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Fandom ་༘࿐ 𝙢𝙮𝙨𝙩𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 - main thread.



With the weight of her armor no longer hindering her every movement, Cari ran faster through the woods, jumping over roots and dodging branches. The faint sounds of clanging, weapons against armors or one another, fuels her. The creek ever so close now, the pleasant sound of water against rocks, the current going faster with her every step closer, calling out to her, eager to welcome her back. She was once again grinning, the exhilarating rush of it all getting to her. The creek was finally visible- woosh.

Her eyes barely catching the glint of an arrowhead on her peripheral, her reflexes kicking in, dodging it at the very last second. It 'only' got some of her braids, though she's gonna make them pay for that, later. Her hair wasn't cheap, and killing monsters is unfortunately not a great source of income, contrary to the dangers it bring.

"Miss me!"
She daringly called out, as if challenging the archer to go at her once more, and make sure to not miss her this time.
The girl didn't stop even to look at who from the blue team was posted around before jumping in the shallow water, a more important goal than petty revenge for a missed shot in mind.

Being in her element, a certain calmness she just couldn't get on land enveloped her, helping her focus on the destination she desires.
Bring me to where the danger is
, she thought, picturing a battle scene of ugly orange tees thankfully covered with armor, the clangs of swords and other weaponry, a blue flag waving nearby, awaiting her capture, in her mind's eye.

Caresse re-emerged with a splash, reverse cannonballing her way out, landing perfectly, her legs returning to their fast forwarding motion, carrying her towards the sound of someone screaming bloody murder. Finally, someone taking this weekly game as seriously as she was. Either she's got to defend her flag, or her team's managed to grab the other team's flag already, she didn't mind which, her shield up and sword ready to join in on the fight that was in the... firepit?
Wait, this isn't the woods anymore-

The scene before her only has two actors, and neither had weapons on the ready, to her disappointment. Though, oh- there goes the only blade in sight- with all sorts of other things launched from the redhead towards the boy. A boy who seems somewhat familiar, but Cari couldn't pick on just who it is... though it must be the girl's mortal enemy or something, as she was frantic, as if she's just seen, or rather, seeing, a ghost. And the girl, she's seen before. Alice.. Alaina... or something.

She knew she's only got a few seconds left of her chance to turn back and simply never mind whatever she just stumbled on. Clearly she's just not supposed to be there, out of the playing field, and whhatever's unfolding seemed a bit private anyway..... ... .. Just who was she trying to convince. Why did she need convincing anyway? Though heroic was hardly a trait of hers, cowardly turning her back to someone clearly in need of help just wasn't something she'd do either. She could spare a few minutes of chasing a silly flag, surely. With a sigh, she sheathed back her sword, and approached with slow, steady steps, towards the distressed damsel.

"Hey, uhh, Red, are you okay?" dumb question- "Is this guy bothering you?"
Her head nodded slightly towards the dude who didn't seem to mean any harm at a glance, but surely she hasn't got enough information to fully know whether that's true or not yet. And, by the way ....Alina? Alyssa? was on the grass, seemingly on the verge of a panic attack, it was pretty safe to assume this wasn't a merry picnic. A very bad first date, may be.

I'm no where near qualified to deal with this.

Supermassive Black Hole

♡coded by uxie♡


My eyes turn and I get angry, reflected in the mirror like a hungry mountain animal


Catch me, then!


the fleet



beau, jericho


Both her instincts and Beau's shout were a step too late for her to react in time, the sharp metal cleaving through her cleanly. Her eyes squeezed shut, half-expecting to be attached only at the waist when she opened them again.

Nothing. She was fine. What was going on?

It was every bit of self-control not to yell at her almost-murderer then, but her lips pressed into a thin line to force her aggravation down. With an angry, giant dog staring them down, cussing out someone who'd swung a sword at her — she couldn't believe that thought could ever cross her mind, but here she was — would have to wait till later.

With every step back, the hound inched forward, and Andrea's mind raced to find some sort of out-route. One of the other volunteers at the shelter had told her once about dealing with aggressive dogs. If you slowly turn to the side, it calms them down a bit. Or so I've heard. Judging from the way its growls were rumbling through the forest in a determinedly unworldly manner, one would forgive her for having reasonable doubt that normal-dog logic might not apply to.... whatever this was. Still, some part of her itched to try petting it, bared fangs be damned.

"Andie, I need you to pass me a branch." Her head turned slowly towards Beau, eyes narrowed in a sideways stare. "A large one."


"Just trust me."

She was finding it difficult to.
"What are you—"
She fell into a tense silence as the dog growled again, throwing rationality to the wind just this once as she stuffed their forgotten activity sheets into her pocket. Slowly, carefully, she bent down to grab a branch and passed it over to him, gaze darting rapidly between the hound and the forest floor all the while.

Out of the corner of her eye, she watched him tie his jacket to the branch, her mouth dropping open in disbelief as he wound up a throw like he was out on the field. Was he fucking serious?


she repeated in a hiss, her eyes following the branch fly in a graceful arc over the hellhound's head. It was by some grace of god that it turned, bounding after it with a bellowing bark.

Okay, she stood corrected. A giant dog was still a dog.

"I can't believe that worked." Her gaze remained on the dog's figure as it disappeared between the trees, and she let out a quiet exhale, a split-second of relief. Her mind was still reeling from having nearly died — twice — but it was in that haze that several muddled thoughts surfaced. The world record for a javelin throw was, like, a hundred metres or something. Her record for the hundred-metre-dash was 10 seconds or so. What were the chances Beau was more athletic than an Olympian, and that she was faster than an absurdly-large dog?

She grabbed Beau's arm, pulling him into motion as she broke into a sprint in a random direction.

Behind them, the ominous thumps of a dog's paws against the forest floor were distant, but growing louder and quicker with each passing second. Another bellowing bark, and Andrea shut her eyes for a precious few moments, just to collect her sanity and consider, offhandedly, if a prayer at this stage would do her any good.

Her gaze moved to Jericho, a frown slipping onto her lips when she found he'd overtaken her already. Still faster than her, even after years of living out in the woods in his weird cult, or whatever. She'd never prioritised sprinting, but it hurt her pride, somewhat, that a middle-schooler's record had been so untouchable — she forced herself faster.

"Hey! You have a— a camp, or something—"
she called to him, narrowly ducking beneath a low-hanging tree branch,
"Or anywhere we could go?"

A young man carrying a rifle. You said you were going to catch me, tsk, tsk, tsk

♡coded by uxie♡

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Rhys' eyes widened at the girls' statement. "No way! Actually? You made that?" Rhys had made plenty of things in their life- props for the theater kids at school, little model ships, their parents disappointed- but forging a real battle axe? Now that took skill. "But still, it must've costed a ton to get the materials? What's it made out of? Some kind of bronze alloy?"

When the girl asked Rhys their proceeding questions, they couldn't help but wrinkle their nose in confusion. Is she being serious? What else would they be doing? "I mean, whatever you're doing now, I guess. Play-fighting in the woods with swords, right? History nerdom, battle reenactment and all that? Dunno why you'd be doing it in the middle of a school day, though I can't blame you..." Rhys shifted slightly, crossing their arms as they spoke. "I mean, I'm not from Long Island, I'm just on a field trip, but..." Why do I feel like that's not what she means by 'around here'?

