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I grinned again, avoided laughing because it would probably sound maniacal in this situation, and just nodded. "You're going on a trip with me! Whenever and wherever I choose!" Favors came in all shapes and sizes, after all. "And I do choose ASAP, so pack a bag, little one. We're going places." Fun places, too. She should thank me. I was going to reintroduce her to her heritage. Sort of.

"Oh god," I said, laughing nervously. I stretched one more time, hesitant to leave the comfort of my hammock. But after a moment or two, I managed to force my legs over the handmade netting and dropped to the ground with ease. I reached for my right hip where I kept my knife, feeling it's rough handle against my palm. It was a small comfort, not nearly enough to quell the rolling of my stomach. "Tell me the information you've gathered along the way," I said, breathing deeply and looking Kaine in the eye blankly. I'd lead myself into this. Desperation was a funny thing.

"Of course." I nodded, then just looked at her and pointed up and down a little at her clothes and the fact that she didn't have much on her but that knife she was touching. "Is that how you're - all right." I shrugged and just turned to walk out of the forest. "If you want to go empty-handed, that's your decision. It's not too long of a walk." We weren't that far from the nearest Enid outpost, and by outpost I meant tiny dirt hole of a city. That was all right; I still had connections there, even though it was small. "We'll discuss possibly-military tactics on the way." And maybe that would distract her enough that I could see when she first realized where we were going. 
((Past midnight here so I gotta go to sleep. I should be on for most of tomorrow. Night!))

"I don't need anything else," I said stubbornly, some odd part of me wanting to prove to him that I was more useful than I looked. I peered into his eyes, trying to get a read on what he was scheming. But as was usually the case with Kaine, he looked frustratingly empty or at the very least, in some shallow pleasure. "Give me a second," I said, latching onto one of the trees from which my hammock was hung and climbing it with little effort. I was so small that it wasn't too difficult to pull my weight up a tree. I climbed high enough so that I could see over the forest canopy, observing the network of wires and string that protected my home. I hummed absently as my hands brushed through the leaves, searching for a specific chord. I felt my fingers brush over a particularly worn wire, rusted a little from the moisture in the air. Yes, this was the one. I traced it to the branch it was tied around and gently lifted it free. From my view above the forest it looked as though half of the canopy just collapsed, like a tent. It looked like my escape system was still intact. I climbed down the tree, hopping down the last few feet and giving Kaine a little smirk before explaining. "I just thought I'd disable the traps, since nobody will be home and I don't have much that anybody would want. They're usually just for entertainment," I shrugged.

(Alright, g'night.)

I gave a faint smile but otherwise didn't respond, just turning and walking, keeping an eye out for her traps just in case she'd lied. She hadnt, though I assumed she had some ulterior motive in mind. When we were free of the forest, I started talking, telling her of my exploits just to stall for time and walking next to her to watch her reactions. If I timed it just right, I wouldn't give away the most important pieces of information until it was too late to turn back.

I kept watch on Kaine out of the corner of my eye, still having trouble reading him. He was keeping my interest...whether intentionally or unintentionally I wasn't sure. But he'd done his job well and I was pleased so far, as was usually the case with the information he gave me. However, I'd told him not to come without something big and so far he'd given me lots of smaller nit-picky details that were helpful but not quite what I was looking for. I had a gnawing suspicion he hadn't told me something. That he was saving up for a grand finale.

I managed to talk for over an hour of walking before I finally started running out of little details and side trips to give her. That was just as well, as there wasn't too much longer before we'd get close enough to our destination that we would be in Enid territory. "So, the point, finally." I said, smiling a little to myself, "Managed to clean the right rooms of the right people - maid work is fun sometimes, you know, you should see the outfit - and lo and behold! Maps, just waiting to be looked at. And some very interesting personal letters, but those have no use to you darling, and I'm keeping that much for myself." I would be able to use it at a later date. "As it turns out, the Llyrs are also moving troops, in a way. They've got defenses set up at just about every border of their territory." That was just a precautionary watchfulness, but I didn't have to tell her that. I gave facts, not interpretations, so I just told her the rest of what I'd found after that. That wasn't the interesting part. The interesting part was when she would start realizing where we were.
((Basically we've established that Kaine gives information on the Enid to Esme because he wants to see what she'll do for it and with it, and instead of getting paid he asked for favors in return. He's now using one of those favors to make her travel with him to a little village/town on the outskirts of Enid territory, 'cause he knows she hates them. They're just walking there now.

