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Active [Nan Gau] May Even These Peseants Have Respite! Pt. III

Call to Adventure


One Thousand Club
Hello, everyone; this RP is set in the world of Isekai Hell.

This Rp is the next installment of the [Isekai Hell] May Even These Peasants Have Respite! and [Isekai Hell] May Even These Peasants have Respite! Pt. II series in the town of Nan Gau. This Rp follows the following day after [Nan Gau] May Even These Wayward Wanderers Have Respite. A town has taken root outside the fort where this once was a military outpost. It has slowly become akin to a castle town.
Location(s): Nan Gau
Time of Day: 9:00 AM
Weather: Snow covers the ground, reflecting off the morning sun. There is a light breeze to the north; however, the cold wind cuts through to the bone.
Goal: To gather more information on the threat and develop Nan Gau, Eris Evolution and any other goals the characters have.
Song on the Air:

Nan Gau.jpg

New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: Tau Tau Moonberry Moonberry Maxxob Maxxob FantasyCat FantasyCat Elias Wren Elias Wren Kikimura Kikimura Tellussoil Tellussoil Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Maverick Six Maverick Six

Notes: Due to the number of people I do ask for my sake you include a TLDR either at the top or the bottom of your post. I will be doing so myself After this initial post.

Following the bandit takeover almost a year ago, the new garrison commander had been put in charge of the fort. The roads have recently returned to normal, with merchants traveling up and down the road, which has brought a boom to the Nan Gau economy as a whole. The fort had been repaired from the dragon and undead attack. However, due to the winter weather that persists in the mountains, the restocking of building supplies has been slow, now with a hamlet that is built over an underground hot spring and one of the few areas that remain green all year round has gone silent.

Due to security risks, Commander Rextelian, the Commander of Nan Gau Fort, has decided to enlist the help of adventurers to act as scouts. Clan Yamimoto the reigning clan has also taken note of the events that have been transpiring in Nan Gau. After much debate, they relented, allowing a job request to be posted with the Adventurer's Guild, and word was sent for those seeking a hefty payout that matched the danger to meet in the main keep of Nan Gau Fort. The day was unusually clear for this time of the year as the sun reflected off the fresh powdery snow, with each step there was a slight sound of crunching as one walked on the snow. The slight breeze brought cool air down from the top of the mountain as several people lit paper lanterns and released them.

As one approached the main keep, a song was on the air. Someone was singing through the origin, which couldn't be determined. The song sounded as if it was coming from all directions, though the voice was soft and welcoming. Eris pushed open the door to the fort to realize she was not the first adventurer here; later last night, plenty of adventurers had shown up to take up this potential request even though they didn't know the dangers yet. From what she could count, she counted twenty adventures that had shown up to hear about the request, though a wide range of races were present.

Eris weaved her way to the front; in the center of the room was a large wooden table with several identical maps laid out. Several areas circled in red ink seemed to annotate areas of interest. By the looks of it there was a lot more places to look into than what the initial request had mentioned. The sound of her chainmail that was weaved into her robes jingled every now and then, looking around she saw the commander of the fort Commander Rextelian standing on the back side of the table facing the large group as he seemed to be waiting to see if there was going to be anyone else. It seems like this threat is much larger than I had initially thought myself. Eris thought to herself as she patiently waited until he would start the briefing, though she was sure a few would leave after this.

After another 10 minutes, several other individuals arrived, and Commander Rextelian cleared his throat as he was about to begin the briefing. "Firstly, I would like to thank you all for coming; Nan Gau owes you all a debt of gratitude. Let me begin by saying this: the request you are about to undertake is not for the faint of heart. If you have any doubts about accomplishing a perilous task, leave now," He paused for a moment as a few more green adventurers left the room upon hearing his warning. His eyes looked around for another moment and when he saw no one else was going to move he continued.

"Several months back Nan Gau was attacked by an unknown undead force, we were able to beat them back however there were losses. Aya here was able to fight off what we determined was a leader of their force," Rextelian pointed over to a Kitsune with red hair and fur in a Kosode standing off to the side that had taken up residence. While she was not a guard, she was treated as one by the garrison here. "She will be leading a group of adventurer's to a recently discovered tomb to see if there is anything that can explain the undead. While that group is on the move, the rest of you will be broken down into group and given different tasks. One of your groups will be heading to the hamlet of Nan-Li, we have stopped getting reports from them and merchants have stopped coming to sell their wares," He explained as he pointed to each location on the map as he spoke a little about them.
Aya B Grade.png

"If you see any undead on a horse that is sitting back and watching, be very cautious. While I cannot confirm it, I have fought one myself and they are a strong foe. I'm unsure as to their origin or the exact powers they have but if you have to fight one I strongly advise you do so as a group. If you can avoid fighting them entirely that would be preferred," Aya explained as she took a step forward for a moment before stepping back off to the side of the room.

Commander Rextelian nodded his head as her words before he clasped his hands behind his back. "I would advise you all take her warning, they are strong foes even the rank and file undead are stronger than normal. They can also raise the dead around them; so far, we know fire is effective against them. A normal sword can cut them down but you will be doing a lot of cutting to make that happen. Caution is the name of the game here and the more of you that make it back the better off we will be as each location we hope will hold some information-" He paused as he heard the large doors open behind him and revealed another Kitsune in a red and black kimono stepped out with a fan in hand.
Hime-Sama peseants.jpg

"Hime-sama," Rextelian quickly turned and knelt down, touching his index fingers and thumbs together to form a triangle as he bowed. After a moment, he stood back up. "I had not expected you to come to this," He stated as the Hime-sama stopped next to him at the table.

"Who would I be if I didn't come here to explain the task to them? I am asking them to risk their lives after all. My father would look poorly on me if I didn't do so," Hime-sama replied with a smile. She opened her fan, covering her mouth, and then turned her attention to the adventurers assembled. "Adventurers, you have the gratitude of Clan Yamimoto; please know that we do not take this lightly," She paused for a moment; she placed her hands on the front of the kimono on her thighs; she bowed to a 45-degree angle for a moment. "I understand this task will be dangerous and I'm sure someone will get injured. Were I able to go with you I would, my voice will not be able to carry you to safety from a distance. For that I apologize," She concluded as he gave another small bow before opening the fan again and looking toward Rextelian. She then turned around and walked out of the room.

"As the Hime-sama said, we are grateful for the help. Now, when your name is called, step forward and come and receive the map for your group," Rextelian explained. He started to call out names and group stepped up and took their map before leaving the keep. Eventually the only ones left were Eris and several others which was going to be the group sent to Nan-Li.

Mentions: saxon saxon
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Novice Tinkerer, Isekai


Martin had arrived early among the group. Part man and part machine, he appeared as all but another face of many at the moment. A long coat hid most of his body. And it opened just enough to reveal the home-made body armor contained in his fabric. The organic parts of his pointed to the man being in his late fifties to early sixties.

It appears I have caught up in quite the saga.

A breadth of information had been made available to him in concerns to the attacks. Still new, Martin had hardly been around for the attacks months prior. Throughout the briefing, Martin listened carefully to each and every word -- making mental note of all that was said. Some would be deflected towards a tomb. Others towards a small hamlet. This was the job that he himself was here for. He nodded slightly as he noted that there was a particularly nasty breed of creature who rode on a horse.

The machine-infused man seemed to have a similarly cold expression as his mechanical parts might have implied. Neither the heartfelt gratitude of Commander Rextelian, the apology of "Hime-Sama" of Clan Yamimoto, nor the explanation of dangers had caused a shift in his expression. He watched as some walked out of the room when the explanation of the task at hand was given, but he gave them no acknowledgment beyond that.