As soon as Rhys answered, the boy that the girl had been skirmishing with turned towards her. "Who are you?"

"Weird way to phrase that, considering you're the weirdos running around in cosplay, but the name's Rhys." Before they'd even had a chance to finish articulating their sentence, though, the boy had turned back to the girl, saying stuff about 'barriers' and whatever. "Obviously I'm the normal person in this situation. If you're talking about a fence or something, I didn't see one on the way here, but I'm preeeetty sure this is a state park anyways, so I don't think you could-" That's when Rhys noticed the stream of crimson trickling down the boy's face; though he seemed fairly unbothered, Rhys couldn't help but be concerned. "Hey dude, you're like... bleeding. A lot. Are your weapons supposed to be that sharp? You're not actually trying to kill each other, right?" Oh god, I didn't stumble into some sort of weird ritual-sacrifice-by-combat, did I? Or like, some sort of gladiator match? It would explain the armor, but...

Rhys took a small step back, but their mind was a chaotic mess on what to actually do. I've got to get back to the parking lot. Which way is that, anyways? I don't want to die at the hands of some greek freaks, but I also sort of want to see what they're actually doing. They wouldn't kill me, right? I mean, they probably would've already if they wanted to, unless they also wanted to sacrifice me via combat-

"We have more weapons, if you'd like to see them. A lot of armor too. You can't play with us but I'd be happy to give you a tour."

The boy's tone caught Rhys by surprise, and almost instantly derailed their entire train of thought, not that it was entirely on the rails to begin with. He sounded somewhere between 'weird kid from across the street asking you to come over to their house to play with their off-brand legos' and 'old guy that smells like dirt and cigarettes telling you he has puppies in his van'. And while Rhys knew that they gave off 'sugar high twelve-year old vibes', according to their friends, they didn't really expect some stranger to take that kind of tone with them. "Well, that's not creepy at all, guy in the woods i just met. I'd love to see your collection of pointy objects." Rhys walked forward, moving to absentmindedly kick at the girl's shed helmet. "No matter how much teeth whitener you use, I-"

That's when Rhys fell. Where they'd expected the girl's helmet to be, there had been nothing but thin air. Or at least, that's what the physics of it all said, as Rhys fell. As they looked back, though, face flushing with embarrassment, the helmet was definitely right where they'd kicked it. But, well...

Their leg was sticking clean through it.

Rhys scrambled back, the air shimmering where their leg touched what should've been cold metal. They brushed their leg as it pulled towards them as though the helmet had been made of fire ants, confusion and panic evident on their face.
"Is that... a hologram or something?" They stood up on shaky legs.I mean, no, the girl was wearing it, right? She was touching it? Am I high or something? Am I...

Rhys shook their head.
"Okay, whatever, take me to your weird not-LARP murder camp. But I want to know what that-" they pointed at the helmet- "-is, and why you're in the woods fighting with real weapons, 'kay?" Though Rhys knew they should've been scared out of their mind- and well, they were a bit- part of them was just intensely curious as to what was going on, and they were determined to find out, threat of human sacrifice or not.

Couldn't be worse than bio class.

the trireme


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡
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I was bleeding, I was powerless, used to lose every fight but I ride

unforgiven i'm a villain
the seeker
never asked for forgiveness
le sserafim
mood: this is SO inconvenient.
location: the forest
interactions: yumi @SavannahSmiles

All Evelyn could hear were the clattering of weapons, and shouts of whatever, because Evelyn didn’t bother to listen to what they were saying. She already had enough of listening to the unwanted opinion of most of the plants in the area (it’s even worse now that she was in the forest, maybe she should’ve gone the other direction). Well, speaking of plants, don’t let Evelyn get started on that topic because plants could be quite vicious .. and judgmental for some reason, they were plants they had no right to be. Sometimes she considered pulling the plant out of the grass for their snide comments, but Evelyn decided against that, though it was tempting, it was a bit too cruel, it’s essentially the same as cutting their legs off, and Evelyn didn’t have it in her to tolerate the screeching screams of a damn flower for at least another five minutes.

She had been wandering the woods for a good while, probably fifteen minutes or so. Evelyn was just glad it wasn’t raining as hard anymore and she wouldn’t have to go through this hell soaked to the bone. Honestly, she was more confused (and a little bit concerned) by the fact that she hadn’t run into anyone for a while, usually, these campers were way too serious about capture the flag, treating it like it’s their job and they were getting paid for it (surprise! you get nothing) as if they weren’t going to be playing it again later on and for the next few more years they would be stuck getting sent to camp.

Maybe she should just show herself to the other team and start doing something instead of wandering aimlessly. It'd be much more entertaining than listening to the hot gossip a tree was having with a mushroom planted at the base of its trunk. Whirling around to retrace her steps to maybe run into someone, at least one of her teammates so she would know what the plan was because she had no clue having run off before even listening to the game plan. However that plan completely fizzled out and was thrown out the window because Evelyn had laid her eyes on a girl also wandering around. But she was unfamiliar with who she was. Evelyn knew everyone at the camp, having been there for so long, and was tired of seeing the same faces every day, but she was someone Evelyn had never seen in all the years she’d been stuck at Camp Half-Blood.

Brushing aside her thoughts, she was immediately on edge at the stranger standing a bit away from her not knowing if she was a friend or foe. Evelyn felt the warmth climb up her arms as she activated her powers, vines quietly sprouting up from the forest floor, and as Evelyn inched closer to the girl she felt her stomach drop at her revelation. This girl was a mortal. Evelyn eased up her powers slowly letting them fade away, as the vines dropped limp onto the ground. Evelyn wasn’t exactly jumping with joy having discovered a mortal near their camp meaning it’d be more work for her to deal with this problem but maybe this was the excitement she needed in her life. Calling out to the girl who seemingly hadn’t noticed her presence until now, Evelyn quite literally marched up towards her, Hey! You look a little lost, need a hand?”

Evelyn thinks she startled the poor girl as she hadn’t replied as they both stood there in an awkward silence looking at one another. Good thing she hadn’t been carrying weapons or armor, or else this girl would make a run for it, and Evelyn didn’t want a dead mortal on her hands. Another beat of silence passes before the girl introduces herself as Yumi. Evelyn nods stiffly, having hated the silence that fell over the both of them again. Okay, maybe she should just take the girl to the camp and let them deal with this instead of her (and perhaps it’d be a way to get out of playing capture the flag). Evelyn nods to herself proud of her plan, she turns around towards the girl, jutting her thumb out in the direction of the camp, “I can take you back to my camp, they’ll know what to do from here to help you.” Evelyn mentally facepalmed, Evie… you don’t even sound a slight bit convincing.. what person in their right mind would go with a total stranger?
© reveriee
Post three: Nicholas Gets Stabbed
Featuring: reverice reverice yokai. yokai. opaline opaline

It’s best to jump to the important part here. A situation Nicholas couldn't have predicted in a hundred years. A moment in time burned into his mind like a brand. There he stood, his ability to trick and manipulate reasonable people undone by the absence of such a target in the scenario. There he stood, his arm partially raised with a miniature taser primed but having proven not fast enough and with inadequate reach, the consequence of a lack of training. There he stood, a sword in his gut. There he stood, unharmed.