Their exchange was actually pretty entertaining lol you should totally read it))
(( haha, awesome, I'll probably start Roleplaying tomorrow, I've got lots of stuff to do tonight. ))
(Yup, that's what happened. And I totally understand the business. It's been a bit chaotic for me lately as well.

And just so you know I'll be a little slow cause I'm working out a character bio and they usually take me a while to type :/ )


I let out a slow breath, my mind beginning to race as I interpreted the information he'd given me. The Enid must have something up their sleeve...something that could scare the Llyr into a defensive post. That was my initial thought...but it could be wrong. It was probably wrong actually. And then it finally occurred to me that we'd been walking somewhere this entire time...but where? I stopped in my tracks, glancing around the area. I'd never been here before. We must have been going towards the city, what with all the debris that was slowly cropping up. And then it hit me, like a splash of cold water to the face. My gaze gradually found Kaine. "Oh you," I laughed, gritting my teeth. "You've led me to the Enid haven't you? Why in the world would you want to drag me to some stinking rat hole like this! Oh god I hate you so much, you don't even know. Just drop dead now, make it easier for yourself," I yelled at him, balling my fists up in rage. For a second I lost control, my telekinesis flaring out of my grasp and sending the leaves from the few trees around us flying into the air all at once.
((Oh I totally understand. I was doing one a while ago and it took my like an hour to finish xD ))


It was like a whirlwind gust all at once and I just put a hand up to shield my eyes from it as she sent debris flying up into the air. But I was grinning beneath it, just picturing the faces she'd made before I'd had to stop looking. "Think of it as therapy," I said, smiling when the initial rush of force died down. "You agreed to owe me a favor, Esme. You never said there were restraints on the terms of said favor. I get you what you want, and then I get what I want, remember?" She couldn't go back on our deal. I had too many connections in too many places. I could send so many different things and people down on her head.

I blinked a few times before leaving my eyes closed and taking a deep breath. I paused, frowning as I thought my words over. He was right. This was the deal. "But...I can't...I don't think this is a good idea," I finally said, opening my eyes and pursing my lips stubbornly. I plopped myself down on the ground, cross-legged, knowing it was a toddler-like, futile action. But I went along with it anyway. "For your own sake, I won't go. Think of a safer favor," I huffed, lifting my chin a little to get a better look at him and also emphasize my words.

I raised an eyebrow at her when she dropped down on the ground. I walked closer, standing over her with my hands on my hips. "Safer favor? That wasn't the deal, sweetheart." I smiled faintly. "What do you honestly think you can do to *me*?" I wasn't as weak or as helpless as I seemed. If I had been that, I would've been dead by now. Contrary to what I told her, words could not get you out of every situation - and I got into a lot of situations.

"Honestly? I have no idea. It's usually just a sort of black spot in my memory and then I find someone's corpse in front of me. Or a new fallen tree or two. Or maybe both. That's what happens when I meet an Enid in my camp usually. And this is a city full of them," I shrugged. "Whatever happens, you'll have brought it upon yourself. But it would be a shame to lose an agent as useful as you," I sighed. "You could survive but I still think it's a useless risk."

