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Active [Nan Gau] May Even These Peseants Have Respite! Pt. III

New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: Tau Tau Moonberry Moonberry Maxxob Maxxob FantasyCat FantasyCat Elias Wren Elias Wren Kikimura Kikimura Tellussoil Tellussoil Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Maverick Six Maverick Six

Notes: Due to the number of people I do ask for my sake you include a TLDR either at the top or the bottom of your post. Nigel you are able to see any characters status boards that are E grade or lower.

Following the conclusion of the briefing, Eris stepped up and took the map that was going to be their guide to the hamlet they were sent to investigate. Taking the map she tightened the roll before tucking it away into her robes. "Hello Martin, seems like we are missing two people from yesterday," Eris stated pointing out the fact that John and Eagle-1 were not to be seen however some of that was to be expected. She was about to continue talking when Aedrianna approached the two and introduced herself, "Eris Grandstone, High Priestess of the Goddess Holfeel, Goddess of reincarnation and guider of souls." When she was asked about the missing merchant she brought her hand to her chin as she looked up toward the ceiling. "Not that I know of, I only arrived early yesterday so I'm afraid I don't know anyone by that name," Eris explained as she shook her head.

By this point the room had pretty much emptied and now it was only the group that remained. By the time that Kiyo had entered and fallen flat on his face many of the people around didn't pay too much attention as they were listening to the briefing that they had been given at least for the moment escaping any embarrassment that could have followed. Eris gazed around the room as she saw that Yume had booped the kitsune's ears, to which she face-palmed herself. She was about to correct it until Aedrianna corrected the issue.

When Nigel introduced himself the name caught him off guard and she started to wonder if the two were related in some way or not, letting out a small sigh she started to make her way toward the group that was starting to assemble. "Sometimes, it's best not to peak into things," Eris hinted with a smile as she looked at Nigel while some of the people here might have been new. Eris could tell when someone was appraising someone due to her experience.

Eris saw as Ariko give Nigel the bird, she cocked her head to the right, "Come on, we can all play nice now. We are going to be working together after all." Eris pointed out with a chuckle as she was trying to smooth things over before they started to get a little too out of hand. They were all going to need to be able to trust one another at least, especially if they had to fight something.

"Now if you would please let go of my associate's wrist, she is quite harmless I assure you," Eris requested as her hand tightened around her staff. Things for the moment seemed to be heating up a little too much. While Eris didn't particularly have a reason to intervene in the matter, she wasn't about to let either side cross a boundary she wasn't opposed to putting up a barrier if she had to separate the two. "Now Yume, apologize to the kitsune that you touched and come over here please," Eris smiled, though there was a hint of authority in the voice.

Though for the moment, Nigel didn't seem to be doing himself any favors in this matter. Eris started to rub her temple with her free hand as things continued to spiral out of control. When Noelle came up to make her threat Eris let out a sigh. It seemed like this group was going to have its tension no matter what happened. Though when she turned her attention back to Yume she was gone which then Eris looked around after a few moments she returned.

"Yume," Eris stated with a bit more force this time. If she was going to have to play peacemaker the whole trip then so be it. However, she let out her breath as things didn't at least escalate any further for the moment. That was when the latest arrival finally appeared as she crashed to the floor, which caused Eris to give her a confused look. "Anyway, I'm Eris Grandstone, High Priestess of the Goddess Holfeel, Goddess of reincarnation and guider of souls, Hero of the Fae See, also known as the hero of courage," She introduced herself to the rest of the group as it seemed now everyone had finally arrived.

Or well, she had thought that everyone had arrived until a new voice spoke up. Turning to look at the new voice, she saw that it was the monster hunter for hire. With the rest of the group now arrived, Eris looked at her map, the journey taking them forward seemed to follow the main road for the most part. Though at the moment it looked like the group was going to be traveling by foot unless something changed. She tightened her grip around her staff and looked towards the door.
"Well we should start making out way toward the hamlet, there is no telling what we might find there," Eris suggested as she started to move toward the door that would lead the group outside.

Unlike how they entered, the wind blew from the north, bringing down the colder air from the mountain that hit their backs. Many soldiers huddled around braziers as they rubbed their hands together. Off in the distance several more paper lanterns flew up into the air and followed the wind. After a moment the song on the wind had returned, which made Eris question what exactly the song the Hime-Sama was singing did. Many questions were left unanswered for the moment. "Well now that we are on the move, we should probably discuss our formation, casters in the middle, the front lines in the front with one in the back, what does everyone think?" Eris inquired as she figured they could discuss this as they moved through Nan Gau.

Leaving the fortress, the smells of bread and cooked meat filled the air, smoke from some of the stalls could be seen rising up in the air. Soon the sight of the stalls came into view, beef, lamb and other various assortments of meat were seen. There was a hint of spice in the crisp, cold air, there was talk of upcoming festivals and some of the older members of the town sitting off in the corner drinking some ale. Their age was apparent due to the cracks and weathered look of their skin, and they were dressed in several lays with the only skin showing on their faces.

Continuing through the streets, they passed several dives and random shops; many customers were haggling with the shopkeepers while others were arguing over whose turn it was to pay for the bill. Despite the events over the past year the Residents of Nan Gau have come to terms with the danger that was now stalking them in the snow. By this point, Eris herself tightened her grip around her cloak, attempting to trap some of the warmth inside of it.

"So what do you all think of these undead? Based on what we were told they seem like they will be a tough fight," Eris pointed out as she asked the group as a whole. They continued down a long set of stairs as they arrived at a new section of the town, the outskirts. There were several houses there, but mainly the warehouses and livestock farmers inhabited this area. Further down the road was a sign with several guards standing by it which marked the edge of the town. Once they passed that, they would be in the wilds; as far as they could see, further down the road were evergreens. Snow nested on their needles as a sea of green and white came into view, the sound of crunching snow gave way to a more powdery texture.

Mentions: Tau Tau Moonberry Moonberry Maxxob Maxxob FantasyCat FantasyCat Elias Wren Elias Wren Kikimura Kikimura Tellussoil Tellussoil Rcticwolf Rcticwolf saxon saxon
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Novice Tinkerer, Isekai


The scientist's writing and drawing stopped. His notebook shut. They would soon be on the move. Whatever was with the girl would have to wait. However, he did note that her name appeared to be "Yume."

Retrieving his retractable staff from his side -- he flicks it, and it opens, extending once again. A small orb hovers, small fragments orbiting the top of the catalyst like the moons orbiting a planet. He leans on the staff whenever he walks ever so slightly, seeking to both preserve energy and avoid tripping on what was icy terrain.

He takes brief note of a new arrival.

"An American and Englishman here. Comforting." He comments on the new arrival "Cassidy" and alludes to Nigel once more. The presence of nationalities akin to those found in his world gave a comforting familiarity. Though Martin enjoyed encountering "Isekai" in general. People could be from many different types of worlds. Many of those native to this world were probably apt to know nothing of what he was talking about.

Standing straight up -- Martin began to walk outside. He was well dressed for the weather. His clothes had been all of the heavy sort. And the body armor he wore pressed up against his body even further. His outfit would be hell in a desert, but he felt as though he was fine here. Still, he was careful not to trip. Despite his age, Martin's feet sank into the snow well, implying a degree of weight upon his shoulders. The wind hit the back of his head -- which was thankfully covered by a hood.

The warm scent of the market began to fill his nose. He hadn't been particularly hungry, having already eaten long before coming here. He observed as many were going about their lives in these troubling times. His expression, however, did not shift as his eyes swept over the place and then moved forward.

Eris lead the conversation, speaking of formations.

"I lack experience in formation fighting. I cede that to you, Eris." He said. While familiar with combat in his past life, he was not familiar with fighting in formation or approaching combat from the way militaries did. More often than not, he engaged his foes by himself and head-on. Such was not an option for him. Whether he liked them, or they liked him, he needed them. Thus, the suggestion had appeal. The more meat between him and them, the better.

While he may lack in tactics, Eris' next question was more within the realm of Martin's talents: Information.

"The dangers of the undead seem manyfold. He started.

What followed next was a fairly rapid explanation without stutter. Accustomed to giving lectures and training, the man who was once both a quantum physicist and a mechanical engineer hardly stopped for a breath. And he spoke loud enough that everyone could hear him. But he held up his hand to talk of his points. Which boiled down to three.

One finger.

"One. The undead appear to be quite sturdy. There was mention of one withstanding an arrow to the head and continuing on. These seem more powerful than typical undead. It was mentioned that fire appeared to be one of the only ways to keep them down permanently. Perhaps alluding to a healing factor of some sort. Perhaps dismemberment might be preferred, but I would assume they are as durable as you and I -- if not more so. Fire is said to keep them down permanently."

Two fingers.