He half scrambled and half fell backward, landing on the ground once more. The taser fell from his grip as he needed both hands to scan his torso for an injury that wasn’t there. He heard the crazy lady’s voice but would need to process the words later, as his brain was occupied with the how of what just happened. It wasn’t a trick, Nicholas knew all the tricks for making it look like you stab someone without really stabbing them. The whole Arceri household loves watching documentaries explaining magic tricks. He was confident he’d be able to spot a prop/trick sword. That wasn’t one. That was real. Though more damning was the fact that he could feel the blade inside him. No pain, no injury, not even all that much discomfort. Just a mild sensation of hey, there’s something here.


He ran through the options. A few moments of mental exercises disproved any notion of this being a dream of any kind. Hallucinations were also ruled out, since he couldn't have ingested any having skipped breakfast and no known hallucinogens grew in this area. He also ruled out being dead, since hitting the ground still hurt and the crazy lady had called him a mortal. Wait…

By the time he put any amount of mental energy back into his surroundings, the person who stabbed him was gone, having discarded their armor and leaving him to grapple with what just happened. It’s then that he was able to process all of her words, both before and after the stabbing, and his mind was overcome with a single thought.

What a bitch!

The thought honestly caught him off guard. How could that be his most pressing thought? It was as if he had remembered something that made the existence of actual magic manageable. Not okay, but manageable. Sadly he could not attribute a specific memory to this revelation. All he knew was that apparently magic was a thing, and that was something he could handle. What he couldn't handle, was continuing to know so little about the situation. As a person, the only power Nicholas has comes from what he knows. So, given such an extraordinary situation, he finds that he wants to know more. He needs to know more. He can handle his feelings on the matter later.

The young man quietly climbed to his feet, his body shifting into hostile territory mode. He didn’t know if the rest of these woods carried a stabbing risk (or if it could be called a stabbing risk if the stabbing failed) but he wasn’t willing to take those kinds of chances. He knew how to move silently, even in the woods. He opened his awareness to pick up oncoming observers and moved with a low and quiet profile, forgetting his taser and leaving the armor.

His earlier observations were confirmed as he made his way in.. a direction. His utter lack of plan aside, the sounds that grew around him doubled down the notion that there was a violent (but not bloody) team sport taking place. A not so distant mention of a flag further ahead confirmed the nature of the game. Nicholas had no idea where he was going, the close call with the ocean that bitch left him without his sense of direction. Nevertheless he carried forward, avoiding being seen by capture-the-flag players ranging from armed to very armed in the hopes of finding answers.

Then he observed something that made his stomach drop. A familiar face, Blakely Esperanza, looking exhausted and frightened standing next to another of these armed and armored wackos. Once more, his brain kicks into overdrive. First came the basic human concern for a fellow (all things considered) normal person, and with it the prospect of causing a distraction that would allow her to slip away. Second came his professional concern for someone he’s worked well with in the past, and thus the idea that maybe he’d have better luck figuring everything out with her help. Then came the third thing, that languageless voice in his head that told him that Blakely was important. Not financially. Not socially. Important personally. That concern almost steeled him to fight, regardless of how hopelessly outmatched he’d be, doubly so without his taser. It made no sense.

What made less sense was what that same languageless voice had to say about the boy Blakely was with. Despite the armor, despite the spear, despite everything, that voice said Nicholas could trust that boy. To make matters more confusing, it was a quieter sentiment than his irrational opinion of Blakely. He could have chalked that up to being that he knew Blakely and the boy was a stranger, but it didn’t feel that simple.

He had no time to process that any further. He had to make a choice. Even putting aside these feelings, he remembered where his attempt at trickery got him moments ago. Thus he figured that if there ever was a time for honesty and trust, it was now. Stepping out from behind the tree cover, he made his presence known to the both of them with a simple “Um… Mind if I get in on the questions?”

"I can't believe that worked."

The words had escaped Jericho's lips before he knew he was saying them. Out of all the possible directions he was expecting this encounter to head, watching a two-ton hellhound bounding through the woods after a jacket-tipped stick like a puppy chasing a tennis ball... wasn't exactly one of them. Damn.

But by the time Jericho's mind had processed what exactly just happened, Andrea had already grabbed Beau's wrist, dragging him in through the trees in the opposite direction that the hound had gone. Oh, so not a fight, but a chase. Great. Jericho knew, realistically, he probably should've gone to dispatch the hellhound, or at least make sure it hadn't inadvertently found one of the younger campers. But with his luck, Andrea and Beau would stumbled upon the Myrmeke's lair, or piss off some nymph, and then he'd be back at square one. And, somewhat selfishly, he wanted to follow- his body ached with pent-up energy, the roaring of thunder overhead only exacerbating it. He needed to clear his head.

And for that, he needed to run.

It didn't take long for him to catch up to the pair- there wasn't really a competition between mortals and any demigod. Even so, Andrea was keeping pace fairly well, almost too well. I mean, she was pretty good at the track meets, but still, this is... something else. That, paired with Beau's more-than-impressive stick throw set off alarm bells in Jericho's head- but what for, he wasn't sure. I don't have the time to think about it now, anyways. I have more urgent things to deal with, like-

"Hey! You have a— a camp, or something— or anywhere we could go?"

Lucky guess. Jericho's brow furrowed. "Well, as a matter of fact... Just follow me. Don't slow down." He figured this wasn't the best idea- bringing mortals to camp? But really, what other option did he have? He wasn't about to sit here and let them get eaten by hungry, hungry hellhounds, or whatever.

Jericho veered left, mapping the landmarks in his head at top speed to try and figure out the fastest route back to camp. He could hear the hellhound approaching, though, gaining ground despite the time Beau's distraction had bought them. With a shuddering breath heeded by exertion, Jericho sent a wave of static across his body, shooting towards the sky before arcing back down as a lightning bolt that scorched the ground between them and the hellhound. The feedback in his legs was instant, the sudden sharp pain causing him to stumble before regaining his footing, though not without biting down on his tongue to stop himself from crying out.

What seemed like miles later, the trio finally exited the deep woods, the sounds of the hellhound abandoned far behind them. Jericho bent over, panting as they took a second to recover. At least it was a solid run. He glanced at Andrea and Beau. They were tired, too, but more than that, it was clear they wanted answers. Now comes the hard part.

Jericho's mind wandered back to four years prior, when he'd first arrived at camp. Even now, he was struggling to recall the storm of emotions he'd felt- confusion, anger, mistrust, hurt. The world you know is a farce. The greek gods are real. Your life is going to get a hell of a lot scarier from here. In what felt like less than a day, his entire world had been irrevocably turned on its head. And now I'm going to do the same to someone else- except they won't have the means nor power to defend themselves. What shit luck.

After a few moments, Jericho sighed, his jaw unclenching. Whatever. They saw through the mist, they got into camp- either way, they know somethings up. Might as well tell them the truth. They already think I'm insane, anyways.

