snatched the mask off with his wounded hand, clutching it tightly, being sure not to drop it. As the insects began to swarm the mask, cleaning it off, Yuki's jaw dropped, surprised at what he saw. It was a disfigured and charred Asuna, moaning in pain, as she mutilated the Uchiha. She pulled her bone out of his chest, then immediately went to strike again. But the Uchiha was too fast, just as he was before, and had managed to prepare a counterattack before Asuna could strike again. "No, not again..." Yuki mumbled as he whipped out a kunai with his free arm, moving toward the Uchiha, and attempting to plunge it into him. If this were to work, it would definitely finish the leaf nin for good, whether it managed to save Asuna or not, and if Hiromitsu's attack hit, that would simply be overkill.
Kurage slumped about, rice and woodchips dotting his brow and filling his orifices in his lament. The Man-o-War was dazed as he lay on his back in the cart refuse. He looked like a sleeping titan as he rose from the debris, rice trickling off of him like snow or rubble cascading off of a moving mounting. He was halfway between relieved and exhausted, only being pleased by landing where he landed; it was almost as if fate picked him up and placed him where he needed to be. The Man-o-War upon standing felt many aches and pains starting to come back with his dissension in adrenaline, his joints cracking as he rushed to his targets. Kurage'e mind absorbed itself on his failures, trudging to the rest of the wagons and slapping tags on the them so as to finish what their true task, or at least his unit's task really was. Kurage took a few steps away before quietly declaring-

"Everyone should be able to hear me through the mask... I'm blowing up the caravans in five seconds; stay clear of them, or use the blasts for your own endeavors."

As Kurage made his rounds, he put up the appropriate hand sign to initiate the chain explosion. Something had caught his eye however, glowing, almost radiating with an energy of some sort. Kurage looked at the piece in waiting for his allies responses. The Man-o-War recalled his soft ass teammate Ikari abandoning the object, and upon closer inspection it may had been because it was too daunting for a pussywillow like his self. It was a sinister feeling katar, and that was one of the few rare times in which a weapon had put an unsettling feeling inside of him. Upon touching the item Kurage felt a stinging sensation that caused him to drop it back to the ground in natural reaction. He made an attempt to snag it again but before grabbing it outright, he instead wrapped it with the cloth from the container in which it was held.

Kurage would take the item under his arm and detonate the caravans, as his teammates should have time to react within the five second warning he gave them which was even slightly extended while he fooled with the katar.
His water encampment wall had been shredded apart, of all things Hogo had not anticipated a spiked ball of death, in the past such techniques were not commonplace among the Akimichi clan of Konohagakure. Hogo supposed the current climate had changed his once beloved home. With what little time he had left and the momentary confusion he felt when he saw Kurage abandon him, Hogo managed plant his remaining Explosive tags with a simple slap on the ground. Hogo had placed a short timer on his tags, they would explode within seconds and he had to get far enough away to survive the blast.

With his first step he swiveled on his right foot, dug in with his left and pushed off while channeling chakra into the soles of his feet to increase his speed. When he was three steps away from the tags Hogo expelled all of his paper bombs which were also on a short timer.

He'd have to keep ahead of Chojin for 4 seconds at best before his tags and bombs exploded.
Ryuzoji reached Moe and was able to breathe in the blue smoke that Moe was able to conjure up. He could feel his surroundings stand still even without looking. Every breath he took pushed him more and more into a tranquil state.

Ryuzoji turned to Moe and thanked him for what he did. He then headed towards the Star Ninja to assist his allies.

Jumping through the trees, he couldn't help but notice how the wind brushing against his skin or how the baby bird fell out of his nest, falling to the ground to its death. He could see everything from a different perspective. Even as he ran atop the trees, not one movement was wasted. He could see his path perfectly carved out for him. He could help but be at peace with everything, because everything was now considered perfect in his eyes. Ee
The Uchiha was at once struck by Yuki's kunai, and then sent spiraling away in cloud of smoke. He fell several feet away, wounded and covered in thick, obstructing smoke. He breathed in preformed several hand signs, and breathed out, causing a gust if wind to expel from his body and clear the smoke, but doing that only revealed the desperate ninja beneath the smoke shroud. He reached up to a communications device on his neck and pressed it.

