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Mystery of Mythwater (IC)

After looking both of you over for injuries, Sam's face softened with relief. He suddenly looked at the sword in his hand with embarrassment and quickly stashed it out of sight behind the door.

There were creatures, bipedal leeches is the best way I could put it. Are you and your family well? They haven't tried to enter, did they?"

Sam frowned, "Uh...no! Nothing like that has been spotted as far as I have heard." he glanced around in the darkness behind you as if he was searching for the creatures you described. He looked into the dark interior of his house, "I heard something scratching around the front window hard enough to rattle the panes and wake me up.

"You should be safe enough with us here. We'll give these creatures something to deal with."

Sam smiled with gratitude, Thank you all so much for protecting my small farm. I don't want to think about what would have happened if you were not here to drive them away.... they are gone, right?"
Jankurr shook his head with a sharp yes. The creatures dissapeared into ash. Could they be summons, and if so who did it? All he could say foe sure was that he was alive. He looked at Sam as he spoke, watching him talk attentively and storing the details in his head.
"They are, for now at least." Sylvestra replied. "Well it's good to know you're safe. Our team will investigate the ruins tomorrow at the earliest. I have a feeling everything is connected to there. You can rest easy, we will keep guard of the surroundings until morning comes."

With her hosts safe and sound, the Druid had now her conscience cleared. She'll make her way to her party's resting place, sit next to the campfire and pray.

"By the gentle breeze of the summer winds, I implore your good will upon us." she recited in Druidic. A gentle aura of green surrounded the wood elf and reached out to her companions with a soothing warmth. She would concentrate on the spell for as long as she was allowed to, for a minute at best, before heading to rest herself.

DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 EbonChevalier EbonChevalier Sherwood Sherwood Psychie Psychie Kidzait Kidzait
Sylvestra casts Aura of Vitality. During this period of 1 minute, she can heal a total of 30d6, so I think it should be enough to heal the whole party up to full HP, unless we have party members who took a tremendous amount of damage?

Precisely 109 points worth of HP (deconstructed per round it would be 9, 12, 10, 6, 14, 13, 7, 12, 13, 8)
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With the last of his damage healed by Sylvestra, Cayde looks at his benefactor and says, "Thank you. I feel much better now. The night is still young, and I feel that you will need some rest to recover after your spell exertion. I will stand ready to defend this place while you rest as much as you need to."
Athaclenna rubs at her leg to brush away the now dried blood from her wound and is pleased to see that it was now gone. She adds her voice to Cayde's, saying, "Yes, thank you, friend Sylvestra. Cayde, I can stay up with you. After my nightmare and the fight, I am in no mood for sleep."
Eredartis had been staying off his injured leg since that thing tried taking a bit it. But as healing magics soothed the pain and closed the would put it back on the ground. “Ah, thank you Sylvestra. Now….” He when to his tent and grabbed a quill and parchment. “Time for some research.”

Eredartis proceeds to look over what remains of the creatures that were slain. Checked and sketched the tracks they left. He even asked around the camp to see the recent scars left by their claws and bites.
Sam opened his mouth to speak when a small voice from inside the house caught his attention. Behind him, a small girl clutching a shapeless form of fabric was standing right outside the beam of light from the door.
"Daddy? Are the bad things gone?" she asked in a small voice. Sam looks back at Sylvestra with a tired smile and nods. with the adrenaline wearing off, all that was left was a haggard man needing to go back to bed.
"I can't thank you enough for keeping us safe. It was a stroke of good luck that you all decided to camp on my property. I don't want to think about what might have happened..." Sam shook the dreadful thought from his head and smiled, "Good night, Investigators. I'll see you all in the morning."

EbonChevalier EbonChevalier : with a history check of 15...

You slice into the creature's crumbling body. You find that underneath the cracked and dusty exterior, the creature is still fleshy within. As you cut deeper and deeper, you find no bone or muscle. The creature seems to be made of only skin. You sit back for a moment, looking up at the night sky in deep recollection. You are aware of a few forms of magic that could create creatures such as this. Those kinds of magics were unstable and tend to leave obvious signs. As you jot down what notes you have observed, the dissected creature continues to break down into a pile of fine powder. You conclude, that something in the pit might be making these creatures but, due to the simplistic nature of the monsters, you are unsure if the creation is intentional...

((so Athaclenna and Cayde are taking the last watch till morning?))
Cayde will stay up and active to make sure that not only does the party stay safe, but also the innocent family that lives here. The automation assures their host, “Do not worry. So long as we are here, your and your family can rest easy. We are your defenders this night.”
Athaclenna gives a reassuring smile to Sam. “Our Tin Man has it right. We are here, and come morning, we’ll start to get to the bottom of what’s going on here and put a stop to it. So there’s no need to worry! Get some rest and leave the rest to us.”
The small bruises and gashes he had closed up and healed. He grunted at sylvestra " Appreciate it." And walks over to the grass to sit down, his knee providing him support as he rests on the grass. “Good night sir.” He says in a rumbling tone as he lies his head on the ground. It had been a long day.
Eredartis shakes his head. "I've found out a few things about these creatures but I think it's best if we discuss it over breakfast. It's been quite the night." Eredartis returns to his tent.
The remainder of the night goes smoothly for Athaclenna and Cayde. Several times during the night, you could hear the horse screeching of the creatures in the night. right before first light, you both pick up shuffling footsteps out of sight in the trees behind the barn. The footsteps do not waver and just trail off towards the direction of the ruins. The party makes it to morning without being attacked again.

((feel free to rp any interactions that happen in camp.))

With the sun still rising, you all make your way back up the winding path to the ruins. The first thing you all notice is all the new footprints in the soft dirt around the front courtyard of the ruins. The patterns seem to be random as if several creatures were zig zaging around this area. Inside, the party would notice a hole in the earth that was not there the evening before. On the east side of the new hole, a haphazard lean-to was constructed of a few sticks propped up with a few large leaves drapped overtop. The sound of movement can be heard from within.
For an elf of such slight frame and cultured manner as Eredartis. He could really put away food when he had a mind to.

The elven man was digging into a big breakfast like the world’s most dignified wolf tearing into a deer. As with many people who use the estatic strength boosting, pain blocking power he did they tend to get hungry.

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