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Fandom Naruto: Brave New World

I was going to bring friends into my house so we could lay on a couch and eat pizza but for literally no reason my mom is home from work today

( ' _ '
its the opposite of fun ( @ m @ )

unlike six flags wow no fair lMAO
I'm trying to learn 19 pages about FET tranzistors, while typing this post on my crappy phone, using wife connection which magicly dissapears every ten minutes. Now I'm glad I play as emotionless, rarely speaking character.
Really, are you sure you didn't accidentally drop it somewhere else? ( * A * ) *gets on hands and knees to look for sarcasm*
I'm not really an amusement-park person either, in fact I'm scared to death of heights. I'm just excited to hang with some of my friends. Cx

I'm off on spring break. Sooo glad school's over for a week at least...
Alright everyone. Enough of our characters just waiting around. Time to get to some plot.

I'm going to be posting the squads I have made up so far shortly, one is going to be a tad bit larger than the rest but that's fine. Also I'm going to have another Jonin character released with it as well.

That list took WAY too long to post

We have a lot of people in this roleplay...

Just join in. All that has happened so far is that people are meeting each other.
Aghghgh Okay

I'll try but you've gotta give me a moment lol

I at least need to read back a tad to get a feel for the setting and some time related context.
Now, I hope you are all pleased with the teams. I did put much thought into them...

I'll be back on in about on hour, I need to go take care of something.
Gilzar said:
He lit himself a smoke, taking in the fumes. "Seems like an...interesting group. I'm sure they'll have no problem getting along."
*shitty laughter*

I am definitely amused.

Katsuro, Shizumi, Mizu, Tetsune... yeah!

This can only end well!

have fun uwu !
Well, I did set up all the the teams like this for a reason...We wouldn't want boring teams
Ok. I'm back. Approximately that long I will be gone everyday except for weekends. I hate school and gymnastics.
gah wasn't looking where i was posting sry sry



So I got a sort of proposition thing for you (not really, just more questions).

If I threw in the nibi jinchuuriki by himself, that might be a little boring, and I would want someone to collaborate with.

If, hypothetically, I DO get someone to work with me on this, would the two of them be thrown on the team with only two people, or...?
Pine said:
*shitty laughter*
I am definitely amused.

Katsuro, Shizumi, Mizu, Tetsune... yeah!

This can only end well!

have fun uwu !
I wish you good luck sir, you maybe require to break up fights every other minute.
I am definitely ok with my team hehe. We are going to be like The D-Team... Short for DEATH TEAM!
Bills352 said:
Oh the arguments this group is going to have.
I very much look forward to our team slaughtering each other being the best of friends!
Pine said:
I very much look forward to our team slaughtering each other being the best of friends!
Indeed we will become team F for fightsalot friends. The joy our characters are going to have they are both are very cruel friendly. I feel bad happy for Mizu she is going to have such torment happiness from the two people who like tormenting people being nice to people.

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