Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

Nar justs shakes his head and ignored Nerrezza. His eyes are following Eva but he is mentally distracted as he senses the nearby presences of new beings. In the distance, Nar hears a howl and knows MoonShadow is on his way back, having felt a bad energy. He looks over to the hellhound who also is on edge, growing as it looks around. "Eva, we have some company around here. And I know you want to learn more about your powers and how to become stronger, but I believe we will find someone better than Nerrezza to teach you. She seems too full of herself to be able to teach anyone anyway."
Astaroth sensed a growing hostility around him. He closes the book he has been reading and throws the cigar. He stood up and sneers. "I know you are there, so please come out and we might talk over this misunderstanding." Astaroth doesnt know if the enemy will attack him so he readies his weapon in case his theory is wrong.
Venn was walking. He had no idea where he was walking too or where he actually was for that matter. The last town he was at he had been mugged by a gang so all he carried on him at the moment was the clothes on his back, the fresh new sun scar on his abdomen, a wad of tens, his kunai sword and a lighter. Timo, his kyuubi fox, had been hiding somewhere in the trees above watching for anyone close by. His feet had been carrying him over fifteen miles so he decided too rest underneath a shaded tree. As his rear met the cold dirt and his head smacked the bark of the tree he suddenly heard voices as if they were right in front of him. His head snapped back up and he scanned they area for any nearby figures, when he realized nobody was actually there he stood again and decided too find the source of all the chit chat. He stuffed his hands in the front pockets of his jeans and carried on.
Evangeline frowned and turned back to Nerrezza, and, within seconds, was next to her kneeling on the ground. "Erebus," Evangeline said, looking at Nerrezza with some concern in her eyes, "Will she take my blood? If she will, it can heal her." She didn't wait for an answer, not wanting to risk it. Evangeline bit into her wrist, and flipped Nerrezza over gingerly before pressing her wrist against Nerrezza's mouth.

He slowly slides Nerrezza off of his lap and jumps up onto his feet and stalks up to Nar. "Take that back from what you said about Nerrezza! She's not full of herself! Well, okay, maybe she is, but still, you don't go around talking about people behind their backs when they're unconscious! Nerrezza could die and you just turn and sneer at her! I know that, not the nicest person around and whatever she did to you, *I* didn't do! I did nothing to you! Nerrezza is the most important person in my life, I love her, and I would die if she died! It kills me every time I have to hurt's 10 times as much painful and worse for me than for her. I don't deserve to lose her!" He was burning up inside and his whole body was trembling, hard enough that you could see every inch moving. He didn't say anything else or did anything, but his body was in threat mode. He turns back around, his rant over, nothing else to say. He hadn't paid any attention to Eva, too angry at Nar to do so, until now. He blinks his eyes slowly, aware of what Eva was going to do. "NO! Eva, wait, don't!" He sprints back to her now, but was already too late.
(Bahhhhh but now I don't know what do do except this)

"What?" Evangeline looked at Erebus, wide eyed and startled, her wrist still pressed against Nerrezza's mouth. She didn't know what was so wrong. "My blood will not only heal her, but will make her stronger than she already is. It is simple. I do not see any issue..."
Kinadra: Which is all the point > :D I always have plans up my sleeve...


"That's the point, Eva, you will make Nerrezza stronger. That's a bad thing, a very, very, bad thing!" He takes a deep breathe and calms himself down. He noticed that Nerrezza didn't react straight away. He lets out a sigh, this was a good thing. He may not be able to convince Eva, but this was for her own good. He reaches out at Eva's wrist to remove it from Nerrezza's mouth. This was the stupidest mistake anybody could make, especially for Erebus. He should of known, she was goading him.


