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Active [Nan Gau] May Even These Peseants Have Respite! Pt. III

Nigel Belmont

Equipped Titles: [Offworlder], [Human], [Big and Small Game Hunter] - Color - #735f0f

saxon saxon
Interactions: Elias Wren Elias Wren Tau Tau

Yume's little, offhand comment, appeared to be the first thing which pierced through the metaphorical iron-mask which Nigel had been donning thus far. However, he didn't seem offended, no. The right side of his lips curled, ever so slightly, a few of his teeth would be shown. "Would you like to find out if you are right or not?" He dropped those words, unclear if they could be taken as an invitation or not, accompanied by the narrowing of his ash-colored eyes, before his attention drifted to the approaching Ariko.

"The game? It depends on where you are hunting. Different regions have different games. And some are more... interesting than the others." The hunter would answer Ariko directly, taking his words at face value. "Now, if you are talking about my objective, I would say that dealing with these undead, and still being alive at the end of it, is the first goal. One I am sure we shall share." He would state the obvious, as if prodding and poking, in an attempt to force the man being more direct than he was being. "I am originally from an island, ruled by a queen. Had quite a few interesting adventures through different continents. Some more than the others, yes, yes. How about you, old sport? Where are you from?" He would turn the question around, now directing towards the man himself.

The hunter would then begin to pay close attention to the information which the animal-people were giving both Yume and Cassidy, trying to filter only what was essential to the task at hand. "So, these undead haven't been seen for a considerable amount of time... could be because we are close to the fort." The human would bring up the possibility, as the creatures could very well have some high-degree of intelligence. "Any of you have experience tracking on snow? I'm afraid I am not particularly experienced in it." He would ask towards the group, not really found of possibly wandering off the road.

Answered Yume's offhand comment.
Gave Ariko's half and unspecified answers.
Asked about if any of the party had experiences in tracking on snow.




Kikimura Kikimura
"Mm, I see~" Yume replied to the threat with a calm smile, as if it were some fun trivia fact being offered up. She showed a striking amount of loyalty and affection that once again called Yume’s assumptions into question. At the very least, this was a pattern of behavior she could count on.

saxon saxon
"Mmm… but apparently you can give away all your secrets, if there’s a magical board showing everyone!" Yume countered. She didn’t have the slightest clue how to go about acquiring such a thing, if she even could, and while it was tempting to ask, she had just spend the last several minutes making fun of it. Maybe she’d hold that off until they’d all forgotten. A small blessing her curse might, perhaps, afford her later.

"Awwh, thanks~! I like keeping my eyes on you too~!" Yume definitely hadn’t misunderstood, but given the cultural diversity in the group, she figured it was a believable misunderstanding. Really, she just wanted to see Eris blush… at least once! The priestess was so stoic: surely there was a way to soften her up a bit! Yume leaned in and fluttered her eyelashes a bit.

Maxxob Maxxob
For the first time in a long while, Yume’s eyes filled with fear, and her lips quivered a bit. It wasn’t like this guy was the only dangerous one here, but where Ariko was surprisingly coolheaded, and Brandy was predictable, Nigel felt just a tad unhinged in his response. The sort of quiet loathing that narrowly contained something terrible.

"N-no, not… not really. Sorry…" Yume backed off immediately, hiding behind Eris like a child behind a teddy bear.

saxon saxon
Yume returned a little pout as the man retreated. "I don’t bite!" she replied. Personal space wasn’t exactly a social rule she could use, either. The catgirl glued to the rainbow would’ve been hit with about a million rejections by now, if it were anything more than just a personal preference.

"Hm…" Yume wandered over to the fire, picking up a few fallen sticks nearby, bundling them into a torch, and lighting it on the fire. What a lovely warmth! "Taking some zombie-repellent with us might not hurt~" she suggested, waving the makeshift torch around gently. "I don’t suppose you’d be interested in escorting us, would you?"

Moonberry Moonberry
For a brief moment, Yume glanced back at the sound of giggling, as the rainbow spoke some odd language. No doubt they were laughing at others’ expense. Yume turned away again and tried to ignore her.

…But it was awfully hard to. It was like everything this lady did, and said, and was, had been carefully crafted to snatch her attention and hold on tighter than a crab claw!

"If he’s been gone more than a month, he’s not worth asking about," Yume shrugged, an especially bitter tone in her voice. "First he’s visiting you tomorrow, then it’s next week, then next week for sure. He always has the time, it’s the love he’s missing. Guys like that are… amazing, wonderful people to adore no matter what… no~?" she put on a sweet, girlishly innocent face for a moment, before rolling her eyes.

"If he cared about you, he would’ve taken you with him. We’d all be better off without wonderful people like that prancing around," Yume shrugged. At some point in her rant, Yume had subtly switched to a tone of self-affirmation, but it was so gradual, it was difficult to pinpoint exactly where.

  • Calmly replied to Brandy.
  • Flirted with Eris.
  • Hid from Nigel (behind Eris).
  • Made a janky torch.
  • Asked the kitsune guys if they’d be willing to lead.
  • Daddy issues, feat. Aedrianna.

Mentions: Tau Tau (Yume) Maxxob Maxxob (Nigel) saxon saxon (NPCs), Moonberry Moonberry (Aedrianna) Anyone within earshot
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Novice Tinkerer, Isekai


Amid a turbulent vortex of petty drama and almost juvenile, teenage conflict -- Martin saw little need to intervene once the threat of physical altercation had all but passed. Yet oddly, there was a moment in which the cyborg found himself being looked at again. While he hardly thought of himself as a very social person, he did like to think he was an observant one. And there was something very different in the way that Yume had spoken with and looked at the likes of him. Her almost intense stare towards him was met with a raised brow.

He was about to say something before like a tornado, Yume had simply bounced from one place to another. The old man's mouth closed, for he was simply too slow to ask a question.....

The surrounding landscape appeared to be quite peaceful sofar. They were close to the settlement, which yet had walls to repel the mass of the undead. Such seemed to be the case here if a man dressed in taters and a child were capable of surviving out here. It had seemed assured that they would be inducted into the ranks of the undead had this not really been the case. That, and there were plenty of eyes on hand to scout about the area. Surely a little bit father than this will require greater caution.

Less than stimulating.

While surveying the landscape, he listened to what the older Kitsune had to say. Much of it were things that he knew already. The undead were exceedingly hard to kill and likely were going to get up again after being killed. It brought him back to his old world.

Reminds me of healing factors.

Without much desire to socialize, Martin found himself instead planning and contemplating strategy. "They do seem to heal well. Perhaps dismemberment might help slow them down, if we can produce the sufficient forces to rend them limb from limb. If we can't put them to the torch, perhaps we can scatter them about as a plan B. There's no telling where we'll fight them, however." He mentions to the group in general.

Something the man said that he didn't know of, however, was the weather. The snow was getting high, which made it difficult. To address this, he watched as a young Yume walked over to gather up some sticks and forged a torch. If it stays lit, then perhaps they might have an easier time starting a fire.

"Good work....." He said simply to her as she made a torch.

Nigel brought up a good point, to which Martin acknowledged and at the same token answered his question. "I'm afraid I don't konw much of tracking in the snow, Mr. Belmonte. However, there might not be as much need to track them given the mention of scent. If this is the case, then perhaps we might fight in a place favorable to us. If your world is similar enough to mine, I'm sure you're used to hunting prey which runs. This is not the case. So then, perhaps can use this to our advantage. And worry more about being able to find our way back so that we don't starve."

But even he had begun to key into what she had said next. A momentary interruption in his matters of strategy. A break in his thoughts. Pure disruption in the form of a white haired, five foot two Fae. If a mere snowball was enough to cause this, then there is a risk of physical altercation. For whatever reason, he felt an immediate need to act.

"Young Yume." Martin's firm words were reinforced with a firm grasp. A mechanical hand would grab the back of her hoody and he would simply yank her out of the way. Despite the firmness of his grip, he only sought to maneuver her so as to be away from the others, positioning her squarely in front of him.In truth, he stood between her and everyone else almost protectively.

An outstretched palm was held up. And soon.

A gathering of mana in his palm. It was given form in the form of the "Higgs Boson" particle. And thus the forces of gravity would be Martin's to command. A casting of a spell and one would feel as the air began to move towards Martin's palm. Becoming denser and denser until.


The noise of his spell cast sounded almost alien in nature.

A disruptive force manifests abruptly in front of any outstretched palm. faint shimmer of a gravitational field alluded to a makeshift forcefield. [Higgs Ward] It was vaguely visible as a "haze" in the air shaped like a rectangle. It started at the top of his head, went around his body and pushed away all snow at his feet -- exposing the icy dirt beneath it. It functioned as a defensive shield between him and anyone else. If anyone wanted to get around it, they'd have to either punch through Martin's defenses or go around him. With conscious effort, it grew stronger and stronger.

The taller Martin looked down on the young Yume with perhaps the most annoyance she'd seen thusfar on his wrinkled face. Indeed, this seemed about the thing that has happened that has affected him the most emotionally.

