Mystoria [Inactive]

She moved her head up and down, and stood up slowly, making sure she wouldn't create a fool out of herself. "Sure," she spoke quietly as she walked he slightest bit ahead of him. When she got all the way in, she glanced around a tad. If he were to walk out, she stopped him by saying, "Hey, thank you." She added emphasis, because she couldn't mean it more. Her eyes seemed to brighten her expression the slightest bit. Part of her wanted to tell him it'd be okay, he didn't have to be alone anymore, but the other, didn't want him to take it the wrong way. When her words were in evident to decide, she was lead to sit there silently for a minuet. "—Don't blame yourself for that. We all have our reasons."
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Dax looked at her and nodded. I guess you're right. I've been alone for so long, I have to blame myself. His smile faded and he sat on the bed in her room. My family had normal people in it...I need ate them. I told my cousin. My best friend and she told the whole family. I didn't have the nerve to kill her but to this day she still hates me and that's why my family does. He sighed and laid down for a moment thinking about everything he had done in the past.
He watched him, and decided to sit by his side. "Do you know where they are, now?" A sudden interest sparked in her. Not so much that she wanted to speak to them, but it was to see what the connections were, completely.
He shrugged lightly, but good enough so she good see him. They are not in this city but I know they are here, in this country....His tone got light but he raised it by the last few words. He couldn't stand, feeling weak. Especially to a girl who didn't even kill humans. She wasn't like the normal vicious werewolf and she especially wasn't as rude as the other wolves. What about your family?
"What would it mean to you, to see them again?" She was curious, as it wasn't absolutely clear wether he wanted to convince them of something, or just never look them in the eye again. "For my family? I'm an only child, raised by my parents until I was twelve. They passed away on their way back from the Iron Man sports competition." Saturn started speaking really slow, because it was hard to remember, in all ways possible. "They kept my secret with good heart, and I would suppose that is where I get my personality from." She met their eyes in a gaze. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not telling you this because I want attention..." She barely sighed.
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Dax smiled about her family, sounded nice at first being the only child. Then her parents died and he felt his heart sink. What if his parents died too? He would feel absolute neglect from every side of his blood. I think since we're here together. We aren't alone and after this I won't feel alone. He lightly grabbed her arm but turned quickly. His blood started pumping and he knew if he kept on going he would feel the need to become a wolf and go on a rampage from the love and anxiety he was feeling all at once.
Saturn smiled a little bit at the thought of being close to someone, and when he touched her arm, all she could do was look at him. One thing was peculiar. "I'm glad." Her hand gently placed on his, slowly intertwining their fingers. With a tight squeeze, she set them back down. It wasn't her minding him, it was his expression, being so ambiguous. She refrained from allowing him to bring something bad upon himself.
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Dax couldn't help but smile and watch her slender fingers touch his. He ran his hand over hers as she set it down and he let it come back down. He took a deep breath. He was still freaking out inside but it slowly calmed down and the urge switched to move away from her. He couldn't help himself. He let his hand glide over hers again and he smiled lightly, his emotions were calm and he felt in control. He knew something would happen.
Saturn allowed her expression to soften, but also emphasize on her content to his loyalty. She herself was hesitating, but she looked to him for insecurities. It seemed unclear what would be good for her, so she allowed to let him decide on his part. After all, she had just met Dax. Something was just there. She didn't allow her nerves to show through, she was thinking.
He only thought about what he wanted a few moments ago. Then he checked her face expression and it was way different. Like she was hesitating everything that was about to happen. He leaned in close and whispered in her ear. My call on this situation is a bad one. I think you should decide what happens next. He says pulling out slowly and losing his grin. He got serious and checked her whole face towards an expression.
She let her tension slip away, and she simply smiled, throwing her head back for a moment. "Look." Her focus was back on him. "I love to see you happy, but I don't want my impression to be imprinted as something bad ." She grinned enough she almost laughed. Since he was still close, from speaking softly to her, she planted a gentle kiss on his cheek.
He lifted an eyebrow and smiled. The outcome of this situation was entertaining to him. Playing with a girl only to see her "love to see him happy". What an unusual day. Imprinted? Hm. I see you've already done that by persisting to talk to me. He laughed slightly and blushed a bit at the kiss on the cheek. He had never been kissed after his last love and now this girl had really imprinted herself into his heart. Not necessarily in a love way but more in a way that he wants to keep her.
She slightly rolled her eyes at him, teasing, mostly. "By that, you want me to leave?" She asked, quite sarcastically. He didn't let go of the awkward quirks about her. Saturn's eyes moved to the ceiling, as she laid down like he had earlier. She was running short on ideas, so she reminded, "It's getting late, for me at the least."
He laughs at her sarcasm and lightly pushed her shoulder in a teasing way. Did I say I wanted you to leave? He started to get up and he rolled his eyes. Are you getting tired sleeping beauty? Alright I'll leave you alone. He looked out the window and looked upon the town. If she slept he would go for a kill, outside. Tons of lonely people, especially in alleyways. I have food in the fridge too. Normal human food...
"No, but you may have implied it." Her eyes widened just a bit at him, still teasing. As she called her 'sleeping beauty', she thought of retorting, You're not the one who has to was up at four in the morning, but she saw the way he looked out the window. "You're still?..." She looked down before he could give her any kind of eye contact.
Jax looked at her when she was about to say something but she didn't...It made him confused but he walked away. He walked out the door and into his room, leaving the doors open. He laid in his bed for a moment staring out the window at his side which was more trees and nature. It had lights and the city lights all of the sudden came to a stop and it hit the ocean that crashed upon their town. It was a beautiful scene for him to sleep to. It never got old to him.
She watched him leave, and part of her wanted to stop him, to apologize, but she couldn't. It was bad on her side, trying to control him. What was she thinking? Besides, it was too late now. She couldn't, nor did she have the nerve, to get up again. Saturn then scooted farther up the bed and rested her head on a pillow. Her feet slipped off their converse, before she slid under the covers. Her legs curled up a bit closer to herself, before she tried to sleep. It took a long time, before she could stop herself from listening to everything, thinking too much, and sleep.
Dax didn't catch sleep that night. The only slept for about 2 hours and then woke up to a slight light at 5AM. His alarm boomed and he quickly turned it off and got up. He was hungry. And of course it wasn't that human food stuff. It didn't fill him up as much as he wanted. Human did.

