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Fandom Naruto: Brave New World

I'm still just very tired and warm. Plus my throat still hurts.

i got to lay down for, like, half an hour and then my mom decided we were going shopping.

im tired but i dont want to sleep when its already 630, so i might as well start working on a post since i dont think atom is going to

but i accidentally messed up my keyboard, so im going to have to copy and paste symbols since i cant make them anymore...

well, i can make them, but the keyboard configuration is all messed up

like i press the semi-colon key and i get a n with a tilde


and i had to make that previous dash by hitting the question mark key

so ill write a post, but its probably going to take FOREVER

I think a language setting may be messed up on your keyboard. Perhaps google could fix this.
yeah, its happened before

no idea how i fixed it tho

i might try turning it on and off again xD
Well a N with a tidal on top of it seems spanish to me...

So I'd say you'd got a pretty solid idea of turning it off than back on again
wow we went to get icecream and the store we were shopping at had police cars barricades and firetrucks and other stuff around it and my mom was like ¨whats going on!?¨and i was like definitely bombs.

it was bombs.

BUT there were police cars before we left the store earlier today....

which means the threat had already been made before we left and the shoppers were not informed for awhile.....????
im serious

ill send you an article over pm because these chumps dont need to know what city i live in

SO FUNNY THO theres a ton of people across the street at the icecream place with cameras hoping something blows up
lol like there was that story on tumblr where someone got back at these two dudes for being consistently rude and he set up a fight between them at one of their houses and then called swat

you remember that or did you ever see it?
AAAA i remember that!!

and thats fine atom

it was actually my turn to post, i was working on one... xD

don´worry tho ur post doesnt interfere with the content of mine at all ºwinky faceº

SOBS my computer and phone are being taken..... ill still be able to post in OOC tho bcuz i have a tablet

i had more to write, but its already kinda long so next post ill get to what hoshiko´s doing currently

i still havent fixed the keyboard..


Oooooh shit I always forget to tag people in my IC posts!!

So just take make sure, @Gilzar tag, you're it!

No hurries tho, like I said I won't even be able to post IC til tomorrow

Also Gilly just doubke-checking, the war ended about a year ago right?

Yes, the war ended a year ago after the Armistice was signed after a bunch of rich war history that I may have typed up...
Sorry about that Gilly!

I got confused and kind of was double-checking Goats with that. xD
Lol It's fine Pine.

It does me a favor by keeping me alert on the History of this storyline.
Alright, just checking. xD

I do hope I don't have any inconsistencies in my characters's histories, because I know that at some point I started thinking it had only ended a few months ago...

*frantically searches*

the funny thing about rock band and those games is that when you're at a certain difficulty all you can hear is the clacking of keys

also last night before i forget

i had a dream that i was being chased around by darth vader (without the mask so old and ugly) and idk he just wanted to kill me and my rabbit/pikachu for some reason

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