Mystoria [Inactive]

Dax thought for a long moment then continued. We already hunter a young deer so no more of that. Lets hunt a male deer. It's bigger and bulkier. He grinned lightly and watched her with the horse. He didn't want to admit it but the horse was annoying him and he wanted to eat it. Of course he wouldn't say it to her face. That would be rude to her only friend, the horse.
"That's fine." She looked at him and hinted his bored expression, figuring she better hurry up before patience passed. "Let me put her in the stall and then we can leave." She gave a sarcastically cheerful face. "Woohoo." Her hands grabbed the halter from the fence, and she made a quick bridle from it. She put it on Lexus, and moved to her side. with a large jump, and the push of her arms, she mounted her. Saturn positioned herself in front of the gate, and opened it. When they all walked on the other side, she closed it, and rode to her stall. She then hopped off and put her away. "Alright, let's go."
Dax nodded his head and walked back outside the pasture with her. Lets go in wolf form. He switched into wolf form right after he said form and sprinted, getting the head start advantage and searching for a deer pack already. He couldn't smell anything yet but his nose wouldn't deceive him. He was starving so his eyes were scanning every moving object. Even leaves, gliding through the thin air that hit the city. He picked up a faint scent but he felt as if it was another wolf.
Saturn grinned at him, and followed behind, as usual, only this time, she was more interested in something other than food. A task she had to complete. It wouldn't be easy, but everything had gone so great. While he remained set on food, she had to go savage for things more important. "Dax, I'm going to go... I'll be back in a matter of minuets. You'll know where I am, in the vincinity," she said though puffs as she was running. With a sharp veer, she went to the left of him, dodging trees and large shrubs.
Dax turned sharply and looked at her leave. How could she leave so fast? What did she need to attend or do that was so important? He sharply turned left and ran after her. He stuck behind her but didn't get too close in case she didn't want him to follow her. He narrowed his eyes and watched her figure as she dodged through trees. Something was sparking his curiosity and interest in the situation but he didn't know what.
Saturn heard the stepping of him, and paid attention to it's varied intensity. Getting away, even for a moment would be harder than it first seemed. Sliding to a stop, she jerked around, and narrowed her eyes to see where he was. "Privacy, please?" She barked to him as she was trying to joke; as a cover. Without much more of a pause, she was off again, following the faint, drifting sent of pinecones--which was the anonymous code.
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Dax stopped in his tracks and growled deeply. He turned his back on her and ran away. If she was gonna go to a little secret meeting he would go off. Not like he had anyone but his pack to go to but he didn't want to go to them. He would wait for her return. He didn't want to see, her honestly. He had seen enough and she went off without him almost immediately after she left her pretty little horse. Stupid girls and there dumb problems. Dax thought to himself, much like a teenage boy would.
She continued onward, until she finally saw the dark brown wolf in the distance. "I have found him." "Good girl. Where is he?" "Sir, please don't do this he won't---" He stopped her. "You think I care? That's great. You've seen what he's done. Now, go and lead the way, or," he chuckled with a grimace of greed, "you know what happens." The male shifted to his human form, and picked up a bow with arrows, ones that he probably crafted himself.
Dax had a strange feeling about her leaving him in a rush. He didn't know whether he should go to his pack or stay. He decided to drift off towards his pack. If she was going to leave to her group he would go to his. He grinned and ran to his dark pack lands. When he first entered the trees blocked the sun, creating darkness. The water that surrounded made soothing noises as it hit the rocks. When he got deeper into the forest lands the pack came out of the darkness. Only the guards. Zakaj ste prisli v nase dezele? The largest guard said in the language the pack spoke (Slovenian). The man had said "Why have you come into our lands?". Dax came out of the shadows. F*ck off you idiot, it's me. Dax said storming through the first 9 guards and came into the lands. The lands were filled with other shifters or pure wolves. Shifters could communicate with wolves. Dax ran through the lands which contained some families in the small caves and stone huts. He got to the largest cave which had carvings and beautiful streams coming into it. When he reached the leader he bowed to him and spoke as if in need of help. There may be a problem. This girl named Saturn has allowed herself to become my friend and I don't feel right. I was going to go hunting with her and she sprinted away. Then I got the feeling like this was a set up...Me being with her. Dax said it quickly nearly out of breath and his leader, Natsu walked to him in human form and kicked him roughly in the side. Dax went sliding across the floor. Natsu was very strong and Dax had to apoligize often so he wouldn't get a beating. Dax was like a son to Natsu and Natsu favored him over the other soldiers in the village. Out of 60 soldiers. Ne morete zaupati nikomur. Kako si lahko tako neumen? Zacel sem, da vam je vsec in ti usposobljeni vsak skrivnost dezel, zdaj pa si me izdal. Ves kaj? Boj svoj boj. Natsu said angrily. He said "You cannot trust anyone. How could you be so stupid?! I started to like you and I trained you every secret of the lands, now you have betrayed me. You know what? Fight your own fight." Dax's his rolled down and he begged for a while longer. Only 5 soldiers were allowed to join him which angered Dax. He turned away with the soldiers and walked into the forest.
