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Fantasy mythical kingdom

I got shown to my room it had no windows it was so dark I kept tripping over things once I found the bed I layed there crying myself to sleep. I wasn't sure if what is did was the smartest but I did it for my brother and father. I kept thinking to myself If I didn't have then take me then how many people would've die. I was also thinking that maybe there was a way that I could contact graham and see him without anyone knowing.
The dark king was having a secret meeting at that very moment, and he sent a servant to fetch Ryan. His general, Ankhar was present, and his battlefield avatar, Markus, was also there. "The king is sending his forces onto the battlefield tomorrow afternoon. He wishes to catch us by surprise and deal a deadly blow to our army." Markus said. The dark king nodded, leaning back on his throne, giving him an even more imposing presence. "What do you intend to do, Ankhar?" He said. Ankhar gave a toothy grin, and looked up at the king. "We wait for moment. Now moment here. You watch, we kill." Ankhar said. "Good to know we are prepared." The dark king replied, awaiting Ryan's arrival.

@ashlyn heckman

Guess I should tag you on that.
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"She deigns to honor us with her presence!" Markus said sarcastically. The dark king glared at Markus, and Markus silenced. "We need to speak." The dark king said. "You know many things about the light kingdom, and I want to know these things. Tell me everything important that you know of the light kingdom." The dark king continued.
i was thinking why is he interested in the light " why do you want to know about the light kingdom you have your own kingdom. now if that was all you needed goodbye" i started walking out
The door shut in front of her, and the half-giant moved to bar her way. "You were not excused, my dear. Now tell me. Is Aldrick your real father?" The dark king asked.
(Sorry was at a friends house for the past 5 hr)

"Do not test my patience, princess." The dark king spat vilely. "Tell me how to crush the light kingdom's armies."
My arms still crossed I chuckled a bit "why would I tell you how to destroy MY kingdom when the reason I came was to protect them not kill them. So if you think I would rat them out. Then you have no idea who I am. As well you are sadly mistake" I put my hand onto my hip
"I am not going to lay a finger on your family, but all the others must bow to my rule. You are mine now, and your insolence will not be tolerated!." The dark king said. "You may leave me now." He said with a tone of finality.
I approach the gates of the Dark kingdom and knell and call out with a low rumbling voice " I, Stragur Stonehide the minotuar seek refuge in your kingdom, I wish to speak to your king!" @Rand
I'm am not yours never was and never will be graham is my brother and the king is my father and by the way everyone in that kingdom is family. I am speaking the truth if you can't handle that then I don't know why your the ruler."
"Do you even know who your real family is?" The king scoffed. "You insolent brat! Markus, take her to her room!" The king turned back towards the map, speaking with Ankhar, and Markus took Ryan by the arm. "Best you don't antagonize him further." Markus said simply, leading her from the dark chamber.

"Lead army? You no chieftain! You follow me." The ogre responded completely dumbfounded by the minotaur's request.
As I walk out with him once we were out of that room and the doors were shut I whipped him off my arm " I don't know why you put up with him he is a rude mule and if you think I'm stupid for saying that to him then you must be stupid for actually having me come"
Markus looked at her in astonishment. All those who lived in the dark kingdom were usually silent, shrouded in mystery, usually biding time for a higher rank. This girl was completely upfront and boldly honest. He didn't know what to think of her. "Although you speak the truth, I believe it is best to keep the truth to yourself sometimes. The dark king can be very dangerous when in a bad mood, so I think you should be careful around him if you wish to live." Markus whispered to her. After saying that he began to look at her strangely. @ashlyn heckman

"Very big. Many goblins." The ogre said with distaste. "Many ogres! Millions!" It said, obviously not educated enough to count, although it would seem that there were millions. Hundreds of thousands of goblins swarmed under primal banners that marked their individual clans, the orcs howled at the goblins, taking glee at watching their inferiors scramble for what little food could be found. The ogres were the most orderly of the masses, which was not saying much. Groups of them sat around large fires, eating chunks of meat. @Jonnyboy98
Cheri watched from a tall tower, watching the armies heading off to war. She closed her eyes and a tear rolled down her face. She could lose all 11 of her brothers, or her parents. She clenched her fists and stood straight and walked to her closet. She opened it up and pulled out some light leather armor. She only fought when needed, and this was one of those times. She undressed then put the leather armor on.
The sky was rather dark for the time of day, and Aldrick took it as a bad omen. This battle was his gambit, the one thing he could do to keep the ravenous dark king at bay. He heard about the army the dark king was amassing, and was afraid that his soldiers would not be able to stand against it. If not, then he would have to go straight for the head of the snake, the dark king himself. If the dark king died, everything would be different.

The ogre brought the minotaur to a large tent, and opened the flap to let the minotaur in. A half-giant sat in one of the chairs at the far end of the tent, looking over a map. A chair across from him was vacant. The half-giant did not move from the maps when the flap moved aside, apparently expecting them to speak first. @Jonnyboy98
" Ogre I wish to speak to the general. Take me to him." I look at the goblins and mutter "filthy swines" and let out a low grunt. @Rand
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"Cause as my brother would say I'm stupid. I came to protect my family but I guess i sent them to there death" I put my head down and started crying
"If there is one thing I have learned, is that if you love someone, you do not leave them. It is not too late for you." Markus said, as they arrived at the door to her room.

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