Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

Jackie smiled and nodded. Then off they went. As Jackie entered the forest, she scanned the right, left, and then looked ahead of her as she started on the huge path of broken tree's and plants. The forest seemed more like the 'deep dark woods.' It was quite creepy. But she skipped onwards.

she signs sadly seeing and feeling the pain of the Brocken down trees . She was more like a alrounder pixy not just a garden pixy or a water pixy . She was mainly a nature pixy so seeding the brocken down make her hard brack . She walks with Jackie " what do u think happend " she asked quietly
Jackie shrugs. "Anything could've happened Lizzy. This is obviously not a forest fire." she smiled slightly at Lizzy, hoping she didn't offend her in any way. Jackie's tone has always been a bit harsh after she gets to know people. She softened her voice. "This must hurt you...Seeing all this..." She could still here the crackling and falling tree's pounding the ground. She walked on a tad faster. "But we're soon to find out, yes?" this time, she said it with no emotion.
Wish finally got bored with all the creatures and decided to turn back around. He tried to take the same path he had made earlier as he ran into two girls. When he saw them he opened up his mouth showing off his teeth and hissed.
Jackie gave a death glare at the huge creature. She didn't move a budge. She could've gone all demonic on him, but she sensed there was something else. "Why are you doing this?!" she screamed at the cobra angrily, waiting for an honest answer. She stood her ground.
The cobras head reared upward and started to speak "Why am i doing this you ask i have no true motive. If anything i have the desire to have fun" he whips his tail around 360 degrees
Jackie tried dodging the tail, but failed. As she crashed into a tree and plundered to the ground, her eyes blazed. Possess this son of a gun. She thought angrily and disappeared. Next thing, she's sitting the Cobra's head. Her eyes pure black, her face showed no emotion. Whispers could be heard all around. The voices sounded as if they were summoning dark forces. Jackie followed the voices and spoke in an echoed voice, her fangs longer than usual. The forest grew dark. "Who are you?" she peered over and stared into the eye on the Cobra.
He smiled at her standing on top of his head as his body started to disappear from his tail once it got to his head it just transformed into a lion with golden glistening fur. "Who am i? I am no one because im not hear im over there or am i here." he laughs in a human voice
Nerrezza: When he looks at her, she looked back at him, and had a sort of smile on her face. She silently and patiently waits for him to answer. She smirks slightly when she read the note and her conclusions were correct. It looked like she could possibly have to kill somebody. "I'm surprised you don't know who I am. My name is Nerrezza, you might of heard of me. I'm the most wanted person alive right now. Every Bounty Hunter the Royal Guards sent after me, I killed them all. Even their best ones. Finally, they stopped sending them to me, but I know that they are still looking for me." She shrugs her shoulders and wasn't sure why she just explained her story. "Anyway, I could always help you, if you would agree to return the favor. I say that a hot guy like you should have his voice." She says with quite a seductive smile and ignores Erebus's growl. But then she mistook his growl and she narrows her eyes. She can hear something, something that was very deadly to her. The slight crash and fall of trees. The third thing she loved the most were trees; and they were falling down everywhere. She lets out a low growl. Whoever was knocking down her trees will have to pay. How dare they rip out her heart like this!?
Jackie closed her eyes.. Her black silky hair grew longer and stretched out across the forest, smothering everything in its blackness. Her voice turned sweet, but there was hatred in it. "You are cruel." she rammed the Lion and grabbed hold of it's neck. "I don't like to joke around. Who are you?" she tilted her head. Her eyes kept flipping from red, to white, to black. Then all over again.

((The picture I keep getting in my head is the grudge...e.o Like, ew?))
As she was choking him he started to turn into a hydra slowly his voice was changing to "Who am i you asssk, but maybe you already know." one of his heads snapped at her then the others took turns their fangs dripping with venom.
Jackie disappeared before any of them could bite her. It's not like the venom would work anyways. She's a vampyre/demon. One of the devils 'angels.' Or so, that's what they said In Gahenna. "STOP!" she said with frustration. Her eyes turned back to her regular blood red colour. Her thirst for blood was strong, but she controlled her anger. She had nothing else to say. She could kill the beast with the demonic abilities she possess, or she could try reasoning with it. She was only 14 it's not like she can outsmart the thing on her own. "You shape shift?" she asked curiously, trying not to seem like an any bigger threat.
After he misses with all of his heads he turns into a cerberus and licks her face with all three heads. The heads take turns speaking. "No..well..sort of"

(Sorry there short im trying to cook right now too.)
Hay all


ahe stood there friezn watching the hole fight in complet shook watching his 14 year old girl fight. This thing everytime she was about to help fight she cousnt movie not a muscle at all she then blinks surprised seeing this thing with 3 heads licks Jackie's face she golps and finally unfrezes from fear she spoke " that's not what she asked's a yes or no q-qestgen are you or are you not a shape shifter " she golps thinking this was a bad idea


as she started to blubber on who she is and all that shit he was about to walk away not even lossing not even giving a dame is she is who she says she is if it was the idk king or queen of the world he wouldnt even care he was about to walk off when she finished blabbering on about her and how powerful she was . When she said she could help him he thinks he didn't know her she dosnt know him this can't be good he thinks no way am I doing this I want him dead by me I want to feel his blood splatter on y face and feel his bloody hart in my hands he shook his. Head at her and roll his eyes hearing trees
Jackie grinned at Lizzy and then turned to face the Cerberus. She waited for an answer too. She was becoming interested in this conversation. She'd never really met anybody or anything else that was 'different' or 'gifted' like herself.

she walks over for them both she but her lip not shore of his was really a good idea or not She looks up at Jackie
The Cerberus sat down as the head on the left was laying down drowling and the head on the right was breathing heavily. The head in the middle spoke in a deep tone "I do shape shift but am i shape shifter no."

She looks at the ccerberus " so if can shape shift but you are no shape shifter then ...... What are you ??" she asked confused and curiose in a way to find out what he/she is
The middle head poked her with his nose and licked her during this he started turning back into his human form. "I am a Djinn no more no less."
Jackie tilted her head and smiled. "A Djinn..Hmm.." she smirked. "I'm a vampyre. More so, I'm a demon...I'm from Gahenna." the forest seemed to lighten. She stared into the Djinns eyes. "What's your name?" she put out her small pale hand, waiting for a friendly hand shake.
He grabbed a hold of her hand instead of shaking just her hand he shook her whole body. "You may call me wish" he flexed both of his arms showing off his muscles.
Jackie narrowed her eyes and grinned. "Well, Hi Wish!" she laughed softly. She looked over to Lizzy, "This is Lizzy."

Jackie looked back at Wish. "You're in for some trouble...I mean, look at this place." she spun around and gestured to ALL of the forest. "It's ruined...partially ruined." she said, crossing her arms.
"Oh darn guess i should go then shouldn't I" he smiled and turned into pegasus and nudged her with his head. "Come on lets go for a ride."
Jackie laughed and looked over to Lizzy, scrunching her nose. "Look at that thing!" she giggled and turned to Wish. "OK!" she hopped on his back.
He started galloping slowly picking up speed as he increased altitude slowly. Then in a sudden burst of energy they were already in the clouds. His legs were still moving even though they didnt need to be to fly.

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