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Fandom Naruto: Blood War

Oh shit-

Wow 3 teams, this can actually open way for us to put in a new Village!

But of the already established cast, can you guys tell me if you're still interested?
I tried my best. Way too much detail to cover.

Went for a wind/healing ninja genin. Hoping to be in a team of 3. fill the support class role.
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Alright so its appears that we have confirmed those who still want to play
Ren Hirai a Genin played by @Darth Bambi
Chiruka Hideki a Genin played by @Witty Wild
Takeshi Arikawa a Genin played by @BeyondDandy
Ryuichii, Hideo a Jounin/ former Anbu also played by Witty Wild
Jira Inuzuka a Jounin played by me
possibly Tokiwa a genin played by @JustJazzy
Tenshi Yomei a genin played by @SomebodyElse
and however many characters @Jade Emperor have mad that we don't know.

We however haven't heard form @Flowiest-D, @Timv9, @Captain Sweatpants, if they are still interested.
Though even if they arn't it appears we still have 5 genin and 2 jonin who are interested as of now. I would think that would be enough members to start, maybe needing one more genin to even up the teams. But that is up of Jade Emperor.
I do apologies if I overstepped my bounds in atting everyone.
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Hey so I’m gonna let you know now, that Jade might make you go back and add detail, even if a lil to your history and clan history. And then make you explain or elaborate on it. Speaking from experience lol. Also for your Ninja stats, the one where it’s all Ninjutsu and Kenjutsu are a point base system as well lol. I think you get 20pts to use on those? Or 15. I’ll check and edit. SomebodyElse SomebodyElse
I can fix stats if need be, I also really didn't wanna have to have a specific clan that I would have to write out and create a history.
but the cs said to make one.
I can fix stats if need be, I also really didn't wanna have to have a specific clan that I would have to write out and create a history.
but the cs said to make one.
I didn't make a clan for my char and it was fine. You should be good. Not everyone will belong to one.
I’m still interested! I can be a genin or a jonin, I don’t particularly mind.
what exactly is the teaming process? is it age based or are we just gonna randomize things?
I'd love to be on a team with timv9's character if he is still interested in the rp.

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