No matter.

But the cyborg scientist's mind had been oddly accustomed to conflict given his past. He did not lose his arm or have prosthetic organs due to some accident. He did not know these people deeply and could hardly thus bring himself to muster any outward signs of compassion. He was here for himself. He would be polite however, making sure to display courtesy. After all, he was risking his life and assisting them regardless of his motives.

To the Fox Woman, he leaned ever so slightly on his staff as she apologized for not being able to accompany them.

This was a large operation. And to be spread thin was all but expected.


Carefully, Martin withdrew the short, lever action pistol he'd made from his side in a non-threatening manner. He pointed towards the floor and slid the entry towards


Carefully, he peered into its magazine to ensure it was loaded. And once satisfied, it slid back into the holster beneath his right arm.

A slight hum would be audible as he briefly tested his catalyst. The retractable staff next to him began to cause visible distortion in the air. A faint glow radiated from Martin's chest, and his eyes glowed a faint blue until his pupils could no longer be seen. He raised up his finger -- and three orbs flew from his coat. They rotated gently around fingers for a moment....before returning to his coat pockets.

The humming would cease, and his eyes ceased to glow for whatever reason they did. All was as it should be, with his catalyst and firearm in working order.

"Greetings Ms. Granstone. I hope all is in order." He said courteously.

"I am ready when everyone else is." With that, he took a moment to look over the crowd. His eyes judge each and every person present as they sweep over the "party." However, something separate appeared to be bothering him. And he found himself looking to see if a particular person was present.

Am I forgetting something?

Actions: 0/3


  • Martin is poker-faced during most of the brief, lacking in both fear and empathy. Listens to everything, however.
  • To be polite, he bows slightly to Hima as she apologizes for not being able to help them.
  • Martin checks to see if his gun and catalyst works
  • Martin Greets Eris politely
  • He notices something appears to be missing, implying he has forgotten who Yume is due to her strange memory wiping abilities.

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Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna twisted a strand of her long, multicolored hair absently, trying to focus on the commander's instructions. She stood not far from the table, her eyes fixated on the maps splayed out before her. Yet, it was as if she were staring through them, her thoughts adrift in a sea of worry and uncertainty. Her party had arrived home at the shop only a day or two ago. Her father had left on a business trip two weeks prior, promising to return before her arrival. Something must have come up, but no one had heard anything. She'd been all around town, asking about Thaddeus Belmonte, but to no avail. It was in her search for some clue about her father that the group noticed the request for help. Agreeing it would be killing two birds with one stone, they decided to take the job. Besides, this was her hometown, where she grew up.

Her blue eyes followed the speaker, struggling to stay present. When Hime-sama entered the room, Aedrianna's eyes widened in surprise. The Yamamoto clan's personal investment in this endeavor was unexpected. She bowed respectfully, listening to the assignment with renewed determination. As the groups walked up one by one to receive their maps, Aedrianna watched quietly, her hands instinctively reaching for the soft, white fur of her loyal companion, Hiruq. She was grateful for Sorieiel and Noelle's support and for Mister Ariko's help on their journey.

Once it was just the silver-haired maiden and a handful of others, including her friends, Aedrianna glanced around at those gathered. She turned her gaze towards the silver-haired woman, smiling warmly. It felt natural to approach her, glancing at Martin as she did.

"Hello miss! Sir," she began, her voice gentle yet steady. She glanced between Eris and Martin. "It looks like we might be in the same group. My name is Aedrianna Belmonte! I'm pleased to make your acquaintance." She offered a shallow curtsy, her white gown cascading gracefully as she moved. "Please forgive me for being so abrupt, but I'm going around asking if anyone has seen a merchant with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. He's an alchemist. His name is Thaddeus Belmonte." She hesitated, the familiar ache of unfulfilled hope tugging at her heart. She knew deep down that no one had the answer she sought, but she had to ask. Her gloved hands pulled the white fur cloak around her shoulders tighter, as she shivered. Though she'd grown up in the cold, her weak constitution had always caused her to be sensitive to it.


Mentions: Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Tellussoil Tellussoil Elias Wren Elias Wren saxon saxon Maverick Six Maverick Six

Aedrianna approaches Eris and Martin, asking whether or not they've seen any clue of her father Thaddeus Belmonte.
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saxon saxon Moonberry Moonberry
Elias Wren Elias Wren

Soreiel sat at the table with Aedrianna, her attention momentarily drawn to the two other Kitsune that had entered the area. She was surprised to see others like herself “one… two… three… four… five… six… they both only have six? but how strange that their tail fur doesn’t match their hair” Soreiel thought to herself as she watched them walk into the room before they began explaining the purpose of the job that several groups had accepted.

When Aedrianna walked up to collect the map, Soreiel placed her hand on Hiruq’s head and gently scratched his ears. “This is definitely an interesting time isn’t it buddy?” She asked the wolf as she continued to watch Aedrianna.

She then looked at the man that had accompanied them “so what’s your thought Ariko? You’ve traveled with us for a while now, what do you think of Lady Aedrianna? Or the rest of us for that matter?” She asked curiously, wanting to gage Ariko’s personality.

Tellussoil Tellussoil

While she was talking with Ariko, she didn’t really pay attention as she gently patted Noelle’s head.



Yume wandered into the fort, absentmindedly holding one of her new gloves up to her new scarf. Turned out, most gloves didn't come in gold or sunshine yellow. As the sun had dropped, the world's color had dimmed enough to convince her these brown ones would match just fine, but... "Maybe I should just go without them..." she considered, cursing herself for not going with an always-safe black or white.

Maverick Six Maverick Six
In some sense, these thoughts helped to distract herself from the presence of certain others. One, in particular, had shown up just as expected, with all of his usual internal clanks. Yume frequently threw him short glances, but turned away quickly, refusing to meet his eyes for more than a split second.

The name Yume had registered under was, 'Someone.' As she stepped up, she began to enact her master plan of "find the strongest person and hide behind them," which of course required picking out the tough ones. Martin was an option, but she'd prefer to leave that awkwardness as a last resort. Miss Fae Hero was also here: probably a good option, though the "demon priest" allegations gave her pause. What of the others?

Moonberry Moonberry
Starting off with Aedrianna, she approached just as the lady asked about finding someone who, by the sounds of it, was a brother or something. Yume took a long look, scanning the colorful girl up and down with her eyes, lingering on the arms, the shoulders, her pet, her equipment... After an uncomfortable moment, she finally spoke, "Nope," though her absentminded response gave the impression she wasn't actually answering Aedrianna at all.

Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
"I think you must have a lot of balancing issues with that much fluff on your back," Yume answered the question, despite being fully aware it wasn't addressed to her. "I prefer to have it comfortably on my head," she continued, smirking as she twirled a finger around one of the curls of her hair. However, her face soured once she saw the ugly brown glove against the vibrant yellow hair ribbon.

"Ugh... it's not worth it," she grumbled to herself, yanking both gloves off and tossing them over her shoulder. One landed right on the snoot of Aedrianna's pet, not that Yume seemed to notice, as she was too busy pestering Soreiel. "Where I come from, a kitsune has magic in every tail." Pulling out a small wooden wand, Yume started waving it around in the kitsune's face, though she wasn't actually casting magic yet. "This might seem beneath Miss Nine-tail, but would you like to compare magic? Maybe I can learn something~"

Yume hung back, previously registered herself as 'Someone,' avoided Martin & Eris, discarded her gloves on Aedrianna's pet, and is playfully waving her wand in Soreiel's face.



