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Fantasy Mystic High School

Arabella Rosewood

The Witch of Fall
Mystic High School is a private boarding school for humans and supernaturals alike. A place where humans can learn about supernaturals and a place where supernaturals can learn about humans. They live harmoniously in the dorms, but that doesn't mean they always live harmoniously with themselves. Even though they aren't all human, doesn't mean they don't have the usual teen drama.
Aella walks down the halls of Mystic with her spell book in hand. She opens a door and goes into the Student Commons, which is an outside picnic area next to the food court. She looks around before finding a table in the sun to sit and read. A gust of wind blows back her long wavy blonde hair from her face as she walks. When she gets there she sets down her bag and opens her book.
Maru stretched her body, sitting in a tree near the school. She had just taken a small rest, in a tree, which wasn't that odd to her. She slipped off the tree, landing on her feet and adjusting her shoulder bag before walking towards the school.

Soon enough, she found herself at the Student Commons, and spotted the food court, which she immediately strolled over to. After picking out a selection of a small, sweet bread, she walked back towards the picnic area. A golden wave caught Maru's attention, and she gently tilted her head to spot another girl who was reading, what seemed like a spell book, at a table in the sun.

She wondered if she should talk to the girl--Maru had no idea of the school's layout....maybe the girl would have a map?

Maru made her way over to the girl, though she didn't sit down. "Excuse me," she said softly. "Do you happen to have a map of the school?"


(The RP has started, just in case you didn't know. :3)
Aella looked up to meet black hair and blue eyes. "I don't have one, but I can make you one. New here?" She asks as she bends down towards her bag. Her blonde hair falls forward as she digs through her bag trying to find a blank piece of paper. She grabs one of her many folders and pulls it out. She flips her long hair out of her face and places the folder on the table. She opens it up and her fingers glide as she flips through the pages. She finds a blank paper and pulls it out.
@Arabella Rosewood

Maru nodded. "I just got to school." She watched as the girl puled out a folder, and flip her hair out of her face. Maru currently had her hair tied back into a low ponytail to keep it out of her face.

"How well do you know the school?" Maru asked as the girl pulled out a blank sheet of paper.
"Well enough," she says as she puts the paper flat on the table and holds both of her hands out above the page. She closes her eyes and lines start to draw themselves on the white sheet. After a few moments, she dropped her hands and looked down at the paper. It looked like any other map the school would have given a new student. There were also some side notes about various things such as student traffic in the hallways to good places to study and the times those places weren't busy. "I've been here for a while," she sends a sweet smile as she holds out the piece of paper.
"Divergent Timeline, 7112013-S, two minutes, EF5 tornado has touched down. Twelve micro-seconds from this point one hundred and twelve die, initially from it." Leon said mumbling to himself, as he shook his head as he took a slight step to the right, as a leaf from the tree above where he stood hunched over fell. It would have landed on his head if he did not take that slight step to either the right or the left.

He rubbed the perpetual dark circle under his both of his eyes. After five seconds and seven hundred and 8 miliseconds, exactly he blinked thrice as he glanced down at the leaf, and plucked it with his left hand. He quickly discarded it into the wind and watched for a few moments as it flew away. Leon reached into his pants pockets as he pulled out a protein bar. Leon opened the wrapper, and slunk down and sat on the grass below. He stared at the protein bar, and took a slow bite out of it, and began chewing it.
Aella grabbed her things after helping Maru and got up. She had a highlighter in her mouth and had two folders open in her arm as she flipped through the pages, not paying attention to where her feet were stepping. She struggled a bit as she flipped a page and put both folders into one arm so she could highlight something. Once she was finished highlighting, she closed one folder and shoved it and the highlighter into her bag.