"Welcome to Camp Half-Blood." Jericho brandished his sword in a small arc as he turned halfway, emphasizing as though he was a magician and the camp was, like, a dove or something. "This is where I've been. It's the only real safe place for people like me." Jericho dropped his arms to his sides. Here comes the kicker. "Demigods."

Upon seeing the reaction on Beau and Andrea's faces, Jericho couldn't help but give a slight side-eye. "You wanted an explanation. There it is." He punctuated his statement by heaving his sword over his shoulder, and met Andrea's gaze. "And, uh, sorry about swinging my sword through you. It probably didn't feel great, but I knew if wouldn't hurt you- celestial bronze doesn't affect, ah, mortals."

the tempest


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡
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  • mood

    they’re kinda cute.. can we keep them??

Enya shook her head. “No, not at all,” she answered, offering no explanation to her weapon-crafting technique beyond that. The less mortals knew about the way their world worked, the better. That’s what Chiron said, anyway, but Enya was just as predisposed to shy away from prying questions.

“Battle reenactment?” The daughter of Hephaestus raised an eyebrow, stance straightening. “Shit, I thought I was being original. Have you seen these moves before?”

Enya’s gaze slid to Aiden’s at his abrupt intrusion. “I never would’ve guessed. Thanks for pointing that out, Sherlock. Did the lack of armor give it away, or was it the—what is that, homework?” She took a step forward, eyeing the clipboard in the newcomer’s hands.

If they were a student, here to do some sort of research for a nature-based project, there’d probably be others following not far behind. Enya’s attention turned to the forest around them. She couldn’t see any more people caught without an orange shirt, but it felt as if the air itself had inexplicably shifted. The determined battle cries of their fellow campers had died out with no victory cheers to replace them, not to mention that typically, being stalled in place for too long meant being bombarded by those looking for an easy target. Now? Nothing.

Something was definitely wrong.

“Eh, I won’t have dessert for a few days, but he’ll be fine,” Enya assured in a tone that conveyed she didn’t care one way or the other. “Aiden’s a big boy. He can take it.” She spun, placing a hand on the son of Aphrodite’s cheek that hadn’t been marred by her previous brutality, patting the skin there mockingly. “Isn’t that right?” Enya hoisted her axe, then, and tossed it over her shoulder, evidently ready to move the conversation elsewhere. “We should probably—”

Before she could finish, Aiden interjected with his own invitation. “Of fucking course—what’s wrong with you? You’re gonna scare them.” Enya couldn’t say she blamed him for flirting with Rhys—they were undeniably attractive in a Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones kind of way, but she’d at least have more tact with her approach. Aiden sounded like he was trying to lure them into a dingy van in the back of a Denny’s parking lot at 3am. “Ignore him. He has mommy issues.”

That could excuse it, right?

Rhys fell suddenly, and Enya reached forward to catch them but a moment too late. She glanced at the culprit, watching the blonde stare at her helmet in shock, and only then did she remember what Celestial Bronze did—or, rather, didn’t do—to non-magical beings. Enya may have worked with the metal for hours on end, but she didn’t get out much.

“It’s complicated,” the daughter of Hephaestus decided, choosing her words carefully for once. “Don’t worry too much about it, though. It can’t hurt you.” Enya punctuated her sentence with a quick rise and fall of her shoulders, as if what she’d supplied was all the information one could ever need on the topic. She bent down to retrieve her helmet, returning it to its rightful spot on her head, then started off on the long walk back to camp.

“Come on,” Enya urged. “We’ll take you to our leader.” She raised her free hand, fingers wiggling conspiratorially as a grin broke out across her face.

Capture the Flag may have been fun, but this was far more amusing than any training game Chiron could cook up.

fire in cairo

the cure

♡coded by uxie♡
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blakely esperanza
Though remaining weary, the tightness in Blake's shoulders quickly vanished as the guy continued to speak. Blake at least appreciated the compliment. But the implication behind it was another person a little less fit would probably not have escaped and now be relishing in their new existence as ant food.

The interrogative tone in the female's voice, though, had Blake narrowing her eyes at her. In what world would Blake have anything to gain from lying about a giant ant hoping to kill her, other than maybe surviving? The pair she'd run into exchanged some words, before the female melted back into the protection of the forest, trees and shrubbery hiding her from sight.

Jail? Camp? Blake had been so concerned about not appearing crazy she hadn't paused to consider maybe she'd stumbled into crazy. The girl's comment merely sealed the deal — 'gods-damned Capture the Flag. Athena kids and their egos...' Maybe it was a cult. She'd read about large revivals of interest in mythologies, these guys had probably gotten a little too invested. And had weapons. And names for giant ants they probably made.

Yet, the boy she was with was so... nonchalant about it all. Just those pesky Myrmekes, another day in the forest! There was nothing outright off-putting about his demeanour, which Blake felt even in people of the corporate-cult-member variety. If anything, Blake was bewildered as she noticed his studying gaze shifting to fascination twinkling in his eyes. Not the cool interest like they were calculating how much her net worth was, but something warmer.

He also managed to make her laugh as they walked, as he gestured over himself, and then herself — for which she took a dramatic curtsy. "Yes, I do think I might wonder why you are wearing such a garish color of orange under armor. I'm Blake." she offered a jovial hand, to which he obliged, his easy disposition seeping into the handshake.

"Though I wish we were meeting in better circumstances, it's still good to put a name to the face. I'm Monty."

Before turning her mind to a question, there was a rustling causing her to twist around, fully prepared to see another ant and Blake was genuinely considering stealing Monty's spear. Her widened stare quickly reduced to recognition, and she grinned, "Nicholas! Of course, come." At least she knew he wasn't in the possible cult, though to randomly emerge from behind a tree and seem a little shaken, which was entirely abnormal for him, reintroduced some worry that had previously mostly evaporated. Monty seemed kind, though wasn't that how they twisted you into their cults?

Monty began to lead the trio in a weave through the forest, the speckled light and shadows dancing on the ground, much dimmer than before. She glanced at their path ahead, eyebrows knitting together in contemplation of where to even begin. She presumed they were walking in the direction of the cluster of building and cabins she'd spotted earlier up in the tree, after the nauseating sensations took hold just as quickly as they dissipated. She wanted all her questions answered yesterday, but Blake would simply have to prioritise.

Only two questions felt pertinent. "Where are we going? And what did she mean by 'Athena kids'?"

Blake thought to prepare her clipboard and scribble down any important information — she thought the world probably needed to know about big ants — realising she'd lost it somewhere between falling off the tree and running into Monty. Shit. Though of course, it was completely irrelevant Blake would submit a total of nothing for the biology class assignment, to her chagrin. The flexibility afforded to her was like the teachers were constantly fearing a misstep would settle on a landmine, and yet all she'd wanted something to come of her own volition one day. Blake found the task rather useless anyway. And biology class also seemed a distant memory. She adjusted her posture in forcing herself out of her head, flicking glances between Nicholas and Monty.

