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Fandom Naruto: Blood War

SomebodyElse SomebodyElse well normally in the Naruto universe teams are chosen 3 genin per 1 Jonin and the Jonin train the genin. It dosn't appear to matter how old the genin are, but normaly they are kids. Granted there was that one old man called the eternal Genin who didn’t have a Sensei. That may have to do with him being really, really old and probably outlived his Sensei (So Kloudy Kloudy we would need one more genin to meet that quota) That being said I am not sure if Jade Emperor has changed any of that. But like I said that is the normal way teams work. As for your want to be in timv9's team I am sure Jade Emperor can make up some reason why there character can join your team when/if they make a character if we start before they do such. Again this is just how this normally works.
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No bad talking Maito Dai!!!! He may have been the eternal Genin but that man was amazing!!! Took out a couple of the ninja swordsmen of the mist he did!!! And saved his son Maito Gai!!!
Also just to be clear my Jonin Hideo Ryuichii is basically a maybe if there are 3 teams. Cause like I think Jade Emperor Jade Emperor has his Jonin, and then there’s the Inuzuka Jonin. So since I like already have a Genin, Hideo would only be active if Jade wants him to be if we have 3 teams.
Also! Dai was an eternal Genin Cause like he didn’t ever advance beyond that stage into Chunin or anything. I think he was fairly young...like maybe 30ish when he died.
Also! Dai was an eternal Genin Cause like he didn’t ever advance beyond that stage into Chunin or anything. I think he was fairly young...like maybe 30ish when he died.
Ahhhh I belive there has been a misunderstanding, I was referring to
Kosuke Maruboshi. I was honestly cofused, because I was sure that it was someone else who had done what you were talking about. I didn't remember the names exactly my bad.

I do belive that Jade Jade accepts the custom jutsu/kekkei genkai, just nothing crazy. Kloudy Kloudy
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I honestly think we’re better off having two teams of 3 or 4. That way if someone leaves we don’t end up with a team of 1 or 2
That would put us at 7 Genin with those additions, so maybe one extra student on a team. If Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants is still in then it’s 8 Genin which could possibly (depending on Jade) be two teams of 3 and one team of two or two teams of 4 to make it even. I think there’s one other person or two who posted a character, and if that person is still in then like it kinda only makes sense to have three teams instead of one team of four and one team of five.
But so far we only have 5 accounted for. And since TheMADQ TheMADQ only made a Jonin I believe, then that means there would be two Jonin and therefore, two teams so far.
So like if all peeps respond and confirm continued interest it’s : 10 Genin. 2 confirmed Jonin and one possible. Which lends out: two teams of 5, or two teams of 3 and one team of 4.
I get being excited guys, but like -
can u guys please not @ me unless its something super important or this rp is about to start?

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