Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

HeY ar dose anyone have any open people to rp with me ? I'm confused on whts going on and don't wasn't to but in so of anyone does um plz let me know .....

Lizzy she signs walking around looking around
Kat: Sorry, I don't have any other characters, only Nerrezza and Erebus. But it seems like no one else on here hasn't been on here in awhile or is at least not posting. /: I'll try contacting them though. However, when their act the village, they could always just see one of your characters...

Nerrezza: She lets out another soft laugh and her eyes sparkled, glad that he had sad yes, and knew what she would have done if he would of said no and wondered if Serefon did too, which is why he said yes; perhaps too scared to say no. She mentally shrugs her shoulders and forgets about it. Serefon still wasn't talking much and this time she lets out another sigh. "Seriously, I really would prefer communication instead of silence. Even if it's awkward communication. Though nothing is ever awkward for me. If you're going to be hanging out with me, then stuff that is usually awkward for everyone else isn't awkward for me. Anyway, let's get going. To where we are going, I don't know. I suppose to find food, which would mean the village, the closest one near us, that is. I know where the village is though, all you have to do is follow the sound of screaming children." She says that with an evil grin and her eyes flashes again before changing back. She then looks at Serefon again and her eyebrows were raised, the silent question was plain and in the air; and that question was if he was planning to come or not.
"Lead on." Wolf stood up and headed off into the forest, probably headed towards the village. Serefon was a little confused at her "screaming children" comment but shook it off as another way the girl was trying to mess with him. He observed her carefully as they made their way to the village, taking great care to avoid making noise as he walked. There were still deer here somewhere after all.
Nerrezza: She watches Wolf go and tilts her head slightly, she slides a glance at Serefon, and was wondering if he would follow Wolf. Seeing that he made no move to, she decides to head off herself. "Oh, one last thing, try to keep up." She says over her shoulder and half shouted it, since had already started to walk. Nerrezza doesn't go as fast as she usually would, but doesn't go slow either. She keeps the pace a medium pace and had a fast walk going on. She looks behind her at Serefon and smiles deviously, watching him keep trying to keep up. She really didn't have any rush to get there but at the same time she didn't want to take all day. As she neared the village, she could hear the voices of children screaming, and she lets out a growl of frustration. This was the sound that she had warned Serefon of. The children in the village weren't really screaming, they were just laughing and talking and having fun. However, to Nerrezza, the sound infuriated her, and she considered the children to be screaming instead.
Tariella saw her hawk circle back toward her then around her a few times and she understood the message; there was a town about three miles ahead. She whistled lowly then started off toward the village, running. After a few steps she came to a slight break in the trees- just the size she needed. She smiles a little then jumps and mid-air she transforms into a slightly smaller than average white wolf and continued until she reached the edge of town, when she changed back, looking exactly as before then walked in slowly, observing her surroundings.

he walks around stell not able to talks he couldn't find the wizard that STOL his voice he drowns and looks for the chick he talks to befor
Layla was just a little surprised to find yet another person kissing her hand. She stared down at him and grinned, immediately recognizing him as a Shifter of a dragon and vampire.

"It looks like my roar is bringing in all sorts of creatures isn't it?" She grinned, gently pulling her hand away from Erebus as well. She could sense he was jealous. Was it Drunken Wishes that he was angry at?

The brunette bowed her head at Erebus and smiled brightly.

"Thank you for the compliment. It's surprising to see another shifter of a dragon. I thought I was the only one." She said, grinning. She was not normally this nice, but she was becoming impatient as well. She needed to get to the market place and all these people were stopping her from doing so.