"Two. These undead are often accompanied by a snowstorm. They appear to prefer concealment. Outside of the obvious hazard of cold, this has been shown to hamper visibility greatly. Those with enhanced senses would do well to employ it to prevent ambushes. Bites do not infect. Merely dying in their proximity seems to cause you to become one of them. "

Three fingers.

"Three. Eagle One managed to survey the hamlet from the sky. It is in ruins. I doubt there are any survivors. But she mentioned seeing ONE heat signature. This implies a living being. An unknown. There is much we still do not know."

Finally, Martin lowered his hand. While some already didn't like the mechanical man, hopefully, he'd provide them with something useful.

"I anticipate the hamlet's residents have been killed and inducted into their fold. Entire families are apt to be among their ranks...I could be wrong, but I hardly see a reason as to why this isn't the case at the moment." From this, he hoped to paint....a fairly grim image of what they might look like.

"I advise you to show no mercy. Perhaps lend me a sample for analysis." The scientist said -- his tone lending itself to an almost matter-a-fact politeness with his last request.

Summary / Too Long Didn't Read
  • Martin departs with the group.
  • Martin agrees with Eris' suggestion -- having casters in the middle, most frontliners in front and one to the rear.
  • Martin gives the group information he and others recovered during May Even These Wayward Wanderers Have Respite

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Aedrianna Belmonte



The air around them was frigid as they walked the streets of Nan Gau, the chill biting through her cloak. Aedrianna pulled the fur-lined fabric tighter around her shoulders, shivering as her breath formed misty clouds in the cold air. Nigel’s approach had stirred the group, each reaction marked by resolute animation. She had had to gently placed a hand on Ariko’s arm, quietly apologizing to Nigel for the intensity of their welcome. Thankfully miss Eris had taken command of the situation rather quickly. So, she hadn't had the chance to speak with the strange man. She wondered if the beastkin had some sort of sixth sense. Because in her own mind, this Yume girl seemed worse than Nigel She'd been rude and flippant about another person's personal space. Had the nerve to act like she'd been wronged when reprimanded. And then came crying about being sorry. Aedrianna had been teased about crying before. So, it wasn't really the crying that annoyed her. More the fact that the girl seemed to think she could run out and run back in with an empty apology and that made it all okay.

As they continued their trek outside, the cold sent a slight tremor through Aedrianna’s body. She found herself beside Ariko again, her thoughts wandering. “I think perhaps it might be prudent to play along with Mister Nigel. He’s asked for nothing in return and is part of our team. It's imperative that we trust each other and work together in these situations.” she spoke softly, her voice just loud enough for her companions to hear. Nigel had offered his help, and she was begining to feel desperate to find her father. It wasn't like him to be so late. Was it possible he'd run into his own trouble?

Aedrianna shook her head, as if to shake the thoughts away. Turning her attention to Brandy, who had arrived late, she smiled reassuringly. “Did you get the gist of the briefing? We’ll be fighting undead here. Do you think you'll be okay?” she asked, also glancing towards Kiyo and hoping he wouldn’t be too frightened of their comrades and run right into the enemy line.

Perhaps if he were to see that Nigel and Martin were just ordinary men, he wouldn't be so put off by them. She squeezed Ariko’s hand gently to get his attention. “I’m going to speak with Mister Niigel. You can come with me, just...try to be polite? Please?" she teased lightly before moving towards Nigel. With a warm smile, she addressed him, “Hello, Mister Nigel. I apologize for earlier. My friends are just a bit jumpy. We’ve only just returned from Ryke and encountered many troublesome people on the road. I hope you can forgive us. If you could help us, find my father, I would be very grateful. I’m not sure exactly how we’re related, but I’m certain my father can clear it up once we find him.” She curtsied politely, her smile sincere. Hopefully Sorieiel wouldn't be too upset with her for going to address Nigel against her warning.

As Eris asked about the undead and Martin began explaining, Aedrianna’s attention remained rapt, her blue eyes fixed on him. The weight of his words pressed heavily on her heart. The thought of so many people near her home dying filled her with a hollow sorrow. She rubbed her arms absently, seeking warmth. Unconsciously, she drifted back to Ariko’s side, still shivering slightly. She hummed along to the song that was on the wind. Wondering who exactly was creating the melody. Part of her wished Noelle would start playing. At least if she was singing, she wouldn't be thinking about all the terrible possibilities.

As if in afterthought, Aedrianna pulled a large flask from her satchel. Unscrewing the top, she sipped the bitter liquid inside. It was the tea brewed from Skythorn blossom leaves they had collected before the fair. The acrid taste lingered, but the effects were almost immediate—a subtle but welcome warmth. She spent the next few minutes sipping quietly, listening to the others.


Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren saxon saxon Maxxob Maxxob Kikimura Kikimura
Aedri apologizes to Nigel and drinks some tea. (Nothing happened)
Kiyo looked up as Martin approached and spoke to him. He swallowed nervously at first, but unlike Nigel, he did not get a malicious feel from him. After watching him walk away and sit by himself Kiyo’s ears flattened a little in guilt. He didn’t mean to upset him, though it was hard to tell what emotions Martin was feeling.

His ears perked back up in reaction to the last man introducing himself. There were so many new people to meet that it made Kiyo equally excited and nervous. Then Eris spoke reminding him that he was here for a reason and not just to socialise though he wasn’t sure what his role would be other than tending to people's wounds. He scratched the back of his head as he tried to recall anything about the ‘Hero of the Fae see’ that she claimed to be. He decided he would introduce himself to her later when he got the chance.

After standing up, he grabbed his wooden staff and began to follow Eris outside. He honestly did not want to leave the comfort of the fortress because he was not built for this climate, his green robe barely did anything to keep him warm. He winced as the cold air blew against the back of his head which made him quickly pull his hood up, it made little difference however. Music, beautiful music in fact. He could not locate its origin, it was a nice distraction from the cold while he walked. Kiyo’s stomach grumbled at the smell of delicious meats. He frowned in defeat knowing he had no coins and tried to block out the alluring smells that came from the stalls he passed.

His attention then shifted to the task at hand. Zombies. He had only read about them in books and tomes. Just talking about necromancy was forbidden back home and rightly so. To disrupt the cycle of life and death is absolute blasphemy. Kiyo’s eyes filled with anger at just the thought of that, it disgusted him on a level that no words could properly describe. He absorbed the information that Martin provided. This sparked his curiosity which made him fall back on his arcane knowledge. It saddened and angered him that so many innocent people had been killed and turned into monsters, but perhaps it was not too late to help those who were still alive. He thought for a moment before increasing his pace to catch up with Martin.

“I-I’m sorry for running away from you earlier…I hope we still can be friends” Kiyo said sheepishly with a nervous smile. “Do you know if the zombies are magical in nature?” He asked with his head tilted, though innocent, his eyes contained a deep desire for knowledge.

Got an idea of what they would be dealing with from Martin.
Approached and attempted to befriend Martin while trying to get more info about the zombies.
Interactions: Maverick Six Maverick Six

Mentions: saxon saxon
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Ariko Balba

Heading Through Town - Aedrianna, Nigel.
As the group began to head out he made sure to stay close to Aedrianna and the others, crossing his arms tightly against his chest as they headed out into the bitter winds. It has been some time since Ariko has seen so much ice and snow since he lived in a moderate climate back in his old world, he blew out from his mouth to create a thick cloud of vapor and for a moment pretended to be smoking like he used to do as a child to initiate the adults.

As Aedrianna expressed her desire to work with Nigel he nodded, not wanting to cause any more friction with the man on the off chance he could actually aid in their search for her father. "Understood boss, I'll play nice." Ariko noticed how Aedrianna shivered and broke off from the group for just a moment as they passed through the market to haggle with one of the local shops, buying a thick off white poncho lined with some kind of animal fur. He brought it back and offered it to Aedrianna in hopes it would help her retain some warmth.

As they walked a little further Ariko felt her tiny hand squeeze his and looked to her as she spoke, nodding along with her words. "Alright, I'll follow your lead boss. But if anything happens, all bets are off." Ariko smiled as they made their way over to Nigel. He offered a nod to the older gentleman before speaking. "Sorry for the rude reception. I hope we can put it behind us. We haven't exactly had an easy time lately." Ariko spoke sincere to Nigel as he reached out and offered his right hand to shake the mans.

As the group continued through town Ariko gave Nigel and Aedrianna a little space for their discussion, looking around and listening to Martins explaining of the zombie enemies they would be facing, and taking not of where he should be in case combat breaks out. Being a unarmed fighter he would most definitely be on the front line, but the thought of leaving Aedrianna's side was daunting, he did not wish for anything to happen while he was preoccupied should the need arise.

Spoke to Aedrianna.
Bought a poncho.
Approached Nigel.