"I am perhaps one of the last people who should be lecturing you on matters of morality. So I will not approach it in that way. Instead, let me enlighten you." He said.

"We are on a mission to eradicate a particularly dangerous breed of undead. And of everyone here, I would say only Eris is potentially capable of eradicating them all singlehandedly. Ergo, we need eachother." He sighed.

"This is a matter of life and death. If we continue to squbble among herself, we could die. Do you know anyone here well enough to assume they wouldn't kill you while we're out there ALONE and unwatched? You are among strangers. You cannot afford to build such ill will as this. I don't wish to see you die." There was a brief pause at that. And unsettling quiet. He couldn't really understand as to why he said that last statement, but could hardly afford to think too much on it.

Martin visage would be blurred behind his gravity shield. But it was easy enough for anyone to tell he was looking at Aedri.

"Ms. Belmonte." He begins. "I advise you not to take Yume's words at face value. She speaks out of impulse clearly and without basis for her words." Getting Yume to apologize was likely impossible. But he could explain that her actions weren't necessarily made with the most sound of mind. He turned to look at Yume once.

"Less high school drama and more torch-making. Understand?" His voice lowered a bit. The sound of his shield's idle humming would fill the air until something else did. One hand was directed to maintaining the shield. The other was holding tight to the staff held at his side.

Hopefully, he stifled whatever this would turn into before it ever had a chance to start.

Actions: 3/3

1. Higgs Ward - Gravity Affinity F, Magic F, Energized F - A defensive ability in which Martin creates an opposing gravitational force to oppose an attack. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown (7 Effectiveness)
2. Higgs Ward - (+1 Combo with Action 1)
3. Higgs Ward - (+1 Combo with Action 1)

  • Martin comments on the Kitsune's information, particularly with Nigel
  • Martin grabs Yume and "shields her" to discourage against a potential attack
  • Martin lectures Yume

Kiyo opened his eyes to the sound of Yume’s footsteps and lifted his gaze to see her throw a snowball into the air before it fell back onto her face. Perplexed, he stared at her as she looked at him expectedly, but Kiyo could only offer an awkward silence not knowing what she was trying to achieve. He then followed her back to where the two Kitsunes were. The sight of a fire was a welcome one.

While he warmed himself by the fire he listened to the old Kitsune speak about the path ahead while going through the possible possibilities that could be causing these unnatural phenomena. “Have you seen a person on horseback? They might be a necromancer using their vile magicks to taint the land” Kiyo asked the Kitsune with clear anger in his eyes. His determination to discover the source of the undead had put the petty squabbles between the group out of his mind. Knowing such defilement of nature was happening in this beautiful area made Kiyo’s heart burn with passion.

However, the smell of the meats being cooked on the fire easily derailed his thought process. He knew he would not be able to aid his friends in fighting the undead on an empty stomach. “Excuse me, may I have some of your food, please?” He asked politely with a small bow.

Asked the Kitsune if he had seen the person on horseback.
Asked for some meat.

Mentions: Tau Tau

Interactions: saxon saxon
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Aedrianna Belmonte


Amidst the hushed murmur of her companions, Aedrianna listened to the old kitsune's grave warning. His words carried the weight of ancient wisdom, yet a peculiar sense of safety wrapped around her. Surrounded by steadfast friends and capable party members, she allowed herself a flicker of hope. Perhaps it was naive, but faith anchored her heart. They would prevail—she believed it with every fiber of her being. A grand adventure awaited, as it should for those graced with a second chance in a fantastical realm. Her gaze meandered from the trio of girls to Nigel and Ariko, their conversation pulling her in.

Thaddeus had often mentioned family, a term fraught with estrangement and distant ties. Her paternal roots came from an escaped slave, but the name Belmonte came from her grandmother's husband. So it wasn't entirely impossible for Nigel to be a great uncle, or something. It did seem a bit odd he would show up out of nowhere. But then again when else would he show up if he was estranged? Surely her father would have answers when she found him. Wherever he was.

Yume’s words cut through the frosty air, each syllable a crystalline shard. Aedrianna’s steps faltered, her heartbeat quickening. A blush bloomed on her cheeks, her jaw tensing reflexively. In her first life, she might have leapt from the stage to confront Yume's stinging truths. Her past family’s neglect had left scars, but Thaddeus had woven a different tapestry in this life. His steadfast love and her grandmother’s nurturing had created a sanctuary. Clutching her messenger bag’s strap, memories of their shared struggles and triumphs surged, filling her with a resolute warmth.
Breathing deeply, she exhaled her lingering negativity, her eyes blinking away the emotional fog. She turned to Martin, his presence a balm to the escalating tension. Lifting her hands in a gesture of peace, she offered a serene smile to her friends, quelling their defensive instincts. A graceful curtsy and a bowed head conveyed her respect as she approached the magical barrier. Her fingers traced its ethereal edge before mimicking a playful knock.

Aedrianna’s smile radiated warmth she met Martin's gaze, then her ice blue eyes locked with Yume’s golden ones. Tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, she maintained the connection, her voice a gentle melody. "I sense you may not favor me, and if my earlier actions—grabbing your wrist—offended you, I am truly sorry. It was never my intention to cause harm. Perhaps now you understand Sorieiel’s plight a bit more. She’s endured so much, and I am fiercely protective of her. But, I hold no ill will toward you. In fact, your hair and outfit are exquisite."

Extending her hand with deliberate gentleness, she continued, "You said your name is Yume? I shan't repeat mine, knowing it irked you earlier. But I wish for a fresh start. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Yume. I hope we can become friends." Her serene smile and outstretched hand conveyed a sincere peace offering.

Maverick Six Maverick Six Tau Tau saxon saxon



saxon saxon and friends​

Maverick Six Maverick Six
"EEeep…" Yume shrieked quietly as the cold, metal hand snatched her coat. Even through the thick fur, she could feel all that heat-conductive metal trying to suck the warmth right out of her. As Martin extended his palm, Yume squinted with anticipation, only relaxing once she realized what was going on.

For most of Martin’s lecturing, Yume listened quietly with her usual, smug look, but something he said close to the end broke her into a pensive expression. Only when he asked for her input did Yume finally respond. "You’re not half as bad as you think you are." After a pause, Yume sighed, then continued, "But I’d take enemies over strangers. I’d take anything…" the last part was barely a whisper, lost between the icy winds and the hum of the strange shield.

Moonberry Moonberry
Yume wasn’t sure exactly what she was expecting from her outburst, but it certainly wasn’t this! Aedrianna was supposed to be screaming at her! ‘How dare you, common peasant!?’ Wasn’t that the line? Where was it?

"Why…?" Yume whispered again, biting her lip. Her mind spiraled around, desperately searching for some way to explain it all. After whirling around in more loops than her hair, the truth struck Yume right in the heart. She quickly covered her eyes with her hand and forced a smile, but it wasn’t enough to hide the burst of guilty emotions.

"W-Why couldn’t you j-just be horrible!?" Yume stammered, her voice cracking. She swallowed and took a moment to compose herself, wiping the half-frozen tears off her cheeks with the sleeve of her coat before revealing her eyes again.

"I’m sorry for what I did. I kinda mistook you for someone else," Yume bowed briefly, a sincere look of regret in her eyes. "For what it’s worth, I hope I’m wrong about your father." Glancing at Martin, Yume shrugged. "Anyway, I have more torchmaking to do," she concluded, proceeding to wander around and collect more sticks.

However, a few seconds into it, she paused to gaze intently at Aedrianna…
Yume’s voice echoed in Aedri’s mind, but her usual, snarky manner of speaking had given way to a more solemn sound. It was still her voice, but a calming, tender tone one would expect at a funeral. "I don’t usually do this, but if you really want a fresh start, close your eyes and count to 100; maybe 300, if you’re smart. Oh, and focus on your father, or fighting zombies, or… something other than me."

  • Answered Martin & Aedri.
  • Started wandering around to gather sticks for torches.

Mentions: Tau Tau (Yume) Moonberry Moonberry (Aedrianna) Anyone within earshot
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Novice Tinkerer, Isekai


Yume spoke of Martin not being "so bad." "I'll believe you if ever you choose to know truly know me." He said

In concerns to Yume's response, he was rather quiet. A small smile cracked onto his often cold and yet distant features for a moment. Somehow, he wondered what she would think if he actually knew him. Through the way she spoke, it seemed as though she did. The way that she worded the last sentence was odd in a way. And it prompted to say something that she might.

"What a needlessly cryptic answer..." He said -- for the second time since he'd truly met her.

It was perhaps at that moment that the pieces of the puzzle had come together information began to come flooding in, as if torn open through his mind's subconscious alone. His expression became blank for a moment....before becoming silent.

Knock Knock
Martin turned away from Yume for a moment as now a "guest". And he saw Aedrianna had walked over to the front of his makeshift shield and innocently made a knocking motion against the air near it. If she touched it, the most she would feel is a repulsive force that quite literally seemed to repel most all matter that contacted it. It would feel less like a wall and more like one's hand was being pushed away by an unfathomably strong magnet. Once which afflicted everything rather than just metal.