Yume wandered into the fort, absentmindedly holding one of her new gloves up to her new scarf. Turned out, most gloves didn't come in gold or sunshine yellow. As the sun had dropped, the world's color had dimmed enough to convince her these brown ones would match just fine, but... "Maybe I should just go without them..." she considered, cursing herself for not going with an always-safe black or white.

Maverick Six Maverick Six
In some sense, these thoughts helped to distract herself from the presence of certain others. One, in particular, had shown up just as expected, with all of his usual internal clanks. Yume frequently threw him short glances, but turned away quickly, refusing to meet his eyes for more than a split second.

The name Yume had registered under was, 'Someone.' As she stepped up, she began to enact her master plan of "find the strongest person and hide behind them," which of course required picking out the tough ones. Martin was an option, but she'd prefer to leave that awkwardness as a last resort. Miss Fae Hero was also here: probably a good option, though the "demon priest" allegations gave her pause. What of the others?

Moonberry Moonberry
Starting off with Aedrianna, she approached just as the lady asked about finding someone who, by the sounds of it, was a brother or something. Yume took a long look, scanning the colorful girl up and down with her eyes, lingering on the arms, the shoulders, her pet, her equipment... After an uncomfortable moment, she finally spoke, "Nope," though her absentminded response gave the impression she wasn't actually answering Aedrianna at all.

Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
"I think you must have a lot of balancing issues with that much fluff on your back," Yume answered the question, despite being fully aware it wasn't addressed to her. "I prefer to have it comfortably on my head," she continued, smirking as she twirled a finger around one of the curls of her hair. However, her face soured once she saw the ugly brown glove against the vibrant yellow hair ribbon.

"Ugh... it's not worth it," she grumbled to herself, yanking both gloves off and tossing them over her shoulder. One landed right on the snoot of Aedrianna's pet, not that Yume seemed to notice, as she was too busy pestering Soreiel. "Where I come from, a kitsune has magic in every tail." Pulling out a small wooden wand, Yume started waving it around in the kitsune's face, though she wasn't actually casting magic yet. "This might seem beneath Miss Nine-tail, but would you like to compare magic? Maybe I can learn something~"

Yume hung back, previously registered herself as 'Someone,' avoided Martin & Eris, discarded her gloves on Aedrianna's pet, and is playfully waving her wand in Soreiel's face.

Soreiel’s ears flicked at the sound of someone answering her question to Ariko, causing her to turn around and look at the girl with the white curled massive twin tails hanging from her head. “They actually do not weight that much, and I am capable of maintaining my balance with them” she replied then watched her romove and toss away her gloves.

She sighed and removed the one on Hiruqs muzzle before the strange girl started talking about other Kitsune in her home wielding magic in each tail. Soreiel just looked at her confused that quickly turned into concern and annoyance as the girl pulled out her wooden wand and started waving it in her face. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know any magic, perhaps you should ask one of those two with 6 tails” she replied pointing at the Kitsune at the front of the room handing each party their map.
Ariko Balba

Briefing - Aedrianna, Soreiel, Yume.
As the briefing went in Ariko gleaned what little information he cared about such as what they were fighting and where they were going. Undead should be easy enough to deal with while protecting Aedrianna and her party, but he did worry a little about the ones riding horses.

As more people showed up Ariko adjusted his new clothes that were still a little tight, though with the cold he was grateful to Aedrianna for providing them. He had not expected it to be quite so cold after how nice it was at the fair where they met.

Ariko watched as Aedrianna spaced out with worry, wishing he had some way to make to situation better for her. It can't be easy not knowing if someone has happened to get father or not, and it was strange that no one had any news whatsoever. He stood next to Soreiel with his arms crossed over his chest, scanning the room for potential threats to his current boss.

So many diverse characters seemed to be milling around and it made Ariko uneasy not knowing their intentions or capabilities, but he remained outwardly composed despite his inner turmoil. His train of thought was suddenly broken by Soreiel's question and he answered without taking his eyes off Aedrianna as she approached several people to ask about her father. "The boss seems to be an alright sort. And you are the boss's friend so you're alright in my book. As for the dog...I guess it's on the level. Never really liked dogs."

As Yume approached them and began to be a nuisance Ariko thought about intervention, but he didn't want to cause a scene just yet, so he ignored her unless Soreiel asked for his assistance in dealing with Yume.

saxon saxon TLDR
Watching Aedrianna while she interacts with others. Keeping Soreiel company while she deals with Yume. Nothing major.
Kiyo shivered with his arms crossed tightly around his chest while he watched his cooled breath rise into her air before gazing down at the snow-covered ground. So this is snow? He thought curiously. Due to living in a warm jungle his entire life he had never seen snow or experienced the freezing cold temperatures that came with it. He knelt down towards the ground and gently placed his fingers on the snow. “Ouch!” He quickly withdrew his hand while shaking it, the snow was like lots of freezing daggers to his skin.

Standing straight, he looked up at the structure that was in front of him. It was magnificent and awe-inspiring. Despite that, he could not help but think about how many natural resources were taken from the land to be used in its creation. He also noted the different styles of architecture from the buildings in Ryken.

Adrianna had mentioned the Republic was a beast-dominated country, being half beast meant Kiyo had no issues, so far. He did not know much about the Republic other than it’s the most likely place where his ancient Beast ancestors came from before travelling to the See. It would be very interesting to see what he might discover while here.

It was at this moment he realized the group had entered the structure already, leaving him behind, so, after taking an ice-cold deep breath he jogged through the doorway and the hallways. He became lost for a few minutes before he was able to locate the room that everyone was in. He poked his head through the doorway and smiled as he saw the faces he recognised and there were some he didn’t recognise, potential friends? He thought with excitement

While attempting to sneak quietly into the room, so that he didn’t disturb what was going on, his foot got caught on the other causing him to helplessly fall forward onto his face with a loud bang that echoed around the room. All though he was in a lot of pain he managed to prevent himself from making any vocal sound by biting hard down on his teeth, but his face could not hide the agony.

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Kiyo admires the fort before entering the meeting room and instantly falling over
Aedrianna Belmonte

As Kiyo entered, Aedrianna's eyes flickered towards him, a gentle contemplation behind their azure depths. She often wondered if she should take his hand, but feared he might see it as patronizing. Her gaze shifted to the girl adorned with bright yellow ribbons and scarf, engaging with Sorieiel. The tone was ambiguous—neither warm nor hostile—yet Aedrianna felt a twinge of defensiveness for her newly freed friend. The nuances of such interactions were still elusive to her.

Midway through an apology to Eris and Martin for her earlier inquiries, a sound caught her attention—Kiyo stumbling. She inhaled sharply, her maternal instincts kicking in. Offering another curtsy to Eris and Martin, she excused herself gracefully, then hurried towards Kiyo. Kneeling beside him, her fingers deftly brushed off the dirt from his clothes, her smile as warm as the morning sun. Her blue eyes meticulously scanned him for any signs of injury, and she chuckled softly upon noticing his habit of biting his lips.

"Don't bite too hard, or you might bleed. But good job. Let's stand up quickly. Keep your chin up," she advised, her tone light and encouraging, accompanied by a playful wink. She helped him to his feet and gently guided him towards Sorieiel and Ariko.

