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((Okay. I could do that. The only problem is that the new character's a guy lol Which I have absolutely no problem with, but I don't know if other people do))

That's not what I meant exactly :oops:

I don't have a problem with that either but what I meant is there would be two people they meet, one being Kaine's romantic partner, the other being your new character.

Unless of course you want them to be one in the same but that would probably be a bit awkward since you'd be roleplaying with yourself...kinda :confused:)
((Oooooh I see xD Sorry 'bout the misunderstanding lol We can just have them meet two people, the romantic one which is short-lived, and then my person. That good?))


"I told you you'd be surprised by whose bed I've been in." I just smiled and gave a little wink. "This is just one of many. One must have many connections, both big and small." Which included diplomats, military leaders, businessmen and women, and even the average citizens living in little places like this. When you go to hide somewhere, smaller and less conspicuous is usually better.

"Oh..." I said, my expression flattening. Somehow I'd been expecting him to say that but it still flustered me to hear him say it aloud. "So we're meeting one of these...'bed-partners'," I said, knowing the answer but still dreading it. I could just picture the chaos of it now. Perhaps to one thing that annoyed me more than people as clever as I was people far less clever than I and since this person we were to meet had been seduced by Kaine, I didn't have high expectations for them. Either that or I was very much underestimating Kaine's wiles. I could never imagine being attracted to him. It would be like a little slice of hell.

I nodded and laughed at the faces she was making. "Why, yes, yes we are. Don't be such a prude, dear, I'm an adult and I'm allowed to what I want." I gave her a nice, friendly smile and patted her shoulder. "Just because I'm not charming to you doesn't mean I'm not to other people. You already know I don't really mean it, so there's really no point in being nice." Other people, of course, were another matter entirely. "Do try not to gag, please. It ruins the mood. Besides, it's possible she's going to be angry with me anyway." I hadn't been back in a while. I'd been busy.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head a little. "You're sure she won't be put off seeing me with you? I am a female after all, even if it may not be incredibly obvious," I huffed, looking him on the eye. "And you wouldn't want her any more upset than she already will be do you? I could just stand off to the side," I offered, shrugging. I actually wasn't very concerned about Kaine's relations with this woman, I mostly just didn't want to meet the type of woman I was slowly painting her to be inside my head. Especially since she was Enid. But Kaine might force me into this torment anyway...

"No, no," I said, shaking my head. "It's fine. I've made it very clear in her mind that I couldn't possibly earn anyone's favor but hers, and besides," I made a show of looking back at her, tracing up and down from head to toes. "You are a lanky, wide-eyed little child. I swing every way but that one, Esme." She was far too young for even my standards of debasement. "You can just stay a few feet behind me."

"Good. I'm glad this has been established," I nodded, looking away at the awkwardness of the conversation. "I think romance is boring anyway. I read some...novels about it I guess you could say. And they're disgusting. I don't see what could make you want to be around someone else. All everyone does is hurt each other," I pouted, feeling the need to express my opinion on this matter.

I laughed. I couldn't help it, I just lost it and laughed, unabashedly. "Those are the words of a virgin, deary. There's nothing wrong with that - but oh, if you were only a little bit older and didn't despise the very sight of me." I gave her a little smirk. "I could teach you a few very wonderful things. Perhaps not about the emotional side to romance - though I can explain that rather well I think. The mechanics of emotional responses are really quite interesting."

I glanced at Kaine, and I'm sure the look in my eyes was on the verge of rage. "Well here's my perspective. The only people I ever loved were killed when I was young and since then I lived eleven years hating everyone I've ever come across because there's always something bad to them. I understand that there's some chemical attraction between animals but I've never experienced it. And there's never been any kind deed done to me for which I did not have to pay, and you haven't helped with that aspect. That's the world I've lived in. And I don't want to procreate just to have my children go through the same suffering I have. I'm sure that there's some spur of the moment pleasure to what you do but I've hated too much to bring myself to want such a thing. So there. You go live in your little fantasy world of temporary pleasures while I do what I've done for the rest of my life. Hate."

I didn't quite stop walking, slowed a bit so I could watch her but didn't stop. ". . . That's it?" I asked, finally, and wondered honestly for a moment if she might try to kill me for saying it. I pressed on anyways. "That's the mystery?" I sighed. "Well it's not any fun if you just blurt it out, now is it?" I rolled my eyes and just faced forward again since we were beginning to approach areas where actual people would be. "Besides, who said anything about procreating?" I didn't want children any more than she did. Children were a hastle. There were ways around that.

"What mystery? I told you stuff you already knew. Or could have guessed. Don't worry. I still have some secrets you haven't figured out," I said, in an oddly reassuring tone. "As for procreating...well I like things to have a purpose I guess. And temporary amusement just makes the next moment seem even more empty than it had been without the pleasure preceding it. So the only reason I'd do what you take as commonplace would be to have children, which I don't want...not in this world," I explained. "You don't have to agree with me but that's just my perspective. It's your fault for bringing the subject up," I said, flatly looking him in the eye.

I shrugged, letting it drop for now because we were close enough and just pointing us forward. "Well you're bound to be amused with whatever happens in the next ten minutes or so." I fixed my clothes a bit as we walked, fiddled with my hair until some of it fell a little over my eyes, and made sure to adopt the appropriate posture before we got to the right door. I knocked and waited, gesturing for her to stay back a bit, then knocked and waited again.

