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Fandom Naruto: Brave New World

That's alright Ghost, do what you need to do!

I was finally able to get a post in. Sorry for making people wait.

With teams set up, and with basic plot about to unfold I must ask

What would you all like to see in this roleplay? I don't want it to grow dull. We have characters which is awesome, but things must happen. Now, just because you recommend it doesn't mean it will happen, but it will give me ideas of what to do.
I don't really have any ideas at the moment, but if I come up with any, I'll be sure to let you know!

missions are always fun of course even if they are small stupid things like picking up trash like the genin they are haha

Escort missions especially are kind of fun.

then eventually idk i've always had good luck with chuunin exam type deals


I'm going to wait to reply with Tetsune. :'D

even though yeah maybe he would totally ignore sinshi once he heard that stuff but still i want to wait

It'll be fine if he's a little a lot late hehe.
"sinshi" makes me think of sinners dying

i dont have ideas as of right now but if i get any I'll also tell you

oh, this is kind of unrelated but if we ever need any minor villains or if you need more akatsuki members i have a few characters that could work
Well, I would take both types of villains if people I would surely encooperate them into missions. But alas, I still have ideas
What ideas do you have? It might be easier (for me at least) to think of things if what kinds of ideas we need right now are narrowed down

also im kind of confused by what you meant. do you already have ideas for all the members? if so Im okay with that I dont need to have an akatsuki character, i was just offering since it occurred to me that a lot of my other ocs are villainous lol
I'm actually hoping to turn one of my characters into a villain over time...

I'd love to do an Akutaski member, if needed. I actually have some ideas for the person
Oh, I wasnt gunning down ideas or anything. When I say I have 'ideas' I mean I have something that may work but needs further development.

I just to state that villains are always welcome, and akatsuki is still recruiting for that matter. Plus azalea, I like characters going rogue, it creates strain and multiple conflicts. You could certainly encorporate one into the aakatsuki

And so far I have a rough idea of an escort mission involving a war criminal, and a mission involving the protection of a family against a ruthless hired sword
*does a cartwheel*

i got enough school done, and it's only 1am so i figured i had enough time for a post!

I kind of have to get up earlier than normal to get school done quick quick tomorrow because my dad hinted at letting me stay over at a friends house if i got enough done, but if @Pine is willing to reply I'll stay up a bit longer.

As for making either a minor villain or someone who wants to join akatsuki, I'll think it over and which character would be best...

pei, if i did, do any of my ocs seem better suited?
pffff oops i went to bed like half an hour before you sent that message

if that's the case should i just rush the tetsune thing to where they arrive at where they're posted, points out where he needs to go, then leaves?

(i think i might also unnecessarily text you just because B) B)B )B)B)B)B)B))

ummmm m i'll have to think about that

you could use the last person you converted over, or...

hmmmmmmm mm mmm mm m mmmmmmm

*rolls back over to sleep*

dang it!

just realized i tagged azalea earlier in the sign-up omgomg

wh y do i keep posting in the wrong area i never do this sob
@Infinities Lover

Since you have Jonin I have to ask. Would you like to in charge of a genin squad? I have two that both of you could possibly take over if you wanted to.
*butts in*

Ahaha, about that.

I kind of already had it to where Infi's character was in charge of the genin squad.

(because it had her jonin's name crossed out ehehe)

If you don't want to give up that genin squad you don't have to ;P


So, just to save me some sanity, how would you feel about taking over Makoto's squad? (Team 7)

I don't care about Imiko being kicked out. xD

I think she's fun enough to just occasionally throw her into the mix when there is some jonin character missing and to just kind of cause mayhem.

(but i don't really want to role play her consistently if that makes sense)

What I was saying that I had already been talking to Infinities about Minako coming in and taking her squad back, because I did set it up to where it was HER squad.

ya' feel me dog
Lol yeah Pine sent me the link here and we were talking while I made my character after she said she needed a Jonin lol

Minako's gonna kick out Imiko :3
Azalea said:
"Will you teach -" she paused mid-sentence, adjusting her tone to make it a bit more serious. "will you teach me how to kill?"

*orochimaru voice*

She will come looking for me... in search of power.
*does a summersault in*

did someone say oreo-chan?
i was referring to your character that like had the luck-based powers haha

but onion boy is always a good option uwu !!
i know :P

hmmmMMmm onion boy with actual ninja powers.....

id be terrified, honestly.

holy shit did a lot of rping happen while i was asleep

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