In the momentary silence, Blake could have sworn she heard the tail-end of a scream. Blake's pace picked up, peeking over her shoulder. Perhaps the ants were to blame.
the prize
trying to not enter a cult.
alsany's scream
monty yokai. yokai. , nicholas Hubub102 Hubub102
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mood :
he has a tummy ache but he's being so brave about it ☹️

location :
fire pit
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
blake ( opaline opaline ), nicholas ( Hubub102 Hubub102 ), cari (
reverice reverice ), alsany ( monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 ), jamie ( Bowie Bowie )
mind over matter
★ monty

A second newcomer made his presence known, arriving seemingly out of nowhere. Nicholas seemed to be his name, and if it were any other day, Monty would mistake him for one of the Hermes kids from the ease with which he moved in silence. At first glance, he sort of looked like your average Mythomagic player. Judging from the boy's baggy cargos and his familiarity with Blake, Monty guessed he was yet another mortal, colliding with a world he had no idea existed. Everything was beginning to look like pieces of a larger puzzle, slowly taking shape in the back of Monty's head in a way that set his nerves alight. What were the odds that not one, but two, and possibly more, mortals had stumbled their way into camp on the same day? And, judging by the look of caution and curiosity in the boy's eyes, they had both seen things they normally shouldn't be able to.

This… could be a problem. The air was thick with the makings of a quest.

Instead of seeing him clad in something as commonplace as a forest ranger’s uniform, these ‘regular’ mortals could see the armour he wore and the spear currently spinning in his hands. And yet, they still trusted him enough to follow him further into the woods. This was concerning enough on its own, if you asked Monty, but he wasn't about to question it. As he led the way with falsified ease, inwardly, he worried for their survival instincts. Were all mortals this unguarded, ready to jump into the jaws of something they barely scratched the surface of?

”Where are we going?” Blake asked as the trio were on the verge of crossing the forest boundary. The sound of thunder on the horizon and the hum of creek water filled the gaps between conversations. ”And what did she mean by ‘Athena kids’?”

A bit of hesitation crept into Monty's voice as he answered, somewhat cryptically, with another question, “What do you know about Greek gods?”

As he let the question hang above their heads, a faint scream suddenly pierced the calm air, filling it with a knifepoint tension that previously wasn't there. It was pretty hard to avoid the fact that they were headed towards the sound of distress. Monty knew what he must look like, what everything looked like, and though he tried hard not to let it show through the ever-present smile on his face, the gravity of the situation was starting to get to him.

”Perhaps,” he said, shoulders stiff as they emerged from the forest’s edge, eyeing the nearby buildings now that they were finally within sight, ”it'd be better to just show you.”

They walked along the path that led them through the cabins, each one depicting some divine symbol that hinted at the immortal parent it was dedicated to. The cabins, themselves, changed very little over the years, and stood ever imperiously, the lack of bustling human presence inside their walls adding more to the disquiet. Monty stopped in front of a familiar grey cabin, the wood carved owl on its door seeming to stare at him in judgement.

“There is no easy way to explain this without sounding insane,” Monty breathed out a laugh as he faced his other two companions. “But my mother, or one of them at least, is the Greek goddess, Athena.” He gestured to the owl with a hand. “They're real. Which means monsters from the very same legends are real. This spear?” He lifted Curiosity, the bronze glinting with light. “Real. It might not be able to hurt you, but it pierces through myths just like any other weapon.”

Monty's gaze turned serious as he paused, briefly ruminating. “The people who live in these cabins are halfbloods, like me. Children of godly parents. You basically crashed a summer camp for demigod child soldiers.” He smiled wryly, then shifted his feet with some unease. ”You see, fighting giant ants, wielding dangerous weapons for war games… Those are normal for us. What's not normal is, well… you.”

He didn't have the chance to elaborate, because as he turned his head, he caught a glimpse of three distant figures crowded around the glow of the fire pit. Two of them were familiar, fellow demigods who upon closer inspection he recognized to be Alsany and Cari. The daughter of Poseidon seemed to be just as confused as Monty felt, having just arrived to the scene and looking a little disheveled, her armor missing and her lower half dampened with water. Alsany, however, was visibly distraught, having fallen backwards into the grass and frantically inching away from a boy who seemed to just be standing there idly. All sorts of miscellaneous craft materials were littered precariously on the ground at his feet, appearing to be a last-ditch effort of self defense.

Before he even knew it, Monty left the side of his two companions and was already running towards the fire pit, instinctively ready to mediate. This day was sort of like trying to slay a Hydra, if its heads began to multiply before you even had the chance to cut one off.

“What is going on here?” He asked sternly, his Head Counselor voice rearing its head as he slowed his pace to a halt. As he spoke, he could imagine Enya mimicking him from behind with a lifted hand to puppet his words, a comically serious expression on her face. Out of instinctive exasperation and some self-consciousness, Monty turned, before belatedly realizing he left the two mortals unattended and calling them over with a raised arm and a wave.

Better to not let those two out of his sight just yet.
coded by reveriee.
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aiden wilder huxley.
im no sociopath. i always know what im doing is wrong.
Aiden scowled at Enya as she patted his cheek and said he had mommy issues. It didn't bother him that she was telling people he had issues - lord knew he had issues from just about anything issues could come from - but because she didn't seem to care one way or another that he was hurt. Was she right that he'd be fine? Yes. Did it still suck to be reminded that nobody gave a shit about him? Also yes. Quickly he tried to mask it by pretending to realize that she was right - really he didn't want them to think that his reaction was real even though it was.

When Rhys noticed the helmet he let Enya deal with that mess, instead choosing to walk ahead of them, leading the way to the heart of their camp. Or rather, the route he thought wouldn't result in them having to explain to multiple people what they were doing with a random outsider. Rhys hadn't looked very freaked out until they noticed the helmet, but Aiden wasn't going to take his chances. It was better if they didn't run into anyone else. He had a feeling neither person was going to be willing to talk to him. That didn't normally stop him from being as irritating as possible, but he wanted to be able to focus on making sure they didn't have any other surprise visitors or run into people.

Camp half-blood was more or less his home. He wasn't close with his step-dad or brother and he spent a majority of his time at camp. He knew the forest around camp and the camp itself better than he knew anywhere else he'd ever been. Aiden would even argue that he knew the camp better than he knew himself. He was everchanging, and his perspective of himself was constantly different, whereas camp was always the same. It was predictable. It was familiar. Really getting them from point a to b wouldn't take much of his focus but it was a good excuse to listen to Enya and Rhys talk, which was another motivator. If he could get a read on Rhys' personality, he could manipulate them better.

"Right. This way." He said, glancing back at them and giving a dramatic bow before turning back and continuing to walk.
excitable | camp half-blood | outfit | enya and rhys

coded by weldherwings.

beau de leon

  • .

It took a lot of control on Beau's part not to collapse on the ground the minute the trees cleared, and all the more to support his own weight so he could at least stand tall while speaking to Andrea. "Thanks...." His lungs burned as he exhaled. "Thanks for getting me out of there. I don't think I could've outrun that thing." If it hadn't been for her iron grip on his wrist and her abnormally fast pace, he would have been dog chow—distraction be damned. Though he never doubted her proficiency in her sport before, he didn't think he ever would now. Not when he knew she could outrun a giant dog.