Upon reaching them, Aedrianna stood gracefully beside her companions, her smile unwavering as she addressed Yume. "Hello, Miss! My name is Aedrianna Belmonte. It seems you've met Sorieiel and Mister Ariko. This is Kiyo." She motioned to the boy who'd fallen a moment ago. "It looks like we'll be working together. I hope we can get along. I love your outfit; it's very striking. You certainly stand out in the crowd." Her voice carried a melodic lilt, each word tinged with a lightness that bordered on a giggle. Despite what she felt inside, smiling and being happy was what was expected. What was needed. Her gaze flitted across her friends, taking attendance mentally. "You both look very good. I'm glad we found something proper before we got here. The prices would have been a lot higher up here. " She looked at Ariko and Sorieiel with that same smile. Then her eyes swiveled around, looking for Noelle.


Aedrianna hears Kiyo fall on the ground. Excuses herself from Eris and Martin and goes to help Kiyo up. Leads him over towards Ariko and Sorieiel. Introduces herself and everyone to Yume. Looks for Noelle.
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Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Elias Wren Elias Wren
"Oh." Yume's silly smile froze on her face as she enjoyed a reception colder than her winter coat could bear. Perhaps she was imagining it, but the guy nearby also seemed to be looking at her in the same way a garbage man would look at a pile of trash. And while she had no real proof that the whole '6-tail' suggestion was passive-aggressive, it sure felt that way.

By all rights, with such a disastrous first impression, she should've just given up and tried again later. Then again, Yume loved a good social challenge!

"Mhm mhm... I already know the strongest spell, though. It's called the Icebreaker~" Yume smirked, lightly bopping the fox on one ear with the wand before stuffing it back into her coat pocket. No magic was actually cast, but Yume threw out her arms as if she had. "That should do it. How'd it work? Do you feel any less awkward around me, Miss Frumpytails~?"

Moonberry Moonberry
Yume finally backed off and spun around as Aedrianna approached her. "You must be very proud of that name to announce it thrice," she chuckled, counting Commander Rextelian's call as well. "Mine has to be earned. I could tell you, but there would be no point, so you can call me whatever you like~"

She tried hiding it, but the acknowledgement of her beauty caused her eyes to sparkle, and it was way more obvious than she'd hoped. "Thank you. It's surprisingly hard it is to find accessories in this shade of yellow." She threw a spiteful look at the ugly brown gloves she'd tossed to the floor, before returning to Aedrianna's eyes with a grin. "We don't all have the luxury of color-matching the entire rainbow, Miss...?" she trailed off, smirking as she invited Aedrianna to introduce herself again.

FantasyCat FantasyCat
Yume's eyes fell on the catboy, her expression softening for a moment, before returning to her normal, snarky look.
"Are you Kiyo? I've heard so much about you~!" A blatant lie, fishing for a fun reaction. "You'll protect me if the zombies come for me, won't you? I can tell you're tougher than you look~"

Teased Soreiel, Aedri, and Kiyo.
Equipped Titles: [Offworlder], [Human], [Big and Small Game Hunter] - Color - #735f0f

saxon saxon Tau Tau Moonberry Moonberry FantasyCat FantasyCat Elias Wren Elias Wren Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Maverick Six Maverick Six

While Nigel's last job had been surprisingly successful, it had left a sour taste in his mouth. A taste which had been washed by drinking copious amount of spirits: whiskey, scotch, gin, vodka. Of course, as a good Englishman, tea had also been among the beverages that he had enjoyed, as well as the occasional 'tumble' with the native resident of the fairer sex. But then why, why had the hunter's mood dipped so considerably in his last job? The answer was simple: preys of mediocre quality. The fact that Snare, that little upstart, had found such a good prey during the salvaging in that scrapyard, while a hunter of his caliber found only rats ground his gears to no end. But he would show him, oh yes, he would. The day of the hunter would arrive, sooner or later.

With the feeling of rivalry and ruthless predatory burning with scalding intensity within him, the paths which Nigel took ended up leading him to a much different landscape than the one he was used to. "Mmmm... snow, huh?" He murmured to himself, his beige leather jackboots, which matched his hunting garb, sinking into the frigid ground with each step. Behind him, a trail of footsteps was left, proof of his personal exploration in this new land, a place still much new to the human. Despite his over preparedness, thanks to his background in the military, his heart drummed with excitement, wonder and perhaps a small hint of anxiety towards the unknown. Even so, his stance was the one which he always carried himself with: his back straightened perfectly, chest puffed outwardly and large strides.

This new country he found himself in was one called 'Republic', beastkin quite abundant roaming around. These humanoids' likeness to animals, a trait which made him remember a certain bunny-woman he had met in his previous job, forced the human's self-control to its very limit, lest him brought his rifle down and shoot one of them in broad daylight, in the middle of the streets. But maybe, only maybe, a covert opportunity would present itself.

Those thoughts, however, were pushed to the back of his mind. For now, he had accepted a new job from the Adventurer's Guild in this animal ruled land. The description of the job itself was not that descriptive, but Nigel wasn't one of faint heart. And, just like that, the keep was right in front of his eyes, possessing a much different architecture than he would have expected. His ears picked up a song as he approached the entrance to it. Despite its soothing, welcoming nature, an eyebrow was raised as he couldn't exactly pinpoint from exactly where it came from. Curious...

Pushing the door open, he entered it, showing a strong gait in his form, his Lee-Enfield rifle over his shoulder by its straps. His attention was then focused on the horned commander, listening intently about what the man had to say. Every new piece of information was analyzed, his eyes narrowing slightly as the man pointed at the female, resembling some sort of fox, with red fur, declaring she would be the one leading the group. As a traditionalist, Nigel thought it was nothing short of preposterous to leave a woman in charge of a quasi-military operation. The customs of these lands were... absurd. The furrowing of his brows lasted only a moment, before relaxing once more. That didn't matter to his own objective, and the mention of undead picked his interest. Certainly that was some sort of hysteria, caused by a tired or panicked mind. Something he would only believe it seeing with his own eyes.

As only a few remained in the room, Nigel watched the girl with colored hair approach a woman that was dressed in priestly robes as well as a man in his around his sixties, part organic, part machine. Hearing the girl introduction, Aedrianna Belmonte, her family name was curiously close to his own. Maybe there was some play to be had yet...

Stepping forward just as Aedrianna had done previously, he would approach Eris and Martin, introducing himself. "I am Nigel Belmont, hunter by trade, tinkerer by hobby." His tone was polite, the pronunciation of his last name sounding exactly the same as Aedrianna's, betraying nothing hidden underneath. "It is a pleasure to meet you." Giving them a nod, his eyes scanned them from head to toe, in an appraising manner, a polite smile being kept on his lips. He would then turn around, this time directing his appraising gaze towards each of the present: Soreiel, Ariko, Kiyo and Yume. Under his polite mask, the hunter was making an early evaluation of their worth: would any of them make for good trophies?

Nigel arrives, listens to the debriefing, Aedrianna's last name catches his attention. Introduces himself to both Eris and Martin, while scanning everyone int he room with an appraising gaze, hidden behind a polite façade, accompanied by a smile.

Mentions: saxon saxon Moonberry Moonberry Tau Tau Maxxob Maxxob FantasyCat FantasyCat
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Novice Tinkerer, Isekai


It appears only a few people met yesterday are here.

The only familiar face appeared to be Eris. Neither John nor Eagle-One had made themselves known. Thus it appeared that each and every person here. Or so he had thought. There was a person trying to steal glances from him for some reason. The young lady with brown gloves and tornado-like hair.

Something had been bothering Martin since he had awoken. He could remember scantly walking through town yesterday, gathering information as per usual. But he could recall his own words. Yet he knew only that he had been talking to someone. Simply put -- there was a blemish on what was typically very sharp memory, despite his own age. And it bothered him. As much as Martin preferred to approach life through the lens of logic as much as humanly possible, something very instinctive told him to talk to the curly haired girl.