His arm relaxed and quiet simply fell limp, returning to his side. And it was at this point that he stepped aside -- allowing Aedrianna and Yume to speak with one another. He catches a glance at frozen tears and once again finds himself silent. Though it was a very deliberate silence. While he could have said something, he decided it was best not to while they were making.

As she walked off to gather sticks Martin would place a hand on her shoulder for a few moments. As she walked off, he said a few words to Aedri. "Thank you, Miss Belmonte. I can always appreciate a reasonable soul." And decided to accompany and watch over her for the time being. Hopefully, she could easily return to Eris' side once the actual fighting started.

Where she would likely be safest.

  • Martin allows Aedrianna past his shield.
  • Quietly, Martin appears to regain his memories of Yume. But says nothing of it directly.
  • Martin consoles Yume and follows her as she moves to go collect sticks for torches.
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| saxon saxon [Eris] | Maxxob Maxxob [Nigel] | Maverick Six Maverick Six [Martin] | Tau Tau [Yume] | Moonberry Moonberry [Aedriana]

Cassidy listened intently to the older kitsune's experience, confirming more what he was debriefed on. However, they hadn't seen them in over a day and the last time they saw them was at night but without a snowstorm. Interesting. He assumed they had been traveling under the cover of darkness, meaning they didn't always need to rely on snowstorms to get steathily from place to place. Regarding the knee-deep snow and the lack of animals when approaching the fort ahead, it seemed on par given what was going on. They just had to be careful not to get off the beaten trail. He sighed before stroking his beard, mumbling quietly as Nigel suggested their absence was due to their proximity with the fort. "Per'aps." he replied still in thought, "I reckon' they're merely bidin' their time to find another openin' before they strike aga'in."

The Brit then asked if anyone had experience with tracking in snow, admitting he wasn't truly good in it. Given he looked to be one of those African Big Game hunters Jeb remembered reading back in his old world, it'd make sense he wasn't used to colder environments. Wasn't there a big ole' mountain in Africa though? What was it called again...? Mount Kilomundo? Killmongaro? Kilometer the hell is a kilometer? Kill-Man-Jar-o? Whatever; didn't matter. Even so, Nigel probably wouldn't mind hunting bears or bison if ever he was on American soil. Yume and Martin also declined being skilled in traversing frozen whether.

It was here that Cassidy could make himself useful... by applying the very undead characteristics in his nature. While he hasn't traveled too much in snowy conditions, he has had some experience in the recent past. Being able to walk longer without easily tiring or freezing to death in suffocating snow, combined with a considerable amount of vitality, his ability to see in low-light conditions, and his experience in the Monster Slaying business to identify certain clues, Cassidy looked back with a confident enough gaze.

Stats applied = | [Vitality C] | Intelligence D | [Resilience E [Fatigue & Suffocating] | Dark Vision [Skeleton] | Title [Monster Slayer] |

"I have."
the gunslinger spoke up, "Enough to get us by I reckon. If ya'll have me be up fron', I'll help make 'ure we be on happy trails. Though anyone else be mighty confident to help take the reigns too, by all means feel free to mosy on up. We can't afford to get lost."

Meanwhile, the situation with Yume and Aedri continued to boil with child-like drama. Cassidy hadn't paid too much attention to their conversation, but with Martin trying to break them up more sternly he couldn't help but glance over. Clearly it seemed the girl with white hair was more... posh-like and hot tempered compared to the more mildly-dressed and fair-headed lass. Regardless, their tempers would subside and Cassidy couldn't help but sigh and light a cigarette for himself.

"Kids..." he mumbled in his head.
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New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: Tau Tau Moonberry Moonberry Maxxob Maxxob FantasyCat FantasyCat Elias Wren Elias Wren Kikimura Kikimura Tellussoil Tellussoil Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Maverick Six Maverick Six Develius Develius

Notes: Due to the number of people I do ask for my sake you include a TLDR either at the top or the bottom of your post.
Skips: Elias 1, Kikimura 1, Tellussoil 1, Rcticwolf 1

Eris simply shook her head at Nigel as he asked if anyone had any idea on how to track things in the snow. "I don't think the fort is what is keeping them away, remember the garrison commander had mentioned Nan Gau was attacked before by the undead," She pointed out as she brought her hand to her chin, Though that still doesn't explain the whole matter of what precisely was keeping them at bay to begin with. She thought to herself as a gently gust of wind blew from the back of the group. As Yume retorted her response Eris let out a small giggle. However, what she hadn't expected was the fact that Yume then leaned in and fluttered her eyelashes, to which Eris simply patted the girl's head.

The old Kitsune watched Yume as she shouted, there was the rolling of eyes. Which made it evident the man liked to have his personal space and didn't want it violated. The old man scoffed when Yume asked her question,
"No, I will not, we've been traveling away from where we last saw them and we do not intend to go back to that place of death," The kitsune responded as he was very much putting his foot down on the whole idea. Then came Yume's comments to which even Eris' jaw dropped wide open but before she could react Martin pulled the girl aside and put up a field around the two and seemed to be talking to her.

Thankfully Kiyo changed the attention from what had just happened to another topic. The Old kitsune shook his head as she shifted his gaze. "I guess you could say that, he sat back away from the fighting, though to be honest from what my eyes could see of him. He wasn't alive either, so he may be the source of the undead or he might not be the source," The kitusne added as he motioned for Kiyo to grab of the skewers of meat. Though even Eris had to admit that she was surprised that Aedri had decided to turn the other cheek with that response.

For the moment, at least, Yume appeared to be occupied with collecting wood, which would prove useful later on since they were more than likely going to be camping outside.
"If you want to be the front by all means, though its still best for me to stay in the center that way I can react to either direction should the need arise," Eris pointed out with a nod of her head as he slight jingling of the chain mail woven into the robes was heard. "But we should get moving, we are burning day light since that seems to be the safest part of he day to travel with this threat and I'm sure the travellers here would like to reach the safety of the fort," Eris concluded as she was trying to get the group on the road once again.

As they left the duo behind, there was a harsh wind that blew from the rear of the group, carrying cold air from the top of the mountains down to them. The sea of pine trees continued on as the pushed forward, though the further they went the deeper the snow started to get. To the point, even Eris had to lift her leg up high enough to take another step as the snow was now sitting at 4 ft., Which was strange and could be a hint that a snowstorm had happened in the area recently. The sun continued to float overhead in the sky as it rays reflected off the crystals on the ground.

Over the next couple of hours there was still no sound of animals or birds chirping, the silence of nature was unnerving. A place like this would have been full of life at this point. But with the current situation, it seemed even nature was hiding from something. The wind had subsided to some degree and with the trees blocking most of it only a light dusting of snow was picked up and lifted into the air.

The sun was now starting to drop below the crest of the treeline, signaling the start of the end of the day. Eris had her arms wrapped around her, as the lower half of her robes were wet. There was a small alcove in a couple of nearby rocks off to the side of the road. Upon further inspection, there were reminants of a fire. By the looks of it, the place was used frequently by travellers to get out of the weather. A circle of stones outlined the firepit and the snow had been pushed outside revealing the stone floor which at least would be better than sleeping on the snow.

"Why don't we stop here for the day? There is already a fire pit made so we just need to start it and keep it fueled up." Eris pointed out as she pointed toward the pit in question as she stepped inside the alcove finally out of the wind entirely and it was a bit warmer, no doubt it would feel a lot warmer once the fire was started if the group decided they wanted to stay here or look for somewhere else. At least the current location was off the road they were following. Though they had made it half way to the hamlet, if nothing else happened they would arrive by the early evening tomorrow.

Mentions: Tau Tau saxon saxon FantasyCat FantasyCat Moonberry Moonberry Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Novice Tinkerer, Isekai


The cold began to afflict even Martin's cybernetic form.

Four feet deep snow impeded his progress and sap away at the neat from his form. His Retractable Staff shined here, doubling as a walking stick and allowing him to stand with three points of contact at all times. And he could walk with always two. He never quite seemed to trip in spite of his struggling. Meanwhile, the cold seemed to always assault him. His body required warmth like any other, including both his human flesh and the mechanical parts of him.

The technology of his world was such that his cybernetics could feed off his organic processes. His limbs worked to maintain body temperature they needed to function, though it sat below his own and just below his body. On the bright side, he dressed in thick clothing and covered himself up quite well. And this is perhaps the most exercise he's gotten so far. Exertion was causing him to at least work up a bit of a sweat, and his body heat was causing him to feel less.

On his back were some of the sticks Yume had gathered to be torched. Despite his age, his strength appeared to be rather average. Thus he could take some of Yume's burden. Yet Martin was not very fast. And he had to put in quite the effort to not fall behind much of the grou.

A small alcove made itself known to the side. And it seemed the place to go. Without much hesitation, Martin agreed with Eris.

"Let's take a rest. I would rather not risk traveling at night." Aside from fatigue and the general rising temperatures, he didn't like his chances against the creatures during nighttime on the open road. Once within the rocky alcove, Martin reached underneath his coat and pulled out a lantern.