Dax quickly left through the back and waited for someone to come walking, possibly with a dog outside in the alley. He was sitting on his fence, patiently, smiling and pretending to be a normal person. He looked around and only a car came. Dax shrugged and waved the car down. He jumped inside, grabbing the man and changing into his wolf form within seconds. He ate at the man as he was alive and Dax felt an overwhelming sense of guilt leaving Saturn in there while he killed an innocent man. Dax finished him off and changed back to human form, running inside.

Why had he done that? What?
Saturn, who almost always slept lightly, but for the oddest of reasons slept deeply that night, had forgotten to put an alarm on her phone. She jumped up around half past five, after hearing the door open. Her eyes dilated, and the quietest growl escaped her human throat. She slipped on her shoes silently, still unaware of who was there. Slyly, she slipped closer to the door, and, to a sense of relief, it was Dax. She caught his sent now that she was the slightest bit closer.
Dax sat on his couch quickly and cleared his throat. He hoped he didn't have a weird scent on him, it would be awkward for him. He decided to get up and start working out like he did on most mornings alone. He heard a small footstep but he wasn't too bothered by it. If she comes out, she comes out!

He continued to work out in his upstairs sky room and once he was done it was 6. He went downstairs again and lightly pushed on her door.
Saturn? You awake? It's 6 o clock. He smiled lightly and when he opened it she was awake. He said something under his breath and turned around, sharply.
"I'm here," she murmured, as she put her hair into a messy pony tail. "I'm going to go to the stables, you can come if you still want too." Saturn walked out of the door, and into the woods by his house, shifting back into her wolf form. She covered much longer distance in quicker times by doing that. She began to head east, the direction of the stables, and picked up a quick pace.
She quickly ran into the forest, putting Dax into a wave of confusion as to what was happening. Of course he ran after her and his legs started burning in human form because he ran so far. His lungs starting burning too. He took a deep breath and then switched to wolf form, running after her quickly. He couldn't keep up with her in his human form but as a wolf he felt like a king. How long have you had this horse? He said it quickly as if the horse would be listening when they arrived.
Saturn looked behind her, and saw him. Something, maybe her anxiety, told her to outrun him. But she couldn't, so she finally slowed, and walked next to him. "Quite some time, actually. Few years?" Time went by very quickly and slowly for her at the same time. "Anyway," she said as she stood up back in human form. Her heart was still beating very vast from the run, but it didn't matter. She lead him to the pastures, where all the horses were boarded, until they were brought back for feeding time. She slipped under the fence, and called to Lexus. The black mare would almost always come at a quick trot, but since Dax was there, she was hesitant.
Dax smiled and changed to his human form quickly. His grin yet again took place on his face and he looked at the horse intensely. You sure you don't want to eat this horse? He said it as if he wanted to eat every horse in this pasture. He needed to eat. Maybe he would go hunting later with Saturn and the pair could catch a larger animal that would fill Dax up completely.. I'm getting hungry lets go hunt after this.
Her eyes widened at the thought. "No! She's my companion." She rolled her eyes and smiled a little bit, walking back to the gate. Lexus followed. "And sure, what did you have in mind?"
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