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Mystery of Mythwater (IC)

Cayde says, “As long as I have six hours of time to rest, I can take a watch, too. Just let me know which one, first or second.”
Jankurr lines up with Sylvester "I ddon't really need much sleep, I'll be glad to stick around for first."
Caused nods, then says, “Then I’ll take second watch. Any other takers for second watch with me?”
Athaclenna smiles at the Construct. "I can join you, tin man. We'll get through the night and get to our investigation on the ruins."
Day four of Expedition; Watch One

Time: early evening

Weather: clear

"You said earlier you knew who needed help the most. Could you elaborate on their needs, please?"
Sam though for a moment, "Well the curse seems to overtake the very young and very old the quickest so I was going to give these out to citizens that fit that description." He turned one of the bottles over in his hand, trying to study it in the dim light, "Thank you. I'll make sure these get out in the morning and good luck"


First watch goes on without much trouble. The temperature dropped a surprising amount after the sun dropped below the horizon. While Sylvestra and Jankurr walk the farm, they begin the hear strange calls ringing out. The sound reminds you of jabbering coyotes but there was something wrong. It was too high pitched and garbled. It seemed to be coming from the directions of the ruins and occasionally can be heard moving back and forth along the treeline. Every so often, you can both catch glempses of squat pale forms darting between the trees. The horses in the barn snorted and stamped the ground nervously. Eventually, the calls die out and the town's soundscape returned to normal.
Occasionally you would hear distant calls and rustles in the underbrush but other than that all is quiet.

((Would , Sherwood Sherwood and EbonChevalier EbonChevalier make wisdom saves, please))
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Athaclenna jerks awake with a sudden scream as her hand goes to her chest to probe for the injury she sustained in the dream. Heart racing, she gasps for breath. The dream was so real. If that is what the residents of the town are going through, no wonder they are having troubles. Once she is able to compose herself enough to speak, she looks over at her startled companions and says, “A dream. It was just a dream, but one so vivid that I can still feel the pain of the claws as they pierced my skin. I am sorry. I don’t mean to disturb your sleep.”
*Eredartis is far slower to awaken. He jerks and moves in his sleep legs running slightly to escape something. Then he starts moaning….* “N-no…grab my….” The movement increases in frantic ness until he “falls”.


*His dream death wakes him up with a scream. A light sweat coats his forehead and his heart is beating like a drum. He looks around to see he didn’t fall to his death.

“Whaaaaa….what happened….” *He palms his forehead*
Cayde jerks into action at the sudden scream from Athaclenna, followed by Eredartis‘ cry. His hand goes to his sword as he starts to look around to see if there is any threat that he can see. With no obvious foe in sight, he slowly allows himself to ease his grip.

Kneeling down next to Athaclenna, he places a hand on her shoulder. “Hey, what happened? You are safe and I see no injury. Can you describe what you dreamt? It might be important.”
Under Sylvestra's careful watch and of her owl familiar, the elven druid could see things were not as peaceful as one would imagine around these parts. While it seemed her companions were prey to the infamous nightmares of Mythwater, the fey-touched wood elf would discern something roaming the outside porch. With her owl's eyesight she couldn't see much of it from above.It was a fat creature, low to the ground, with skin so pale that it looked almost translucent. Sylvestra never saw this kind of creature before. She couldn't see its head however, but it looked like it was sniffing around the window, curious.

It's only when the creature lost interest in the farm and headed towards the forest in a hobbled run that Sylvestra could see it from her owl's eyesight as it silently gave chase to the creature, before the owl lost it to the underbrush. It looked like some sort of fat grub balancing on two stubby legs on the read of its body, with ghostly veins under pale skin, sick amber eyes bulging from its stumpy head, with a black toothy abyss for maw that made most of its face.

Sylvestra blinked, her eyesight returning to her just as her companions seemed to wake up from fright. She grimaced, still not believing what horrendous creature she just witnessed roaming around.

DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57
"Jankurr, stay on alert. It's gone now, but there was a creature wandering outside just a moment ago."