Moonberry Moonberry Maxxob Maxxob
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Tomoko Brandy

Brandy delicately sniffed the air, a faint shake of her head accompanying her confident declaration. "I'm certain I'll be foineeee! To be perfectly frank, I've come here to kick some arse! dead or alive—it matters not, nyeheheh," she proclaimed proudly, her voice carrying a hint of mischief.

As she spoke, Brandy's attention turned to Aedri, who seemed to shiver slightly. Without hesitation, She enveloped Aedri in a warm hug, a soft giggle escaping her lips. "There, now we can share the warmth! Nyahe." And to ensure they wont fall behind, Brandy moved to Aerdris side, gently clasping Aedri's hand in hers, maintaining close proximity of warmth as her tail playfully flicked behind them.

Brandy hugged Aedri, happy to share the warmth!

Interaction: Moonberry Moonberry
Equipped Titles: [Offworlder], [Human], [Big and Small Game Hunter] - Color - #735f0f

Mentions: saxon saxon Maverick Six Maverick Six Develius Develius FantasyCat FantasyCat Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
Interactions: Tellussoil Tellussoil Moonberry Moonberry Elias Wren Elias Wren

Nigel watched intently and silently to all the attention he was receiving after approaching Aedrianna. As if carved from unfeeling stone, his statuesque presence remained unchanged, a polite smile still present on his lips despite all of it. With the female animal-person, Soreiel, whispering something to the girl with colored-hair, the hunter’s mind heeled with possible implications. Whispers, often the weapon of the meek and weak, were as dangerous as any blade being deeply inserted between someone’s ribs. Still, the human had no idea what was being talked about, only having his own assumptions of it.

Following that, he felt a small tapping on his back, not being caught by surprise by Noelle [Resilient Surprise]. With the same polite mask, his ash-colored eyes zeroed in on the girl’s azure ones. His expression could say it all: he was neither impressed nor threatened by the implied danger contained in her words [Resilient Fear]. But, even then, a mock expression of confusion was fabricated on his mask, tilting his head ever so slightly. “How could I be bothering your comrades? Clearly, if you all have Aedrianna’s best interest at heart, you wouldn’t try to turn away a helping hand in finding her missing father, yes?” A seed of doubt being thrown in the air, subtle poison being distilled. “But I do understand being careful with outsiders, it speaks volumes about the care towards her.” His tone had an edge of condescension.

Yet, the entertainment just continued. With the young feline-boy, Kiyo, bristling and snarling towards him, in a primal display, it took every fiber in Nigel’s body to keep him from laughing. Rather than threatened, he was amused by the little cub’s attempt of intimidation. The hunter had been face-to-face against bigger felines: lions, panthers and tigers alike. However, the raw and uncensored display was not an unwelcome one. He now knew more about the boy’s animal instincts and would keep them ingrained in his memory. And, while scything such a prey at this early stage of development held little value, the time for the hunt would eventually come.

Turning himself away from the group, as Eris, the woman in priestly attire, introduced herself, with quite many titles accompanying her name. “Hero, huh? I wonder if she is a war veteran…” Those were his thoughts, as someone else introduce themselves as a monster hunter. His eyes drifted briefly towards the man who introduced himself as Cassidy. A fellow competitor, possibly? That would make things rather interesting.

Nigel’s attention was then focused on her continuing explanation about the task they would undertake, his expression remaining relaxed for the moment. With a tip of his hat, he was on the move, following her and the group, the strong wind now blowing, feeling a slight chill running through his spine. At least, now he wasn’t in that detestable, warm weather, right?

“The formation is certainly sound.” The hunter offered about Eris’ suggestion, agreeing to it, although, just like Martin, the human was not used to formation of whatever one would expect from fighters of this world. No, his experience was with gun-wielding, squad-formations from the 30s, 40s and the 50s.

As Aedrianna approached him, Nigel kept his friendly demeanor, not betraying the morbid curiosity to know if the seeds he had planted earlier had taken root. And, from her impromptu apologies, it appeared that they did, in some sort of fashion. Now, with proper care, who knew how big this insidious plant would grow? “Oh please, just call me Nigel, no need for formalities.” His smile grew, showing once more pearly whites among a few golden teeth. “That is quite alright, your companions are already forgiven. It is good that you have surrounded yourself with such an overprotective bunch. You can count on my help to find Thaddeus. The sooner we find him, the sooner we will know if my suspicions were correct.” Taking off his hat, the hunter bowed slightly, returning her cutesy, his politeness betraying nothing of rot underneath his veneer.

The young man, who had flipped him off earlier, was met with the same friendliness, his hand being accepted in a handshake in a heartbeat. “That is quite alright, old sport. Better be prepared than to be caught by surprise, right?” He chuckled a bit, holding his hand for a moment longer, before releasing it. Things would be even more interesting than what he had imagined…

And, with Martin’s explanation about the nature of the undead, it appeared that Nigel has been mistaken. For such detailed description about the creature’s weaknesses and fortitude to be recounted in such a methodical manner, he had to concede that the threat, as absurd as it sounded, was real. Without any readily manner to put them down permanently, with the use of fire, he wondered how many projectiles it would take to keep them down at least momentarily. That would probably give a chance for those with the means to destroy them completely.

A nod was given, confirmation that the hunter had understood these preys’ particularities, his expression now unreadable, not a single shred of emotion crossing his features as the death of families being mentioned, probably now among the rank of the undead. He was as ready as he could ever be for it.

Nigel observes Soreiel's whispering with great interest.
Unflinching and unafraid, the hunter answers to Noelle's implied threats with subtle poison
The war veteran watches Kiyo's bestial display with great amusement
He is curious about the Hero title held by Eris, as well as to Cassidy being a hunter, albeit one of a different variety
Nigel accepts Aedrianna's apology in behest of her friends, further pledging his help to find her father. He also accepts Ariko's handshake and apology
Taking in the information given by Martin, Nigel already begins preparing himself for what there is to come.
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| saxon saxon [Eris] | Maverick Six Maverick Six [Martin] |

It appeared Cassidy had arrived just in time. And for the moment, it seemed that everyone failed to recognize his undead form. Or if they hadn't, they kept silent and composed. He would breathe a sigh of relief, though he knew better that he stayed alert. One slip up would be enough to give himself away. Regardless, the group was ready to depart and with it the gunslinger quietly followed them outside. Their next stop was the hamlet... and whatever was residing within those foresaken lands.

Cassidy ensured his Six-Shot Revolver was in prime firing condition, inspecting its parts and ensuring its weapon was in order. He wasn't too concerned about any of the mechanical parts locking up or freezing in such cold weather, though admittedly the possibility has crossed up in his noggin intrusively. No matter. Cassidy assumed it would be fine. The more important thing to discuss was, according to their leader Ms. Eris Grandstone, what their game plan was in terms of formation. She assumed casters being in the middle while heavy duty more rugged warriors stay both in the front with a few manning the back of the group.

This seemed all fine and dandy to Cassidy, but there was one bellyaching question he needed to get off his chest while he still could. He strolled up closer to Eris to announce his question. "If I may ask freely," the gunslinger asked curiously, "Just what kinda undead we be goin' up against? For the less informed masses? Bonefolk? Rotten-hides? Ghoully-boys?" Though it would be the hulking robed mechanical man who would elaborate more on what they were facing.

What Cassidy got was the following:
  1. The undead are sturdier than they appear.
  2. Fire puts the undead down for good.
  3. The undead prefer to be concealed; accompanied by snowstorms.
  4. Bites from the undead do not infect; dying in their presence turns you into them.
Cassidy rubbed his fake beard, ogling his choices. They didn't sound like mere skeletons at least. He could breathe easier knowing that. Nor were these sounding like ghouls or ghostly folk. Really they better fit the description of "Rotten-Hides"; or zombies. Though their bites being non-infectious was a curious detail, something contradicting what he was more familiar with back home. And his dark vision also wouldn't help too much in seeing through the snowstorm either, nor the fact they were moving early in the morning to have any real use for it. Really he imagined dark caves and, maybe, abandoned homes casted in shade would be useful. Still, confirmation from Eris would allow him a better idea what to expect.

Now if only he had access to fire-spewing napalm bullets...

In addition, someone known as "Eagle One" scouted the ruins and reported of the entire place being in ruins, with only one unknown figure being detected within. Cassidy couldn't help but sneer at that last portion. Sounded ominous. And while it was still in the air as to what this entity was - be it a friend or foe - the gunslinger had an aching suspicion in his bones. He had a hunch that the unknown figure on the horse mentioned in the briefing and this entity could possibly be one and the same. Though frankly who was to say?

With an ear out for Eris' response, Cassidy glanced back at the party for a moment before lighting a cigar for the long road ahead.



Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
Yume peeked her head up from the floor and smiled widely as her apology seemed to go well. She shook Soreiel's hand with enthusiasm, and her expression softened as the kitsune kept speaking, "People actually have slaves!? How barbaric." After a short pause, Yume winked, "I just realized, your nickname could be Sorry! How perfect~" Yume giggled. "Let's not die together~"

Moonberry Moonberry
If the whole situation had tied Yume and Soreiel together, it'd done the exact opposite to the one who'd ironically caused it to happen. Each time the two happened to be glancing in the same direction, like clockwork, Yume would turn away in a huff. This only escalated with time, until Yume was blowing raspberries at her like a petulant child.

Yume [Stealth]ily scooped some snow from a nearby crate as the group passed by, squeezed it into a small snowball, and hurled it at Aedrianna. Despite her subtlety, anyone paying attention to the two would've been able to guess what'd happened. No one more than Aedrianna herself.

saxon saxon
At first, Yume didn't react to the name at all. It was only once she'd had a moment to think back on Eris's specific words that she finally realized it was referring to her at all. Approaching Eris with a curious look, Yume asked, "Did you call me Yume earlier...?" she asked, tilting her head. "It's strange. I've been called Yume three times now, by people I never gave a name to. Do you know something I don't, Hero...?" She leaned forward, staring deep into Eris's eyes, begging for a satisfying answer. "Why do you call me Yume? Do you..."

"...Do you know about my curse?"

Trashed on slavery with Soreiel. Blew raspberries, then threw a snowball, at Aedrianna. Asked Eris about her name and her curse.
Aedrianna Belmonte



Aedrianna's smile held warmth as Ariko offered the fur hood, which she gently placed over her head before taking a measured sip of her tea. The flask was tightened and stowed away as she hummed softly, the melody on the cold wind feeling both familiar and haunting. Brandy's playful pounce brought a delighted giggle from Aedrianna, and she clasped her friend's hand, sharing the beastkin's warmth as they continued their trek.

The silver-haired girl's sullen glances were impossible to ignore, especially as she acted endearing with Sorieiel, despite her earlier, less-than-endearing nickname. Aedrianna mused over the lack of genuine apology but recognized the wisdom in Sorieiel's forgiveness. Their mission loomed ahead, and her personal quest felt increasingly futile. She sighed, leaning her head on Brandy's shoulder, the fur hood adding a comforting cushion. It was better to focus on the essentials: warmth and vigilance.

Just as she allowed herself a moment of respite, a sharp, icy pain burst across her face. She yelped, her high-pitched cry cutting through the cold air as she clung to Brandy to keep from falling. Brushing away the ice, her face stung with cold, and tears welled up, though they refused to fall. Her eyes narrowed, and she pinpointed the source of the icy projectile. A flare of temper rose within her as she stared Yume down for a tense three seconds, before she straightened her hood and reclaimed Brandy's hand. Ice blue eyes passing over Yume as if she no longer existed. She resumed following Eris, scanning the surroundings with renewed focus.

Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren Tau Tau Kikimura Kikimura
Aedri accepted the hood from ariko and Held hands with Brandy. Then glared at Yume for hitting her with a snowball. But ultimately ignored her.
Last edited:

Tomoko Brandy

Brandy enjoyed the warmth provided by the most important person in the world to her. Temporary and fleeting as it was, they were like sisters. Brandy just had to hope she wouldn't catch any feelings.
But . . .
"A-Aedri!" Brandy was quick to wipe Aedri's face off, casting a furious glance at Yume.

"What's your problem?!" She practically growled like a wild animal. She didn't mind anything done to her or her name, but when it came to Aedri, saying she was 'sensitive' would be an understatement.

Brandy tackled Yume to the ground with a low growl, her tail hairs standing on end as she looked quite raring to fight.

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Tau Tau saxon saxon
TLDR: Brandy tackled Yume to the ground in anger and defense of aedri.
Ariko Balba

On The Road - Aedrianna, Brandy, Yume.
As soon as the snowball made impact Ariko stepped in the way of the projectiles trajectory to intercept any possible future attacks, checking Aedrianna's face for any blood. "Are you alright boss?" Satisfied by the fact there wasn't any permanent damages he turned just in time to see Yume be taken to the ground by Brandy and let out a sigh.

Though he would like nothing more than to choke the life from the one who assaulted Aedrianna he knew now wasn't the time for such actions. A snowball was a minor threat considering what they were about to walk into. He knew what Aedrianna would want in this situation and made his way over to where Brandy sat on top of Yume, reaching down and grabbing her by the back of her clothes and pulling Brandy off the other girl.

"Now's not tha time for this. Go take care of Aedrianna." once he removed Brandy from Yume he reached down again and grabbed Yume by her wrist, pulling her to her feet and dusting her free of snow before staring down at her with his arms across his chest. "I don't know who you are, or what your problem is. But save the petty garbage for after the mission. Ariko turned away from Yume and made his way back to Aedrianna and stood next to her, now arching his neck back and forth with extreme vigilance to intercept any more surprises.

Moonberry Moonberry T Tauma3 Kikimura Kikimura

Noelle Nichi
With: Moonberry Moonberry | Rcticwolf Rcticwolf | Maxxob Maxxob | FantasyCat FantasyCat | Elias Wren Elias Wren | Maverick Six Maverick Six | Tau Tau | saxon saxon | Develius Develius
"Common" ~ <"Beastial">
  • Thinks Nigel is a mega creep and calls him that in beastial
  • remembers Jebidiah from an earlier mission they had together
  • Greets Eris politely referring to her as "teacher" due to Eris being a faculty member of Celistine Academy
  • feels troubled by Martin's explanation.
  • plays along with Hime's singing as they leave the keep
  • Notices Brandy tackling Yume after she hit Aedri with a snowball and Ariko pulling them apart
  • Checks on Yume to see if she is fine. She can't remember her name.

What was the deal with this guy? Next to being an absolute creeper, he was also acting condescending towards Noelle [Empathy F]. And that faking being surprised was not fooling the mermaid. She knew he was a predator, a dangerous man from the way he was presenting himself [insight F] The things he said were true though. Noelle wouldn’t deny help in finding Aedrieanna’s father. But that was not the problem here. But Aedrianna didn’t seem bothered by the hunter so she’ll let it slide. For now.
"Well if you say so"<"You creep"> She said calling him a creep in [bestial] while still smiling like a friendly yandere. Once Nigel turned around she dropped the smile to reveal the disgust she felt for him. Even for just a second before she sighed and returned to her normal demeanour.

In the meantime, three “new” people had entered. First was Brandy, another cat beastkin Noelle met at the fair and a childhood friend of Aedrianna. Next was a girl with drill hair… wait… didn’t Noelle seen those drills before? Yes, she is quite sure she saw those drill hair just now. Why does it feel like she was seeing the girl now for the first time? Anyway, Drills made an apology to Soreiel for touching her fluff. Lastly, a lean cowboy-looking fellow entered the hall. Noellrecogniseded him. They were together in that meat monster mission. And now she wished she didn’t remember him. Or more precisely that mission. That was no fun encounter.

Before anything else could happen everyone’s attention was drawn to the paladin-looking woman as she introduced herself. Eris had a lot of titles. Most of them meant nothing to Noelle. But she was a Hero it seems, which is cool.
Noelle walked up to Eris and bowed politely Greetings Miss Eris sensei" she said as she remembered Eris having been one of the teachers overseeing her exam at Celestine Academy. "it is nice to see you here"

The group soon left the keep following Eris. As they left the keep Noelle heard the song again on the wind. Still as beautiful as they arrived. Noelle grabbed her lute and started to play along with it [Performance E] as she walked through town. She heard Eris talk about formations. Eris’s plan sounds good enough. Noelle is not one to think about strategy much. But she does know she is best staying behind someone in a fight.
Martin gave some more information about the place they were going and the undead they would be facing. His information was helpful. But still, it left Noelle troubled. If the zombies were the reincarnated bodies of the hamlet’s citizen. Then eradicating them with fire sounds a bit harsh. There must be a more humane way to disable the undead which will not potentially make them suffer And naturally, the construct again seems to lack any sense of compassion and just wants to mindlessly kill because “monsters”. Or that is what Noelle believes that was what Martin’s words meant at the end of his speech.

Noelle was still walking relatively near the back of the group playing some music while glaring daggers at Nigel from time to time. Suddenly she heard a yelp. As Noelle looked she saw that Yume had thrown a snowball at Aedrianna. Noelle sighed. That was rather childish of Drills. But not something to get mad over. Especially as Aedrianna seem to take it like an adult. Brandy on the other hand. Not so much. The cat girl went into rage mode and jumped onto the drill-haired girl. "HEY you mad! It’s just a bit of snow!" she yelled hoping it would calm down Brandy. But before more catfighting could ensue Ariko had pulled the two apart. Noelle quickly walked over to Yume. "You okay? Uh… what was your name again?" Noelle said trying to remember what the girl’s name was. Not that she had given it to her earlier anyway.
Ariko Balba
View attachment 1171138

On The Road - Aedrianna, Brandy, Yume.
As soon as the snowball made impact Ariko stepped in the way of the projectiles trajectory to intercept any possible future attacks, checking Aedrianna's face for any blood. "Are you alright boss?" Satisfied by the fact there wasn't any permanent damages he turned just in time to see Yume be taken to the ground by Brandy and let out a sigh.