A tiny twist of a nob, and the lantern lit up. It offered a small bit of light, and he held it up to inspect the area. It didn't seem to go very far, but if it did go father than it appeared, he wished to see by how much. Martin would look about the area for anything notable. Still, even on its face -- this place did not rub him the right way.

"How awfully convenient."

Magic flowed through his body once more, and Martin used his magically augmented appraisal [Quite Interesting] to look over the small cave in its entirety. It shoots out like a beam towards the campsite and his view surveyed likely the entirety of the campsite all at once. He couldn't help but wonder if either there was a sign of any struggle or of fleeing. He also wondered if he might glean how old this place was.

Once his appraisal was finished, he looked at the general layout of the alcove. He wondered if someone was capable of sneaking behind them. Was it embedded in a mountain, or was it just an easily climbable hill?

"You can use this to aid in starting the fire." He said, holding it his humble source of light so that they might be able to make a bigger source of fire. It could be opened up and a stick or piece of paper inserted to get a spark. Likely all that they might need to do is assemble some wood for the fire.

"We should likely have one or two people standing watch at all times. I can take the first watch for about four hours." His past left a little bit to be desired as far as survival skills went. While he was no stranger to combat, camping and environmental hazards being at all relevant was a very novel thing. He found himself thinking about how he was going to survive the environment, let alone his enemies.

Instead of having a traveling pack, Martin packed lightly and mostly put most of his things in his long trench coat. From it, he pulled out a tool in the form of a small compass.

"I suppose this should help us not get too lost, so long as we know the direction of the town." The strategy was still well on his mind. Kiyo had asked a very good question concerning their quarry and the nature of the so-called "Horseman." But right now, more immediately relevant was getting warm.

  • Martin is worn down, cold, and fatigued from walking in the snow
  • Martin chooses to sit in the alcove/small cave.
  • Martin appraises the cave, searching for evidence of previous people fighting or fleeing.
  • Martin takes out a lantern, offering it as source of fire and then goes over his gear.

Actions: 1/3

1. Quite Interesting....
- Appraisal F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Magic AOE F - Martin dedicates his knowledge and areas of expertise to gather information on something. Using magic, he extends the range and area of his appraisal to encompass multiple targets of interest. Range varies with a max of 30 feet and an area of 15 feet. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown [Target: The Cave and Campsite]
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View attachment 1175563
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: Tau Tau Moonberry Moonberry Maxxob Maxxob FantasyCat FantasyCat Elias Wren Elias Wren Kikimura Kikimura Tellussoil Tellussoil Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Maverick Six Maverick Six Develius Develius

Notes: Due to the number of people I do ask for my sake you include a TLDR either at the top or the bottom of your post.
Skips: Elias 1, Kikimura 1, Tellussoil 1, Rcticwolf 1

Eris simply shook her head at Nigel as he asked if anyone had any idea on how to track things in the snow. "I don't think the fort is what is keeping them away, remember the garrison commander had mentioned Nan Gau was attacked before by the undead," She pointed out as she brought her hand to her chin, Though that still doesn't explain the whole matter of what precisely was keeping them at bay to begin with. She thought to herself as a gently gust of wind blew from the back of the group. As Yume retorted her response Eris let out a small giggle. However, what she hadn't expected was the fact that Yume then leaned in and fluttered her eyelashes, to which Eris simply patted the girl's head.

The old Kitsune watched Yume as she shouted, there was the rolling of eyes. Which made it evident the man liked to have his personal space and didn't want it violated. The old man scoffed when Yume asked her question,
"No, I will not, we've been traveling away from where we last saw them and we do not intend to go back to that place of death," The kitsune responded as he was very much putting his foot down on the whole idea. Then came Yume's comments to which even Eris' jaw dropped wide open but before she could react Martin pulled the girl aside and put up a field around the two and seemed to be talking to her.

Thankfully Kiyo changed the attention from what had just happened to another topic. The Old kitsune shook his head as she shifted his gaze. "I guess you could say that, he sat back away from the fighting, though to be honest from what my eyes could see of him. He wasn't alive either, so he may be the source of the undead or he might not be the source," The kitusne added as he motioned for Kiyo to grab of the skewers of meat. Though even Eris had to admit that she was surprised that Aedri had decided to turn the other cheek with that response.

For the moment, at least, Yume appeared to be occupied with collecting wood, which would prove useful later on since they were more than likely going to be camping outside.
"If you want to be the front by all means, though its still best for me to stay in the center that way I can react to either direction should the need arise," Eris pointed out with a nod of her head as he slight jingling of the chain mail woven into the robes was heard. "But we should get moving, we are burning day light since that seems to be the safest part of he day to travel with this threat and I'm sure the travellers here would like to reach the safety of the fort," Eris concluded as she was trying to get the group on the road once again.

As they left the duo behind, there was a harsh wind that blew from the rear of the group, carrying cold air from the top of the mountains down to them. The sea of pine trees continued on as the pushed forward, though the further they went the deeper the snow started to get. To the point, even Eris had to lift her leg up high enough to take another step as the snow was now sitting at 4 ft., Which was strange and could be a hint that a snowstorm had happened in the area recently. The sun continued to float overhead in the sky as it rays reflected off the crystals on the ground.

Over the next couple of hours there was still no sound of animals or birds chirping, the silence of nature was unnerving. A place like this would have been full of life at this point. But with the current situation, it seemed even nature was hiding from something. The wind had subsided to some degree and with the trees blocking most of it only a light dusting of snow was picked up and lifted into the air.

The sun was now starting to drop below the crest of the treeline, signaling the start of the end of the day. Eris had her arms wrapped around her, as the lower half of her robes were wet. There was a small alcove in a couple of nearby rocks off to the side of the road. Upon further inspection, there were reminants of a fire. By the looks of it, the place was used frequently by travellers to get out of the weather. A circle of stones outlined the firepit and the snow had been pushed outside revealing the stone floor which at least would be better than sleeping on the snow.

"Why don't we stop here for the day? There is already a fire pit made so we just need to start it and keep it fueled up." Eris pointed out as she pointed toward the pit in question as she stepped inside the alcove finally out of the wind entirely and it was a bit warmer, no doubt it would feel a lot warmer once the fire was started if the group decided they wanted to stay here or look for somewhere else. At least the current location was off the road they were following. Though they had made it half way to the hamlet, if nothing else happened they would arrive by the early evening tomorrow.

Soreiel soon and probably unnoticeably left the group as she began looking for sticks to help restart the fire, and maybe keep an ear out for any animals to hunt. However with the lack of noise aside from each step on the ground. “It’s very strange to not be able to hear anything but one’s own voice and footsteps, but I should keep my ears alert for if Aedrianna calls for me” she spoke to herself as she continued collecting firewood.
Equipped Titles: [Offworlder], [Human], [Big and Small Game Hunter] - Color - #735f0f

saxon saxon
Interactions: Tau Tau Maverick Six Maverick Six Develius Develius
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

“That is what I thought.” Nigel said briefly, in a mocking tone, as Yume quickly deflated after the man made the unhinged proposal, one he had the full intent of carrying out if her response had been positive. What followed next was a vicious exchange between her and Aedrianna. The Englishman had no idea what prompted that or what purpose it had. He tried to think of the ‘why’: what purpose it served for the white-haired girl to make such an aggressive, heartless comment towards the girl with colorful hair?

The hunter tried to decipher the reasoning behind it for, if he understood it, a better glimpse of the girl’s mind. Understand others had benefits, making it easier to act when the need arose. For a moment, he thought of giving some sort of rebuttal, after all, it would be only natural if dear ‘uncle’ Nigel felt outraged about his ‘relative’ being spoken in such a manner, his dear ‘niece’ being riled up on purpose.

However, before he could say anything, it looked like other elderly gentleman, Martin, had already taken care of it in a manner and Aedrianna had found in her heart to forgive such a slight, trying to make peace with the girl. Incessant mewling children, the lot of them. A brief expression of disgust crossing the man’s features. The whole tension ever present within the group made him wonder what would happen when battle was upon them. Well, as long as his supposed ‘niece’ and himself got out of it alive from it, everything was dandy.

A pensive gaze would shift towards the gunslinger, the American, or what least that is what Nigel thought because of the accent he was hearing, appeared to be apt to lead them with his skills. “Marvelous, old chap. I might even end up picking some pointers from you, after all, one should always know the terrain when hunting, yes?” The hunter uttered those words, in a rather cryptic manner, waiting Cassidy to take the lead, following right behind him, while sticking close to Aedrianna.

Eris’ answer made the hunter’s mind reel. If it wasn’t the for Nan Gau which was keeping the undead at bay, what could it be? Were they amassing enough of a fighting force to try and overrun the keep, perhaps? That was a likely possibility according to his war experience… to what was it worth in this very different situation, anyway.

Eventually, his leg would sink into the snow as he took a step, his form sinking quite a bit within the now tall terrain. Despite every bit of cold his was feeling, Nigel’s face remained neutral, hiding every bit of discomfort within himself. With that, he ended up agreeing with the idea of resting for the night without a second thought, his snow covered leathery boots crunching as he walked towards the alcove.