Finally, the door opened, and I gave a small, tentative smile when I saw who I had expected to see. "Ren! I'm glad you're home. I have to -" Whatever else of the little spiel I'd thought up went out the window with the sound of skin on skin, a resounding slap that had me reeling. I could've avoided it easily, but I let her hit me and just stumbled back a step, a hand coming up to my cheek to cover over the burning pain left behind. She stepped out and grabbed me by the collar after that, yanking me to her and into a kiss so hard it almost hurt. There might have actually been a literal spark to it, but I wasn't entirely sure.

I let her do what she would, hoping Esme wouldn't lose her control and laugh, until Ren finally released me and just glared, tears in her eyes. "You could have left a note! You could done something other than disappear without telling me!"

My eyes had already watered a bit from the slap to the face so I just let it continue, and went on to beg for forgiveness, to tell her that I'd meant to come back but had ended up having to help Esma, my lost little sheep. I used her as an excuse for how long I'd been gone and hoped it would work. Really, after that greeting it could go either way.

I watched, completely bewildered...and admittedly embarrassed. I was sure I'd gained a little color to my cheeks, shuffling my feet anxiously. As I listened to the conversation, I realized I was to become a part of this. I was to be the excuse. The helpless little mouse who'd lost it's way. So I put on my best puppy dog face, my eyes watering a little to give me a more childish appearance, and I peered around Kaine with probably the most innocent look I'd given anyone in years. I had the stature to be mistaken for a ten year old and I knew it would help me play off the look. I just hoped she would think I'd been a worthy cause with the combined persuasion of my poor acting and Kaine's fluent excuses.
W white bus pulled up infront of the bus stop with serveral on lookers by. The seat held multpple kids in them and the driver wore nothing but white. "GET OFF"The bus driver yelled to the back. The buse went silent and children's head turned toward the three standing. No bags or electronics with them, the walked down the small line that split the seats apart. Code the eldest guided the two down the stairs of the bus. Cline looked back toward Crome who was holding onto the bottom of his sleeve. The

The bus instantly driving off as they stood by the sign the three looked around. Crome kept her head down since they seemed out of place. They had on all white at the time with collars going up their necks. Cline let out a smile as he opened his mouth getting ready to yell, until Code smacked him in the back of his head. " Do not say a word."

It took a little more convincing, but Esme was doing something behind my back that was getting Ren's attention and bringing on waves of motherly sympathy and that was all we needed to push her over that little edge. I promised her that it would only be for a night, that we could move on after that and that once I had Esme settled somewhere safer I could come back and see Ren again. It worked and that was what mattered.

Ren let us inside and told me I could take Esme to the guest room, which I did. I shut the door behind us, briefly, and just smiled a little. "Whatever you were doing worked well enough. Nice job, kiddo. You can hang out in here if you'd like, but I'd better go offer to make dinner before she thinks I'm gone again." Playing the role of 'kept man' was usually what I did here. So long as we laid low until the next day, I could find us a more stable place to stay. Ren wasn't exactly happy with me, and after all the other times of leaving I had a feeling this would be the last time she let me come back.

I smiled, pleased that I had actually contributed somehow. "I think I'll stay here," I sighed, relaxing a little and looking around the room. It wasn't very well furnished, just a wire frame bed, a small table to hold a lam without a shade beside the bed and a closet for storage. I slid my cardigan over my head, dropping it on the floor. It was much hotter in this area than it was in the forest, where there always seemed to be some type of chill in the air. It was nice to have my arms bare every once in a while. I flopped down on the bed, rolling on my side and enjoying the feel of cushioning beneath me. I couldn't remember the last time I'd slept on a mattress that wasn't made of leaves.

(I posted an Enid charrie, just so you know who this is Goddess.)

Tempest watched the new group enter the bus, finding it the least boring thing to be happening. Sure the girls in front of him were chatting up a storm of gossip, the boys to his left were discussing the latest military developments, and the bus driver was playing some harsh sounding music from who knows when, but he didn't care about any of those things. They never changed and they never contributed to anything of importance. So why would he care. But three new people of obvious relation to each other...well at least it held the possibility of intrigue.

"Well you have fun with that," I said, having stayed long enough to watch her cuddle into the bed, then just smiled a little and left. I did everything I could to butter up Ren, but knew before dinner was even finished that we had one night here and nothing more, and that I would probably be sleeping on the floor in the guest room with Esme. I'd slept in worse places before. This just meant I was going to have to call on Lucius for help next. Good thing I'd brought him the book he wanted.
((Sure. I gtg to work in 10 minutes though, and will be gone for approximately 4.5 hours lol So after this post I'll probably disappear))


In the morning, we recieved the send-off I'd expected, though I did get a little goodbye kiss in way of parting. I took Esme by the hand to complete the image but graciously let her go once we were out of sight. "Well, that's one option exhausted." I said, shrugging and walking in the right direction. "On to the second. And see? No explosions so far." She'd been able to keep her cool.

"Yes, but there aren't many people around here...and most of them aren't any the wiser of what we are. I'm sure a military officer would recognize us as an odd pair to be walking around and Enid slum," I pointed out. "And then I'd be provoked...so that's what we should avoid."

(Alright, see you whenever then X3)
((OMG, I've only been gone for one day, and you guys have done 8 pages...ALONE?! xD ))

((Since I don't know where you are, I'll just...))
(Yeah...we got a bit carried away :confused:

You have a Llyr character soooooo....I'll probably have to make a new character myself. Or your character could be spying on the Enid...?

If you need me to make a charrie it's fine...I was going to have to do it anyway sooner or later.

Do you want a short explanation of what's happened?)

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