Though he would like nothing more than to choke the life from the one who assaulted Aedrianna he knew now wasn't the time for such actions. A snowball was a minor threat considering what they were about to walk into. He knew what Aedrianna would want in this situation and made his way over to where Brandy sat on top of Yume, reaching down and grabbing her by the back of her clothes and pulling Brandy off the other girl.

"Now's not tha time for this. Go take care of Aedrianna." once he removed Brandy from Yume he reached down again and grabbed Yume by her wrist, pulling her to her feet and dusting her free of snow before staring down at her with his arms across his chest. "I don't know who you are, or what your problem is. But save the petty garbage for after the mission. Ariko turned away from Yume and made his way back to Aedrianna and stood next to her, now arching his neck back and forth with extreme vigilance to intercept any more surprises.

Moonberry Moonberry T Tauma3 Kikimura Kikimura

Moonberry Moonberry Tau Tau Kikimura Kikimura

Soreiel sighed as she saw Brandy sprinting up and essentially smothering Aedrianna. “Where the hell did you come from? I thought you stayed in the town where the festival was held…” she stated in faux surprise.

What truly surprised her was Yume pelting Aedri with a snowball right to the head. She was reasonably stunned until Aedri confronted her and kept her composure, essentially ignoring her for the rest of the time.

Soreiel then saw brandy tackled Yume to the ground in revenge for Aedri, and before she could do anything to stop her Ariko came and pulled her off and separated the two girls.

Soreiel approached Brandy and scolded her. “What were you think brandy? Do you realize this reflects badly on lady Aedrianna? You need to control your temper like she did, if I was your mother I’d punish you for what you did” she stated giving a tug on Brandy’s ear to emphasize the point. She then leaned closer and whispered “and what you should’ve done was pelt Yume with a dozen snowballs in retaliation” she said with a slight chuckle
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: Tau Tau Moonberry Moonberry Maxxob Maxxob FantasyCat FantasyCat Elias Wren Elias Wren Kikimura Kikimura Tellussoil Tellussoil Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Maverick Six Maverick Six Develius Develius

Notes: Due to the number of people I do ask for my sake you include a TLDR either at the top or the bottom of your post.

Eris smiled as Noelle walked up to her and greeted her, "It has been awhile since the exam hasn't it." Eris concluded before she had started to make her way out of the keep. Though the cast that had been assembled here seemed like it was going to be an interesting bunch. She nodded her head as Martin explained the situation in more detail adding what they had learned yesterday about the undead. "Yes but keep in mind, he said they were also burning the bodies afterwards," She added to his sharing of the information. Eris brought her hand to her chin as she pondered what exactly they were dealing with. After all, this was not your typical undead horde or necromancy for sure.

When Boone asked his question, she simply shrugged. "Apparently, they more resemble zombies, but it's a mixture of races in their ranks. So I'm sure plenty of travelers have gone missing here and there," Eris concluded based on the information they had received so far. Which admittedly wasn't a whole lot and there was still a lot to do. The main thing was, for the moment, to avoid fighting the undead if they could; after all, if there are a lot of them, they can be overwhelmed, especially if they managed to split everyone else up.

Then there came Yume, "Well that is your name, anyone with the right skill can see that." Eris replied to her first question. "Appraisal is a useful thing; I can see a lot of information on your status board, including your ability," Eris answered with a nod of her head. When the telepathy came back in she thought for a moment. "Well that depends on your definition of that word, I don't see anything like that on your board," She concluded right before Yume was tackled by Brandy.

Eris was about to step in to split the two up when Ariko stepped in and picked Yume up off the ground, letting out a small sigh as the situation seemed to be deescalating itself. "Now, Yume stay close to me, so I can keep an eye on you. But anyway once we pass through the gate we will be in the wilds so we should start being more alert once we lose sight of town," Eris pointed out as she crossed the threshold of the gate and started to follow the main road. The snow on the path was compact as people had been traveling it to reach the safety of the town.

The snow on the outside of the path seemed fluffy and powdery, though the depth was unknown; as the group moved onward, they started to reach the sea of pine trees. A place that would once have seen lumberers felling trees and hauling them back. However, only the sounds of birds chirping greeted the group. Eris glanced around as the trees weaved blocking angles of line of sight as they passed through.

The wind picked up from the east and blew some of the snow into the air. Eris slowed her pace as she moved next to Aedrianna. "You were looking for your father, right? Do you happen to know where he was going?" Eris inquired as the smell of a campfire was now in the crisp air. Further down the road, there was a small plume of smoke indicating that someone had set up a camp ahead.

Those who had a heightened sense of sight would see two kitsunes sitting around the campfire. Their clothes were tattered, and their packs were set off to the side of the fire. The older Kitsune was hunched over the fire as he was roasting some kind of meat. His ear's twitched as he heard the sound of the group on the path turning around he squinted as he saw people were approaching.

"Hail travelers, these are dangerous times to be traveling. What bring you out here? We are on our way to Nan Gau and I would suggest that you return as well," The old man suggested as he took a few steps forward away from the fire.

Mentions: FantasyCat FantasyCat saxon saxon Develius Develius Tau Tau
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Novice Tinkerer, Isekai


"For all we know, it could be a new species." He says to the Cowboy. "Given their wild descriptions, I would keep an open mind." He thinks for a moment, pruning through the information in his mind as though they were well-organized files.

After giving his speech, Martin noted the varying degrees of attention given. And the different reactions people had. Some appeared to be sickened. Others were more indifferent. But at the very least, some seemed to have absorbed the information. Hopefully, it was close enough to what they might encounter. A few may or may not have paid attention, but he hardly had much interest in seeking clarification. Some disgust was expected. Another thing he was all but accustomed to.

The group had begun their antics and conversed soon after. The general of the conversation reminded him of days past. "This reminds me of being in college. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing." He comments generally. Given that they were soon to be on a mission. He questioned the general maturity of the group regardless of their ages. However, there was practically nothing to go off when it came to how individually capable each and every person was.

Soon, however, one person wandered over to him. A brow raised as he heard his smaller approach. And he looked down to see one of the beast people. After he heard him speak.

"Your reaction was typical. I can't say such a thing bothers me. I accept your apology." He said, his tone a bit indifferent. Being so used to scorn, it had hardly registered to Martin. He couldn't bring himself to care for the disgust or fear of others beyond how it affected his ability to function. In the same regard, it made Kiyo easy to forgive. He didn't have any hatred or dislike for him in the first place.


"Good questions." He says to Kiyo, his tone becoming noticeably more pleasant. A subtle smile appears on his face.

Curiosity and initiative are to be praised.

"I suspect so." He answers Kiyo's question. "Whatever they are, there appears to be a magical element to them. Given the mention of manipulating the weather, I would say there is most likely an arcane element to them. Either from them or from something else which accompanies them." He comments. Some similar effects were potentially possible otherwise here.

Someone could generate wind by merely swinging their sword a certain way. This world had laws of physics fundamentally different from even his own that he basically had to relearn. Yet he still leaned into a magical explanation.

"Perhaps the single living soul we spotted was our mage. Or a lucky survivor." He shrugs. "Though even the guards, I scantly recall, had to be careful of losing people. It's difficult to imagine someone-"

The conversation was cut short. Martin heard yelling from behind him. While the scene was chaotic, Martin's eyes quickly darted about it. Aedrianna had a face full of snow from who knows where. He watched as Yume was tackled by Tomoko without saying much. Martin walked over to the two as Brandi rolled around. He reached for his gun and aimed it to the sky.

“What were you think brandy? Do you realize this reflects badly on lady Aedrianna? You need to control your temper like she did, if I was your mother I’d punish you for what you did."

At this point, the party began to converge on the two. One person came to split the two apart physically. While another yanked the cat girl by her ear off Yume. Quietly, Martin ceased to aim his gun in the sky. And then quietly returned it to his holster. Then he actually took a moment to think about what it was he had just done.

Why did I do that?

When Eris suggested that Yume simply stick close by to her -- Martin nodded in agreement. "I concur. You seem to have a habit of causing trouble...Yume." This stranger seemed to have a knack for causing trouble. Though Martin wondered why he'd say that when he'd only seen her this morning.

But just as he did think about his own internal workings, they were soon to leave the town and venture out into the wilderness. And Martin knew well that this meant that they could potentially be attacked at any time. On their way over. He spotted about 2 people. One Kitsune man spoke up, seeking to stop the party and warn.

