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Mystery of Mythwater (IC)

(Eredartis flys into ghostly rage and interposes him between the monsters and Sylvestra. Then attacks!)
((Love the description for Eredartis's rage))

You place yourself between Sylvestra and the charging pack of monsters and call forth the power of your passed lover. You swing your weapon at the closest creature when it reaches you, glancing off it's fat body. You shift your stance and swing again once the creature gets within range, lashing out with your sapphire blade once more. Your attack slices into the creature's flank, injuring it's leg and knocking it to the ground. Another monster seems to lose focus and run towards it's injured companion. When it reaches it, it bends down and begins to rip into the injured creature. The monster on the ground begins to screech with a voice that sounds like a drown scream. The remaining four monsters snap at you wildly.

Monster 1: Dirty 20 Hit
Monster 2: 15 Hit
Monster 3: 5 Miss
Monster 4: 8 Miss

Two of the monsters latch onto you. Their teeth sinking into your flesh and you take 10 piercing damage (5 due to rage). The monsters refuse to let go.
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Jankurr wastes no time grabbing one by the throat, attempting too snap it's neck. At the same time he throws his knee at one that seems to close for comfort.
Sherwood Sherwood
Athaclenna, You freeze as these horrible creatures flood out from the treeline. You have faced terrible looking monsters in the past but something about how they move and their numbers leaves you frozen in place. Are you in over your head with this mission?
Hand on the hilt of your rapier, you watch as the rest of your party is swarmed. There were too many creatures to count and the sporadic way they moved made counting them impossible. A grouping of five monsters surge towards you. The smell rising off of them was like animal sweat and grave dirt as they overwhelm you.
All five creatures are going to attack you, Athaclenna. If more than half hit, you will be knocked prone.

Monster 1: 6 miss
Monster 2: dirty 20 hit
Monster 3: 6 miss
Monster 4: 9 miss
Monster 5: 14 miss

Athaclenna takes 4 piercing damage.
With a sudden burst of survival instinct, Athaclenna whips her sword around, knocking the attacking creature away from her.

OOC with Defensive Duelist I have an armor class of 18
With a desperate lunge, the nimble thief tries to skewer one of the monsters.
17 to hit doing 9 damage
Initiative: +3

Hit Points: 33 / 29

Hit Dice: 5d8

Armor Class: 15 / 18 from Defensive Duelist in Melee Combat
Passive Perception: 13
Active Perception: +3
Luck Points: 3

Sneak Attack Bonus:

Dagger x4: +6 to Hit, 1d4+3 Damage

--Simple, Finesse, Light, Thrown, Range 20/60 feet
Shortbow: +6 to Hit, 1d6+3 Damage
--Simple, Ammunition, Two-Handed, Range 80/320 feet
--20 Arrows
Sherwood's Rapier:
+1 to all weapons attack and damage rolls. +7 to Hit, 1d8+4 Damage
3 charges. Regenerate every day at dawn. All spells cast at lowest level and require zero components.
1 charge: See Invisibility - Duration 1 Hour
2 charges: Fog Cloud - Duration 1 Hour
3 charges: Invisibility - Duration 1 Hour
Requires Attunement


Studded Leather Armor: +2 AC
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The creature lunges at your face with snapping teeth, it's stinking breath wafting around your face. With honed reflexes and strength to match, you easily redirect the creature's momentum to fling it away. You hear it hit the ground with a heavy thud as the next on it on you. You thrust forward at the nearest creature. The sharp point of your sword finding it's mark. Your slide the blade to the hilt into the creature's eye, the tip of your blade poking out the other side of it's body. You fling it away with a flick of your wrist and watch the other 3 creatures for the next attack.
Sylvestra watched as her comrades began to become swarmed by the monstrous invaders. If anything it truly felt like a living nightmare. She figured she'd help them get rid of some of these monsters and tend to the wounded at the same time.

The elven druid moved herself out of reach from the incoming monsters, but close enough so she could take aim at one of the monsters that had attempted to attack Eredartis but failed. The orange in her eyes grew more vivid as she chanted in Druidic the words of fire, motioning her hands as a flickering flame appeared in her hand. Then she flung her hand engulfed in fire towards the toothy monster she was aiming, hurling the flame she was holding at it.

Sylvestra casts Produce Flame to throw fire at one of the monsters attacking Eredartis.
19 to hit. 10 fire damage if it hits.

"Queen Titania aid us." Sylvestra whispered to herself in Sylvan, her eyes now shining of a deep green hue.

EbonChevalier EbonChevalier
Eredartis would suddenly feel himself relieved of the pain he had suffered just a moment ago, as a wispy green mist seemed to magically cauterize his injuries.

Sylvestra uses 1d6 of her healing pool (4d6 left) from her Balm of the Summer Court ability. Combined with her Couatl armor's ability, Sylvestra heals Eredartis for 2d6 hit points
Eredartis is healed for 7 hit points.
Eredartis gains 1 temporary hit point.
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