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Fandom Naruto: Brave New World

i dont know if my school does that. the one thing i can think of that they mightve tried to do is make the parts with the native americans seem less terrible? but since i cant even remember what ive been taught very well....

the only thing that comes of it is children learn the truth later and then either dont care or think schools are messed up for trying to cover it up

so, in the long run, i think its a stupid strategy
history is my least favorite subject, so i dont remember any of the details

but that sums it up pretty well, unfortunately
Here's a quick summary of American history as I see it:

1) White settlement from all over Europe from greedy people/trying to establish some religious alpha race

2) Spain quickly becomes irrelevant, France and Britain butt heads all the time and settlers war with Native Americans almost constantly

3) Colonists start bitching about literally everything Britain does to help pay off their massive debt after the French-Indian war (which is actually French/Native American allies vs. colonists/Brits so they start taxing out the wazoo) and blow small things like the """"Boston Massacre""""" way out of proportion

4) Colonists write a strongly worded letter that gets ignored by the King so like 53% of the colonists are like k time for war and eventually Britain is like w/e I have better things to do lol good luck starting out

5) America makes this weak ass Articles of Confederation and almost falls on its face but eventually they start to get their shit together

6) France is inspired by our little revolution to try to overthrow all monarchy in Europe and wants American's support against Britain while Britain bullies us with their OP navy because they could

7) So naturally we sided with Britain

8) And then later when Napoleon is threatening to take over all of Europe and the only thing standing in his way is Britain, America decides it's a good idea to start bitching about Britain AGAIN and thus the War of 1812 (in which Britain kicked our ass and burned down our capital until a freak storm happened with like a hurricane and multiple tornadoes shooed them off and once against Britain lost interest and the war ended up literally accomplishing nothing except SORT OF getting them to back off)

9) Then for the remainder of the time it's this whole heap of Northern/free states doing stuff like putting tariffs on foreign goods to help support local business to which the Southern/slave states bitch about their economy hurting from that (which it probably did hinder their efforts to being millionaires a little bit boo-hoo)

10) Also Western expansion and some war with Mexico happens that they don't really teach us about in K-12, so I'm assuming that we were little shit heads once again and it's something our history textbooks are trying to pretty up, but I'll learn soon!!

11) So then slave states join together and are like yo we're out of here and the free states/union are like bitch you better think again and thus the super bloody civil war where slave states eventually had to chill out and join the union again

12) Slave states that rebelled had to get rid of their slaves, and then eventually black rights movement (I can't remember what it's called but there's prolly a better term) and then blah blah blah world wars and cold wars that we were reluctant to join and then I guess once we've established ourselves as an uber powerful nation at some point then we decided to start trying to "liberate" random countries from communism or something idk, I haven't learned too much recent history

13) Oh and at some point we eradicated almost the entire Native American population with our disease/constant wars/imposing ourselves on their way of life/slaughtering like 99% of the buffalo/just generally being douche bags


a lot of bitching and much, much prejudice

I like learning about EVENTS in history, but I hate how we would have to memorize names/dates/stupid things like that which are probably the least important part of history, but it's a lot more enjoyable in college.

(Where, you know, they don't mind telling us what's up and they actually care about you LEARNING, not just state testing.)
History is my top subject xD although American history is not on my schools curriculum... Unfortunately, since there are some good events in Americans time over the ages

So how is everyone? May I ask?
I kind of skipped my government class because there was a thunderstorm/flash flooding... exclusively during the time of that class.

also rambling about history was more important

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