This seems a waste of my time.

Many things Martin said went through some type of filter. A moment is taken to think of how to reword it or something else to say. Even more so, he found himself doing this when in the Republic. Many appeared not to take too kindly to constructs, to say nothing of a so-called "Abomination" such as him. This was only worsened by Martin's actual personality. In this case, however, he realized this man might have some useful information. Noticing the tatters in his clothes, he might have had a run-in with what they were facing.

His eyes flicked to the others in the party.

"Perhaps one or a few of you might wish to speak to the man pertaining to our mission." A suggestion to the others. The Cyborg felt social matters were likely best left to people of the more personable sort. To say nothing of those who were of a similar race. Perhaps Aedrianna or Noelle might be a better fit to inquire about something from the man.

Too Long Didn't Read / Summary

  • Martin answer's Kiyo's question and seems more amicable to him in particular
  • Martin almost intervenes when Yume is tackled, but sees no need once the party intervenes
  • Martin agrees that Yume should stay near Eris due to her "Habit of causing trouble"
  • Martin suggests someone else in the party questions the Kitsune man who's talking to them.

text-1718443376422 (1).jpg
Upon his apology being accepted a relieved smile formed on Kiyo’s face, he then listened to Martin intently while nodding slowly. There were too many possibilities to pinpoint one cause, more information would be needed to figure out exactly what was causing the dead to rise and if it was the actions of an individual or something else entirely. Before he could continue conversing with Martin a yell from behind caused him to spin around at high speed, initially thinking they were under attack.

Seeing that Aedrianna was in distress Kiyo quickly walked over to her before entering his healer mindset, something that was instinctive when he saw someone get hurt or injured. “Hold still…” He said to Aedrianna as he checked her face for any damage. Kiyo may have had little experience with snow, but he knew the smallest thing could maim or even kill. After a moment he was satisfied that there was no serious harm done, however, to be sure he placed his right hand just above where the snowball hit before the green seed that was fused into his palm began to gently glow multiple hues of green. His pupils would also glow softly while he focused on reducing any pain she may have been feeling. “That should help with the stinging” He said smiling with his eyes closed.

It was afterwards he noticed the commotion between Yume and Tomoko. Realizing Yume was the one to throw the projectile the rage that Tomoko felt resonated with him causing him to snarl a little in annoyance. “Please don’t hurt my friend” He said angrily. Kiyo was usually not one for confrontation, though the cold was bringing out the worst in him.

The sounds of the birds chirping were like music to Kiyo’s ear. It eased the tension he was feeling and made him briefly forget about the undead that they were going to face. He admired the evergreens that surrounded them, a true statement of nature's ability to endure. He ended up wandering away from the group to inspect the wildlife even if it meant trudging through the deep snow. He reached out and gently touched one of the trees in reverence while quietly speaking with his eyes closed in a unique tongue that was a mixture of both Sylvan and Beastial. Speakers of either one or both would be able to understand it as a form of prayer or worship. “May this land be cleansed of corruption to allow all life to grow and thrive as one”
Used healing hands on Aedrianna
Annoyed with Yume
said a prayer while touching a nearby tree

Actions: Healing Touch, Magic F, Healing D, 2 post cooldown

Interactions: Maverick Six Maverick Six Moonberry Moonberry Tau Tau

Mentions: Kikimura Kikimura
Equipped Titles: [Offworlder], [Human], [Big and Small Game Hunter] - Color - #735f0f

saxon saxon
Mention: Tellussoil Tellussoil Maverick Six Maverick Six Moonberry Moonberry Kikimura Kikimura

Nigel kept following Eris' lead, boots crunching the snow beneath its leathery soles. The hunter kept a close, yet respectful distance to Aedrianna and her clique, his commitment to sell the identity he had fabricated was total. Keeping his ears open, he tried to gather as much information of whispers and uttered words that could have been traded between those within the group.

From time to time, he would notice Noelle's stare, along with the playing of the lute, its accusatory edge not unfounded. To it, the return was rather simple: a curling at the very left corner of his lips, returning the stare in an almost unspoken challenge. The human was, after all, a primate first and foremost, knowing how unsettling it could be if a pair of eyes were to focus on another one for a moment too long. To bring doubt, to bring discomfort, it was a new hunting grounds for sure, away from the sight of his scope and so much closer than someone who would take a hobby such as his would appreciate. Whatever was present behind the man's ash-colored orbs clearly didn't match the coy smirk, which threatened to blossom at any moment. A left index was brought to Nigel's lips, held vertically, for a fleeting moment, in a hushing sign, in the very next one trailing along his full mustache, as if he were fixing it.

The hunter's concentration would be drawn from the blue-haired girl when a wet sound reached his ears. Out of habit, the Lee-Enfield shifted, rather rapidly, from his shoulder to his hands. His gaze feel on both the offender and offended, Yume and Aedrianna, raised eyebrow following-suit. And Nigel's reaction would be one as expected of manufactured and false kinship to Aedrianna. A nasty glare was shot towards the girl with the hair-drills, followed by an audible click of his tongue in displeasure. Yet, before he had a chance to say anything, Brandy, the feline-girl, simply pounced the offender. The mixture of primal rage and overprotectiveness was such a curious blend of emotions to watch, the rawness in lack of levelheadedness taken in as if Nigel were watching a play in a theater. "Such an easy toy to wind-up and see it go off, I see. I am glad I didn't stick around to raise that brat."

In the midst of all the altercation, the hunter's eyes drifted to someone else. The part-organic, part-mechanic man, Martin, was holding his firearm and pointing it towards the skies. Nigel's ashen gaze narrowed, infinitesimally. Was he planning to bring order through shooting towards the skies? How curious would it be if the projectile ended up hitting someone during its falling trajectory. The chances appeared to be quite slim, yet there was a chance of it nonetheless.

Before that could take place, a few had stepped to bring the confrontation to a close, disentangling the feline-girl from Yume. Even Eris decided it was time to act, making sure that Yume would remain close to her.
"That would be for the best, yes? We can't allow for silly distractions when things get a tad more serious. The shorter the leash, the better." The human joined in Martin's words, the unpredictability coming from the girl with hair-drills being a possible detriment for most in the group.

Eventually, the group would come across a pair at the distance, sitting around a campfire. With a neutral expression and flat lips, Nigel listened to the older kitsune man speak. "By all means, go right ahead." The Englishman said to the group, apparently also not being interested to gather information from both travelers, letting that task to the more... friendly and inquisitive members of the party.

A silent challenge towards Noelle.
A curious observation of action and reaction between Aedrianna, Yume and Tomoko.
A raised firearm didn't escape his attention.
A rowdy Yume ought to be kept in a short leash.
A conversation better be left to others.



saxon saxon
"My name is Yume...?" Whatsherface replied thoughtfully, trying it a few more times, "Yume. Yume? Yume! Hm. Who writes this appraisal status board thing, anyway? I sure didn't. Not that it's a terrible name..."

She frowned as the conversation continued, though. "So there's nothing on there about a memory curse? Nothing at all?" Yume pressed, not being particularly quiet about it despite most of the party being well within earshot. "What does it say exactly? Can I s— aaaAAHH!!!"

Kikimura Kikimura
Yume shrieked as the cuddly catgirl with no personal boundaries continued to "cuddle" and show no boundaries. As the back of Yume's head struck the stony ground, her ridiculous, soft hair cushioned the fall, leaving her dazed where she could've been knocked unconscious. Yume coughed a few times, forcing her usual smirk despite the vulnerable position. "Aww, what a good friend you are~" It wasn't clear whether the line was sarcastic or an honest compliment, sitting ambiguously in-between.

Now that Brandy was in close contact, she'd be able to tell just how frail Yume was. Under the confident persona, was a girl in a body practically made of paper and glass. If Brandy had a mind to, she could break one of Yume's arms without much effort. Possibly, Yume was struggling to get free, but if she was, it didn't feel like a struggle at all. More like fidgeting.

Elias Wren Elias Wren
Eventually, the catgirl was peeled off of her, and a strong hand pulled her to her feet. "Didn't you see my appraisal status board?" she joked, coughing a few times before starting to stabilize back to normal. She waited for Ariko to turn his back before adding, "...and you shouldn't call girls 'petty.' That's no way to court a lady~"

Tellussoil Tellussoil saxon saxon
Yume looked genuinely surprised, and a bit touched for a moment, when Noelle asked if she was okay. It was the most serious she'd looked since arriving, though it didn't last long. Even so, she still appeared appreciative.

"Has no one checked my appraisal status board aside from My Hero? How shall any understand me without checking my appraisal status board~?" Every time she said it, the 'appraisal status board' sounded more like a product commercial, and likewise, a lighthearted jab at Eris for having such an invasive thing. "My appraisal status board tells me I'm Yume, but I can't tell how I'm feeling because I can't see my appraisal status board."