As soon as Erebus reaches out, she reacts. She springs to life and her fangs dig deep into Eva's wrist, breaking her blood veins. She had enough of a taste for her to go into full vampire mode and swings up her arm to punch Erebus in the face to dare intervene with her "meal." She lets out a low growl and presses up against Eva. She forces her down to the ground and uses one hand to pin her to the ground with her neck and the other hand to grab a stronger hold of Eva's wrist and starts to drink her blood dry.
(heh... this should be fun... >.>)

Evangeline didn't look startled at all, she knew this girl was strong, and knew that her blood was like a power boost. "Nerrezza...dear..." she spoke, her neck seemingly unaffected by Nerrezza's hand, "I have not shown my full strength. Why do you think my blood has power? Because I have power myself. More than just my little veins can offer." She winced slightly at her wrist being bitten into so fiercely. Evangeline lifted the hand around her neck like it was feather light, "Do not choke me, child, but drink deeply should you wish it to be so." Her face was a grimace both of slight pain and irritation. "Do not even attempt to drink me dry though. I may not be great at magics, but I am still a force to be reckoned with. Give me some respect, if not for anything else, then for helping you a little."

She barely noticed that Evangeline was talking to her at all. She flexes out her hand when Evangeline had a reaction. The tone of Evangeline's voice, it was irritating her, it was annoying. She didn't want to listen to it, but she had the sense that she must listen to it. She slows down her drinking and actually listens for once. But the voice and words were still blurry and she couldn't concentrate much. She was saying something about power...threatening her? Was Evangeline threatening her? Saying that she had more power than Nerrezza did? A child?! How dare she call her a child!? She was not a mere child playing with fire. Her voice and words were full of insults and something about respect too. She would of laughed and spat in Evangeline's face if she was not drinking her blood. She pulls out her fangs from Evageline's wrist, ripping up the skin. She wouldn't tolerate this. Evangeline's neck was exposed and she sinks her teeth into that instead, more of a punishment more than wanting her blood.


His eyes narrowed at Eva, getting annoyed and angry with her. She was now the one insulting Nerrezza. He decides to tell her straight-up. "Nerrezza hasn't shown her full strength either. I'm not doubting your power, just..Nerrezza has more incentive. Incentive gives her power. You're giving her power. Don't insult her when she's in her vampire mode either, that will make everything worse. And she will kill you, attempt to, at least. You should of never offered your blood in the first place! She would of healed on her own, or I could of healed her!" He snaps at Evangeline, his anger boiling to fury. Then Nerrezza attacks Evangeline and he he tenses up, knowing that Eva must attack Nerrezza. He does his best to give Eva a warning look not to attack Nerrezza back. He shakes his head, begging Eva with his eyes not to attack Nerrezza back. He had a plan of what to do to get Nerrezza off of Eva.
"Oww," Evangeline said simply when Nerrezza ripped up her wrist, and bit into her neck instead. She huffed and pushed Nerrezza away, not caring if it tore skin, "Nerrezza, I did not mean to be insulting. I called you a child because you are younger than I." Evangeline looked Nerrezza in the eyes, trying to make sure that she was actually listening. "I do not doubt your powers. If you were to use magic, you would win. Simple for you." She sighed and winced as her wrist and neck were quickly and painfully healing. "Do not take offence please." Evangeline looked as though she was almost pleading. She had been irritated, but she didn't mean to be rude.

