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Fantasy Mystic Mansion

Aleera gave look of disgust at the choice of the stranger's fox, becoming defensive around her plate and staring at the fox while eating the last remnants of her food. Eloy looked over at her but just ignored it and kept on eating the food on his plate as he switched over his view back and forth between the food and cellphone.
Vito read it shortly, "Welcome to the Mystic Mansion,

You have been invited here due to your amazing skills as either a human or a youkai. We understand that some of you hold greater potential in you-"
he stopped to see if he should continue reading. Unsure if this the right spot, if not he will play it off as a joke.
Una nodded and a small laugh came from under her breath. "..I believe you have come to the right place." She said in an underused and timid voice. "Welcome.. Im Una."
"Oga I don't care I'm cooking it." She said as she laid the fish on a pan and with a snap of her finger she grilled the fish with her hand as the flame. Once doe Akira placed it on a plate for him before beginning to make her own food.
Vito sent her a small smile, "Nice to meet you Una, I am Vito Xevier!" He said, matching her soft voice, in case she was easily scared away.
"Vito.." She repeated back, finding it an uncommon name.. that surprisingly fit well. She looked back at the kitchen, then at the Otter now pawing the side of her face.

Whats going on with you Una? You ignore me for a year and you talk to some jerk? I thought you wuv me.. Said otter telepathically told her, pouting. Una lifted the small animal up by pinching its back skin and placed him on her other shoulder backwards to mess with the otter.

"may I know what you can do?"
Aleera stopped being disgusted as she heard the owner of the fox say she was going to grill it, she then let Eloy pick her plate up as he quickly washed both. "Why would someone even something such as raw meat? The thought of that disgusts me..." Aleera said as Eloy moved to the table and started playing with his cellphone, "I think its just you, I bet any other companion here will just like it raw." He said in a decent tone of voice while random color flashes appeared in the screen.
She sat at the table and began eating with chopsticks she brought from her home. "Oga eat or I'm putting it in the fridge." She looked at the fox mad for not eating his food. "But it's not raw.." he whined. "You haven't eaten in two days because I cooked the food eat or else." She threatened. "Or else what?" She smirked looking at him. "I'll give it to the snow leopard." He growled at her for threatening his food then began to eat. "I hate you when you do that." She smiled kissing his head then petted his back. "I know."
As he puts his cellphone on the table he looks at the girl and proceeds to ask questions, "So what can you do? And you can also communicate with animals?" Eloy changed his face from his usual expression to a rather curious one as he asked the question to the girl, "Or perhaps you'd rather not say at all?"
Justin then travels around the Mansion he had the need to explore, so he did. Wendy followed him around where he went because she knew if she did she would get a treat. "Wendy you can be a huge brat when your in the mood to eat." He says the snow leopard.
She looked at him softly. "I work with fire. And he's been talking to me ever since he found me." She smiled as she kept eating.
"Interesting..." He turns his view onto his companion who appears to be scraping the floor, then turning his view back to the girl. "Interesting, up until now I haven't heard of anyone able to communicate with animals or manipulate any elements..." He rises his right hand to his head and starts scratching for a second before speaking, "Well, I guess it would be rude not to introduce myself properly. My name is Eloy Mathieu, I can control lightning and speak to my companion as well." As the phone besides him seems to make a notification sound he grabs it and presses the screen a few times before leaving it back on the table.
He nods, and yawns "Well then, I shall be leaving. Nice to make your acquaintance." He rises up and signals Aleera to follow as he walks towards his dormitory.
Vito did a small smile, "Ah, well.." He said awkwardly, unsure if he wanted to, suddenly Chi called him, 'If you don't come out soon, I'm coming in' came the warning. Vito glanced behind him, "Uh, hold on, I gotta go see what my animal needs" He said, before turning on his heel, taking a few steps before motioning for her to follow. "you can come with" He said as he began to walk down the hall, humming softly.
Aria returned back down to the living room and noticed the sudden influx of people, grabbing a drink she eyed all of them. I wonder if my partner is here yet?

Kele flew back to his perch near the dinning table and greeted everyone with a happy ruffling of his feathers and looking at everyone in interest
Akira looked at the bird softly then picked up the plates washing them and her chopsticks. She then looked seeing Oga paw her leg and sighed. "No treats today remember, you promised you'd train with me." She smiled patted his head after placing her chopsticks in her small box with others as she placed the plates back in the cabinet. "Fine. Then a treat later?" He growled. "Maybe."
After Justin's exploration finished he then walked outside to practice his new wood element move. He didn't mind practicing his powers alone because he was alone the whole time he first got his powers. He then sighs as he made a tree and he sat down on the top of it.
Having made her way outside after following the hungry Kele, Aria watched as the tree grew. Nodding her head she did a small clap with her hands and stood a the bottom of the tree and looked up.

"This is a nice tree, Justin."
Una stood still for a moment, feeling as though she wasn't willing to take up his invitation. After he left, she followed behind stepping silently and peaked at the dragon from behind a door.
Walking into the back of the house she sighed petting her companion's head. She got to the ground with the sheaths of her swords. "Dance with flame." Her hair turned silver as her Fox ears growing as her nine tails from her long hair. She smirked seeing him get ready to pounce. She pounced on him with him pawing her to motion for attacks. "You've gotten soft Aki." He growled with the grin that a fox has as he kept pawing her. She laughed backing up as he used the nickname he gave her when they first met. "No you just got old." She dropped the sheaths using her arms to do the same causing no harm to either of them.
Vito held his hand out as the dragon nudged him, about knocking him over, You've got a human scent on you It huffed and Vito smirked, "Yes, yes, this is... Uno" He introduced, before glancing behind him and not seeing her, "Oh, I think I scared her" He said, rather disappointed
Aria left Justin as he had gone back to his dream state and walked around noticing the girl from before hiding behind the door Aria raised an eyebrow and looked outside to see a dragon. Kele flew over to the dragon and settled down near him.

What are you doing Kele? Aria glared at her bird as she walked over to the dragon and the human looking boy.

You need more friends. Kele ruffled his feathers and looked at her sternly.

(@AWarriorcat mind if I bump into you?)
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They kept fighting until the both of them laid on the ground panting. "You're getting old." She smiled sheathing her swords then changed back to her human form. "Aki, it's not my fault your fun to train with." He growled as he walked inside with her. "I know. Now you rest." Akira smiled as she knocked on the dorm room softly. Hearing no one they walked in the closed the door quietly.
After Justin was left in thought at his tree he eventually got down and walked to his dorm.

"Gee, am I the only one who even goes to their dorm that's in my dorm with me?" I say to myself as I jump onto the bed and I close my eyes falling asleep.

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