Yume glanced down at the lute, which Noelle had been playing for a while. "And I think if I could read your appraisal status board, it would probably say you're a wonderful musician. Sadly, my ears can't read it, so I guess we'll never know. Maybe My Hero can help~?" she threw Eris a smug glance.

saxon saxon Maverick Six Maverick Six Maxxob Maxxob
Yume didn't offer any resistance to the idea of being leashed to Eris, pulling a Brandy and settling in uncomfortably close to the one she'd chosen as mostly likely to save her from a fatal zombie attack. Peering over Eris's shoulder, she stared at Martin with a pensive look, holding it for several long seconds, before answering in her usual, silly fashion, "Only the good kind~" She turned away quickly.

"Mhm, you definitely look like you'd know a thing or two about leashing girls~" Yume jabbed, addressing the strange man in the hat for the first time. "Not that I mind, if My Hero wants me close enough to defend me~!"

FantasyCat FantasyCat Moonberry Moonberry
Yume’s eyes drifted over to the male catgirl. She puffed air into one cheek as he healed the rainbow with a girl attached to it, and then turned back to Yume like she was some kind of bully. This caused Yume to pause and consider, maybe she was…? But no, this was entirely deserved. Aedrianna was the popular girl who excommunicated anyone who wasn’t in on all the holy trends. Just replace ‘trend’ with ‘national etiquette’ and it was all the same, gross mindset: one slip up, and you were deported from Aedriland.

Did her pack know? Did they know that those people were the worst? They didn’t tolerate jokes at their expense. They didn’t stand by you when you were hurting. They were never on your side. Spending every waking second, they would seek every way in which they could point out they were better than you.

"&$@# you, Felicia…!" Yume answered Kiyo by silently hurling a curse back into her previous world. Seeing that snobby look on Aedrianna’s face as she passed over Yume like a ghost only confirmed it. How pompous! Yume wanted nothing more than to free her captives from that parasitic relationship. Maybe then they could find a real friend who would stand by them with no strings attached. Whatever noble connections she offered them, surely weren’t worth it, she just needed them to see that somehow…

After they left Nan Gau, it wasn’t long until Yume broke her leash to follow Kiyo. She made a point of standing in front of him during his prayer, where she would be clearly visible, and bent down to pack another snowball. At first, it felt like such a brazen act of defiance, but then she suddenly tilted her head up and tossed the snowball straight into the air. A few seconds later, she managed to catch it with her face, coughing a few times as she wiped the snow off her nose.

… Then she stood there, staring at Kiyo, like a puppy who’d witnessed a trick earning another dog a treat, and now expected one for copying it.

saxon saxon
After a short while, Yume returned right to Eris’s side to continue the journey. At least, until they came across the travelers with a cozy fire, where the leash instantly snapped, yet again.

"Weeellll, we’re traveling in dangerous times to make the times less dangerous~" Yume answered cryptically. "If you’ve seen any zombies around here, we’d love directions. A snowstorm will do, too."

Having finished speaking for the group, Yume slipped up to the old man’s side and whispered in his ear with a sweet and innocent tone, "Mister, I’m new here in the Republic, and I’m afraid I’ve already offended a friend by touching her ears. Would you happen to know of any other no-no’s I should watch out for…?"

Takes deep breath…
  • Realizes her name is Yume.
  • Asks Eris about the "appraisal status board."
  • Asks Eris about (and basically announces) a "memory curse."
  • Questionably compliments Brandy.
  • Teases Ariko.
  • Compliments Noelle while mocking Eris’s "appraisal status board."
  • Actually talks with Martin.
  • Teases Nigel.
  • (OOC only) Reveals childhood trauma as reason for disliking Aedrianna; internally doubles down against her.
  • Briefly follows Kiyo to smack herself in the face with a snowball.
  • Asks old man NPC for directions to zombies or snowstorm.
  • Secretly asks old man NPC for Republic social taboos to "avoid."

Tomoko Brandy

Brandy, as if only now realizing her actions-- perhaps due to just how frail the girl was; got up and helped Yume up with her. Brandy was an airhead by all accounts; but she didn't enjoy hurting people-- at least not ones who are much weaker than her, because that will make her a bully!
"Sorry . . . Just think twice before you hurt my friends. Especially Aedri. those who touch a hair upon her head will meet a very violent end."
And with that, she scoffed, making her way off back to cuddling Aedriannas side.

Brandy helps Yume up with a warning, and goes back to coddling Aedri.

Reactions: Moonberry Moonberry Tau Tau
Naarator ping: saxon saxon
Soreiel had watched the groups interactions with each other as they walked from the hall where the briefing was held, heading to their destination. Despite her outfit it seemed like she blended in with the snow, so she used this opportunity to study everyone she was with.

Maxxob Maxxob
“Firstly there’s Mister Nigel… I don’t like him, I could smell blood and death on him, and the way he looks at me I don’t like, he’s either got to be a hunter or a creep… regardless, I won’t let him get close to Aedrianna, I’m pretty sure he isn’t a relative of hers…” she thought to herself. “Could he really be of any help with that strange weapon on his back?” She asked herself

Tau Tau
Soreiel then looked over at Yume, seeing how she reacted after being being tackled by brandy then separated by Ariko. “So she acts like a weak and frail child when it wasn’t as clear when she accosted me… it seems like she doesn’t have much in the way of situational awareness when it comes to other people, I for certain saw her struggle when it came to apologizing to me… I don’t think she will do very well in combat…” she thought as she continued her observations

Maverick Six Maverick Six
Soreiel then turned her gaze to Martin. “Well he definitely is a construct of some kind, I think I see more metal bits on him then Almeida has… and I wonder? Could he withstand a hit from her hammer? If so he could be useful in combat against these undead… and Kiyo has taken a keen interest in him for some reason, I’m curious as to what he’s thinking, I’ll have to ask him later…” she thought for a moment “well at least he looks sturdy enough to defend the others if things go bad” she spoke out loud

Kikimura Kikimura FantasyCat FantasyCat

“now for Brandy and Kiyo… Brandy IS way to clingy to Aedrianna and doesn’t act like she really has any independent thought, but I can tell she is a fighter in some way, at least she probably could be, I haven’t known her long enough to really judge. Now Kiyo, he seems too young and nice to be a fighter, but with his reaction to Nigel it’s possible he has some hidden talent in fighting, or at least has some underlying rage or instincts… hmmm, perhaps he’d be good to fight with along with Brandy” she thought, smiling a bit at the thought of fighting with the other two beastkin in her part.

saxon saxon

“Eris is next, she definitely acts a lot like the nobles I’ve seen while enslaved, however she’s definitely nicer than those and seems to be very caring towards Yume, almost motherly to the strange girl, I wonder how their relationship developed, as for her combat skills… if her titles are anything to go by, I’m guessing she is very decent in a fight, but she still looks like those nobles that would have somebody else do the fighting for her so we shall see.” She thought for a moment.

Elias Wren Elias Wren

“Lastly there’s Ariko, having only just met him at the festival, he’s already demonstrated his crassness and desire to cause trouble, however he carries himself like a warrior and is determined to protect Aedrianna, which makes sense, she did hire him as a bodyguard after all” she chuckled “I can trust him to watch over Aedrianna and Noelle at least” she stated

Moonberry Moonberry Tellussoil Tellussoil

“I’ll also need to keep an eye on Aedrianna and Noelle, neither really seem suitable for battle, especially Noelle, I don’t think her enchanting music will do anything to the undead, but she could still pull out a surprise or two, and as for Aedrianna she needs to work on her own combat capabilities on the off chance that there’s nobody there to watch over her, well we can work on that later, I don’t think trying to teach her in the middle of a swarm of undead would do well” she chuckled
Aedrianna Belmonte


She'd done her best to remain indifferent and not make a scene. And yet still somehow there was a scene and she was somehow a source of the cause. She drew in a breath, wiping at her face again, when she saw Mr Martin pull his gun in the air. He had an almost old cowboy western look to him in that moment. She was glad when he didn't shoot. That wouldn't be good in these mountains. Thankfully Ariko stepped in for her, and pulled Brandy away from Yume. She sighed gratefully when Brandy apologized. Looking to Ariko and smiling at him, nodding her thanks. He'd done well by her.


When Kiyo approached her and his magic washed over her she closed her eyes and gave a soft sigh. Feeling somewhat fresh and renewed. It was strange, feeling someone Elses magic. When the sensation began to fade, she opened her eyes and smiled whole heartedly towards Kiyo. The snowball hadn't actually done any damage, but the comfort was appreciated. She put her arms up and gave the boys hand a gentle squeeze.