He felt the rush of running for his life finally wearing out, leaving him with just the loud pounding of his heart and pieces of what he just experienced. With gratitude out of the way, he leaned against the base of a nearby tree, attempting to catch his breath as he ran a hand through his hair.

What did he just experience?

With his mind still hazy with adrenaline, he wasn't quite sure. Was it his own pride sensationalizing it, or did he throw that branch farther than just a couple of feet? Beau had been called a natural before, but what he did felt beyond skill or luck. It ran deeper yet he couldn't grasp it.

"Welcome to Camp Half-Blood." He raised his head to watch as Jericho made an oddball attempt at explaining his oddball "camp"—a word Beau would use lightly as said "camp" looked less like his fair share of past summer camps and more of a Greecian-inspired commune. The distant sound of screaming and the clangs of metal swinging against metal didn't help the growing cultish battle reenactor suspicions fostered in his head.

But then Jericho put a name to his rambles and like the most distorted puzzle ever invented, it clicked to make one strange image. "Demigods? Like from the Iliad?" As crazy as the words were, it didn't sound as unbelievable as he initially thought it would. If it had been Beau from thirty minutes ago, he would have found it funny like it was some kind of joke. Hell, if it was Beau from fifteen minutes ago, he would have handed Jericho a business card for a family friend's psychiatry practice. But he was Beau in the present. The same one who watched the woods shift, witnessed a sword phase through Andie without splitting her in two, threw his jacket to a dog the size of a bear to avoid getting eaten, and saw his old friend from grade school strike the ground with lightning.

What he saw and did in the past few minutes didn't completely shoot down the cult idea—not by a long shot, but it did confirm that things were strange since they left the bus and he couldn't argue with that. Yet, with everything that made sense, Jericho added little tidbits that only warranted more doubt and questions. Celestial bronze? Mortals? Was he referring to the two of them?

"Good to know you can still be as confusing as you were before." Despite his best attempts to maintain his ire, Beau couldn't help but find it a little amusing. Out of the fray of danger, he was allowed to find at least a bit of humor in Jericho's vagueness. "So demigods exist and just live in the middle of the woods of Long Island Sound wielding weapons that just pass through people?"

Before he could press for an answer, his attention shifted to the new trio exiting the forest. They weren't very far from where they chose to huddle, a couple of meters at best. And from the way they didn't run out in distress nor panted from exhaustion, they had a more pleasant experience. Two of the three were like Jericho if the bright orange shirts hidden underneath the armor didn't give it away. But the last one, the smaller one, showed no indicator that they were a member of the battle camp-cult. As a matter of fact, they started to look familiar as Beau narrowed his gaze.

He shouldn't even be surprised. "Of course they'd get lost."

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

My eyes turn and I get angry, reflected in the mirror like a hungry mountain animal


Catch me, then!


camp half-blood


rhys, beau, jericho, enya, aiden

Okay, what the fuck was a demigod?

There was the etymology of it, obviously, but was she just supposed to know immediately what that meant? Half-blood? Whose blood? What god was even in question right now?

"Like Jesus Christ, or something?"
she muttered under her breath, features twisted into a confused frown. There was something familiar about it — in a determinedly non-Christian way — that she couldn't quite put her finger on, like a concept she'd encountered once in an English class and promptly wiped from her mind.

"Demigods? Like from the Iliad?" That's what it was. Somewhere, in the haze of her memories, she remembered slaving away over the Argonautica a few years ago, though the contents she'd been poring over were less memorable.

Andrea straightened, unwittingly, as Jericho's gaze moved to her. "And, uh, sorry about swinging my sword through you." Her brows furrowed. "It probably didn't feel great, but I knew if wouldn't hurt you- celestial bronze doesn't affect, ah, mortals."

Her arms crossed, lips pressing into a thin line. After a moment, she let out a quiet sigh — too exhausted to even muster up the anger from just now.
"Whatever, man."

She eyed his sword for a moment longer, before she turned her gaze back to Beau. It was somewhat comforting that he was skeptical — call it unreasonable validation that she wasn't just going insane — though she could hear the bemusement in his voice as he spoke. "So demigods exist and just live in the middle of the woods of Long Island Sound wielding weapons that just pass through people?"

Andrea supposed it sounded ridiculous.

Her eyes moved to scan the surroundings, taking in the camp with a critical gaze. The Greek influence was certainly visible, albeit blended with the weirdest summer camp vibe she'd ever seen. Nevertheless, she still wasn't throwing out the possibility that Jericho had just gone insane and joined a cult dedicated to... historical reenactments, or something. Her gaze shifted to where they'd come, contemplating whether it'd be riskier to just bolt off back into the woods.

The rustle of shrubbery made her tense up, only for a trio of strangers to emerge — two demigods, by the looks of it, and the peeking glint of light-blonde hair obscured by their armour-clad shoulders. Her eyes widened as their familiar face, small and excited, came into view.

she called, disbelief slipping into her voice,
"Why are you here?"

She eyed the blonde's companions, taking in the very hefty protection they were both wearing and what looked like a trickle of blood making its way down the guy's face. Maybe they'd fought another dog, maybe one of their little murder cult kidnappees had fought back. Clearly, by the way Rhys looked almost thrilled to be there, they'd likely — very enthusiastically, if she knew them at all — followed a couple of strangers deep into the woods, despite said strangers bearing more nasty-looking weapons.

"Andrea!" Her junior skipped forward, a grin on their face. "Well, I found these crazy LARPers, right?" Her face scrunched into confusion at the term. Was LARPer another word for demigod?

"Except they have real weapons and holograms and— Wait, what are you doing here?"

Andrea cast a glance to Beau and Jericho, frown re-settling onto her lips.
"Long story,"
Turning back to Rhys, she gave them a cautionary once-over, searching for any signs of injury. What little she knew of her former tutee typed them as even more precarious than her reckless little brother, and if the two demigods hadn't roughed them up, she wouldn't put it past them to have tripped over a massive tree root or something.

"Are you hurt?"

A young man carrying a rifle. You said you were going to catch me, tsk, tsk, tsk

♡coded by uxie♡


This conversation wasn't going great.

Well, there was no real way it could go good, considering the circumstances, but Jericho had hoped his audience would be a bit more receptive. He felt like he was trying to explain astral physics to a pair of five-year-olds, but at least five year olds thought stars were interesting; these guys just thought he was crazy. Them being my old sort-of friends doesn't make this any easier.

"Listen, when I first got here, I was twelve and had just woken up from a coma. I seriously hope you guys can get it faster than I did." Jericho didn't really know why he was so exasperated- maybe part of it was that the stages of his life he'd so far defined as 'before camp half-blood' and 'after camp half-blood' were now coming crashing together, or that now he felt responsible to two people who couldn't reasonably defend themselves from the new world they found themselves in. Either way, this whole thing is just too weird. I'll just let Chiron handle it, I guess.

"Like Jesus Christ, or something?"

Jericho opened his mouth, and then closed it. That's certainly a question. "Well, not God, capital G. Gods. The Greek kind." Still sounds insane, but better than 'my dad is the holy spirit'.

"Demigods? Like from the Iliad?"