She lets out gasping breathes when Evangeline simply pushes her away. She lets out a hiss and was going to attack Evangeline again when she looked into her eyes. She was asking for Nerrezza to pay attention and to listen. So she does. She was pulling at her hair and twitching the whole time that Evangeline talked, even though it was less than a minute of speaking. She couldn't handle it. She was paying attention, yet the words were blurring still. This girl had offered up her blood and in the result made her hungry. Then the girl pushed her away. It didn't make any sense. She was letting her get any blood now. Nerrezza hated it. Hated this girl. She was pleading and it annoyed and infuriated Nerrezza even more. This girl also said something about magical strength. Nerrezza could defeat her in magical or physical combat. It made no difference to her. She was a skilled expert in both scenarios. She keeps on making hissing noises, going insane without being able to feed, since this girl made her hungry now. Thirsty. It was all her fault. The girl wouldn't let her feed from her own body so she had to go to the next source. The closest source happened to be kneeling down next to her, on her left, the whole time. So she springs up and attacks sideways. She leaped for his neck and bit down hard, tearing it apart, in which Erebus lets out a slight yelp at Nerezza's attack.
Astaroth felt that the hostile forces surrounding him are gone. "Well, that was interesting." He then turns around to see the commotion that was ensuing. "Maybe I shoull watch them for now." He sat down again and watched Nerrezza and the others. He takes out another cigars and lights it up. He lets out a huge smoke and smiles at the thought of what was happening before him.
"Dammit if you are so strong control yourself! You act like a newborn! Kill your dragon and you will regret it. You are linked to him," Evangeline said, done with this all. She walked away from her, quite irritated with the situation. Evangeline walked to Nar, her fangs out and her eyes glowing a bright red.
Astaroth overhears the conversation between Evangeline and Nar. "This couple is quite interesting," he says this with a grin on his face. He listens intently to their conversation, thinking he can gather information about his mission. In order for them not to notice he further hides in the surrounding darkness so that he can gather more information.

He watches Eva completely just leave. He was sad and slightly disappointed that Eva wouldn't help him out. Then again, he wasn't sure why he thought that Eva would help him out. Maybe it was the fact that she seemed nice before and in a way, they sorta had a connection. Of course, looks could be deceiving. Whatever happened earlier, was obviously now nothing. He had been duped, again. He lets out a low growl, annoyed with himself that he could be so easily tricked; but he had no clue as to why. Maybe he was soft. Nerrezza was right, reflecting back upon it, then again she was always right. Though none of this mattered at all, he wouldn't of let Eva help him anyway. So why was he dwelling on this? Why did it matter so much to him? He was letting Nerrezza drink his blood. Erebus grabs Nerrezza's hips and swings her onto his lap. His arms were around her and he moved one arm up her back and he grabs the back of her neck. He starts stroking her neck. Erebus was fuming with anger, both at himself and Eva, and lets his anger fuel him--feeling a bit devious.
Astaroth just kept on watching the development between the two while he hides in the darkness. While watching them, he suddenly remembers the vampire princess the he have served for almost 2 and a half centuries. "I wonder what is the princess doing right?," he thoughts. He knew she would be angry because he left the castle without saying a word to her. "If I ever have the chance to see her, it would be wise to apologize to her personally," he assures himself with this thought and chuckled lightly.


She had watched the interaction between the three with much interest. She said nothing, simply observing the interactions. When Nerrezza had stopped laughing and forced into the skin of both Eva and Erebus, she hadn't been shocked. However, if this wasn't stopped, Nerrezza would most likely try to drink her dragon dry, and hate herself for it afterward. So, since Eva had left, and Erebus had given in, and she was a semi-descent being, it was up to her-- even though she had just me these people. What came next was going to hurt Voda, but it must be done. Gingerly, she stretched out her nimble fingers as if she were just waking up, then all at once, she made a fist. A nearby tree cracked in half, and Voda felt its pain. Hopefully, so did Nerrezza, it would be an ideal distraction. Without checking to make sure Nerrezza had looked up (she most likely hadn't), she drew the water from each of the surrounding trees, withering them substantially and pushed it toward the two, hoping they didn't drown.

She couldn't think of anything else to do. So, she hosed the two down with surprising pressure, like two dogs. She had to get the water back in the trees soon, or they would die for good, like the one she had broken in half. It was amazing how much she could do simply by controlling the water in something. It was also amazing how much remorse she could feel for hurting a tree, not a person.
Astaroth was amazed by Voda's water manipulation. "Oh my, now she ruin a pretty perfect scene," he said this with a smile. Since Voda came out to break the fight, he decided to show himself to all of them. "Well, it was pretty interesting scene before you came, Miss." He said this with a smile on his face. "Now, what should we do now?" he asks them this question with lightheartedness.
zodiart88: Do you have a plan or are you waiting for one of us to go to your character? .-.