"Okami squad, retreat." He ordered into it before reaching into his weapons pouch and dropping several smoke bombs to cover his retreat. Asuna charged into the cloud, spinning and flailing wildly in an attempt to impale and kill the Uchiha, but he was already gone. The Aburame was busy fending off his multiple opponents when the message came through.

The Sensor was doing a good job of keeping the enemy at bay, having separated the two streams of insects which were chasing ken, into six smaller streams as they attempted to head the ninja off. Ken and his clone preformed their jutsu, but only caught two of the six streams which were following him. Then the insects were on him, weakening his armor and eating chakra, though they remained for only a few moments. Then, suddenly, ken was free, though his clone, not having had the time to prepare a special armor once summoned, was half depleted of its chakra and barely functioning, though not yet dispelled.

The Aburame had called back his bugs in order to defend himself against the Saizo, who had just barely missed his initial attack thanks to his sensor abilities. He parried the clones attack with a Kunai, and jumped away from the other, his bugs swarming and frothing around him. Then came the order to retreat and the Aburame began to preform some hand signs in his attempt to escape. As the Aburame did, Yogan suddenly emerged from the sky, firing a rain of fireballs down on the Aburame. The attack was blocked by the elemental insects, but in doing this, they left their master open. In this moment Ken and Saizo both had a chance to attack him, though they would have to preempt how he would attempt to escape, to the right, left, up, or below the ground.

Chojin rolled in, and suddenly Hogo was playing a game of explosive tag, leaving behind explosives as he ran away from rolling death ball. Chojiin rolled over and destroyed the first few, but eventually the explosions caught up to him, just before he could catch up to Hogo. Chojin collapsed, his spikes flying off in different directions. He was dazed and wounded, and was struggling to pick himself up, utterly helpless before Hogo. Then came the call to retreat, and Chojin groaned, looking up at Hogo. Hogo could kill Chojin now and be done with it, though he was only supposed to drive off the offending ninja and defend his teammates. The Star ninja were close, and sparing Chojin may gain him a secret ally within the sentimental Konohagakure ninja, while killing him might increase his bounty and make him a target for the Akimichi clan. He had only seconds to decide, but as it was, Chojin's life was in Hogo's hands.

While the battle was happening around him, Kurage completed his mission and detonated the weapons, destroying hundreds of scrolls and all the weapons locked inside them. The sole weapons he chose to spare, an ominous katar he was holding, was having a strange reaction to his touch. When his bare fingers had brushed the handle, he had felt a sting, and then a sudden pulse of energy. Now, holding it while wrapped, the sting was lessened, but still there. As he felt the odd sensation in his hands, he would fell his armor become tighter on him, particularly around his biceps and shoulders. Little by little, this weapon was feeding him some kind of energy. With each moment that passed, Kurage felt the flab of his body begin to harden, and his muscles suddenly became limber and strong. The katar emanated a faint glow as it fed Kurage its power, shimmering with malicious intent as violent thoughts began to trickle into Kurage's mind.

Meanwhile, Jinsoka, Absolith, and Jurojin were being pushed back, Jinsoka racing against the sphere of he female star ninja while Absolith battled the multiarmed, slender ninja, and the deer prince fought against the many chakra beasts of the fat, short ninja. These elites were clearly Anbu, nearly kage level, and they were doing a good job of holding their own and chipping away at their opponents defenses. These were not just three elites of the Hoshi village, but were in fact possibly their strongest ninja! With the team already weakened from their previous battles, and half being dead or incapacitated, could the outcasts still pull out with a victory? Or was their first mission also to be their last?
"Tch!' Saizo had to give the Aburame credit. Anyone else, and they would've been dead or fatally wounded with that succession of attacks. Yogan presented another opportunity for Saizo to attack and he would still be in range of the poison if he released the poison tag but this time he needed to be faster. He needed to capitalize on the pressure they were giving the Aburame. Without wasting time he unsealed the poison tag and a cloud of poison dispersed the area. He immediately switched weapons and to his signature stance, the reason he was called Tenken, and charged chakra mainly concentrated in his swordarm and feet. He didn't care if anyone on his team would be poisoned too. He had to make sure the enemy didn't escape. He was grinning like the homicidal maniac that he is. "I'm not letting you go that easy!" he thought to himself.