He smiles and looks up at Layla, glad that she didn't push him away, nor did something worse to him. He flashes Drunken Wishes a smirk. "You're welcome, but I was only telling the truth; and I don't give out compliments too kindly or often. Oh, well, I suppose there aren't that many Shifters of a Dragon, I guess it all depends. Though I can only shift into human, because--" He cuts himself off and though he knew that Nerrezza wasn't glaring him down or was there in general, he didn't feel comfortable enough to say that he was with Nerrezza---even if Layla already figured that out, he just didn't want to admit it. "Well..that's a story to be saved another day." Being with Nerrezza meant a few things and one of the things was that he had to be just as skilled as she was, if not a bit less than her. He didn't exactly have all of her skills but he was close to them. One of the skills was that she was an expert at body language and he had been expected to be one too. Though he wasn't an expert, he learned enough to realize that Layla was slightly annoyed. He dips his head in apology. "I'm sorry, you must have more important things to do then to just talk to a random dragon shifter like me. However, if I wouldn't be slowing you do, I would like to come with you to wherever you're going, or try to help you out..if you will let me.." He now felt awkward and thought that Layla would probably decline his help. She seemed the type of girl that would be insulted for an offer of help. The truth was that he hadn't had in mind to helping her, but just to keep on talking to her.
Layla sighed and looked down at her feet, than a wide grin spread across her face when he offered to help her.

"Sure. As long as you can keep up." She said in a teasing voice, and in a quick second, she had shifted into her dragon form. The blue fog surrounded her slowly as she gave Erebus a challenging growl before shooting into the air and vanishing in seconds. For a Dragon, she was extremely fast and could fly up to speeds of 560 MPH, so it may be hard to catch up with her.

She swiftly dodged trees by twirling and diving. She arched her wings slightly as she made a sharp turn in a small canyon, continuing to follow it as she saw the marketplace not far from her.

he walks around stell not able to talks he couldn't find the wizard that STOL his voice he drowns and looks for the chick he talks to befor
Ooc: So sorry for my lack of roleplaying! D=


He lets out a short sharp whistle when he sees Layla take off. He quickly changes back into his dragon form and then takes off to the skies as well, trying his best to catch up with Layla. Layla hasn't gone exactly the fastest he has ever been, but he usually didn't go this fast. It has been awhile since he last went up to this speed. The last time he did so was when he was flying away from the White Queens' guards and Castle. In fact, those were the only times when he went up to this speed, when he was trying to escape in whatever mess Nerrezza dragged him into. He had to admit though that Erebus was quite impressed by Layla. Not many dragons that he would encounter with went this fast and he knew at once that she was one of the fastest dragons he had ever met and most likely in general. Had Layla not gotten the head start she had then Erebus would of caught up with her. However, he didn't want to go that fast unless he really had to, and kept it at an even 300 MPH. It was a good pace for him and besides he didn't need to see Layla to know where she was going. He could very well still smell her and he decides to just follow her scent trail that she was leaving behind. As soon as she got to where she was going then Erebus would make sure that he kept up with her then, but for now, he was fine as he was; or at least he hoped so.
I'm sorry but I'm getting bored with no one to rp with ......


she sites at he lark bored as hell but then feels thirsty and goes to the local pub


was walking home


looking for nerrezza
Layla looked behind her and grinned slightly at Erebus as she slowed her pace down to his speed.

"Looks like were finally here. I have to pick up a few things from an old friend if you don't mind." She said, turning her head towards him so she could see him, and in front of her. Finding a landing spot in front of the marketplace, she spiraled down and landed swiftly, shifting back to her human form in a second or two. She patiently waited for Erebus to come down, than began walking towards the marketplace. Some of the people were staring at her, seeing her land and walk in, but they seemed to look away when she met her gaze.

"Was I to fast for you?" She chuckled a little and met Erebus's gaze with a teasing smile.
Kat: I'm really sorry! D= Nightsworn hasn't replied back at all to Nerrezza and nobody else seems to have come back. I'll post again as Nerrezza though and make her arrive at the village for you...

Katia: No problem at all! =D The link to join is on the first page, please just fill out a forum/skelly thing.