Looking around, the fey-touched druid just noticed Grayvee was nowhere to be found. She frowned slightly, taking note of this mysterious disappearance. Strangely enough, she did not notice them leaving at all.

Sylvestra went to Eredartis' side, her iridescent eyes examining the poor soul. Did he experience the same dream she had earlier today during her nap?

EbonChevalier EbonChevalier
"It's alright, friend. You're safe here. It was just a nightmare." she reassured the elven scholar. "Do you remember what you dreamed of?"
Jankurr grunted in acknowledgement and stood there silently. His eyes seemed focused on everything, but at the same time not.
Day four of Expedition; Watch Two

Time: midnight

Weather: clear

with a 2 and a 7 on the wisdom save...

While you both sleep, it is not peaceful. While you still get the rest you need, you are hounded for the duration by disturbing nightmares. Bad dreams about your past, the town around you and the possible failures to come. When you both jolt awake, you are greeted by the silent night and the worried faces of your party.

Cayde, you rest just fine. Something about your make-up makes you immune to whatever force is disturbing your companions. (No Wis saves for you Psy)

Jankurr, you stand watch while Sylvestra tends to your disturbed companions. While you scan the area, you catch a flash of movement in the treeline about 20 feet away. It was low to the ground and fast. You watch the area where you saw the movement, the underbrush still swaying. You catch more movement out of the corner of your eye.

With your perception check of 18...

You manage to anticipate the next rustle in the underbrush and catch sight of the culprit before it moves out of sight behind the barn. It was short and although your darkvision makes the world shades of gray and black, you can tell it has bright skin and two legs. You bristle at the realization that you are all being surrounded by these unknown creatures.
It's alright, friend. You're safe here. It was just a nightmare." she reassured the elven scholar. "Do you remember what you dreamed of?"
*Eredartis reached for his swords hilt to comfort him as he shook the terror and grogginess from his mind. The familiar feeling of its grip in his hand was a balm to his troubled mind.* “Ugh…..I dreamed of the ground around the ruins opening….” *He got to his feet* “…we all fell and I fell last and it felt so real…”
Hearing Eredartis speak of his nightmare, the terror that had taken hold of him just now, Sylvestra wished she could do something for her elven brethren. She had the powers to heal people. She was quite able and proficient with the healing arts. However, she could not find a way to appease the minds as she knew some clerics or even bards did. How she wished to be able to wield such powerful magic right now.

"You wouldn't happen to remember if this hole had teeth, or fangs, protruding from the edges, would you?" She asked calmly, curious about the likeness of his nightmare, though she herself could only remember the hole opening in an open space.
Jankurrs mind is racing as he notices the animals. What could that be? He whisper, shoots at Sylvester and Cade "Sit uup! There's a pack of something circling us, something on two legs. Possibly werewolves." he stands up straight and stretches, making sure his bracers are on straight
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With that warning given, Cayde looks around and readies his sword and shield for a potential fight.
Athaclenna puts her hand to her rapier and looks around for any sign of a threat.

Ooc a total of a 22 on my perception roll
“Corelleons blood!” Eredartis is on his feet sword in hand when alerted of danger. He bespectacled darted about for danger.
At Jankurr's warning cry, the creatures charge from the treeline. Now in the open, you can all see what has been stalking you. They move surprisingly fast on two short legs, their fat bodies balanced between them. Their gaping mouths dark holes ringed with gleaming teeth. It is difficult to count the number coming from the trees. Your party readies their weapons just in time for the creatures to enter your camp.

So I kinda don't want to roll initiative as a post order since that just grinds the pace to a halt. How do we feel about everyone going at once to fight a chunk of the swarm?

Junkerr- 5 monsters Surge into you as the rest go for the other members of your party

Eredartis & Sylvestra- 6 5 monsters race towards you both

Cayde-6- 6 4 monsters try to overrun you

Athaclenna- 5 monsters come for you, Athaclenna
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The worst to expect came true when Sylvestra heard Jankurr speak of a pack of some two-legged creatures surrounding their camp. It would seem like the creature she noticed earlier through her owl's eyes came back with some of its friends.

