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Fandom Naruto: Brave New World


At the end of school (And track) today I will be assigning your genin into a teams with mermories for now, and then most likely we'll either add or re-arrange once more join. I do have a friend joining, so I will be able to turn one of the two man squads into a three-man squads.

BUT there are advantages to two man squads.

Roleplay wise, you a get a more hands on experience with the instructor.

Plus you don't have to rely on everyone as much. Things get done faster.
Tenshi, I meant being perverted x3

I changed schools abruptly before high school and made new friends that were slightly perverted. They changed me. I go to high school meet up with my old friends, turned out they got slightly perverted as well x3
And I am one happy to admit it x3

Around friends I have no problem admitting this. lol

I mean I think with how I react to some people on here, it's pretty obvious
Ugh first day back


So it's only taken me you know eighteen years of my life to finally learn about the REAL origin about Texas and like I thought this was kind of a country-wide thing where our public school textbooks feed us a bunch of bullshit about things, but apparently it's JUST Texas??

I had to take an entire course on Texas history and not only was it all lies but it was also really boring (because to not "tarnish our good name" they took out all the interesting things about what was going on with Mexico like how they got a president that overthrew his own government?????) but I guess I'm not too angry because at a certain point in my life I became very aware that this was happening.

i wish i could say that i didn't try to study in school because all of the things they were teaching were sketchy but really i was just lazy haha

Still like, what are they trying to accomplish by giving us false information?

Are they trying to make us so patriotic for a state (seriously, why should we have SO MUCH pride for a STATE? lol) so that our idiot last governor might get us to actually try to secede from the U.S., which might I stress would be one of the most idiotic things that we can do?

smh smh

*end daily venting about how stupid texas is*
My learning experience has been very different. We are constantly reminded of the shit we did and the shit the government is currently doing.
That sounds really nice.

I mean, if you're going to teach history... the whole point of that is to kind of learn from mistakes, know what works, what doesn't work...


And no really, it did happen.

Basically to sum up what we've learned so far (up until the actual revolution), this dude Moses Austin made an agreement with Spain to be able to settle 300 families for cotton farming under the conditions that they converted to Catholicism and obeyed Spanish law.

So when he died his son, Stephen F. Austin, took over this whole operation of advertising people to settle in, and actually ended up bringing 3,000 settlers in +their slaves, which is ESPECIALLY a bad thing, because around this time Mexico had won its independence from Spain (and part of that revolution was to abolish slavery).

So they re-instated their agreement, though they made a law like "okaaaaay no more Anglo settlers I think we have enough white people now thank you oh and also if you could start to cool it with the slaves thing that would be great."

Abbreviating his name, Santa Anna was elected president of Mexico because he was a war hero (kind of in the same way that Andrew Jackson was elected) and then three/four years into presidency, overthrew his old government and became dictator (because Mexico previously had a very decentralized government where the federal government didn't have a lot of power and plus Mexico City is a bit of a distance from the now-U.S.-states kind of part of Mexico and, like Andrew Jackson, was a little (I guess a lot) power hungry).

The surrounding kind of states areas were a little uneasy about this and so they kind of began to rebel (SFA went up to the government about that law and was like lol ummm maybe I'll be giving this grant back thank you for your time tho <3 and got arrested), so Santa Anna rounded up an army to put down these rebellions.

But you know what they had us do and learn K-12?

They were all telling us about this dude Santa Anna (no back story) came and "slaughtered" the people at the Alamo and ~*~*~ oh he was so ungentlemanly to that one chick who happened to be there ~*~*~ or some bs like that, and just...

It never made sense to me, so in seventh grade when we were supposed to do a mock trial against Santa Anna I couldn't do my part because it just made SO LITTLE SENSE.

Yeah this guy is trying to keep his country together and put down a rebellion HOW DARE YOU THAT IS SO MORALLY UNJUST W TF.

I also remember having to do some shitty little reenactment in elementary school, but idk I think I was poking fun at it even then, too, because I remember it being fun and me previously being a class clown, little incidents like that which boosted my reputation stick out in my mind. lol

So yeah um no one actually wanted to hear any of that but there you go.

That's actually really interesting to hear about. It's totally unfair how your education could have been stunted because of some pricks in Texas who want to make it look like it's had the most perfect history ever. That's just dumb.
For real.

They had an entire year that they could have at least brought that much up, then I wouldn't have been bored out of my mind in that stupid class.

Instead we learned about how we handled ourselves economically and who was elected when and nothing about them and just...?

Incredibly dumb and dull things.
I'm with Lazygout. My history teacher never stops telling us that our history book is full of shit to make the US look good.

I'm with Lazygout. My history teacher never stops telling us that our history book is full of shit to make the US look good.
Well damn. I've had history teachers who just told us all the facts straight out. The most I got was when black history, being the only black kid in the class, the teacher ALWAYS stares me down like I don't know anything about it. Happens every year.
Yeah idk, I feel like it takes a certain kind of person that teach a course that's complete nonsense...?

When/if I become a teacher, I would tell kids outright "okay here's what I'm SUPPOSED to teach you, and memorize this for state testing, but here's what's ACTUALLY going on."

If I cover both material, I don't THINK I would get fired. xDD


That doesn't even make any sense.

Why would they even think to assume that?

Would that taint our "slightly justifiable" white view of things?

lolsobs for humanity

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