Meet yistae and Sprinkles228, who I have accepted, and hopefully will be joining us soon. ^-^


He finally catches up to Layla and slowly glides down and lands in after she does. He changes into his human form when Layla does and didn't mind at all to where they were going. He furrows his brow and has an angry look on his face. Erebus keeps up with her this time on the ground and walked next to her the whole time. "No, you weren't going that fast for me! I just don't like to waste my energy!" He says in an angry huff and gets madder when Layla had a teasing look on her face. He then couldn't keep on the charade anymore on his part and his anger melts. He really never was angry in the first place and smiles lopsidedly at her. "I seriously *have* gone that fast before though, maybe even faster." He puts a bit more emphasis in his words and though he wasn't angry, he felt a bit indignant. "So, what are you here for, after all? And who's your friend that you have to meet? What's her name? I may just know her, though probably not. However, I wouldn't mind meeting her, though I will have to say that meeting you first is much better. Err--not saying anything bad about your friend, I never met her or him, it doesn't matter really what gender. I mean, not that I would have a right to say anything bad about your friend, though, really, I'm sure there isn't, it's just that--" He finally cuts himself off and realized that he had been nervously rambling again. He feels awkward and embarrassed and turns his head away from Layla to hide himself blushing red with embarrassment.


Filling with more and more vile and hatred she finally makes it to the village with Serefon at her side. She felt like her ears were ringing and screaming from the inside out from children laughing. It was the most terrible noise in the world! Upon reaching the village, she came from the forest side of the village, and so far none had spotted her. There was a curious boy, however, that was quite close to the forest. His eyes were down and he was following a butterfly. The little boy looked so cute and so innocent, having no clue that she was there. The butterfly was getting closer to Nerrezza. Nerrezza finally steps forward and grabs hold of the butterfly, crushing it into her hand. She stares down at the little boy and he had looked up in time to see her crush the butterfly. He stood there shocked in for a few moments with his mouth opened. She smiled down at him and leaned forward. "Run." She whispers in his ear and she lets out a hiss, snaking out her tongue. It took him a few more moments to turn around and start screaming, crying out for his mother.
A hirried down the street, looking bothered. When she finally slows down she had the time to notice how the place looked. Really... she thought it looks this way? She stopped in the middle of the street, pondering her next move. She didnt need to do anything today, nor did she need to go anywhere.. Maybe I should spend the day just walking around.. she thought. As she stood absent minded she ran into a girl walking towards the pub. This awoke her from her daydreaming.. Oh hello... Im sorry.. She said shyly and looked toward the ground.. ( Srry if it was short and awkward... Beginings are always funny : ) )

he grins finally seeing the chick again if he was right e thinks herbname was nerrezza or sinthig wirred lien that he know in no time he would find her again he rolls his eyes and smirks seeing the little boy fun off he then walks over to her and frowns and signs but yet no sound came from his moth he looks at her with the looks saying u where right and I was wrong I do need ur help
Azeel stood in the shadows and watched the people hurry along with their lives, unaware of his presence. He was board and needed something to eat and to do. He watched as a girl walked by him, and started following her. She looked older then his self, but younger then an adult. Taking three seconds to think about it, he stopped for several seconds, then ran and ran into the girl. He tried to look sorry. "Sorry ma'am." He continued running till he got to an alley and ducked inside. He smiled when he looked at the money he had pulled from her pocket when he 'fell' and hoped that his small victory was not short lived. Shoving the money under his hat that hid his neko ears, he walked back out into the street to find a place to eat.

((sorry if confusing. please don't yell at me))
Sprinkles228: It's fine, but if you don't mind me asking, who did Akarraa bump into?

yistae: I'm not going to yell. .________. The same question to you too, though, if you don't mind me asking. Who did Azeel bump into?
Sorry for the confusion. Azeel ran into Lizzy, pretended to fall on her, and pick pocketed her before running off.

she looked around " hey ! " she ran after azeel she frowns " theath " she stops and looks around she kicked off her heels making them dissapper home and she looked for azeel again
Azeel turned around when he heard someone yelling. It was the girl he pickpocketed. She was running down the street towards him, and running fast at that. He curled his cat tail around his body tighter, he hid it and his ears because he didn't like the attention, and started running down the street again. He had hope that he was getting further away from her. Of coarse fate was cruel and at that moment, Azeel tripped and fell flat on his face.

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