Saturn's gut seemed to knot as she came across the smell of unknown wolves. She had decisions to make, but no time to make them. Her paws dug into the ground, halting their movement. It wasn't another moment before Raum realized the predicament as well. Part of her wanted to kill him on the spot, but she was no match. Manipulating it was--the way everything is. "I can go get reinforcements... You have to admit, we'll need them. Unless you plan on making an agreement with them. I don't think you understand our risk, starting war with another pack. Murder of one is all it takes. Just..." She could tell her rambling was useless, because indeed he was pondering. "Perhaps we will wait another day. I'm going to wait and prepare. Being alone seems to be the plan, for now." He spoke slowly and very thoroughly, making sure to assert his point across, "Go back to him, do whatever you have to, for us to have enough time. Five hours is the least I can promise." "Five? Are you insane, only five?" "If you don't, I will personally have you torn limb from limb. I know you well. I'm always watching. Everyone you were simply in contact with in the past days will, too, certainly get their share of your pain. As for your family. Thought it was an accident?" "I get it." She shut him down, before he could even finish ripping her conscience apart. With a silent growl, she trotted closer to Dax, trying to find something that would be reasonable to say. He was smart, is what she had to pay most attention to.
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Dax stopped to see Saturn. I see we have some trust issues on our hands ladies and gentlemen. Dax said looking over his shoulder at his soldiers who were growling, ready to attack. You're so much better than this Saturn. Wait. I guess not. He snarled and stepped close to her face growling. He showed his teeth, large fangs that went below his bottom lip. He closed his mouth and walked around her. What is it you and your boyfriend want?
Saturn laid her ears back immensely. "Is that the problem?" She then caught herself and softened her expression, becoming submissive. "You're jealous?" He took the words out of her mouth, a perfect cover... Her sharp eyes gazed at the others, as she studied them. "I'm sorry for what I did, leaving you like that. I lost track of time. I didn't expect you to go all out, bring others? What are you doing?" Her voice was calm, even though in the back of her head, she was screaming the truth, the want to explain everything was crazy. She made her glance with the ground, before looking at his face again. It took a lot out of her, not shying away from his features.
He laughed, almost like what she said was the most ridiculous thing in the world. It was pretty ridiculous though. I actually wouldn't care about you and him. Stop trying to walk around the situation darling, I'm smarter than you think. I invited my friends so we could all have a little meeting. Lets be safe, eh? He shrugged and sat in between the snarling wolves which were his friends. This wouldn't end well if this conversation was getting heated. The tension slowly escalated.
Her eyes narrowed at him, like he was crazy. "What is your deal? A meeting? Are you all going to kill others, in a mass now?" She acted worried, but not overly exaggerated. It was so wrong of her to bring it up, again, but her choices were slim. She was buying time. What could he do? She wondered, and it made her uncomfortable. He had two sides of personality.
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He sighed. He didn't understand what that other man was here for but he didn't like it. Tell me why you are acting like this is gonna be an assassination. Dax gave her a suspicious look and then looked around as if expecting more creatures to be around. I sense a presence that is not yet seen. I know this is some sort of set up, Saturn. I thought you were better than this. Dax started to sniff the air and look around cautiously. This didn't look good for him and his crew.
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She looked at Dax thoughtfully. "You can't always trust your gut feeling... Please, just listen. I'm here alone." Her tail lowered a bit, as she made it touch the soft soil. She went back to look at the two's company. The wolves seemed alike Dax, but different in many ways at the same time.
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Dax rolled his eyes. "Shut up. I won't believe you." He snarled. He spoke as if she had just killed his best friend. He knew something fishy was up, he'd felt like people have been following him. Maybe she was with those people. Something had been leading to this moment. "I can tell you aren't a very good person..." Dax said and turned around, calling his small pack to follow him. He didn't look back.