"Thank you Kiyo. You're so sweet." She watched as he wandered off to look at the scenery. Noticing silently that the silly girl had just thrown a snowball in her own face. At this point she was beginning to see what the issue was. She let out a deep sigh and massaged her temple, Watching as Sorieiel scolded Brandy, and nudged her playfully. She smiled a little, glad that the situation was resolved. Her blue eyes flitted towards Ariko again and she hummed. When he wanted to keep his cool, he was very helpful. She hoped she could be just as helpful to him. That's how
business deals usually went. All she had to offer was the bit of money she had from her family shop. But if she couldn't find her father...Her thoughts began to churn into a tumultuous mess of negative thoughts.

That's when she heard Noelle mutter in beastial towards Nigel. She found herself responding naturally. In the language she'd grown up speaking. Her steps bringing her up between Noelle, Brandy, and Sorieiel. <"I know he seems a bit strange. But we should try to be nice and work together...If we're fighting each other...then when the undead come it'll be a real mess."> She paused, glancing between them as she spoke in the guttural language. Glancing discreetly at Yume as she continued to test the boundaries of the hypothetical leash that Eris supposedly had. <"I think that girl is a lonely. She's an Idiot though"> She grinned, giggling towards Noelle and Sorieiel, the inside joke of <Idiot> from Almeida playing into her words. <"But I think it's obvious she doesn't like me. So, I'll just mind my own business and stay quiet.">

She frowned, looking towards the man in the distance that was warning them off. Then looked to Sorieiel who seemed to be sizing everyone up. She reached her hand out and squeezed the kitsunes hand gently, smiling warmly. <"I've never been in a real fight before but...I promise I'll do everything I can to be helpful."> She looked to Noelle and Brandy as well. <"So let's work together and make this a great first battle for our adventuring stories!">

She seemed content to walk alongside Sorieiel and the other girls. However Eris's question caught her full attention. She turned to look at the woman and smiled. Speaking again in common. "Yes actually..." Her eyes flicked back towards Sorieiel. "There was an issue...with some old business partners in the Eastern Empire. Zhao...Jhun I think. He said he'd be gone for a few weeks to resolve the issue. But it's been about....well I think a month or so. It's possible he's running a little late...but...that's not really like him. He should have been crossing the border around a week ago. I was hoping if we asked around someone might know something." Her word flowed out as she eagerly spilled every detail she could think. Hoping some minor bit would bring her closer to finding him.

Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren FantasyCat FantasyCat Rcticwolf Rcticwolf saxon saxon Kikimura Kikimura Tellussoil Tellussoil
Aedri observes everything that happens and moves over to Sorieiel, Noelle, and Brandy, and starts talking in Beastial. Then answers Eris about where her father is returning from. (The Eastern Empire Border Near the base of the Paizu Mts.)
Last edited:



| Maxxob Maxxob [Eris] | Maverick Six Maverick Six [Martin] | Tau Tau [Yume] | Kikimura Kikimura [Tomoko] | Moonberry Moonberry [Aedrianna] |

"Figured as much..." Cassidy sighed, as Eris confirmed the identity of their undead opponents. Martin warned that they keep an open mind too, for these could be some new type of zombie. The gunslinger understood his worry, nodding slowly. "Then reckon we keep 'er wits sharp and minds' keen." Cassidy affirmed. Rotten-Hides are a tough breed, regardless of what they were in life. While easy opponents when faced alone or in small groups, an entire horde is a completely different beast. No one could hope to kill them all. Not unless they had enough manpower, firepower, and sheer bravado to ensure their complete and utter destruction. And even so, they likely wouldn't emerge unscathed. Their only saving grace was the they fact the zombies can be permanently set to rest by scorching them to ash. Nor could they spread their influence through simple contact. Only through death can they take you.

Or in Jeb's case: his complete dismantlement.

Nonetheless, Cassidy found himself quiet amongst the bolstering masses. The scuffle between swirly-haired Yume, the soft-eyed Aedrianna, and cat-eared Tomoko had caught his attention briefly, enough to hover his hand over his holster in case things got too out of pocket. But as others defused the situation, Cassidy merely gave a side eye at them, with one aimed at saucy Yume for starting this ball-fight and another at Tomoko's sudden switch from having the primal-fury of a tiger to being an affectionate kitty cat towards victimized Aedrianna. Certainly a rowdy lot, but one's not to judge their actions in downtime for utter incompetence. That was reserved for their efforts in battle; for what they wielded, how they wielded them, and the determined will and comradery in working together towards a common goal.

He kept close to Eris as the group continued forth, scouting their vicinity for any signs of zombie presence. Though what they came across instead were two lone fox-folk - or Kitsune as the locals call 'em. They were worse for wear, with tattered clothes and wearied faces. Hailing the approaching travelers, they told them they were on their way to Nan Gau and they advised that the group headed there as well. Several of their party's rank were allowing others to lead this conversation; at least those more inclined in convincing or general conversation. Cassidy would oblique on his own, stepping forth to be among the first to converse with the two.

"Afraid ya caught us mosing outta there," he retorted back with a chilled suave tone, "We got business in these 'ere parts. Monster business." He allowed Yume to address their situation next, although her sly tone and crossworded meanings were... puzzling to say the least. Seeing her discretely whispering into the older man's ear had him perk an eye of suspicion. Weird, but harmless... hopefully. His attention glanced over towards the other younger Kitsune, perking his head up to grab his attention. "You there." he addressed, "What can ya tell us 'bout the road ahead? We've heard reports of zombie-folk causin' a ruckus up 'ere, so it be best we get a mighty good idea on whatta expect. Seen any suspicious folk or encountered any foul-weather on yer way 'ere by chance?"
Ariko Balba

On The Road - Nigel

With everything settled Ariko looked back to Aedrianna and cast a soft smile before turning his attention to Nigel once again. He made his way over to the man and began to walk next to him, matching us pace to speak with him. "Do, what's the game hunter?"

Ariko kept it intentionally vague tongue the mans response since he was hard to read anyway, hoping to glean some information about his true objective. Ariko would then follow up with a short observation and further questions. "You don't seem to be from here, like me. Where'd you come from?"

Maxxob Maxxob Moonberry Moonberry
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: Tau Tau Moonberry Moonberry Maxxob Maxxob FantasyCat FantasyCat Elias Wren Elias Wren Kikimura Kikimura Tellussoil Tellussoil Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Maverick Six Maverick Six Develius Develius

Notes: Due to the number of people I do ask for my sake you include a TLDR either at the top or the bottom of your post.

Eris nodded her head as several members of the group agreed Yume should stay close to her. The last thing Eris needed was a loose cannon, and at this moment, Yume seemed to be turning people into a loose cannon. She figured that if Yume was within arm's reach, she could at least keep the girl in line enough not to cause any more friction within the group. Though from the looks of it so far it seemed like it was going to be a very taxing task to say the least.

That was when Yume decided to start to bombard Eris with questions, "Thats what I read, now I can't give away all my secrets now and no, I can't show you that is physically impossible." Eris replied as Yume wasn't being too quiet about the whole situation. Eris let out a sigh as the group was now underway. When Yume spoke up again trying to get the others to look at her board she simply shrugged her shoulders. "You might be able to pick up the ability to look at the board, its not very heard and I already told you everything that was relevant," Eris pointed out. "If that is how you see if, though its more so I can keep my eyes on you," Eris retorted to Yume saying it was to defend her.

Eris nodded her head as she listened to Aedrianna as she spoke on the matter. "Hmmm, well I haven't seen or heard anything and we do seem to be heading in the opposite direction if that is the case. But, I'll keep my ears open while we are still here. Now if you will excuse me, I need to return to my detainee," Eris smiled, nodded her head as she returned to Yume to ensure the girl didn't try to start anything else though she took note of the comments that were made.

The older Kitsune shifted his gaze as Yume got close and started to whisper, which the old man took a few steps to his left to create some distance between him and Yume. "You are looking for those monsters? If that is the case well I wish you luck but, I again I would advise returning to Nan Gau. Those things are hard to kill and they don't give up...I doubt many people will get away from them once they catch your scent," The old man paused for a moment as he looked over toward the fire. "We haven't see them for over a day now, there was no snowstorm when we saw them, though that might be because it happened at night when they attack," The old man concluded as he rubbed his hands together to generate some heat.

"As for you, you should learn some personal space," The old man pointed looking over at Yume. Though from what was said so far there was a reasonable chance they were from the hamlet in question that the group was going toward. When Jeb spoke up the Kitsune turned his attention to the cowboy.

"Well, after awhile when you follow the road, there was some deep snow that came up to my knees on the road. I would assume since the attacks have been happening, there haven't been enough people traveling to help pack down the snow. If you don't know the road you might accidentally wander off of it if you are not careful," The Kitusne replied as he paused for a moment. "Though the close to Nan-Li you get, the fewer animals that are in the area, I remember times when there was no birds singing during the day either, it was all very strange," He concluded.

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