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Fantasy Mystic Mansion

Aria stared at the snow leopard. It is gorgeous... Her eyes looked only at the snow leopard and looked from her owner to her.

Don't you think that cat is pretty?

Kele tipped his head to the side and then nodded.

(I will be back in around one hour...)
She stared at all these people. "Hi! I'm lily," she picks up a fox in clothes strangely, "and this is rose. Are you all staying here too caused I fear I was all alone and this was a prank." She smiles and cuddles rose.
The leopard then jumped down off me and bit Justin's leg "ow Wendy can you not." I say to her once again and I toss Wendy a treat and she says it "that's more like it..." The leopard spoke to my mind. "Hi lily and Rose, I'm Justin and this nippy Leopard is Wendy..." I say to her.
Rioichi frowned slightly at the appearance of more and more people and animals, so he just walked away towards the dorms. He entered Dorm 4 with Ace in the lead and they lied down onto Rioichi's bed, starting on his puzzles once again.
"Hi Justin, your leopard is soo cute." She grin at him "soo like what are you?" She wasn't trying to be rude but it was nice to know if he was like her.
"You would think my leopard is cute until you got to know her. Also, I'm a sear and I possess the element of wood." He says to her. As he talks He makes a small tree grow from the ground in the middle of the room. "That makes the place more suitable." He say to himself out loud..
"A sear huh, I'm suppose to be paired with one, ohh is it you?!" She looks happy, if these was her partner then maybe it wouldn't be bad at all. "Wood, that's cool."
"I'm sorry but I'm not pairs up with you, I happened to be paired up with this girl name Akira...." He say to her. "I wonder on who this person will be." He then walks to a couch and he sits down trying to relax abit.
She pout and goes to sit with him. She too wonder who her person would be. She spies rose play fighting with the leopard and smile. No need to be sad, she bet's her person will be awesome.
"So how old is Rose?" He asks her having stuff on his mind. There a lot of thing that he didn't know about her but he hoped Lily and he could be good friends.
"Ahhh she close to 200 hundred maybe." She tilts her head and stares at rose. As the fox hears her word, she glares hard at Lily. "I-I mean she doesn't look a day over a 100." She sends the fox a pout.
"Oh, Wendy is the age of four. And I'm guessing Rose doesn't like it when you guess her age wrong" I say to her as I smirk.

This girl lily was quite nice, I hope I have a person just like her.
"4 wow that's young and no, no rose just doesn't like to be remained that she's an old lady." The fox in question yips loudly. "Well Wendy seems to really like rose, and you seems like a cool guy, wanna be friends?" She turns to him and smiles bright.
"I try to act cool when I can and sure why not. We are making a good friendship anyway." He say to her and he smiles at her. "To be honest Wendy gets mad at me when I don't feed her and she can get alittle nippy sometimes." I tell her. After Wendy stops playing with Rose she jumps up on my lap and paws on my chest again.
"Cool my first friend in the house! Isn't that great Rose." The fox yawns and nods. "I hope who I'm paired is as nice as you."
"Same with you" He say to her as he smiles at her. The leopard was pretty big for its size as a four year old so it's hard for him to hold the leopard and let the leopard be in his lap a lot though most of the time he doesn't mind.
Having stayed silent this whole time Aria moved slightly to the side allowing Kele to sit down beside her.

"The people we are paired with..."

Aria hadn't thought much of this. She had just wanted to leave the household.

Standing up Aria stretched, "Anyone hungry?"
Lily jumps up. "Yeah I am, I haven't ate since last night, you got something?" She looks around and wonders where the kitchen is. In all her excitement she hadn't even explored the house yet.
Putting on an apron that she found Aria shook her head and opened several cupboards, "I might be able to make something very quickly."

Looking through the cupboards she found the ingredients for a spaghetti, "Do you like spaghetti?
She nods "I do but do we have anything sweet..?" Her mouth water has she thinks of brownies, cookies, and cakes. She looks and see what looks like cookies. "Are those umm cookies over there?"
Aria looked at where she was pointing and Aria tied her hair up into a ponytail and nodded, "But not yet. Eat something filling and then eat your snacks it isn't good to do that the other way around."

Being adamant about her comment Aria grabbed the cookie bucket and placed it a little higher up, "I am sorry but I will not have that."

Picking up several utensils Aria began to make the spaghetti.
She pout, "Your like Rose telling my not to snack all the time.So what if I eat some snacks I'll still be hungry for the big meal." She stares longingly at the cookies before watch Aria cook.
Smiling with just her eyes Aria quickly finished and began to serve the lunch out, "I don't know if you have ever had spaghetti for lunch before but this is the only thing I really know how to make."

Taking off her apron Aria sat down on the seat and noted the fact that there were exactly ten seats there. I wonder if there are ten people coming to lve here... So far I have only met three different people...
He goes to eat where Aria made the food. "Aria if I'm right that's your name, this looks good," he says to her trying to complement her cooking as he sat down waiting for a few people to the room.

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