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She rolled her eyes the slightest bit, and stepped closer to him. "Stop!" Saturn exclaimed, taking another movement toward him. With a much softer voice, she said, "You don't understand, do you?" She looked at his pack, before returning to him. "I want to speak privately. It's important, I can explain."
I am not a fool. He stepped closer to her and called off his boys. He gave them a code word. They went off but climbed the trees and went above the two secretly. He looked up at the trees, smiling at his boys but pretending to view the nature which stood before them. Nice day huh? He walked around her and then stopped suddenly. What do you want? Tell me now or I'll walk all over you. He grinned and turned to human form looking at his nails pretending to look over something. He dug his hands in his pocket and bit his lip, this time, it wasn't a nervous habit. It was a waiting gesture.
She watched him change into his human form. "Neither am I." When he looked up at the trees, she did as well. She happened notice something, but his question and body language changed her mind. "They're coming for you." Saturn might as well start off with the main point, as it seemed he as well had plans. Easing into a backward step, she leaned that way. Preparing to run at the least. Her face didn't show the worried demeanor inside her, but her figure did.
Dax cocked his head and raised an eyebrow. He stepped back from her, suprised she admited what was going on.

"Okay I have no time to ask questions. Come with me and my pack could protect us. I need the answers." He turned around, ready to run. He wouldn't let her run away from him again.

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She looked at him. "It's not me I'm worried about..." Her eyes met his hands, before she peered at the trees. It almost made her smile at their smell from up there. "You act like cats," she teased playfully to them. Pushing it; maybe, but she couldn't help putting it out there. "There's not much time to tell everyone, and you, of all people, need the most protection. No, it's not that I think you can't defend yourself, but..." She went back to more serious matters, before realizing it wasn't a good idea to speak in the open woods. Saturn began to move in the opposite direction of him, going where the other wolves are, as she figured they would have moved backward, and closer to the homeland, rather than farther.
He grabbed her and looked her in the eyes. There was no innocence or sweetness in his eyes like when they were in his house. There was urgency, seriousness and slight anger in his eyes. There was no question in 'you're coming with me'. I need you to explain this. He changed into wolf form and slightly nudged her towards his pack lands. It was safer there and the families hidden deep inside the forest were innocent. They didn't need a soul getting killed to a stupid girl who wasted his time.
She mumbled something silently, before saying, "Do you know how complicated this is?" She huffed a bit of air and finished with a quieter demeanor. "I can't just disappear, the ones who we're dealing with are just as powerful as yours." Her feet dug into the ground and she didn't move. "We need to make a plan. Now..."
Dax looked at her with wild eyes. He didn't know what to do and by now his men were bored with him. They might even think we are having some secret meeting. Of course I don't know how complicated this is... I didn't start the problem. He looked around, getting a strange feeling like he wanted to leave. He wasn't even scared either, it was the fact that something was coming and that he needed to go or else he would be in deep trouble with himself and possibly his pack leader. What's your damn plan?

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