I loathe distraction. About as much as I loathe missing information.

They were about to engage on what amounted to a military operation. And he would like his head to remain clear. Yet he felt compelled all the same to solve this problem. He decided there was likely little harm in asking a few questions, for now anyway.

Just as he'd begun to walk towards the sassy young lady with Tornado hair, however, another blonde-haired young lady appeared -- introducing herself as "Aedrianna". Promptly, another man sharing the same last name approached with a modern rifle held in hand. It seemed that this man hailed from an earthly planet as well.

Leaning on his retractable staff a little, Martin bowed his bald head. "A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Belmont. You as well, Mr. Belmont " He placed a hand over his clicking, prosthetic heart. Naturally, he presumed Aedrianna and Nigel knew eachother due to sharing the same last name.

"I am Martin." He introduced himself politely, only giving her his first name. With that, she asked him a question in concerns to another relative -- to which he replied.

"I apologize, but no. I have not heard of a "Thaddeus Belmont." And I rarely forget a face or a name. No merchants who I know have spoken of him." The scientist said. While he did know a few merchants, he could hardly claim to be a businessmen or know of much beyond Widersia.

"I wish you luck in finding your relative." He said.

A loud bang echoed throughout the room and it wasn't him. A brief stroll and he would see a cat boy on the ground who seemed to slinking around at the room's outskirts. Aedrianna revealed his name and Martin spoke it.

"Kiyo, is it?"

At that moment, the Cybernetic human's eyes began to glow dimly -- in a manner one might think slightly ominous. His stab TAPPED against the ground next to the Beastkin Cat as he wreathed on the floor.

"Creeping around like that, I was almost apt to mistake you for an intruder, boy." With the blinking of his eyes, however, the faint glow disappeared.

"But I suppose you are just fashionably late if Ms. Belmont here vouches for you."

The older man extended a mechanical right hand to Kiyo. If he'd so allow, Martin would help him up. A faint, subtle smile replaced Martin's wrinkled features. A half-hearted attempt to be more personable.

Actions: 0/3

  • Martin recalls that his memories are missing and notices Yume looking at him.
  • Before he can go confront her, Maritn greets both Aedrianna and Nigel. He answers Aedrianna's question.
  • Martin notices a Kiyo sneaking about after he trips.
  • Martin chastises Kiyo for a moment, noting how he could be mistaken for an intruder, before offering to help him up.
Ariko Balba

Briefing - Aedrianna's Group

With all the hustle and bustle Ariko found it hard to concentrate. If they were all coming at him to fight things would be a lot easier. He went over in his mind how such a fight would go down. There were quite a few unique characters for sure, but throat and crotch shots would bring most to their knees for quick follow ups and the rest looked too weak to even consider a threat. As he stood there watching he let out a sigh as he watched Kiyo stumble, but hoping he was alright nonetheless.

As Aedrianna came over and stood next to the group and engaged Yume he felt relieved. He didn't want to hover over her but having her outside of arms length was nerve racking to say the least. At least at this distance he could intercept anyone who sought to target her. "Welcome back boss. Did ya find anything out?"

After asking Aedrianna Ariko felt a set of eyes upon the group and looked toward Nigel as he eyed them. He lifted his chin and his right hand to offer a less than polite middle finger toward the man. He wasn't sure why, but he felt the gesture was warranted with the way the man stared at them as if asking for a show.

Spoke to Aedrianna
Watched Kiyo fall.
Shot Nigel the bird

Moonberry Moonberry Maxxob Maxxob FantasyCat FantasyCat
As the pain subsided Kiyo got up onto his feet. “I-I’m sorry” He said sheepishly to everyone in the room with a bright red face. He then found himself looking into Aedrianna's beautiful blue eyes that were like clear skies. Her motherly aura made him quickly relax, allowing him to regain his composure. “T-thank you, Aedrianna” He said with a small bow. He did not know her status here, but he could tell that she was important, she even had a strong bodyguard he thought while glancing over at Ariko.

A strange man with many metal augmentations throughout his body approached Kiyo. Seeing the body be twisted and defiled in such a way made him recoil in disgust. My child, that man is dangerous. Be wary of him. A strange adult female voice spoke in his mind as a faint green glow appeared from his right palm that was holding his wooden staff. The voice came from inside his mind, but Kiyo thought it was Aedrianna who spoke to him. He swiftly walked away from the metal man and stayed close to Aedrianna’s side while she walked over to the rest of the group.

“You left me behi-” Kiyo was in the middle of speaking to the group when another voice appeared in his head. Confused he span around, looking for the source of it. As he looked for whoever spoke to him he felt a small trickle of blood run down the middle of his forehead. There was a small cut on his forehead from the fall. His green feline eyes glowed softly as he instinctively went to heal himself. The blood would reverse back up his forehead to the cut before the wound quickly closed, leaving the skin unblemished.

Forgetting what he was doing he decided to see who else was in the room. His eyes were drawn to a fair woman with white hair. She looked friendly he thought though he was too nervous to approach her right now. It was then his attention was drawn to the serious-looking man with a rifle on his shoulder. Something about him made Kiyo feel on edge though he did not know why.

Another one to watch carefully. The female voice spoke again in a serious tone. Choose your friends wisely, my child. Some will support you, some will hurt you. The female voice added.

This time Kiyo recognised the voice and it sent a shiver down his spine. While keeping a calm expression he sat down and took a deep breath. Perhaps the cold was affecting his mind, that’s what he hoped anyway…

Interactions: Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Elias Wren Elias Wren

Mentions: Tau Tau Maverick Six Maverick Six Maxxob Maxxob
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Aedrianna Belmonte



Aedrianna held her smile, though the more this girl talked the more it was hard for her to maintain that smile. But father had always taught her not to be rude. Always make friends out of those who could be. Sometimes people do things for reasons you don't understand. She attempted to laugh off the girls statement about her pride, turning to respond to Arikos question. However everything she might have thought to say flew out of her mind. The girls hand went up to "Bop" Sorieiels ear. Before she knew what she was doing Aedriannas hand shot out to wrap tightly around the girls wrist. An extremely unfamiliar glare in her eyes, though her lips were spread in that same empty smile.

"Oh my! You must be new to the Republic. You see...touching someones tail or ear is INCREDIBLY rude. Please apologize to my friend....She didn't come here to be patronized by you. We're here to defend the city and find my father." She held the girls wrist for a few moments longer, staring very pointedly at her. Father wasn't here right now to scold her. And this girl had just been rude to Sorieiel. She deserved the reprimand. Surely. However her fathers words echoed in her mind, and she hesitantly released the girls wrist, still smiling the same empty smile. "Thank you Ariko....no I'm afraid no one here has heard anything about Father. " However as she said that she saw Ariko flipping Nigel off. Blinking in confusion she glanced over towards the man, catching the end of his introduction. Belmonte? He didn't look like her father. Was it possible to have such a unique name here int he republic? She didn't move away from Ariko or Sorieiel, but she watched Nigel curiously. She looked around hopefully for where Noelle was hiding at.

Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Tau Tau Maxxob Maxxob Tellussoil Tellussoil
Aedri is mad that Yume touched Sori without permission and grabs Yumes wrist. She tries to answer Ariko and sees/hears Nigel Belmonte and looks at him curiously
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Equipped Titles: [Offworlder], [Human], [Big and Small Game Hunter] - Color - #735f0f

saxon saxon
Interactions: Moonberry Moonberry
Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren Maverick Six Maverick Six FantasyCat FantasyCat Tau Tau Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Nigel's hand moved to his hat, tipping it slightly in response to Martin's own introduction, observing as he made his way towards the clique of the girl with colored hair. Wondering eyes watched the interaction between several members of the group with palpable curiosity: Aedrianna rushing to help the boy with feline characteristics; Martin's initial admonishing of the same boy skulking around; some physical interaction between the girl with drill-like white hair, the girl with several tails and Aedrianna, the last one becoming angry at the unexpected... liberty of the white-haired girl towards one of her companions. With the hunter's facial expression didn't change, from a polite mask, the developments brought him some inner-rush: who knew how those interactions would evolve as time went on? Mewling children were unpredictable...

And then, there was a some brat in Aedrianna's clique which had the crassness of flipping Nigel off. Usually, the hunter would have solved that quite simply: testing how strong his forehead was against a .303 British cartridge. It was not that the act had made the war veteran angry, no, but actions had consequences. But alas, the room was just too packed for that. With that, the hunter's action probably was not one the brat had expected. Nigel smiled, a wide-one at that, revealing his pearly whites mixed with a few golden teeth. Finally, however, he had what he wanted: Aedrianna's attention.

As if on cue, the hunter practically marched towards her and her clique, stopping just a few paces from her. "I am terribly sorry, but I couldn't help but hear about your father, Thaddeus..." Nigel began, his tone polite, despite the grave timbre of his voice, his ash-colored eyes focused on her azure ones. "... I have a relative called Thaddeus, but it has been quite sometime since I last saw him. In fact, the last time I saw him was around the time his daughter was born... Aedrianna..." A well spun lie, one which he told without even blushing. Giving no more than a few moments to her to absorb the information, he continued. "We might as well be kin. What do you say if I help you find Thaddeus? It will be good to catch up with him and, well, it is just natural to help family, yes?" His expression softened with each muttered word, a kind smile sprouting on his lips, his well groomed mustache accompanying it, and a hand was brought forth, being offered to Aedrianna in a handshake. The seeds were thrown, if they would find fertile soil was a different matter. Would the fox be allowed into the hen-house?

Nigel tips his hat to Martin after his own introduction, observes the group interaction with great interest, approaches Aedrianna and lie to no end.
Equipped Titles: [Offworlder], [Human], [Big and Small Game Hunter] - Color - #735f0f

saxon saxon
Interactions: Moonberry Moonberry
Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren Maverick Six Maverick Six FantasyCat FantasyCat Tau Tau Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Nigel's hand moved to his hat, tipping it slightly in response to Martin's own introduction, observing as he made his way towards the clique of the girl with colored hair. Wondering eyes watched the interaction between several members of the group with palpable curiosity: Aedrianna rushing to help the boy with feline characteristics; Martin's initial admonishing of the same boy skulking around; some physical interaction between the girl with drill-like white hair, the girl with several tails and Aedrianna, the last one becoming angry at the unexpected... liberty of the white-haired girl towards one of her companions. With the hunter's facial expression didn't change, from a polite mask, the developments brought him some inner-rush: who knew how those interactions would evolve as time went on? Mewling children were unpredictable...

And then, there was a some brat in Aedrianna's clique which had the crassness of flipping Nigel off. Usually, the hunter would have solved that quite simply: testing how strong his forehead was against a .303 British cartridge. It was not that the act had made the war veteran angry, no, but actions had consequences. But alas, the room was just too packed for that. With that, the hunter's action probably was not one the brat had expected. Nigel smiled, a wide-one at that, revealing his pearly whites mixed with a few golden teeth. Finally, however, he had what he wanted: Aedrianna's attention.

As if on cue, the hunter practically marched towards her and her clique, stopping just a few paces from her. "I am terribly sorry, but I couldn't help but hear about your father, Thaddeus..." Nigel began, his tone polite, despite the grave timbre of his voice, his ash-colored eyes focused on her azure ones. "... I have a relative called Thaddeus, but it has been quite sometime since I last saw him. In fact, the last time I saw him was around the time his daughter was born... Aedrianna..." A well spun lie, one which he told without even blushing. Giving no more than a few moments to her to absorb the information, he continued. "We might as well be kin. What do you say if I help you find Thaddeus? It will be good to catch up with him and, well, it is just natural to help family, yes?" His expression softened with each muttered word, a kind smile sprouting on his lips, his well groomed mustache accompanying it, and a hand was brought forth, being offered to Aedrianna in a handshake. The seeds were thrown, if they would find fertile soil was a different matter. Would the fox be allowed into the hen-house?

Nigel tips his hat to Martin after his own introduction, observes the group interaction with great interest, approaches Aedrianna and lie to no end.

Moonberry Moonberry Elias Wren Elias Wren Tau Tau FantasyCat FantasyCat

Soreiel glared at Yume for the touching of her ear, she then turned her gaze to Nigel and listened to his lie about being Aedrianna’s kin. This struck her as odd and gave her a strange feeling, she took Aedrianna by the hand and moved her between herself and Ariko.

“Aedrianna don’t believe him, he’s lying… if he truly is your kin, why is it that your father has never mentioned him? Why have they not seen each other since your birth? There is just too many possibilities and they all tell me not to trust him in the slightest.” She whispered to Aedrianna and Ariko.

Soreiel then looked away from Nigel and saw Kiyo and smiled. “Hey kiyo, what happened? Are you alright? When we went to leave the fair I went looking for you but couldn’t find you…” she stated, a hint of concern in her voice and on her face

The entire time she would ignore Nigel, but keep her ears open for what he would say next.

Noelle Nichi
With: Moonberry Moonberry | Rcticwolf Rcticwolf | Maxxob Maxxob | FantasyCat FantasyCat | Elias Wren Elias Wren | Maverick Six Maverick Six | Tau Tau | saxon saxon
"Common" ~ <"Beastial">
Noele is distracted during the briefing by the song she heard at the entrance,
she didn't like it when Soreiel petted her
she doesn't like Martin due to him being a construct,
noticing Nigel was bothering Aedrianna. so she tries to intimidate him to stop being a creep while looking cute.

Another day, another mission. After the fair Noelle came along with Aedrianna back to her home where they found her father had not come back from his business trip yet. A concerning development. They asked around in the area about his whereabouts but to no avail. After a day or so of looking the group found a notice from the adventure guild about a mission in Nan Gau. That was close by where they were and it was an opportunity for them to get their mind off the worries for Thaddeus. Or it gave them a chance to ask around there if anyone knew where he was.

When they approached the city Noelle noticed the song in the wind. It sounded lovely and welcoming. She wondered who was singing. But it was nigh impossible to figure it out as the song sounded like it was coming from all around. A bit of a bummer.
Inside Noelle just stood with the group. She inattentively listened to Rextelian’s explanation. Her mind was on the song she heard. Would she also be able to sing such a nice song? And who was it that was singing?
She snapped back to reality when Hime-sam entered and people started to greet her with the reverence that she deserved. Noelle also instinctively bowed realising this was an important person.