"Okay, you get it,"
Jericho said, a slight chuckle to his words. He had never pegged Beau for a reader, but hey, Beau had probably never pegged him as a demigod. "Though most people think Hercules, but I guess those guys count. Achilles, Aeneas, Helen, all them." Weird to think that Helen was technically my half-sister, though. Jericho's face scrunched at the thought. "We're all demigods- well, everyone at camp. My..." Jericho planned on saying my dad's Zeus, but that was a whole other can of worms he seriously didn't feel like opening at that moment.

Beau shook his head. "So demigods exist and just live in the middle of the woods of Long Island Sound wielding weapons that just pass through people?"

A shrug passed over Jericho's shoulders. "Well, yeah. That hellhound back there? There's a lot more where he came from out there." He jerked his thumb behind him, vaguely indicating 'outside camp'. "And they like snacking on demigods, which sucks ass for us. So, we stay here. There's normally a forcefield to keep us safe, but..." But clearly, it's not operational right now. "And the swords just pass through mortals, like I said. It hits monsters and demigods just fine." He slapped the flat of his blade for emphasis.

Jericho tried to remember how he felt when he first learned all of this. Not taking into account his feelings over his legs, his reaction was somewhere between 'what the actual hell?' and 'cool, weapons!'. He didn't remember being so skeptical, but there wasn't much room for skepticism after he'd been attacked by metal birds and brought to a mystery second location by a stranger with goat legs. But even with the hellhound...?

"Mortal minds tend to accept what's easiest to believe."
Chiron's words rang in Jericho's mind. It was just before he'd gone on out his first quest. He could still remember how he felt- all nerves and excitement, when he'd asked how he knew ordinary mortals wouldn't know anything that was going on. "That's why the mist works so well. Give them something to believe in, and they will."

But this is different, isn't it?
The mist was failing. That's how Beau and Andrea got into camp in the first place; this wasn't just some freak accident, and they'd go back to being clueless in a minute. That's why we have to take care of this. "Look, I know I suck at explaining all this. I'll just take you guys to the activities director, and he..."

Jericho noticed Beau and Andrea looking at something behind him, and he turned around. If it's another hellhound, I swear to god... To Jericho's relief, it wasn't another monster, but something arguably just as annoying- Aiden and Enya exiting the woods, with someone Jericho didn't recognize trailing behind them. His brow furrowed. That's not another mortal, is it?

His suspicions were confirmed when Beau muttered something under his breath about how of course the newcomer would've gotten lost, and Andrea approached them and started conversing. So there's more. This is... not good.

Jericho went to move towards Aiden and Enya, but winced when his efforts to move resulted in shooting pains down his legs, and leaving behind an irritating tingling sensation that he despised. Yippee fuckin' skipee. I make one lightning bolt, and now I'm shot. With a flourish, Jericho's sword and shield clicked back into their crutch form, providing some relief as he approached the pair. "You guys picked up a stray, too?"

the tempest


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡

Rhys found themselves humming mindlessly to themselves as they made their way through the woods with Thing 1 and Thing 2, one part of their mind wondering how many days of detention they'd get for wandering off during a field trip, and the other trying to process what the hell was going on. Mr. Mommy Issues- Aiden?- lead the charge, having become somewhat sullen in the last minute-and-a-half, while battle axe girl, who'd announced they'd 'take them to their leader' like some sort of alien, lagged behind. Rhys, having gotten over the shock of holograph helmets, or whatever that thing was, just took the duration of the walk to chill and not ask so many questions.

"So, do you guys live out here, or...?"

That didn't last long.

What could Rhys say? It's not every day you stumble on people sword-fighting in the woods, especially when they weren't cosplaying or something, and you couldn't blame them for being curious. It didn't seem like the pair was super up for answering questions, though- probably didn't get a lot of visitors traipsing around their fights in the middle of the woods- and it wasn't long before they exited the woods anyhow.

Rhys had to blink a few times as their eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight, but they definitely didn't expect what they say when they did. This wasn't some kind of half-assed setups with tiny green tents pitched up everywhere- this was a full-scale sleepaway camp, if that camp had cabins made of solid marble. "Holy shit. You guys really went all out with the Greek theming, didn't you?" The more Rhys looked around, the more their eyes lit up. They really did their research with this place; it was a myth geek's daydream.

"Rhys? Why are you here?"

At the sound of their name being called, Rhys' ears perked up, and they turned around to a familiar face. "Andie!" They all but squealed at the sight of their favorite tutor- well, their only tutor. The only one that had the patience for them. Some people just can't keep up with the grindset. "Well, I found these crazy LARPers, right?" Rhys noticed Andrea's face twist in confusion, but they kept going, they usually did when Andrea made that face. "Except they have real weapons and holograms and— Wait, what are you doing here?"

Andie looked back, then frowned. "Long story."

Rhys shrugged. "We have time. It's probably only like, what, twelve-thirty? Can't be that long." Rhys reached into their backpack and grabbed two chocolate-chip granola bars, offering one to Andrea. The girl shook her head, and Rhys returned the second bar to her bag, mumbling "More for me." Andrea then asked if they were hurt, to which Rhys let out a small laugh. "Might be mildly scarred for life, but physically? I'm good. Have you seen this place, dude? It's insane!"

As Rhys chewed on the granola bar, the small group found themselves approached by another guy Rhys didn't recognize, some tall dude with crutches, who greeted Aiden and Axe Girl as though he knew them. Rhys frowned at his 'stray' comment, and considered kicking his crutches out for it, but decided against it. With their luck, this guy would know how to use a sick weapon, too, and they'd end up being less-good physically.

Rhys then made eye contact with the last person that seemed to be part of Andrea's trio, and felt themselves freeze. Oh shit.

Rhys nearly said hide me, but only let out a small eep. "Uh, Andie, if the captain of the lacrosse team decided to fistfight me right now, you'd have my back, right?"

the trireme


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡


  • mood

    they’re kinda cute.. can we keep them??

“Yeah. I mean, I do, but—”

As the trio emerged from the woods, Enya realized they weren’t the only campers to have ceased their battle games to pick up stragglers. There were at least three in their current company that lacked the bright orange camp T-shirts, but as more people poured out of the forest, that number only grew.

Enya dropped her weapon at her side with a frown. Aiden was right. The border was completely and totally fucked, and they would be too if they couldn’t figure out a way to fix it. Except, the border was more of a concept than anything—they couldn’t just tighten a few loose screws and call it a day. There was something bigger at work, tampering with the magic that kept their haven safely locked away from threats, mortals and monsters alike…

The rhythmic clicking of crutches on the soft earth alerted Enya to Jericho’s approach, and she forced a smile, shoving aside her worried assumptions for the time being. “Yeah. They’re kinda cute… Think Chiron would let us keep them?” She chuckled at her own joke, almost certain that the son of Zeus wouldn’t return the favor. “Seriously, though, what’s going on? Is it bring your mortal to camp day?”

Hephaestus’ daughter eyed the other newcomers. One of them was a girl who was seemingly friends with Rhys, if the way she greeted them was any indication. She had on a pair of green pants with enough pockets for Enya to want to ask her where she’d gotten them, but perhaps now wasn’t the best time. The other was a guy, and judging by how he carried himself, Enya guessed that he was bad news. She’d encountered his brand of boy before: entirely too good-looking with the antagonizing ego to boot, and the way he scowled at Rhys—like he was in the mood to start a fight—gave her all the proof she needed to know she was correct.