The next thing she knew she was falling... and then on the ground. Aella looked up and saw that she had tripped over someone, a guy eating a protein bar. "Oh my gods, I'm so sorry!" She said as she righted herself up again and picked up her folder. She looked around at the ground, seeing all the various papers the folder held float away, and she sighed. "Great," she says lightly under her breath.
"The wind will bring those papers far, it'll be stopped by a barrier, making it easy to collect." Leon grumbled out between a bite of his protein bar, he swallowed it, as Leon's left pupil darted towards Aella. He paused as he took another bite out of the protein bar and swallowed, "Divergent Timeline X781-4... Volcano erupted approximately ten minutes ago. A businessman named Johnathan West proceeds to get caught as he attempts to hotwire a car, as his was stolen by a man, Henry Fields, Age 27, to be driven to a chop-shop for parts. Henry Fields is now being stopped by police..." He mumbled out as he took another bite out of the protein bar.
Aella growled and stood up. She held her hands out in front of her, palms facing up, and spoke, "Reditum!" The papers swiftly flew into her hands and once they were all back she grabbed them, holding them still. She picked up her folder from the ground and put them in. She then placed the folder in her backpack. She flipped her long blonde hair out of her face before facing the boy. "Sorry about tripping over you. I wasn't paying attention."
Leon took the last bite out of the protein bar before crumpling it up in such a way to keep it afloat by making it more aerodynamic. Leon tossed it into the wind, as he swallowed the last bite. "...Given." Leon rubbed his eyes again, this time for fifteen seconds and four microseconds exactly. After that pause and removing his hands from his eyes, he glanced at Aella. "... Accepted. As it is in countless timelines and dimensions. Same as not accepting." he stated.
"Um... okay?" she says a little confused not really understanding the timeline dimension accepting things. Scratch that, she was very confused, but could at least understand that he was basically saying no biggie. "I haven't seen you around before. I'm Aella," she introduced politely. Aella wasn't one to be rude to people she didn't know. She always gave people a chance. If they ended up being rude, then she obviously didn't treat them with respect, but for those who didn't, she was kind to. Aella looked at the ground and said, "Crescat." A small sunflower quickly grew from the spot. She picked it with ease and held it out to him, which was a Witch's common greeting.
"Introduction on your part did not need to be given to me." He said, as his pupil eyed the spot a few seconds before Aella spoke out the magic. Leon accepted the flower, idly taking it with his left hand. "Three seconds, three hundred and twenty four milliseconds, seventeen microseconds." He mumbled out, before glancing up at Aella, "Leon."
She paused for a moment thinking, but quickly shook herself out of it, "Nice to meet you Leon." Aella dips her head slightly in a quick nod. "Are you new here or have I just never seen you around?" She asks making small talk. Aella brushes her fingers through her hair and pulls it all to one side as she talks with Leon.
Leon rubbed his right eye for a moment, before idly placing his arm back to his side. "You have not noticed me." Leon paused for a few seconds, before mumbling out, "... Thirty eight seconds." He then glanced back towards Aella. "Several eyemites have recently perished..." he grumbled out, as he lazily left his left palm facing upwards in the grass.
"Sorry, I haven't been real focused on making friends lately. I've been forcing myself into my studies," she sighs reminded of the stress. "If I start being lax about my magic, it turns out bad." She looks to the side seeing the breeze blow through the nearby tree and its leaves shaking.
Nevaeh in her leopard form sits on a window sill outside of the school. She is huddled up in her little ball again, sleeping. She had just joined and doesn't know much, but she enjoys her little naps from time to time. She stretches and looks down at the two below her involved in a conversation. She hops into the tree above them and then hops to the ground. She looks at both and she activates her leopard eye.

Blonde, kind, power of witchery, Aella.

Dark hair, tired, Highly intelligent, Leon.

"Greetings" she says to them as she reveals her human form. "I am Nevaeh Mai Rin, it's very nice to meet you both, but ," she looks at Aella," if you would show me around sometime, it's be greatly appreciated! ... As for you," she looks at Leon," Relaxing isn't easy, but it isn't hard. Having a blank mind could help, you just need to learn to use it." She nods in agreement with her words,"I hope to be friends with both of you." She says turning away," now please excuse me, for I wish to have a presence in the Study or... Library." She waves good-bye and turns into a leopard, hopping into the tree, then the window sill of the library, soon entering through the window.
As a man was threatening to call the police on him, Tristan realized two things. 1. He was bored of this man and 2. He was across the street from his new school. Before the man could finish getting the man's phone out, Tristan walked across the street when the street was clear. Once across, he continued walking to the school, seeing tons of students everywhere, trying to decide who he was most interested in. Feeling his stomach growling, he decided that he might find more people to choose from in the food court.
'"Nice to... meet you... too," Aella says slowly after the leopard had left. "Anyways, I think I'm just going to go to grab a salad." Aella turns and walks into the food court and over to the salad bar. She puts her long black hair up before grabbing a bowl and making her simple house salad. Once finished, she goes and finds a table inside next to a large glass window. She sits in the sunlight happily.
Tristan finally finds the food court, and looks around as he gets a large bag of chips. After standing and eating from the bag, he notices a girl sitting near a window, eating a salad. He wondered why she chose a salad over everything else, so he walked over and sat at the table. Tristan simply stared at the girl silently as he ate some more chips from the bag.
Aella looks at Tristan from the corner of her eye as she takes another bite of her salad. She chews for a bit before swallowing. "Hey," Aella says slowly. She puts her fork down and makes her ponytail into a messy bun, getting it off her back and neck.
He stopped eating and scratched his head for a second. "Hello. Why a salad?" He asked, afterwards he went back to staring at the girl and eating more chips.
Leon rubbed his eyes again as he muttered out, "Triple." After he finished that the others left. He grumbled as he slowly got up, as left his arms idly hanging.

He glanced at the sunflower he still had before jamming it in his right pocket. Leon shuffled into the food court, dragging his feet along for three seconds before taking a small step with it.
"Why not? I wasn't extremely hungry and a salad is healthy. That and I like salads. Why just a bag of chips?" She asks watching him as she takes another bite. She glances around the room to see Leon not that far away.
He stopped eating and stared at the bag of chips, thinking for a moment. Once he found a reason, he looked back up tot he girl, "Because it tastes good to me, and it provides quick energy to my body. What's your name by the way?" He answered, hoping there was something else that he wanted to know, however his interest in the girl was starting to fade.

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