As soon as that all was over Noelle started to look around to see what kind of people had come for this assignment. Slowly but surely people started to leave as they were given the map for their assignment till it was only Noelle, the rest of Aedrinna’s group and a handful of others left.
Suddenly she felt a hand on her head as Soreiel started to pet her "HEY! Stop that!" she said, slightly annoyed as she stepped away and turned to the culprit of the petting. "I might be small but I’m not Hiruq you know!" she said pouting.
Noelle heard someone fall. When she looked she saw that Kiyo, the cat boy from the fair that had come along with the group, tripped and was lying on the floor. Noelle wanted to go and help him. But a cloaked man beat her to the punch. Noelle was a bit curious about this man. But upon noticing the metal parts of the man her curiosity turned to antipathy. "Construct…" she thought as she turned away. She was not a fan of those anymore and would rather have to deal with them as little as possible.
As she turned back towards Aedrianna and the rest of the group she noticed two people she had not seen before. First, there was the girl with the drill hair with a white and gold colour palette in her clothing. At first glance, she looks like a brat trying to find someone to manipulate. But Noelle had a feeling there was more than meets the eye with that one. Then there was the British man. That guy straight-up gave Noelle the heebie jeebies. The way he held himself and the words he said to Aedrianna. This man was absolutely not to be trusted. And it seems everyone else was of like mind As Soreriel and that hooligan that acts like he is some member of the yakuza came to defend their friend.

Noelle glared at Nigel from his back, before letting out a sigh. She walked over to Nigel and tapped him on the back. "Excuse me, mister." she said giving the man a friendly but slightly menacing smile "You are bothering my friends. And they don’t seem to appreciate it. Would you kindly stop being a creep so we can all be friends? Thank you." she said. Her words had a menacing undertone. One could almost say she was threatening him. "I could play you a "song" if you like." Noelle had already taken out her lute in anticipation of how the hunter might react.



Rcticwolf Rcticwolf (Sorta Moonberry Moonberry )
Yume loved the challenge. She definitely loved the challenge. But was there such a thing as too much challenge? If there was, this was it.

Yume’s smirk vanished, leaving her serious for the first time since she’d arrived. Once Aedrianna finally released her wrist, she gave it a rub, then glanced back at Soreiel. Apologizing just felt gross. That was for when you’d done something wrong! "Miss Soreiel doesn’t act like someone who doesn’t want heads touched," she answered, her usual, friendly tone having given way to something more defensive.

In the end, Yume didn’t have to deal with this. The arrival of a dubious uncle had distracted them for a time, and without a word, Yume seized the opportunity to walk out of the room.

Memory Sink - D
Stealth D, Telepathy F
Yume exits public view and attempts to erase any memory of………

What was she doing? Didn’t she hate this stupid curse? It felt so wrong to lean into it just for personal gain. Yume knocked the wall with her forehead, groaning to herself just outside the fort.

It wasn’t too late. Yume punched the wall a few times, rolling her forehead over the sturdy material. Those looks had been awful. If she had to suffer through this curse, at least she should reap some kind of benefit from it, right? Really, they deserved to forget, for being so overly sensitive.

"FINE! Just shut up!" she screeched back at her conscience, not caring how many heard. "I’ll do it for my sake…" Throwing her head back with one final growl at the nasty circumstance, she ran back into the room, hoping the curse hadn’t had a chance to wipe her slate clean yet.

Marching straight back to Soreiel, Yume prostrated herself, bowing her head to the floor in submission. "I’m sorry: I didn’t know about your ears. I was trying to be friendly, and I guess I got carried away. Please forgive me?"

Ran out of the room for a few seconds, shouted to herself like a crazy person, returned before memory wipe could finish to apologize to Soreiel for ear pokes.



Rcticwolf Rcticwolf (Sorta Moonberry Moonberry )
Yume loved the challenge. She definitely loved the challenge. But was there such a thing as too much challenge? If there was, this was it.

Yume’s smirk vanished, leaving her serious for the first time since she’d arrived. Once Aedrianna finally released her wrist, she gave it a rub, then glanced back at Soreiel. Apologizing just felt gross. That was for when you’d done something wrong! "Miss Soreiel doesn’t act like someone who doesn’t want heads touched," she answered, her usual, friendly tone having given way to something more defensive.

In the end, Yume didn’t have to deal with this. The arrival of a dubious uncle had distracted them for a time, and without a word, Yume seized the opportunity to walk out of the room.

Memory Sink - D
Stealth D, Telepathy F
Yume exits public view and attempts to erase any memory of………

What was she doing? Didn’t she hate this stupid curse? It felt so wrong to lean into it just for personal gain. Yume knocked the wall with her forehead, groaning to herself just outside the fort.

It wasn’t too late. Yume punched the wall a few times, rolling her forehead over the sturdy material. Those looks had been awful. If she had to suffer through this curse, at least she should reap some kind of benefit from it, right? Really, they deserved to forget, for being so overly sensitive.

"FINE! Just shut up!" she screeched back at her conscience, not caring how many heard. "I’ll do it for my sake…" Throwing her head back with one final growl at the nasty circumstance, she ran back into the room, hoping the curse hadn’t had a chance to wipe her slate clean yet.

Marching straight back to Soreiel, Yume prostrated herself, bowing her head to the floor in submission. "I’m sorry: I didn’t know about your ears. I was trying to be friendly, and I guess I got carried away. Please forgive me?"

Ran out of the room for a few seconds, shouted to herself like a crazy person, returned before memory wipe could finish to apologize to Soreiel for ear pokes.

Soreiel was surprised by Yume’s sudden change of demeanor, not having noticed that she had left and returned for she was too distracted by the presence of the strange man that had claimed himself as Aedrianna’s kin.

Soreiel looked back at Yume and gave her a kind smile. “It’s quite alright, I really don’t mind being touched in my ears or tails, as long as they ask for permission first, I’m sorry as well my reaction was left over from my slave days, I apologize, my name is Soreiel Eternal” she smiled and held out her hand.
Ariko Balba

As the smile was cast his way Ariko smirked and put his finger away, watching through partially squinted eyes as Nigel approached Aedrianna. Everyone here was supposed to be on the same team, but that didn't mean they were good people. And then Soreiel grabbed Aedrianna and pulled her away, whispering about the dangers of dealing with strangers who claim to be family.

Ariko places his hand on Aedrianna's shoulder and stood there staring at Nigel while he spoke of her father and offering his assistance in looking for the man. "What do ya think boss? Man seems suspicious."

Moonberry Moonberry Maxxob Maxxob Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
Kiyo had placed his wooden staff down and leaned it against the table so that he could look at his right palm, he made sure no one could see the green seed fused into the centre of his palm with small green root-like veins spreading out from it. Why? Why speak after all these years? He thought. Why would a seed speak? He continued to think with a small smile while shaking his head.

Kiyo lifted his eyes in reaction to Aedriaana’s voice. It wasn’t the motherly tone she had just a moment ago when she spoke to him, it kind of reminded him of his mother when she used to scold him and his siblings. Thinking about his mother made him begin to miss her and home, it hadn’t even been that long and he was already homesick. He sighed softly, closing his eyes, while he thought about the Grand Tree of Harmony which was always a source of comfort.

Upon Nigel’s approach, he opened his eyes. While he spoke the female voice returned and as it did Nigel was replaced by a giant hungry snake that was eyeing Aedrianna as prey. Liar. it said bluntly before Kiyo blinked and the snake disappeared Something deep within him stirred. Anger. An emotion Kiyo rarely felt.

He could not contain it, extending his claws a little and snarling at Nigel as his long dark brown fluffy tail snapped back and forward behind him. The Beast side of him had overwhelmed his more peaceful Fae side which was very unusual though Kiyo was not able to think about that due to him being so completely focused on what he was starting to consider a threat to his new friend. He may have only known Aedrianna for a short amount of time but during that time she had only been nice and friendly towards him.

Soreiel voice is what brought his mind back to a less aggressive state. He blinked quickly while he turned to look at her. “I…uh…” He had to think for a minute to gather his thoughts. “...sorry I was sleeping.” He replied with a slight smile, blushing a little. “Are you okay?” He returned the question seeing she was just treated like a pet by Yume.