“Two would certainly be better.” He added when Martin talked about keeping watch. Not only it provided more security, but Nigel would be damned if he let his guard down amongst strangers, regardless of the situation they were in.

“I will join you in the first watch, Martin.” A small smile appeared on his lips, his experience of the battlefield flashing to the forefront of his mind. Countless nights had he gone with little to no sleep, a symphony of shelling, yelling and gunfire resounding throughout the night. In all in, that had been a pretty good time, his Lee-Enfield already on his hands.

Victorious over Yume.
Reacted to Aedrianna and Yume's situation, with Martin getting involved in it.
Reacted to Cassidy's ability with tracking.
Offered himself to take first watch, alongside Martin.
Aedrianna Belmonte


When Yume's voice whispered into Aedrianna's mind, she halted her movements, her gaze drifting thoughtfully after the girl. Curiosity danced in her eyes, and questions surged like a bubbling spring, threatening to overwhelm Yume.

"Are you in my head? You're talking in my head? Oh my goodness! This is the first time I've ever experienced this! How amazing! Can you hear all of my thoughts? Oh wait! Don't look too far! That's embarrassing! Can you make people do things? Are you going to make me do a dance? That's scary! Although I think I could still do a pretty good dance. I was good at dancing in my past life. Oh wait, are you still in my mind? How am I supposed to think about something else when you just dropped this on me? So! How far does it go? Can you read someone's mind if they're waaaay over there? Or do they have to be close?"
This continued for quite some time. Every fleeting thought that crossed Aedri's mind seemed to revolve around Yume and her extraordinary ability, leaving no room for any other contemplation.

As the party trudged through the snowy landscape, Aedri took it upon herself to maintain harmony among her friends and Yume. Brandy remained uncharacteristically silent, perhaps distracted by earlier events. Noelle was being friendly enough, albeit a touch quiet. She wondered if she might play her lute for them when they found a spot to rest. Maybe they could sing together. When Eris suggested they set up camp for the night, Aedri nodded in agreement, feeling the weariness in her bones. She knew Hiruq needed rest too, and her fingers gently stroked her friend's fur. The effort of moving through the snow was taxing. Her eyes flicked over towards the tall overbearing stature that was Ariko. She certainly had not considered asking him for a piggy back ride. That would be far too inappropriate. But gosh if the snow wasn't cold and deep.

Humming and singing the tune that had floated on the wind earlier, Aedri glanced around and saw Sorieiel gathering firewood. Smiling, she hurried to the kitsune's side, her humming soft and melodic."I'm worn out. I can't wait to sit by the fire... Thank you for coming with me, Sorieiel. I know this isn't exactly fun. It means a lot to me that you're helping me find my father."


Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren Kikimura Kikimura Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Tau Tau Tellussoil Tellussoil

Aedri reacts to Yumes mind speech. Then goes to collect fire wood with Sorieiel
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Maverick Six Maverick Six
A sad look filled Yume's eyes as the line was repeated, though she was already a bit of a mess beforehand. "I guess I'm a cryptic kind of gal," she shrugged, any hopes that the strange man might've remembered having been dashed. Nevertheless, she took Martin's advice and soon enough, the two of them had enough sticks to keep a torch or two burning for the journey.

Moonberry Moonberry
Until very recently, Yume hadn't even known she could get into people's minds. It was still delightful and new, which is why she loved to drop the occasional mind-speak. However, this was, surprisingly, the first time anyone had ever tried to think back. Yume didn't even know they could think back. And not knowing made the flood of return thoughts all the more jarring.

So jarring, in fact, that Yume suddenly dropped her bundle of sticks to hold her head, imagining on instinct that an Aedri-voiced bug had flown in there. She realized the truth quickly enough and recovered, but the floods kept pouring until Yume's dam broke.

"Will you quit that...!?" she lamented aloud. "I can't even hear my own thoughts anymore!" Flustered as she was, Yume didn't appear genuinely upset, engaging in more lighthearted complaints this time around. Aedri sure wasn't 'not thinking about her' though. "Oh, just forge—" well, that phrase would never feel right ever again... "—uhm, never mind. Fresh start granted, just calm that brain of yours down already! Sheesh!"

Develius Develius
The trek was miserable. Slow, tiring, cold, cold, and most especially: COLD! If it weren't for the torch, Yume was sure she would've become a Yumecicle by this point. Turning to the thoroughly bundled guy with the weird accent, she called out to him, "You know, I thought you went a little overboard with that outfit, but you're probably the only one here who did it right. Good for you~"

saxon saxon Tellussoil Tellussoil
After a short while, Yume made her choice for her travel partner. Half of the group kinda hated her now, and the idea of being within brainshot of Aedrianna the entire trip was unthinkable, so that left her with clear favorites that didn't yet make her sad to be around. Aedri took one of them, so that left Yume the other two.

"So you can laugh~" Yume spoke, after sneaking up behind Eris. The headpat, in contrast, had been met with a lukewarm response, and now, went unmentioned. "You know, I never asked you why you're after the zombies. Is it part of your fae hero duties to kill gross stuff?"

The entire time, Yume subtly led Eris closer to Noelle. "Hello again~" Yume waved her over once they were close, so the three of them could enjoy the torch together. By the time they reached the little campsite, Yume collapsed on the rocky ground. "Nnggghhhh..." she groaned, tossing what little remained of the torch into the fireplace and leaving the acquisition of firewood to someone else for a change.

While the fire was being fueled by the dutiful people with more stamina than a potato, Yume passed the time by making conversation with Eris and Noelle by the fireplace. "I'm wondering, do either of you know any magics I could learn or something? Don't tell anyone this, but I've never actually been in a fight before. I don't wanna let my hero do all the work, though..."

  • Answered Martin, saddened by his repeat.
  • Complained about Aedri's loud brain.
  • Gathered more firewood for torches.
  • Quick comment to Jeb.
  • Traveled beside Eris & Noelle.
  • Tossed the remaining torch-stub in the fireplace.
  • Collapsed on the floor for a bit.
  • Asked Eris & Noelle if they knew magic to teach her.
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: Tau Tau Moonberry Moonberry Maxxob Maxxob FantasyCat FantasyCat Elias Wren Elias Wren Kikimura Kikimura Tellussoil Tellussoil Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Maverick Six Maverick Six Develius Develius

  • Consecrated Ground - Barrier F, Selective Magic F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Magic Area of Effect F, Spell Duration F, Religion E, Divine Affinity F, Healing E, Energized E, Focus E- The ground within 10 feet of the point selected become sacred ground for 1 hour. The caster erects a 15 ft barrier; it takes the form of a church, and allies with minor wounds are healed or prolonged from death. While the caster can select those, who can pass through the barrier. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown

Notes: Due to the number of people I do ask for my sake you include a TLDR either at the top or the bottom of your post.
Skips: Elias 2, Kikimura 2, Tellussoil 2, Rcticwolf 1, Develius

Once inside the alcove, with the old fire pit in the center, the area was the same as a 20x30 ft room. Spacious enough that not everyone had to be right on top of each other but small enough to hear what was going on outside or inside. Martin's inspection with his lantern wouldn't bring about any new information, the walls seemed like solid rock with no hidden doors. Though from what he could tell the rocks had been here for a very long time and this was no new formation that formed out of nowhere.

She noticed a few of the members of the party were collecting wood for the fire as Martin offered the use of his lantern to help start the fire. Eris smiled and nodded her head as she set the lantern down on the cold stone floor next to the fire pit. Now all they really needed was to get enough material over here to be able to make the fire worth starting. Wasn't a point in starting it if it was just going to go out rather quickly. When Nigel offered to help with the guard shift, Eris looked at the hunter, she wasn't surprised. Camping out with a new group always left doubts in one's mind.

"You might as well stay by the fire until the sun goes down, no point in having watch until that we still got some time," Eris pointed out as evening was starting to settle in but there was still at least another hour before nightfall. The time would be better spent gathering wood or staying by the fire to warm up and dry out.

When Yume asked her question Eris let out a small sigh as she closed her eyes for a moment. "I'm a high priestess of the Goddess Holfeel, the Goddess of reincarnation and the guide of lost souls. Upon one's death she judges if they are worthy to be reincarnated. Undead are among those that have been rejected or were lost for so long. So I guess the simple answer is I'm putting their souls to rest in a sense," She explained, moving some of the wood collected earlier into the pit before taking out a small piece of paper to use as kindling. She lit the edge of the paper before and put it beneath some of the smaller bits of wood watching it slowly start to ignite.

With a smile she rubbed her hands together knocking off any of the snow. "As for magic, I know a bit of water magic, though its more useful to use use it to gather a bunch of water and refill waterskins if I'm being honest, there are several academies though, I teach at one and there is another in Ryke. I'm sure other nations have their own schools but that would be the best place tostart if you want to learn magic," Eris concluded with a nodd as she stood up and walked over to her pack and retrieved some wooden pools and set them up near the fire.

