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The new bus that had had appeared picked them up from the old one that had dropped them off. It seemed when you got to a new age you had to move facility but this was because the old one was closing down. The three took their seats in the back. Cline pouted thinking that he was free so he leaned back in his seat hugging with annoyance. Crome looked around toward the others, sleepy since she had little sleep. Code looked down toward crome and brushed her hair away as he pattetd on his lap.

Crome laid her head down and yawend , drifting off into sleep as cline looked over toward code. "i..i thoguht maybe we could escape." Code brushed away cromes hair everytime it fel infront of her face when the bus braked to pick up more kids. " ..impossible." CCline groaned a little as he became to roll his eyes. " why..we could have run." Code glanced back at him with an annoyed look. " unless you want crome and you to die i suggest we stay put..for one you cant even control your powers and two, yall ain't ready."

Sorry...I haven't had a ton of sleep lately

I confused you with Autumn D:

Well then you have a Variant so you can pretty much jump in wherever...even on the bus that Goddess' and my charries are on.)

Tempest listened to their conversation, not caring much about how much etiquette he was breaking by doing so. Escape...he pondered. What could that mean? He asked himself. It could mean almost anything in the higher class of Enid, which these three obviously came from. Something about them reminded him of himself. A bit lost, a bit tired, and frankly done with the way life was going. But he didn't say anything. They hadn't piqued his interest that much yet...

A young woman, sat in the back of the bus, curled up and alone. With a sigh, she kicked her feet up onto the seat opposite to her.

"So, who are you guys?" She asked the other people, hoping they'd here her clear and free voice. Her hazel eyes gleamed and her Ear Hole Piercing slightly showed. She cleared her throat, No more Weed..., She thought to herself.
Tem glanced at this new character that had been added to the situation. She didn't appear to have the familial bond the three he had been observing obviously shared. Maybe she was just another eavesdropper who had found them intriguing...or maybe she just liked to talk. That was always possible. Tem glanced down, shaming himself for over-thinking things. He was just so incredibly bored that he'd had to find ways to occupy himself.
"She was pretty." Code eye's widend as he moved toward his brother, slappign him acrrosed the face. Cline's face went back a little as he brought his hand to cover the red mark around his cheek. The slap was loud so his idea of not causing to much attention was ruined. Crome who was still asleep, snored a little as she twitched her nose. "don't ever speak of her again." Code was furious with his brothers comment. How could he bring her up, out of all the times it was now.

"It wasn't her fault." Code looked away gritting his teeth. "it was..no mother would let theri child..children." Crome moved around , turnning the opposite way so her face was near his stomach. He gave her a sad look as he continued to brush the hair away from her eyes. " that topic is taboo..if you have nothing else to say do not say anything at all." Cline looked away nodding his head. " fine"
Tem's eyes widened. What an odd group, he thought, smirking. Obviously some family troubles. Not uncommon among the upper class. People with money took desperate actions to keep it in these times. Tem dragged a hand over his mouth to hide his little grin and giving him enough time to disperse it. He turned to look out the window, keeping the trio in the corner of his eye.
"Ignoring is rude." She said, standing, a little annoyed. She began to slowly walk over to Tem, the obviously confused one. With a sigh, she held out her hand, knowing the people had some supernatural aura around them.

"Shake it, I'm Alex." She said, thrusting her hand to get his attention. The smell of perfume radiated from her body, but not a lot.
Crome's ears twitched as she turned over again, staring at the man who was looking at them from the conner of his eyes. Her eyes not moving , or blinking but just watching him. She didn't find him fascinating but she was wondering why he was staring. Cline didn't pay much attnetion so he found himself picking at a small bug in the cornner of the window. "you can't escape like us." He mumbled to himself.

Code had leanded his head back, trying to get some rest. He could never sleep since the nightmares from his past kept washing over him like a river. He had felt crome shift but brushed it off thinking she was trying to get comfortable again. ode let out a sigh as he closed his eyes, trying to doze off. Crome continued to stared then mouthed to him. " you shouldn't stare."
Tem mouthed "Then you shouldn't slap each other," to Crome before turning to Alex and looking at her curiously. Not many people approached him...he usually gave off a sort of I'm busy message. But he wasn't as socially awkward as he appeared. He accepted the hand, giving her a slight smile. "Hi, I'm Tem, short for Tempest," he explained, catching a small whiff of her perfume.
Crome sat up her head now glaring at the boy infront. Her movement made Code open his eyes as he looked down. " Are you not tired..crome" Crome looked toward him and smiled. " nope not anymore." Cline looked toward crome and smiled. " you your awake" Crome smiled toward cline as she nodded her head. " yup" Cline got up from his seat and sat beside crom and poked her ear. " want tp play are game." CCrome looked up toward code to get approval. Code looked down with emotionless eyes. " we are on a bus..and you want to play your game here." Crome smiled trying to convince him with her charm. Code sighed as he laid down where cline was sitting. " fine..but don't hurt each other or i will hurt you."

I nodded and just kept an eye out, covertly. "You want to know what the key is to infiltration?" I straightened my shoulder a bit more, just to emphasize. "Act like you own the place. Keep your head up and don't look around much. You've got to pretend you know what the h*** you're doing and you've got to make anyone that looks at you believe it so they don't look twice." That was how I got into a lot of places.

We reached our destination just a short ten minute walk from Ren's. I led Esme around the back of the property, where the grass was a bit overgrown and where a very old swing set sat. There was a small, blonde boy on one swing, rocking slightly on his heels so that the swing moved jut enough to squeak with each back and forth motion. Balanced on the other swing was a pad of paper and a box of pencils - I'd known there would be. He was always sitting out here when I found him, and always looking for something else to draw.

"Well, hello, there!" I called, grinning when I got his attention. "Miss me?"