The poison would paralyze people aside from Saizo. But he would always bring the antidote. From within the cloud of poison, he would appear like a demon. His very presence would be stifling and intimidating. It was the pure amount of killing intent that overflowed from him. He couldn't hold back anymore. His murderous thoughts were manifesting in his chakra as he charged towards the Aburame from the ground.

"Battoujutsu: Swallow's Cut!"
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Almost out of breath, the heat from the explosion increasing the output of sweat. He realised that Chojin had finished chasing him and was lying on the ground, wounded and exhausted. A pair of kunai appeared in his hands and with a cold rage he approached the fallen Akimichi, his hand rose with an air of finality. His hand flashed down like a whip, there was little compassion in Hogo's eyes and yet just before the kunai made contact he stopped and then he sighed.

"You are lucky Chojin that I still have a conscience. I beg you, leave now and return to your family. Leave Chojin, as quick as you can, leave."

Hogo returned the kunai to their places within the folds of his clothes, retrieved a smoke bomb and threw it down. As the smoke billowed and obscured his body, Hogo used the Body Flicker jutsu and headed towards his comrades. He channeled his chakra into his Sosa mask.

"Senryaka, I have taken care of the Akimichi, please relay the current situation and tell me where I am most needed."

Hogo made his way to the edge of the forest, for a moment he checked his surroundings just in case there was a stray ninja, he sat down and leaned against the bole of a large tree and searched the folds of his clothes. Eventually he found what he was looking for; a bun. Amazingly it was as yet undamaged by his constant battle, he ate the bun. He awaited his next orders.
Ken huffed that his attack had missed, what a wasted effort. Thankfully as a crystal-user he could create so much with other depleting his chakra so easily, but he still had to save some for the next set of enemies. Luckily Saizo prepared another attack before he reacted. He saw a cloud of gas erupt around the user and immediately used Body-Flicker to end his attack and head out of it's range. He could tell by the warrior's dark intent that seemed to leak out of him like a disgusting rot that he didn't care who died.

Ken stayed back, but allowed his Crystal Dragon to continue it's attack on the Aburame as it flew around him, restricting his movements so the insane swordsman could do his attack. Ken then released his clone, rather converting back the chakra so he could use for another later if necessary.

He then kept his eye open for the Star Ninja, ready to switch to them if necessary. He had seen the Uchiha escape, so he realized the Aburame was planning to escape. It was irrelevant to him whether he did or not, his death was not in the mission parameters. Now they had to battle the Star Ninja, that was his next concern. He immediately took cover in the trees, hoping to confuse the Star Ninja and attack when the time was right. He suppressed his chakra and lay in wait.
As Yuki's attack landed, he took two steps back, unsure of what the Uchiha would do next. The Uchiha flew back, into the cloud of smoke that was already there. Further hindering Yuki's sight of him by throwing down smoke bombs. Yuki realized that this was a retreat and shoved his hands into his pockets, "Coward...." He then watched asuna, as she charged into the cloud of smoke, flailing about in a desperate attempt to finish the Uchiha off. He then began walking toward Asuna. "Give it up, he's already gone." He took one of his hands out of his pocket and began gesturing for Asuna to come toward him. When she approached him, if she approached him. He would release a small cloud of insects, and then command them to begin picking off the first layer of dead skin on Asuna, in order to prevent infection. After doing so he would emit chakra into his mask, so his entire team could hear. "Asuna is in a critical state, if there are any medical ninja, i need your assistance."

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