A few minutes later Kiyo saw Yume walked into the room and then apologize to Soreiel. It was strange, he swore that she was just in the room, why was she apologizing? Your mind requires protection, my child. the female voice said cautiously. Kiyo shook his head again, thinking he was truly losing his sanity.

Kiyo struggles with his aggressive Beast side.
Questions his sanity.

Interactions: Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Maxxob Maxxob
Tomoko Brandy

Brandy woke up with a stretch and a yawn, sneezing at the brisk morning breeze that nipped at her ears. A nagging feeling gnawed at her, as if she had forgotten something important—something beyond just breakfast. It had been some time since she and Aedri had returned to their hometown, and these woods, her friends long before she met Aedri, always offered a sense of comfort and warmth, no matter how cold it was outside.


The realization struck her suddenly, propelling her into a frantic dash through the streets.

She had seen a poster in the guild that had piqued Aedri's interest, especially after her father went missing. Aedri's father was like one to Brandy as well—she was taken her in when no one else would.

'Wait up Aedri! dont leave without me!' Brandy called aloud; They had agreed to meet at the guild today!

'Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap!' Brandy muttered as she pushed through the crowded streets. In her haste, she accidentally toppled a random passerby. She quickly helped him up, apologizing profusely with a bow before making a swift getaway.

A few minutes later, she practically hurled herself into the meeting room where everyone was gathered. She landed on the floor with -------------------------------------------------------------------------------/an unceremonious thud, letting out a sigh of relief.
[ Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry saxon saxon ]
---------------------------------------------------------------/ 'S-safe!' she called out happily, seemingly content with her more-than-tardy arrival.

Brandy woke up late and rushed to the meeting point, where she fell on her face due to the speeds she was going at, happily exclaiming "safe".
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Mentions: FantasyCat FantasyCat and ??????
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Novice Tinkerer, Isekai


The beast appears to to be frightened of me.

He raised a brow as the cat-boy scooted away, a bit frightened of him. He might have thought it was just because of his approach -- had it not been for him noticing a fish girl approaching him and promptly shying away. He'd noticed since about roughly his entry to this place when he was on a cart. The animal people seemed to not take too kindly to him. Even if only part machine -- those with enhanced hearing could hear the faint.

I was feared in my old world too.

It wasn't as though he was incapable of feeling emotion. But they hadn't exposed him to anything that he wasn't already accustomed to, More of the same. He merely watched as the boy shrunk away from him and went near Aedrianna with disgust on his face and quickness in his step. It seemed the same sharp repugnance was present in others as well.

He would speak to Kiyo one last time, standing in the exact same place as he did before.

"Your fear of me is acceptable. " He began. "I just hope you won't meet our foes in the same way," He mentioned to the boy, wondering of his bravery given his incapability of uttering a word. However, he did seem to hiss at the other older fellow -- who seemed to have done something to elicit the ire of the group. He was thankful enough not to have earned such attention so far.

With that, Martin walked away to somewhere near the room's entrance -- seeing little desire to talk any further. He fell into the habit of his old occupation, desiring merely to watch, observe, and gather information. Particularly on something that was missing.

A simple squeeze and Martin's retractable catalyst compresses himself. He places it conveniently at his hip. With his hands free he pulls out a notebook. He opened the papers and read through them, his mind going backward to a specific moment. The words spoken to him were murky. But his response was clear as day to him.

"Hm... wouldn't an academy of some sort be a better pick for you?" Yume answered, glancing at the notebook. "Well, maybe I'll join you someday... but not just yet."

"That is what I like to call a false dichotomy, stranger. Academy or Adventurer's guild. Why not both?" Martin liked to have his cake and to eat it, too. The simple matter to which he would dedicate more time is whichever appeared to be the most useful to him.

Stranger, hm?

A knocking. He can hear someone punching outside the wall the wall. He watches as the twirly-haired girl marches and begins to kowtow toward another one of the Fox beasts. For what reason? It seemed that she had offended them, and thus, he decided to take advantage of the distraction that had been allotted to him.

It strangely felt like he was viewing her for the first time.

For now, he took to quietly and secretly sketching the girl -- having some type of suspicion as his rapid mind began to put together pieces. He made a rough sketch of her with his pen, capturing what amounted to the "iconic details" of her person. He could hardly claim to be an artist, but the strange hair was unique, and he imagined she had a cheeky smile most of the time. He leaned against the wall for a modicum of support as he did so.

For now, Martin would seek to fade from the party's eye. And keep an ear out for when the mission will begin.

  • Martin notices other people are disgusted with and appear to be afraid of him.
  • Martin warns Kyo to not have such reactions to the undead.
  • Martin observes everyone and then goes off by himself to wait
  • Marttin begins to go over his notebook, recalling his conversation from yesterday.
  • Martin begins to sketch a picture of Yume.





| Maxxob Maxxob |

He shouldn't be here.

As Jebidiah listened to the debriefing from Rextelian and Aya regarding what they going up against, he couldn't help but feel very concerned about his well-being. If he could sweat, he'd be sweating bullets. As Cassidy or any of his other alteregos, he ensured that his visage at the very least passed for some random unassuming human. He was perfectly capable in blending in with the crowd as a random shmuck that people either ignore or give a respectful berth to, from being a gun-for-hire to a bumbling bufoon. Even so, the fear of being uncovered for what he truly was, forever plagued him in every single social interaction he's faced. He may be stern and calm on the outside, but inside he was terrified. And yet never did he find himself more at risk of being planted in the spotlight than now; while fighting against his own kind no less.

Not that he cared too much for them anyways. In fact, the term "undead" is commonly seen as a broad term. Typically, skeletons are what come to mind first; but entities like zombies, ghouls. and ghosts also fall into this category. Jeb has killed plenty of them. Never did he feel pity for their lot. For he considers himself NOTHING like them. But the majority of the world considers his lot as threats; mindless monsters at worst, or shunned outcasts at best. And with such intense hostility for them present in this very room, he'd no doubt be mistaken as a spy or infiltrator from the other side; despite having no idea who they were and why they wanted Nan Gau.

Jeb wanted to strangle the bastard who recommended this job to him.

But with low funds, Jeb accepted on the condition he gets paid well and whatever they fought was anything BUT undead. Had he known what he was getting into from the start, he would've downright refused. Hell, he even thought about it at the beginning of the lecture when Rex allowed it. Though his paranoia of being found out would no doubt haunt his nightmares, if not come to fruition. There would be a lot of explaining to do, and/or a lot of skidaddling as fast and far away from here as possible. For him, it was too late to back out now. Though if there was one thing he could thank himself for...

The lack of a horse was forgiving enough.

Upon hearing them call out his described name, the gunslinger's bones rattled silently as he approached to receive his map and introduce himself. "The name's Cassidy B. Flint." he announced in his wild western accent, putting on a relatively confident front to hide the metaphorical butterflies flying within his ribcage. Wearing thick clothing, scarfs and bandanas coupled with a beard and wide-brimmed hat should be enough to convincingly pass as a rugged mercenary prepared for the bone-chilling cold, "Top gunned Monsta' Hunter fer hire. Pleasure to meet ya'lls acquaintances." He was among the last to introduce himself.

Already Jeb could see the wide variety of adventurers also present for the occasion. Primarily human or humanoid, each seemed to bring something unique to the table. Though there was one individual that he instantly related to. That Brit hunter, Nigel. He too was of the gunslinger profession in a way, though he was specialized for hunting big game. He was an interesting fella. But being too occupied with a discussion between a bunch of other folk, Jeb decided to take it easy and bide his time. He continued studying the other members as he prepared for the grueling battle ahead.

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