She then removed her priest robes as the jingling of the chainmail was heard and she set it on the makeshift drying rack, revealing a black undershirt and black bloomers. Since the fire was starting to go, it wouldn't be too long before it was warm inside the alcove. Plus, who wanted to sit in wet clothes all day anyway? After another 10 minutes the fire was starting to warm up the area as Eris sat by the fire with her staff. "Oh yeah this should help with the watch, Book of Icarus verse 16-20, in the beginning, there was nothing, weary travelers rest upon my gentle light. The faithful shall never want for protection, for I am the church and maker of holy ground. The foundation is my very soul; I consecrate this ground!” She recited as she erected a barrier around the campsite.

Mentions: Tau Tau (Yume) Rcticwolf Rcticwolf (Soreiel) Maxxob Maxxob (Nigel) saxon saxon (Eris)
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Novice Tinkerer, Isekai


The lantern was parted with for a moment, glad to have it be used to start the fire.

The appraisal was refreshingly boring. His eyes moved to Nigel as he offered to aid him in the watch. To which Martin replied. "Glad to have you, Nigel." He said, lacking any of the reservations the rest of the party had concerning him. Martin could hardly claim to have any of the same experience with traditional war or adventuring. But he is familiar with being hunted. And he no longer had a machine army or security to guard his base and assets. Such places were likely to have been or were going to be raided as they speak. The concept of having to account for every conceivable way things could go wrong was quite familiar.

Murphy's law, as it had been in his world.

I wonder how much my world will change should I eventually return. How much time will pass?

Such thoughts were pushed aside in favor of more pressing tasks -- like not freezing to death. Eris had caught his attention, and he stuffed the compass in his pocket.

"I do recall them being out during the day. But, very well." He said to Eris. Ultimately, Eris was the more experienced adventurer. And thus she got little objection from him as he was told to gather wood. There was another factor. "I would like to get warmer quicker."

Such discomfort was quite the bother. And he'd rather it be done with. Thus, he retracted his staff, put it on his hip, and walked off to gather wood with the others.

Not requiring his staff to walk, he put it away and walked about, scanning the area for any sticks he could find lying about a simple enough task. He began to scoop them up in varying sizes and degrees of wetness, preferring the dryest possible. But the weather was perhaps not so inherently accommodating for that.

While searching for wood, he overheard an observation from Soreiel as she was near Aedri. It was...quite quiet. There wasn't a chirp to be heard nor a thing besides them that stirred. At least not in plain sight. Indeed, it seemed like they were hiding from something.

"Odd indeed. I wonder what the animals may have to fear from such a thing. Perhaps these creatures disrupt the ecosystem in some way." He said to her observation. Another thought to occupy his mind, during a fairly simple.

Soon, he returned to the campfire, which was starting. And he placed the sticks down next to it, letting out a deep sigh of relief as he did so. And for the most part, he quietly listened as the others began to conversate. The air became more casual, with Eris seeing fit to strip off some of her armor as the cave warmed up. Seeking to remain as warm as humanly possible, Martin would keep all his garments on for the foreseeable future. He threw those sticks that were sufficiently dry into the fire to feed it.

"Hah." He blew on hand. And held them out to the fire. They trembled ever so slightly but were slowly warming up.

While he made no noise, his face subconsciously began to shift from it's neutral poker face into a frown, as Yume mentioned that she hadn't fought before. He felt the need to speak up. "If you'd like, I can show you a few of the basic and universal things stran-I mean Yume. Just to prepare you for tomorrow."

The barrier went up, and Martin looked all about him as it took the form of a church-like structure. Naturally inquisitive -- he reached out to touch it and saw his hand phase through it. With that, he waved his hand about along the barrier's walls, learning of it's selective nature firsthand.

"Quite impressive. This should help greatly. Thank you, Ms. Granstone." He commented, his hand still moving through it for perhaps longer than really necessary. As though he wanted to learn every single thing, he possibly could about it.

  • Martin accepts Nigel's invitation to aid him in the watch and shows no apprehension towards him
  • Martin goes off to collect firewood due to Eris' suggestion.
  • Martin overhears Soreiel pointing out the woods are eerily quiet and agrees with it.
  • Martin brings wood by the fire and sits by it.
  • Martin offers to help Yume with learning a few things for magic
  • Martin puts his hand through Eris' barrier surrounding the campfire, showing it the party they can freely move through it.

Actions: 0/3


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Equipped Titles: [Offworlder], [Human], [Big and Small Game Hunter] - Color - #735f0f

saxon saxon
Interactions: Tau Tau
Mentions: Maverick Six Maverick Six

Giving Martin a short nod in response, Nigel’s nose twitched every so slightly, ash colored eyes now focusing on the barrier that had been formed around the campsite. It was uncanny, for sure, something he was not used to the slightest from where he came. And, despite his amounting curiosity, he did the best he could to play it off. He was playing a role: a native to this world. It would be odd if he weren’t used to things in it, wouldn’t it?

It was a tenuous edge he walked upon, of showing he knew just enough and yet not overstepping the knowledge still ignorant about. To hunt using words, expressions, mannerisms, each one trying to purchase closer distance to what he sought. It was exciting and new, no doubt, new territory altogether. And the Englishman couldn’t deny it, he was having quite a bit of fun. He had no idea where this façade would take him, but he would surely enjoy every step of the way.

With that on his mind, he watched as Martin threaded outside the camp fire, eyes following every step. Even if for now there was peace, he rather remained ever cautious.

He would make a full turn towards the priestess when she suggested that there wasn’t much need to remain on guard for the moment, with an invitation to approach the newly born flames. “I suppose catching a cold helps no one.” He joked slightly, walking away from his guard post and approaching the center of the campfire.

Nigel’s ash colored eyes fixed on Eris for a moment, as the woman decided to remove her overgarments to let them dry, narrowing slightly. The sight was nothing short of scandalous for someone from his time and place, even more in a non-private setting. Still, it was what that unorthodox situation called for, apparently.

Deciding to make use of the time to dry his own wet clothes, the hunter would remove the pouched belt, which held his coat close, to then remove the coat itself. Next, was the vest he wore over his white shirt, unbuttoning it efficiently, before also taking it off. During all of it, the butt of his rifle was against the floor of the alcove, resting against his leg. When he was done, he meticulously placed the wet articles of clothes near the fireplace to dry, his upper body now only dressed on the white shirt and tie.

And, during the removal of the wet clothes, he paid attention to what the priestess revealed to Yume, attentive ears taking in every bit of information. “First time in a tussle, mmm?” Nigel practically hummed as the girl with white-drills revealed her combat inexperience. Not that the man was any different, at least against this particular target. “I can offer you this: think with a cool head and not emotion. Desperation, panic, and playing the hero are fine ways to get yourself killed.” He would say, gazing directly into girl’s golden eyes, and then would shrug. “Take that as you will.” Reaching for his rifle once more, the long-date companion was once more on his hands.

Watched silently as Martin walked to join the others with the wood gathering.
Joined the fire as well, placing some vest and jacket to dry.
Parted with some combat wisdom to Yume.
Aedrianna Belmonte


When Yume's voice whispered into Aedrianna's mind, she halted her movements, her gaze drifting thoughtfully after the girl. Curiosity danced in her eyes, and questions surged like a bubbling spring, threatening to overwhelm Yume.

"Are you in my head? You're talking in my head? Oh my goodness! This is the first time I've ever experienced this! How amazing! Can you hear all of my thoughts? Oh wait! Don't look too far! That's embarrassing! Can you make people do things? Are you going to make me do a dance? That's scary! Although I think I could still do a pretty good dance. I was good at dancing in my past life. Oh wait, are you still in my mind? How am I supposed to think about something else when you just dropped this on me? So! How far does it go? Can you read someone's mind if they're waaaay over there? Or do they have to be close?"
This continued for quite some time. Every fleeting thought that crossed Aedri's mind seemed to revolve around Yume and her extraordinary ability, leaving no room for any other contemplation.

As the party trudged through the snowy landscape, Aedri took it upon herself to maintain harmony among her friends and Yume. Brandy remained uncharacteristically silent, perhaps distracted by earlier events. Noelle was being friendly enough, albeit a touch quiet. She wondered if she might play her lute for them when they found a spot to rest. Maybe they could sing together. When Eris suggested they set up camp for the night, Aedri nodded in agreement, feeling the weariness in her bones. She knew Hiruq needed rest too, and her fingers gently stroked her friend's fur. The effort of moving through the snow was taxing. Her eyes flicked over towards the tall overbearing stature that was Ariko. She certainly had not considered asking him for a piggy back ride. That would be far too inappropriate. But gosh if the snow wasn't cold and deep.

Humming and singing the tune that had floated on the wind earlier, Aedri glanced around and saw Sorieiel gathering firewood. Smiling, she hurried to the kitsune's side, her humming soft and melodic."I'm worn out. I can't wait to sit by the fire... Thank you for coming with me, Sorieiel. I know this isn't exactly fun. It means a lot to me that you're helping me find my father."


Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren Kikimura Kikimura Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Tau Tau Tellussoil Tellussoil

Aedri reacts to Yumes mind speech. Then goes to collect fire wood with Sorieiel

As Soreiel was collecting firewood she kept her focus on the silence, waiting for any sound from animals as the silence was a bit unsettling, but it felt somewhat familiar and she could remember why. Then Aedrianna approached and despite making plenty of noise Soreiel didn’t hear her until Aedrianna placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her tails to immediately straighten up in surprise.

“Eeeepp!!” She shouted. “Don’t scare me Aedri” she added as the fright had caused her to drop the batch of wood she collected “and of course I’m glad to help, mostly because I don’t know what to do with my freedom right now” she stated

Aedrianna surprises Soreiel causing her to drop the wood




saxon saxon
Yume slowly nodded her head as Eris her story. "Holfeel, hm? Is she the wife of that ‘god’ guy, then?" she answered nonchalantly. "Well, either way, if you get a chance to talk to her, tell her Sa— I mean, Yume says ‘thanks.’" As far as she was concerned, the chances of Eris remembering long enough were basically zero, but maybe Holfeel could yank it out of the deep crevices of her brain or something. Who knew.

"Mmnnnn, I guess I could. I’m really looking for a tutor, though. In school, everyone takes forever just to learn to channel mana, then you have to just sit there and wait for them and it’s infuriating! Like is this so hard?" Yume complained, raising her pointer finger, which began to glow slightly. "I get if you’re too tired, I guess. I kinda just wanna die here by the fire too…"

She curled up as close to the fire as safely possible.

Maverick Six Maverick Six
Yume felt a little relieved to see Martin back closer to the fire. He, more than anyone, sounded like he needed the warmth, with all that creaking metal. But something odd struck her… ‘stranger.’ He’d definitely almost said it. Yume raised her head from her slump to stare in his direction, holding the gaze for a long while.

It wasn’t the first time a ‘glitch’ like this had occurred. Yume would be nicknamed something, and the nickname would return later to give her hope, only for her later to realize she’d just been given the same nickname for the "first time," twice. Surely, that was what was happening here. If he’d given her that name once, he’d likely do it the second time… and the third, and the fourth: that was how it went.

…but it was odd that he’d use a nickname like that despite knowing her new name from the beginning.

"Sure…" Yume answered, barely wrangling her mind back to the topic enough to respond. "I guess that could help."

Maxxob Maxxob
"I’ve had more than enough ‘cool heading’ for today, thank you. Time to think with a nice, warm head." She let the pun hang in the air for a moment before responding more seriously. "Technically, it’s not, but this would be my first time in a tussle with noodles for limbs." Yume shrugged right back at him. "I’ll keep that in mind. Maybe that’s what makes these zombies so effective, hm? No emotion at all!"

  • Chatted with Eris about magic school, Holfeel, and reincarnation. Subtle fae-supremacy.
  • Stared really hard at Martin (starting to realize he knows).
  • Punned at Nigel (and took his advice).



| Maxxob Maxxob [Eris] | Maverick Six Maverick Six [Martin] | Tau Tau [Yume] | Kikimura Kikimura [Tomoko] | Moonberry Moonberry [Aedrianna] |

"Always." the gunslinger nodded towards Nigel's remark. He was a bit surprised the expert hunter was willing to take a page or two out of his books so easily, but given the Brit was an Animal HUNTER and the Murican a MONSTER hunter, perhaps there was some merit to be taken here. "As you should oughta no doubt know, hun'a."

Leading the way through the desolate mountains, Cassidy would lead the group as they trudged through the bitter cold like the pioneers of the old west crossing the Rocky Mountains. Even as the snowfall was creeping up to his waist, the cold wouldn't deter the skeletal entity too much. Though admittedly it was a bit cumbersome even with all of his clothing strewn atop him. But as Yume would call out from behind him, he certainly was one of the more better-equipped individuals. "Per'aps!" he replied back to her comment, "Afteralls, ya don't wanna get frostbite or sumthin mighty chilly dullin yer senses. Though frankly ya'll aint dressed up half-bad yerselves!"

So concentrated was he on moving forth, he'd barely stop to notice the deafening silence which continued permeating the whole atmosphere of their trip.

By dusk, they would stop for the day and begin setting up camp at a nearby alcove. While Cassidy was more than willing to continue moving, thanks for his dark vision, he knew most "fleshies" weren't blessed with this gift. Besides, they'd been traveling for about the entire day; they all needed to rest whether they liked it or not. "Alrighty then." he agreed. He helped to collect some spare twigs and wood to start up the fire, even preparing his lighter before Martin utilized an alternative method in starting it. Cassidy simply shrugged, before using it to light another cigarette.

Upon the construct asking who was up to watching, Cassidy was more than willing to keep watch alongside Nigel. Though while he could certainly watch the whole night given undead need little to no sleep, it would be better he didn't raise any suspicion. To look like he was in optimal condition and alertness for more than 24 hours was already a feat that very few mortals could manage effectively. He oughta go along with the plan at hand. "Count me second watch onwards." the gunslinger added with a tip of his hat as he sat down.

Overhearing Eris mentioning about the undead, Jebidiah couldn't help but eavesdrop on what the priestess had to say. Frankly, it wasn't anything he hadn't heard before, but nonetheless he could at least understand where she was coming from. He'd been rejected from properly resting TWICE after all. Though whether this was to be seen as a blessing or a punishment was debatable. In his old world, it definitely felt cursed given his dishonorable death and resurrection against his will. In this world, it was a bit more consensual, though still cursed. Lady Salem gave him the opportunity to roam about on his free will, even though he still had to go through undead discrimination. While used to it, he still wished he could one day be accepted for who he was... to atone for his past life's mistake and be seen as equal with all.

That day may come soon enough. But for now, he had to play his part.

Cassidy replied to Nigel and Yume's comments.
Cassidy moves forth relatively undeterred compared to most; leads the way.
Reluctantly gives in to stopping and picks up wood.
Wanted to start the fire with his lighter; Martin beats him and he lights a cigarette instead.
Cassidy says he'll be up for the second watch and onwards.
Overhears Eris talking about undead.
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: Tau Tau Moonberry Moonberry Maxxob Maxxob FantasyCat FantasyCat Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Maverick Six Maverick Six Develius Develius


Notes: Due to the number of people I do ask for my sake you include a TLDR either at the top or the bottom of your post.
Skips: Elias 3, Kikimura 3, Tellussoil 3, Rcticwolf 1,Develius 1, Moonberry 1

Eris looked at Martin and Nigel as they both offered their advice on the matter. Though Eris still found it surprising, the fae didn't have any experience with how she was picking fights with certain people earlier. Though she was glad for the change of pace, at least for the moment, the fire cracked and popped as the smell of wood burning filled the air. Though it would have been far more pleasant had they not been in a place that was covered in deep snow. "The barrier only last for a little while, so when it gets dark that would be the time to start doing watch, now on to other important matters, food!" Eris stated as she jumped up to her feet.

When Yume spoke about Holfeel, Eris brought a finger to her lips and gave the girl a pensive look. "There are plenty of gods that inhabit this world, so I can't say for certain but there is no mention of it in the texts," Eris concluded as she patted Yume on the head before pulling a skillet out of her pack and some rations. While she wasn't a skilled cook, she knew at least how to do the basics for survival. Plus warm food always made the cold more tolerable compared to cold rations.

Eris looked back over as Yume complained about the experience in a magical school. "Well, you can't expect a child to learn to walk on their first day. Things take time, and everyone has their own pace. I can show you a couple of basics, but I'm a divine caster; my power is boosted by my faith," Eris explained to Yume as she set the skillet over the fire to let the metal pan start to warm up. There was still about another hour of sunlight left before the rays of light would dissipate and be chased away by the shadows. Only leaving the light from the campfire in the alcove.

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob (Nigel) saxon saxon (Eris) Develius Develius ("Cassidy Flint")
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Novice Tinkerer, Isekai



"Sound advice." He said simply to Nigel. "Underrated advice at that. To feel is natural. But excessive emotion can get one killed, for the same reason a deer freezes when confronted with headlights. To be above an animal is to be able to control one's emotions and adapt to circumstance." Or at least, that was the way he saw it. It appeared that Nigel had a bit more experience in this matter than his hunter's garb might have implied. While certainly disliked by many, he appeared at the very least to be useful.

By now, the fire had begun to warm his body enough, at the very least. The small barrier kept most of Martin's concerns at bay when it came to a surprise attack by the undead during the day. Many would likely be seen coming and a few did not seem apt to overwhelm them.

Another point of ease was in knowing that at least one other person was willing to stand watch. "Thank you kindly, Cassidy. Perhaps one more can assist. But at least you is enough." He wasn't in a position to enforce rules on anyone nor did he really have much in the realm of persuasive clout.

Then finally came the matter of Yume.

Had Eris begun to teach her, he likely would have left it to her. But given the fact that his offer was accepted and she was perhaps a bit more interested in eating at the moment, Martin began would speak up. It felt as though he was compelled to do it, for reasons he could not understand. Ironically, perhaps it was due to that uncontrolled emotion he spoke of. He wasn't sure if her dying posed a practical concern. But it meant....something else.