When she was drinking Erebus's blood she realized that she was drinking more fiercely before. It brought her back some, to make her think, to make her stop and think. She was slowing down her drinking quite heavily and felt instead. Erebus was filling with such terrible anger. Anger at himself and anger at Evangeline. The anger was filling her up and she couldn't think again. Her own anger was building on top of that. While she was drinking, her guard had dropped, and she wasn't blocking Erebus anymore; which ended in the destruction of her own doom. The anger melts away and instead she was feeling something else. Small electric tingles running down her back and her leg was now shaking. Erebus was touching her neck, her most sensitive spot. She lets out a gasp and yanks away, ripping Erebus's skin on accident while doing so. At the same time, she was bombarded with a wave, a wall, of water. She lets out a hiss of disgust. She hated water. She turns to the sky and searches the horizon. Looking through the trees and through the forest, stretching out her senses. There were two people out there, hiding, stay in the shadows. One was closer than the other, however, and that one person happened to be Voda. Nerrezza pins her gaze on her and lets out a growl. This person was the one creating the water. Hopefully, though, Voda would think that she done the trick, and take back to wherever the water was coming from. She tilts her head at Voda, thinking, wondering who this person was. She takes a step back and starts to go through her memories. Wasn't she the random person, the stranger, that was there when Nerrezza was having her laughing attack? Didn't she pull out some strange liquid from a tree? What was her name again?
She thought, that probably, this girl was her. She didn't really remember anything else about her. She didn't even take notice of the dark energy surrounding Voda from before. As of right now, she still couldn't detect the dark energy surrounding the girl, there was a wall of water around her.
CocoBeans: I have other plans :) For now, I'll just watch on how ur part progresses before I step in properly :)

Nerrezza and the others seem to ignore Astaroth. He knows that he is intruding into their personal affairs. "Well if you dont like answering my question, I guess I will just sit here and watch." As he says this, he sits again, opens a book and continues to watch them from where he is sitting. Now, he watches them with an intent to know more of them.

Finally, she was able to but the water back into the trees, and they perked up nicely. That was a relief. For a moment, she was distracted from Nerrezza by someone. She had observed him before, only once, hiding in a grouping of bushes.. Voda thought his name might me Satroth? No, it was definitely Astaroth. She looked at him quizzically. The scene was, of course interesting, but it seemed that he wanted it to continue. He was such a strange character. Without an answer, he sat and opened a book. Curious.

Voda turned back to a very soaked Nerrezza and Erebus. The dragon was bleeding profusely, and Voda became quite concerned, both for Erebus's health, and her own.
Nar listens to Erebus's rant about Nerrezza but completely blows it off, having had his reasons to say what he did. He then watches Eva feed Nerrezza to Erebus's dismay and then the whole situation afterwords where Eva shows her superiority. He shivers a bit in fear as Eva walks up to him with her fangs out and her eyes showing how upset she is. "Are we going to stay here or leave? This group seems to do nothing but peeve you off more and more, except for Erebus." During all of this, MoonShadow finally showed up and walks over to Nar, watching Eva's hellhound with distrust. "Careful boy, he on our side now...sort of." Calming MoonShadow, Nar's senses are reaching out and watching the new arrivals show themselves and get involved with Nerrezza. Looking over, he shakes his head in disgust at Nerrezza for her show of no control over herself and only weakening his opinion of her as she feeds on her dragon ruthlessly before finally detaching herself. "Another reason you are better little star, you are not an evil person who only cares for herself."
Venn was leaning causally next too a tree this time; watching the main three interact with each other. He was behind Astaroth close enough too touch, but he was keeping quiet. It was all so interesting. The main girl, Nerezza, and her servant, also a presumption, had a strange aura emitting around them. The newest girl, Voda, had just sprain the two down with water and Venn couldn't help, but double over laughing hysterically. "Oh my..." His laughter bellowed out of him louder than he wished so he quickly stopped, but continued too grin widely.

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