He sat up straight from where he'd been slumping against the chains of the swing, eyes going wide. "Kaine!" He got up after that, ran the short distance between us and threw himself at me, squeezing tight. It had been a long while since I'd seen Ren, but it had been longer since I'd seen him. He squeezed hard until he'd convinced himself that I was really here, then just sort of turned his head enough to look at Esme with one eye. ". . . Who's this?"

I stood silently for a moment, my thoughts tumbling over the possible introductions I could give myself. Most of them that came to mind were terribly rude and usually involved some type of threatening...but I didn't need that. In fact this boy was the one whom I was intruding upon; I was some stranger coming along and asking for shelter. Sure he and Kaine were friends obviously, but that didn't mean he had to welcome me...I had to be nice for once. You really are hopeless aren't you, my thoughts had time to say before I interrupted them. "I'm...Esme," I said, blandly and with hesitation. Both sides of my mind were laughing hysterically. It was pathetic. Very much so. I couldn't help smiling a little, mostly at myself. Not because of pride but because I was so very clueless when it came to this that it amused me. I'd even forgotten how to say my name. It hadn't escaped from my lips in years.

I was wandering through towns when i heard a small group of people talking. It wasn't often that i paused to chat; i scared most. However, i sensed something... different about them. Creeping silently up behind them, I took the time to look them once over. I arrived just in time to hear the one infront of her introduce herself hesitantly. "I'm... Esme," the girl said. I smiled behind her, drinking in her smell; definately not human. Suddenly twirling around to stand next to this girl- Esme- I opened my black eyes widely and smiled, showing rows of white teeth; two sharp kanines at the sides. "Hello, Esme. Hello..." I paused and glanced, catlike, to the other being, "Ah, it appears I don't know your name." I smirked and tossed my hair over one eye. I wasn't used to speaking to more than one living thing at a time, and that was only to ask them the way to a town. "Anyway, my name is Blue."

I'd put a hand on Lucius' head when he grabbed me and patted his back a little, starting to greet him more properly when the girl showed up. She was Llyr, she had to be. They had that . . . feel to them that couldn't be faked.

Lucius' fingers curled tight against my back, not scared but ready, ready to protect his land and even me. "This is my property." He said, quietly and not quite cruelly but firm. He'd fought for his land before and he'd do it again.

I gripped his hair tight to try and silence him, smiling pleasantly for the newcomer. "What he meant to say was, we wish you would have asked before entering. I'm Kaine and this is Lucius. What can we do for you, darling?"

I stared at the girl, stock still. She'd terrified me frankly. I was already a bit put off...I hadn't been around this many people at a time for eleven years. I could hardly handle one person, and even that was debatable. But now there were two strangers around me. I clenched my hands together, some instinct I'd never had the experience to know I had. To my surprise, I looked at Kaine for guidance. He knew how to handle something such as this far better than me. He was the only reason I was here in the first place. Some part of me was angered by the fact that I was reliant on him in some ways, but luckily I'd grown more accustomed to that fact and didn't show my distaste of the situation.

I was shocked; I wasn't aware of the ownership, however, i plastered a lazy smile on my face, "I don't ask for anything... I just get." I purred, eyes raking over the people infront of me, then settled on observing Esme; who was still with shock. "Calm down," I said, with a slight underlaying of acid. She hardly knew me, why should she be afraid? I chuckled in my mind, Esme should only be afraid of me when we knew eachother.

"You won't get anything here." Lucius was almost growling by now and I tugged a little harder on his hair to silence him.

"He's right, anyway," I said, keeping my arm still around him with the hand in his hair so he wouldn't move away. "There isn't anything here you can have." I didn't understand why she was here, but I would do my best to make her leave before things got out of hand. Lucius was already starting to glow a little. "So," I smiled a little again, "What can we do for you, Miss Blue?"

Her request that I relax only frightened me more. Never had someone I did not know asked such a thing of me without malicious intention. But I hid it as best as I could, distracting myself by looking at Lucius and Kaine. I filtered through the terror within my mind to find the distrust instead before turning back to this odd girl. "Or do you have no reason to be here?" I added after Kaine's question. "Just a little fun?" I suggested.
Code watched the two play their small game as he looked toward the boy who was watching them before. His legs crossed along with his ars, he stareda t him. His eyes not blinking just his red hues staring as if he was looking at his soul. Crome was to busy to pay attention to him instead she touchedcline's finger , shockign him a little while kline touched her finger, making her lif up a bit.. "
Tem returned Code's stare, a slight frown settling over his lips. "Yes?" he asked, raising a brow and leaning back in his seat. This group was too paranoid. And they attracted attention to themselves with ease. It wasn't as though he was in the wrong for observing them.
"You've been staring for quite some times now..why." HHe groaned a little as he felt crome hit the seat. His left eyes galnced voer as he saw the two looking uup at him giggiling a bit. Cline should be sitting with him since he was older than crome but he didn't mind since he barley had a fun child hood as it was.
"You're entertaining to watch," Tem smiled. "I'm sorry if it annoys you...but you all are awfully active. Even for Enid." Tem waved his hand passively, not particularly caring if they disapproved of his action. They were all just strangers to him.
Code's eyes widend as he watched crom climb up on the back of the man's seat. " you do stare a lot." Code gimmaced a bit as he watached kline kneel down beside him." you find something intresting huh." Crom smiled pocking his head a little, letting otu a soft laugh. " code hes kind of ..mm"
Tem's brow furrowed a little and he glanced between the three of them, blinking a little. They were far from normal. He couldn't help but smirk, loving the oddity of it. He never experienced anything like this. "Well...I enjoy observing others. It's kind of a social experiment," he explained, glancing at Crome, finding her to be disturbingly close to him.

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