[Mysterious Cities of Jade] OOC Thread


Drunken master
Come here for all your banter and embarrassing stories about Chaka's past pen&paper RPG exploits.
Well there was this one time that he played an ex-Lookshyan Dragon-Blood who ended up beholden to the sock puppet of a Cynis socialite. It had little orichalcum button eyes.
That's what you get for deciding that it was too risky telling the others you weren't a Dynast and decided on being from a nice safe place called Thorns instead...
To his credit though folks, he was the only Dragon-Blood to take on and defeat a Celestial with his bare hands. Even the Immaculate Monk needed the help of a half dozen arrows and falling off the edge of the Lap to take his one down.
"It's ok, we know you're a Lookshyan spy." "I don't think he's a Lookshyan spy, spies are smart."
Oh that Dave, what a jerk...

Mostly you just had terribly bad luck at the worst possible time. You didn't do anything deliberately stupid, like playing an Air-aspected master of stealth with the Beacon of Power flaw...
Or we could all SHUT UP.

So I ask again - Kale and Skrakes are accounted for. Where did Ayo pick the rest of you miscreants up?
Amaya swooped in to save the day when the land ship was under attack; whether or not you actually needed help is debatable, but she was there nonetheless. After the battle, she came right up to you, and asked to travel with you. You resonated with her, in a way she couldn't describe; it wasn't romantic, but rather something purer. Maybe this was reciprocated, maybe it wasn't, but the very fact that she was a type of Exalt that you had never heard of was intriguing enough to have her come along.

This sound good?

I've been reading through the Nocturnals book again, and I love the idea of paradoxed artifacts (iconic artifacts that give you permanent paradox when you attune to one and give you a point of temporary paradox when you use their power), so I wrote one up. Would this be permissible? (Maybe with modifications?)

Vigilant Amaya’s Aegis (Artifact â—â—â—)

A hero always saves the day. A hero never fails her allies. A hero is there to protect everyone, always. That is Amaya’s credo, her way of life. She would sooner shred her soul into pieces than let down those who depend on her. And so that is exactly what she did.

This Paradoxed Daiklave sprang into being in a moment of utmost need, a time when the destruction of Amaya’s charge was imminent, when Amaya was too slow and too far away to help.

The moments stretched into eternity as she watched the enemy’s cruel blade descend on her ward. Refusing to let the fickle wiles of destiny guide her actions once again, Amaya reached deep into the core of her being to find the power she lacked, the power to always be where she was needed most. Seeing only one way forward, she turned her power in on itself, shattering her form into a thousand fragments. Each fragment rushed forth like a shooting star, straining their existence to reach their destination.

Nine hundred and ninety nine of these fragments reconstituted themselves back into Amaya’s body, interposing her between the screaming blade and her fallen heart. The last fragment refused to join the rest, warping and settling into Amaya’s firm grip as the purest expression of her intent: an unbreakable sword that obstructs evil’s path.

Vigilant Amaya’s Aegis functions an Adamant Daiklave in combat, and appears as such to all mundane inspection. Those who possess greater senses may realize the truth; the blade Amaya wields isn’t some crafted tool, it is a fragment of her soul given shape. By gaining a point of Paradox, Amaya may instantly teleport to any being she can perceives as an ally and perform a retroactive Defend Other action. She may only use this ability when her ally is truly in danger; her soul allows no less.
Strange and interesting. I approve.

Also I almost squealed when I saw Effing Skrakes take the spell Bone Puppet Dance. Easily my favourite necromantic spell ever.
I'm ok with how we met - Ayo is certainly unusually well-disposed to you, but his bond hasn't really triggered yet. Still, you're new, which is interesting, and you're useful, which is better.
Here in Cork I found a bar named Mok's. Never went in though because it looked disheveled and dodgy. True story.
Sarky said:
Also I almost squealed when I saw Effing Skrakes take the spell Bone Puppet Dance. Easily my favourite necromantic spell ever.
Every necromancer worth his salt should have it. Thank my friend Sean, he suggested my beginning spell list.
Er....do you still have room? I can get my Eclipse fleshed out tonight and figure a backstory for him... :)
As things stand there are already 6 players, sorry. If anyone drops out or just plain doesn't show up, I'll go back to the interest thread and pick more names.

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