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Active [Nan Gau] May Even These Peseants Have Respite! Pt. III

Actions. Aedri is trying not to cry and going through emotional trauma. blah blah blah

Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna moved like a ghost, allowing herself to be tugged along as if her body was no longer her own. The weight in her chest deepened. It was as if every breath threatened to shatter her from within, yet she did not break. Her tears, unbidden and silent, streaked her cheeks like the first raindrops of a storm that refused to fully form. Sorieiel had vanished, along with the rest of her companions, swallowed by the same fate—or worse. The ache of abandonment hollowed her bones, each step heavier than the last. The world pressed in on her, cold and unforgiving, as loneliness encircled her heart, suffocating.

Her father’s face—frozen in that grotesque mimicry of life—burned behind her eyelids. His ash still clung to the air, and she swore she could taste the bitter remnants of him on her tongue. Could her friends have suffered the same? Transformed into twisted reflections of what they once were, like him? The thought clawed at her soul, leaving wounds that would never heal.

At Yume’s telepathic prod, Aedrianna’s hand twitched, a faint squeeze in response. The warmth of the girl's touch was distant, barely registering against the cold that had settled into her very marrow. She wasn’t rejecting the comfort, but she couldn’t fully embrace it either. Moments ago, her emotions had erupted like a wildfire, raw and uncontrollable, but now she felt numb—shut off from the agony that had nearly drowned her. The pain was still there, of course, lingering beneath the surface, a deep and endless sea, but she had forced it back.

The world had grown dimmer. Colder. Her heart thudded in her chest, an uneven, broken rhythm, and the memories—oh, the memories—they were lined with a sorrow that threatened to consume her. Nostalgia twisted into grief, every smile and laugh from her past now tainted with the loss of the man who had raised her. She felt as though she were crumbling, piece by piece, dissolving into the ash that still floated in the air around her.

Aedrianna’s lips twitched, a mockery of a smile, but no words came. They were trapped, suffocating beneath the weight of her sorrow. She wanted to speak, to offer Yume something—anything—but her voice had been stolen, bound in chains by the grief that now held her prisoner. Perhaps Yume should not probe so deeply into her mind, a mind fractured and fragile, barely holding itself together. Each thought she tried to focus on slipped through her fingers like sand, the edges of reality becoming blurred and unfocused.

Martin’s voice reached her ears, but it was muffled, distant, like an echo from another world. She nodded, though the motion felt empty, hollow. She didn’t know what he was saying, couldn’t grasp the meaning of his words, because everything—everything—was too much. The world had become too much.

But still, she had to move. Her feet dragged forward, her body obeying without thought. There was nothing left. No home, no father, no familiar warmth to return to. Just the ash and the silence, the endless, cold silence. And so she moved, because that was all she could do. She had to keep moving.

Because if she stopped, she feared there would be nothing left of her.

Tau Tau saxon saxon



| saxon saxon [Eris] | @Maxxob [NIgel] | @Maverick Six [Martin] | Tau Tau [Yume] | Moonberry Moonberry [Aedrianna/Hiruq] |

"Oh, jus' over yonder?" Cassidy reiterated as he pointed to the direction where Eris mentioned their destination was, "Huh...". He was a bit surprised that they were that close, originally suspecting they were farther away then anticipated. After all, the snow was deeper here which made trekking through it much more of a hassle then it really ought to be. Couldn't complain though. He watched as the priest took a moment to pray for the fallen souls, paying her respects to what were once kindred spirits.

Well, as kindred spirit to an organic fleshie as they came. These skeletal zombies might as well be the skeleton's own bastard, distantly-related/totally-not-related cousins at this stage.

Speaking of their own, Cassidy realized that Soriel was nowhere to be seen. This was oddly... suspicious. He tried looking for some sort of blood trail or footsteps, but somehow couldn't detect her at all. Maybe one of the Rotten Hides got her and pulled her under while they weren't looking... or maybe she fled the group? Damn shame... he wanted to apologize to her for accidentally and unintentionally shooting her. At this point, he assumed they merely lost another teammate. They oughta keep moving, something which he'd hear Nigel agree with personally.

No rest for the weary.

Reaching the hamlet, Cassidy gazed upon the rampant devastation that rendered the quiet Nan-Gau into scorched ruins. He was jaded to all this. Like poor fellas but also what were they to him. "Looks like 'ay got 'ere looooong before us..." Cassidy muttered lowly as he lit another cigarette. Hearing Martin's further comments, Cassidy blew out a puff of smoke out into the ruins, as Nigel gave his theory of what might've happened. Yume also mentioned how the fire didn't look like just any regular ole' flame... there was something different about them. Still red-hot embers... which at this temperature would've burned out a long time ago. "I opine that one of 'em horsebacked folk probably did'it." the gunslinger coined in, recalling what was said in the debriefing, before simply shrugging, "Or helped spread dem 'flames along... either way, something's mighty off. Stay on yer toes, fellas."

The gunslinger then carefully proceeds to search about the ruins, looking for any survivors or clues that might've told of what happened. Any exceptionally dark space would also be subject to his [Dark Vision F].

  • Replies to Eris; listens to her prayer.
  • Tries to search for Soriel; unsuccessful.
  • Suggests the horse rider mentioned in the debriefing caused the fire in some capacity.
  • Searches about town for clues.

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