Tau Tau (Yume)​

"Gladly." He said.

That said, Eris had mentioned a few key things already that Martin would seek to incorporate given his knowledge.

"I'll begin then. With the very basics. Some of which you may know." He started.

He motions to Eris.

"As Miss Granstone says, the workings of each type of magic can vary from different types of magic. From school to school. However, there wis one thing which links them all together." He raises one finger. And then says a single word.

"Mana." Drawing out his catalyst, he clicks a button to extend it. It readies itself as it sticks straight to the air -- tipped with a single orb which is surrounded by floating debris. It looked as it usually did, reminiscent of a celestial body.

"This entire world is enveloped in mana. It permeates the atmosphere itself, and is present in things both living and not. Even at this very moment. Some odd places are and a few odd are devoid of it. Also different is gathering it. There exists magical objects, there exists locations which have been altered to function unusually, there are monster formations in certain places for reasons as yet enigmatic and then..." A slight whisper.


With a wave of his hand and two gathered fingers, a lead ball flies out of his pocket.

"....There is the harnessing of mana through spellcasting." The lead ball, approximately 9.25 inches in circumference, hovers in around the tip of Martin's finger.

"Through spellcasting, mana may be channeled to manipulate an array of forces. Ms. Granstone uses the force of "Divinity." If ever there was such a thing. The scientist even now had difficulty truly believing in things such as a true "god" but he humored it for now. "I have learned to use mana to manipulate the higgs boson particle...which functionally allows for the manipulation of gravity. Magic can be used on it's. own. But generally, it is best used to manipulate something else in order to become more powerful. Combine magic with something else, and you may learn of countless uses which come from manipulating that thing and using magic to augment it."

With the lowering of his finger, he points down. And with the pointing of his finger, he sends the orb straight down.


The orb travels straight down into the ground, parting the soil until it makes noise. It slightly cracks the shallow bedrock of the cave ever so slightly. Fissures splinter outward as the ball sits snugly in a new formed, tiny crater.

"Generally, most mages must use the combined effort of a catalyst, chanting and or gestures in order to cast a spell properly. One typically has to remain in place in order to perform these motions. And being bound makes it harder to cast. Once you have the components of a spell, you may cast various kinds which accomplish different things. Some may travel farther. Others may hit multiple specific targets. Others encompass entire areas." He said, alluding to [Magic Range,] [Magic Targets], and [Magic AOE].

"Given where you are now, I suspect you'll only be able to attack from a few feet away and while standing still. But even with that, you might have something if a creatures come on top of you. And you may make for suitable support for anyone else attacking the same target. Ensure not to hit of any your teammates." He said, the orb returning back into his coat as he releases his two fingered motion.

"Any....questions?" Given he'd been speaking for quite some time, he looked towards Yume with an odd intensity as he asked that. In truth, he was beginning to understand why, at least in part. He could at the very least teach her enough to fend for herself against one creature. And then she can just stick closest to Eris. At least, that was the plan.

With his hands now -- free Martin began to remember the extent of his mortality. The fact of the matter was that such a long-winded explanation made him hungry. And even his cybernetics functionally converted glucose into energy directly. Thus he saw fit to begin to make his own meal.

Tonight, he would try his hand at french onion soup...with cheese.

"Hopefully, that will be enough to support your hero."

  • Martin agrees with Nigel
  • Thanks Cassidy (who is disguised as Jebidiah) for assisting in standing watch.
  • Shows and teaches Yume the basic workings of magic.

Actions: 0/3



Last edited:
Equipped Titles: [Offworlder], [Human], [Big and Small Game Hunter] - Color - #735f0f

saxon saxon
Interactions: Develius Develius Maverick Six Maverick Six
Mentions: Tau Tau

“Righto~. With that, I believe we have enough people keeping watch.” Nigel promptly said, as Cassidy also decided to keep watch. Turning around, he began looking at the path which Martin had previously come from, noticing a few of the group were still absent. Hopefully, nothing bad had happened to them, otherwise the façade he had put on up to that point. A low hum left his throat, his nose twitching slightly.

Yume’s playful and partial dismissal of his advice didn’t bother him at all. If she lived or died, it was of little importance for the hunter. However, the mention of ‘noodles for limbs’ did end up making his raise an eyebrow. “What is she talking about?” He thought to himself, while he rolled up his sleeves. Well, he supposed he would find out soon enough.

“I had a hunch that someone experienced as one such as yourself seem to be would understand it.” He would say in return to Martin, fully agreeing and nodding as the man expanded upon it. “The knowledge of how animals’ instincts ‘work’ is what makes hunting without too much danger possible. Not succumbing to your own instincts is what makes you survive in… less favorable scenarios.” The hunter added this bit of information, bringing a hand to his face and slowly tracing his mustache with his fingers.

His ash-colored eyes would turn towards the crackling fire, watching the flames of the campfire dancing for a moment. Nigel’s mind dissipated for a moment, his thoughts drifting away from the alcove the group found itself in. There was some slight excitement simmering beneath his veneer, curious to see what would be expecting them and how his own skills would fare against these ‘undead’. It was a novelty feeling, for sure, making him think back to his firsts safaris: lions, cheetahs, elephants, wildebeests and so forth.

What brought him back from his deep thoughts was the skillet being placed upon the fire. Blinking a few times, the man collected himself. Maybe it wasn’t a wise choice for most, but Nigel had decided to skip eating entirely. The hunter would rather not risk himself becoming sluggish after doing so, even more if there were surprises during his watch. But that was how he was: a much different person when he was out on the field.

Catching only the beginning of the explanation, as Martin began teaching Yume about this ‘magic’ thingy, his attention would shift towards the horizon. Eyes narrowed slightly, as his index finger began tapping, gently, against the wooden frame of his rifle.

Short answer to Cassidy about him also joining the watch.
Added his own input to Martin's agreement.
Aedrianna Belmonte

A soft smile ghosted at the corners of her lips, barely touching her eyes. A light giggle, delicate as a snowflake, escaped her as she raised her hands, palms open, a gentle gesture of peace. "Sorry, Sori! Hehe, I didn’t mean to startle you. You must have been lost in thought." Her voice was a warm whisper against the cold air, and as she stooped to gather pieces of wood—each one carefully selected, dry enough to burn—the world around her seemed to dim, the sun slowly sinking beneath the horizon. She cradled the bundle in her arms, the weight of it almost comforting as her eyes swept the snowy ground, searching for more. The others had likely gathered around Eris by now, their campfire flickering in the twilight. She imagined the warmth and the quiet hum of their voices, but she found herself content in this moment, alone with Sorieiel, a fragile sliver of time just for them, a quiet that echoed with unspoken words since they had left for the fair. Her fingers absently threaded through the white fur of Hiruq beside her.

"Yes, I suppose that is a rather important question..." she murmured, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, her gaze drifting to the nine-tailed kitsune beside her. The soft smile still lingered, though a shadow of sadness clouded her blue eyes, a fleeting sorrow she couldn’t quite hide. "Whatever you do decide... I hope we can at least see each other from time to time. I think I’ve grown rather fond of you." Her voice wavered, the words light but heavy with unspoken meaning. She turned to her friend with a teasing grin, yet the moment’s gravity quickly pulled it away, the solemnity of their conversation and the encroaching night making it difficult to keep up the pretense of cheer. "But... what do you think you’d like to do? If you could do anything?" Her question hung in the air, fragile as the fading daylight. After a pause, she continued, her voice softer still. "We never really talked about... Nero. After everything that happened... are you okay? I know he wasn’t good to you. But... I can’t imagine it was easy, either..."

Mentions: Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Aedri talks to Sori and gathers wood




saxon saxon
"Faith, hm?" Yume thought it over. "Well the reincarnation god seemed nice enough. Does that count as faith?" She’d avoided mentioning her reincarnation, assuming it would make her sound crazy… for as long as the listeners could remember, anyhow. But considering the colorful individuals surrounding her, maybe that wasn’t the case after all.

"Though if there’s a mind magic, something tells me that’d be pretty easy to learn. Well, easy or impossible, I guess…"

Maverick Six Maverick Six
Yume wasn’t sure when was the appropriate time to tell him, so she just kept quiet, holding her chin in her hands and watching with her usual smirk. She could only hold it for so long, though. It’d started being amusing, but he just kept going and going and going…

"Martin…" Yume spoke up only after he offered up a Q & A session. "I’m not a toddler," she reminded him, eying the mess on the ground. That. She wanted to learn that. Or well, stuff like that.

"In fact, I’ve learned my body’s made up of magic… partially anyway. So I might be a little familiar." She shrugged. "I guess it’s just a matter of playing around until you find your own flavor of magic. Something tells me I don’t have a prayer of understanding Hig’s fancy Particle."

  • Mentions ‘reincarnation god.’
  • Considers mind magic as a potential focus out loud.
  • Protests Martin’s patronizing.

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