Mystery Forest. (Closed)

Nick looks at her and then sighs. "I told you not to touch it!" He said and then sighed. He looked down and then back at her. "Nadia...not to be mean or anything but you are getting me wet." he said and then smiled trying to lighten the mood. He looked at Shadow and then sighed looking at nadia. "I'm sorry..." He said.
Nadia backed off.she looked down kinda sad all he cared about was getting wet.she started to walk off sadly.Shadow gave him a glare. "Nice going! "He growled and hit him on the head.
Nick looks at Shadow. "Hmm." he got up and followed Nadia. "I was joking I don't really care." he said and then sighed. "Geez how do you expect me to act, I just killed you...I didn't mean to but...." he said, rubbing his head.
Nadia turned. Shadow stood by Nadia and started to speak for her.'She said she thought you would be happy to see her not worry about a wet hug." Nadia turned again and walked of. Shadow shrugged and followed her.
Nick sighed. "Fine then..." he said and started walking. He looked at Hunter who was walking in dog form beside him. "You're much more loyal then anyone I met." he said and then looks at the ground. "Couldn't they have turned me into a dog and put me out of my suffering." he sighed and then looked up at the sky. He looked back at Hunter and then used his vampire speed to run to the house. He sat down in his room. "Hm." he started playing with the shadows in the room. "No like this hasn't happened before....I'm an idiot." he said with a sigh.
Nick sighs and then runs down. He stands in front of nadia. "So what now Nadia/" he asked looking at her. He kneeled down looking at her. He sighed and then gently grabbed her hand.

Flower was sniffing out Shadow's room to return his jacket. She looked at BC and Hunter who had returned to her. She looked up and then sighed deeply. "Hmm interesting..." She said seeing the sun was comming up. She wasn't tired at all and she wondered why. She looked around smelling Creed but he was no where to be seen.

Creed was in his room sleeping off his frustrating day, Kile's room was next to his but Creed's room still couldn't be seen. He rolled over in his bed, his mask behins him. Kile was also sleeping. Adrianna on the other hand had fallen asleep next to Yuki. Next to Nick's her day was the worse.
Shadow pushed Nick back shielding them both from water splashing everywhere. Nadia looked up covering herself. "Uh... maybe clothes? "She asked shivering. She was Nadia now with skin and hair instead of the cold water that could walk..
Nick blinks and then nods. "Yeah...." He said and then ran to get her clothes. He came back moments later. "Vampire speed rocks." He said with a smile and then threw her the clothes turning around and walking back inside. He sat down and then looked up. The sun was coming up but as the light hit his skin he was fine. He blinked and then shruged waiting for nadia to come in.
Nick put a hand on the back of her head and then closed his eyes kissing her back. He ignored Shadow and pulled Nadia in front of him. He pulled back and then smiled. "I'm glad your back." he pulled her head closer. "You said you loved me before you died.....was that true?" He whispered in her ear and then pulled back looking at her.
Nick looks at her and smiles. "Well good...then don't ever put me through that kind of pain again." He said and then kissed her. "Because I love you too." He added and then hugged her tightly.
Nick chuckles and then smiles as she kissed him again. He looked up as Flower was watching him. She smiled at him and he gave her a thumbs up. Flower rolled her eyes as she walked away. Nick looks at Nadia and then closes his eyes kissing her back. He pulled Nadia closer. Flower is such a stalker sometimes. He thought and then wrapped his arms around her waist.

If Shadow went to his room he would find his jaket and a note saying thank you. Flower went to her room and then layed down trying to get at least an hour of sleep. She closed her eyes and then yawns.

BC was around looking for the tiger he saw earlier. He looked and then sat down. He shruged and then decided to go hunting outside. Maybe he could get a good meal.
Nadia eventually pulled back. She had a big smile as she hopped up."Come on!" She said and tugged on his hand to follow her.

Agile pounces on BC licking him over and over then backed off.
Nick looks at her and then smiles. "Yeah ok." he said and then followed her wondering where she was taking him. He looks at her and then wished this wasn't a dream. That she was still alive or even really here.

BC looks at her and then tilts his head wondering why she did that. He looks out and then points to some tracks. Lions hunted with their pride so he wanted to hunt with her.
Nadia took him to the roof of the house. she pointed up at the red moon. she sighed leaning on him."Beautiful huh?" she asked. it was a full every night ever since that curse and for some reson the moon had turned evil with the forest. Nadia looked at him wondering what was in his mind."Nick? Whats wrong?"
Nick looks at her and then hakes his head. "Nothing." he said and then pulled her close. He looks at her neck and then shifts uncomforably. He looks away and then uses his fangs to bite his own tongue trying to resist biting her. He looks at the moon and then his eyes go black. He rubs his eyes and then looks away.
Nadia looked at him."Bite me...." she said softly to him and turned his head."just do it ok? i know you may not want to but... for me? i want to know your ok." she moved her hair and tilted her head for him. Nick could smell her sweet scent and hear her calm heart beat.
Nick looks at her and then shows his fangs. He got close to her and then pulled her closer and bit her. He pushed her down and continued to feed for a bit. He wasn't taking to much blood he was taking his time. He didn't want to hurt her but he somehow was enjoying this.

Flower walked downstairs and was looking inthe library. She grabbed a book and then giggled. It was an old favorite of her's. She looks at he back. " Perfect condition." she said surprised.
Nadia didn't seem to be in pain at all. she closed her eyes relaxing in fact she seemed more relaxed then ever before. she trusted him with her life and never stopped him once.

She came out of his favorite place... the shadows. "you like books huh?" he asked with a charming smile as he approached her.
Nick pulled back and looked at her. He closed his mouth to clean it with his tongue while he slowly got off of her. He looks at her and then wipes off her neck with his hand. "" He didn't want her losing anymore blood then she has so he tore some of his clothing and put it on her neck. "Here." he said and then rubs his neck. "Thanks." He said feeling much better now. He looks at her and smiles.

Flower looks at him and then raises an eyebrow. "I guess so." She said and then put the book back. "And you sir sneaks around a lot?" She said crossing her arms. She leaned back on the book shelf.
Nadia looked at Nick and smiled softly. she took his hand in hers. " Did I at least taste good?" she asked slightly worried she didn't to him but then again blood is blood. she leaned forward pressing her soft lips t his cheek as she then whispered. "I should sleep..." Nadia pulled back and looked at his red eyes. she didn't mind him snacking on her as long as he was happy.

Shadow laughed at her comment. " um maybe you missed the introduction. my name is shadow remember?" he said looking at her then the dress. "still glued on huh?" he asked. "maybe I can cut it off for you?"
Flower looks at Shadow "No thanks." She said and continued her search of the library. "Is there a reason you're here?" She asked curiously as she wipped the dust off a few books to read their titles. She looked back at Shadow and then crossed her arms. She shifted her weight to one side. She wasn't to sure about Shadow.

(I'll ask to see if they can put this back into the private section.)

Nick shrugs and then chuckles. "I guess..." He said and then rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm not use to the taste just's only a instinct really. For now anyways." He said and then looked at her. "Sure then. I'm not tired so I think I'll stay up."

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