She wouldn't miss a beat however. The elven druid's mind was still fresh from spending the day without much to do. She sprung on her feet and began weaving magic into her fingertips, chanting in Druidic while motioning her hands in a precise manner for a spell.

Sylvestra gracefully reached out to two of her close companions, placing a hand glowing with a wispy green aura on Athaclenna's and Eredartis' shoulder. The colors in her iridescent eyes seem to be slightly brighter as she spoke the final two words of incantation, one before each touch.

Sherwood Sherwood
The grace of a feline for the rogue. She would be light on her feet, spry, more precise. Whatever tricks she hides up in her sleeves, there is no doubt she will get the upper hand.
The target has advantage on Dexterity checks. It also doesn’t take damage from falling 20 feet or less if it isn’t incapacitated.

EbonChevalier EbonChevalier
The strength of a bull for the barbarian scholar. Headstrong, powerful, the burden on his shoulders would be trivial as he would find ease in cleaving down his opponents.
The target has advantage on Strength checks, and their carrying capacity doubles.
Cayde doesn’t waste any time and rushes forward with his sword raised to strike. Not knowing how tough these things are, he decides to focus both of his melee strikes at just one of the things until he can determine just how much hurt it will take to bring them down.
Kinetic Wall charges: 6

Attack one: 19
Attach two: 16
Damage if they hit: 8 and 12 hit points

Hit Points: 49 / 43
Hit Dice: 5d10

Armor Class: 19
Passive Perception: 13
Active Perception: +3
Movement Rate: 30

Two attacks per round.
Action Surge: +1 Action per Short Rest
Second Wind: Use a Bonus Action to Heal 1d10+5 Hit Points per Short Rest

Crossbow - Light: +4 to Hit, 1d8+1 Damage

--Simple, Ammunition, Loading, Two-Handed, Range 80/320 feet
--20 bolts
Dagger: +7 to Hit, 1d4+6 Damage
--Simple, Finesse, Light, Thrown, Range 20/80 feet
Longsword: +7 to Hit, 1d8+6 Damage
--Martial, Versatile

Chain Mail: +6 AC
Magic Shield - Kinetic Wall - +2 AC
--1d4+2 charges per day.
Regained at dawn When hit with an attack, you may use your reaction to spend a charge to store half the damage you take as force damage, and take the other half. As a bonus action, you can spend one charge to release a wave of force energy. All creatures in a 10 ft sphere must make a Dex saving throw (DC 14) or take the total force damage stored in the shield. Half damage on a success. All stored energy dissipates during long rests.
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Cayde doesn’t waste any time and rushes forward with his sword raised to strike. Not knowing how tough these things are, he decides to focus both of his melee strikes at just one of the things until he can determine just how much hurt it will take to bring them down.

With your first attack backed by your mechanical strength, your blade glides easily through the creature in one clean swipe. The creature's flesh has the consistency of a drying clay figure and did not bleed as you slice clean through the top of its head. It slumps to the ground like a puppet with cut strings. Out of the corner of your eye, another monster leaps over the first. It's teeth gnash against your metallic skin without effect. as it leaps back, you lash out. The creature falls back and lands in the grass in two halves as you cleave it across the middle.
((I know you only attacked one but your damage was enough to kill two))

The remaining 4 creatures will attack you, Cayde-6.
Monster 1: 6
Monster 2: 5
Monster 3: natural 20
Monster 4: 9

Cayde-6 takes 6 damage and the monster that attacked him latches to his right leg, refusing to let go.
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As primal strength flowed into Eredartis he drew his sapphire sword. “Have at thee! Xanadra lend me your strength!”From nowhere a wispy blue smoke manifested and flew into Eredartis mouth. He’s eyes glowed an eerie blue and a feminine voice came from his mouth. “Need my help again bookworm? Okay freaks let’s dance!”

(Eredartis flys into ghostly rage and interposes him between the monsters and Sylvestra. Then attacks!)

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