I looked at her for a long moment, trying to decide whether or not I should believe her or just go anyway. ". . . D***." I sighed and just stood up straight again, running a hand through my hair. "Well that's no fun at all." If she was telling the truth it would only cause me more trouble than good, and she usually had no reason to lie to me so I had to assume she was telling the truth. "Oh, fine. . ." I thought it over and then just held out a hand to pull her up, wondering if she would take it or not. "Lts go see the Llyrs again, then! They're fun!" 
((I gtg help my mom with the shopping for a while. Back later))

I didn't move immediately, just sitting there with a pout on my face. I felt the two sides of my mind that I'd grown accustomed to having arguing in my thoughts. This is an opportunity you idiot! It's like a personal escort right into the enemy base. You're curious about what's scared the Llyr into a defensive stance right? Whereas my other half argued: You could hurt yourself doing this. You don't wake up from a nightmare with bruises for no reason...where do you think they come from? Yourself. That's right, you're more dangerous to yourself than anything else out there. Some day you'll wake up choking yourself, or having brought a tree down on yourself. You aren't in control. And you don't want to hurt him either. Just go to the Llyr. It's much less complicated. After hearing the little debate, it wasn't hard to decide. I grabbed Kaine's hand, pulling myself up and brushing off my legs. "We're going to the Enid," I said decisively. It probably didn't make much sense from his perspective, but he should know by now that one of the oddest traits of Cian was their unpredictability.

(Okay :) )

I blinked at her once I'd pulled her up, tilting my head a bit to the side to broadcast confusion, then just shrugged. "Suit yourself." I waited for her to be ready, then spun on a heel and continued back in the direction we'd been going when we started out. "I'm a little surprised and impressed by your self control, actually. I'd had an inkling that you might just throttle me on site when you realized which way we were going." I'd been prepared to either dodge or fight back, of course, but this reaction had been much better. Usually i could predict things rather well, but when things happened that I didn't expect, it was more fun.

"Well believe me when I say I was tempted," I snorted, following Kaine. So far I wasn't regretting my decision. Seeing his expression had been mildly entertaining. He finally got a taste of his own medicine, even it was only a small dose.

(I was thinking one or both of us should probably have an Enid for when they are in the city...or we could just have temporary characters. I actually had an idea for an Enid character if you think we should have a third...)
((We can do that. If you have an idea, go for it. If you want me to I can churn out a character given a little bit of time lol))


I laughed and just kept walking, glancing back at her over my shoulder. "Did you have fun?" I asked, and grinned when she just looked at me. "You were watching me. Watching the watcher. Was it fun?" It was interesting to think about. I didn't mind if she watched me.

"I'll admit that it was satisfying to see the look on your face," I smiled, a genuine, happy smile for once. I glanced at him, curious. Was that the sort of satisfaction he got all the time? Perhaps learning how to manage my words better wouldn't be so bad. I guess I'd just never needed words before...but now that the person I interacted with the most was an empath of sorts, it was probably best I picked something up from the mental wreckage he always left me in.

(Okay...I'll try to make the bio as fast as I can but...it could be a while :/ )
((That's fine. Did you want me to do one too?))


I smiled at that and just kept walking, silent because I had no reason to divert her attention anymore. "I'll have to be rather . . . different, for a while, once we're there. Be a doll and do your best not to call me on it, won't you? Can't have you blowing our cover or we'll both be dead meat." Well, probably just her, but still. I had a specfici character to play in this place and I had to do it without her mucking everything up.
(If you want to. You don't have to /shrug)


"Fine. I'll do my best to exercise that self-control you were impressed with," I sighed, stretching my arms out behind me casually, surprised to find my shoulders less tense that I'd expected. "What exactly is this cover you'll be putting on," I smirked, wondering how in the world someone like Kaine would get along with the Enid.
((Oh I've already got one in my head so I have to now xD I'm trying to decide if I should actually have Kaine have a romantic 'acquaintance' here, or if his connection should be my new character he just sort of befriended and brings trinkets to))
(I think it would be entertaining to have Esme react to a romantic 'acquaintance' /coughcough of Kaine's

But it would probably only be temporary little plot so...maybe both?)

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