The only thing missing was some kind of sports equipment.

Enya rolled her eyes. “No one’s fist fighting. What, are we five? At least pick up some sticks and try to stab each other like adults.”

fire in cairo

the cure

♡coded by uxie♡
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aiden wilder huxley.
im no sociopath. i always know what im doing is wrong.
Aiden watched as a girl with long brunette hair called out to the newbie he and Enya had found, Rhys, as if the two knew each other. He watched their conversation curiously, for once choosing to be quiet and take in his surroundings instead of try to find a way to make all of the odd circumstances about himself. He was thinking, which he always did but more importantly he was focusing, taking in everything happening around him and trying to commit names to memory and quickly decipher habits and mannerisms of the people who most certainly weren't supposed to be able to set foot on Camp Half-blood.

"Stabbing is such a messy way of hurting someone," Aiden whined, flashing Enya a smile. She had moved closer to Jericho to talk to him, but his eyes still found her quickly with ease. It was hard to miss the fireball that she was; he could feel her glare on him as if it were the sun's warmth basking his skin and making him glow from the inside out. Why, he wasn't sure, but he figured it just meant that he had a weird thing for women who scared him a little bit. All jokes aside, she was a lethal little thing, and he knew to not push her too far. "Do you know how hard it is to get blood out of clothes?"

At the mentioning of blood, he remembered he had an injury on his face, and he wiped up at it with his arm before letting it drop back to his side. He had a smile on his face, but it didn't reach his eyes as he took in all of the mortals that were now accompanying them. This was.... bad. If it had just been one or two, it could have been some weird accident or it very well could have meant they were supposed to get inside the camp. But he was looking at three or four people, and Aiden had a feeling there would be more to join them. At the bare minimum, they needed to call off Capture The Flag and get all of the mortals sorted out.

If he were more trusted around camp, it wouldn't have been a big deal for him to just announce that he was going to go to Chiron and tell him about it, and then do exactly that. But even if he were, would it be a good idea to leave the mortals susceptible for injury? Camp took flag day rather seriously - there was a reason Enya hadn't gone easy on him, other than the fact that he really aggravated her. There weren't punishments that were taken very seriously for hurting other campers. No, Aiden was better off sticking around. But he didn't like to be told what to do if he wasn't one on one with a pretty girl or guy, and being obedient was something he didn't excel at. More importantly, the mortals probably wouldn't just listen to a bunch of strange people with weapons.

He glanced over, watching the other conversations take place. Maybe they would, he realized in disbelief. They're all pretty stupid. Or suicidal. I guess the two go hand in hand right now.
excitable | camp half-blood | outfit | so many people

coded by weldherwings.


the canvas

alsany weaver.


not having fun at all



hera's cabin/the firepit


cari (indirect)



He was gone. How the hell had he disappeared so quickly? It was like he had never existed at all.

As Alsany sat back up, she could hear someone speaking to her, asking if she was alright, and she almost had to laugh. 'If I was fucking alright I wouldn't be laying on the ground screaming and crying my head off, do you really think I'm ok?' she thought to herself, before looking at the ground to discover all of her missing tools strewn about the spot that she had thrown them at. It had landed in the exact spot that Orion- that boy- had been standing in. She gasped a little, before looking up at her would be savior and clearing her throat.

"Uh... yeah. Yeah, sorry, I'm fine, just... just thought I was seeing a ghost." she admitted, trying not to laugh out of sheer terror. God, today had been hard enough as it was, and now there was a fucking ghost haunting the camp. She was going to have a very, very hard time explaining to her fellow campers what the hell she had just gone through, so she figured, at least for now, it was best for her to just ignore the entire thing!

She sighed, wandering over and picking up all of the things she had thrown in the direction of the so called ghost, before turning to her hero in question. "Um... sorry about freaking you out, by the by. I uh... I didn't expect anyone to come and rescue me." she admitted, moving to sit back down on her log so she could continue with her handiwork. The quicker she got back to her whittling schematics, the quicker she could forget about this entire embarassing ordeal even happening.

So, back to whittling her little ginger heart out she went, ignoring the girl in front of her.

♡coded by uxie♡

knight in celestial bronze armor

said Cari, dragging each syllable. Her piercing blues were staring at the redhead, who quickly just went back to whittling, as if nothing had just happened. What the hell just happened, actually?

Cari's mouth opened as if to say something, though she didn't know what she could possibly say at that moment. But, her mouth has a way of surprising her along with those who has the unfortune to be within hearing range. This time, she was saved by a voice, a familiar one, who's ready to take charge of the situation.

She breathed a quick sigh of relief, before turning to the face her savior.
She waved excitedly, happy to have someone else who's just as confused as her around, though he didn't show it, his expression as serious as ever. Then again, knowing Monty, he'd definitely figure what just happened with the whittling ginger in no time, and she could just go back to search for the blue flag. Although....
"You don't happen to have your flag with you, do you, Momo?"

Her tone might've been of jest, but the way her eyes scoured his person said otherwise. Another out of the ordinary thing caught their attention, however. A girl, unarmored, and without even a sword.
Huh. I guess the game's gonna be paused for more than just a few minutes.

Closing her distance, she stood beside Monty now,
"Hell if I know,"
she leaned closer,
"She just screamed bloody murder, I saw her pale as a ghost, flinging just about every thing near her to someone, some thing, I don't know, then she just went back to doing that."

Granted, a few key details was perhaps missing, but she thought the important points were delivered.

"More importantly, who's that?"
Not even subtly, her gaze is focused on the stranger in overalls now. So many strangeness, perhaps too much, today. Maybe something was properly amiss.

Bad Reputation

♡coded by uxie♡

mood :
fellow demigods lend me your ears...

location :
north woods
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
blake ( opaline opaline ), cari ( reverice reverice ), alsany ( monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 )
mind over matter
★ monty

Clever silver eyes turned into joyful half-moons as Monty faced Cari, warm endearment humming within his chest, which quickly turned into fond exasperation. Still hadn’t given up her (futile) search for the flag, had she? He’d always known the daughter of Poseidon was relentless, though Monty was definitely more used to adapting to her as a teammate than a serious opponent. On most days, she was a variable that refused to be predicted, swayed solely by her own whims, and he could only hold onto the thin hope that no casualties would arise at the end of her endeavors. If Monty were to be a believer in any religion, Caresse Lyons was the capricious goddess of chaos he’d long since been indoctrinated into appeasing, if only out of fear that one day she might turn that same merciless tide of unpredictability against him, her most faithful comrade, gods forbid.

And now, regretfully, that day has come. With narrowed eyes, Monty tried not to smile as he pointed an accusing finger at his so-called ‘friend,’ who was currently preoccupied with searching for the aforementioned flag through the curious up-and-down of her gaze.

“Ms. Lyons, you have shown yourself to be a traitorous double-crosser of the utmost degree!” He loudly proclaimed, his free hand clutching at imaginary pearls. “How dare you sully our friendship with such base and worldly desires, have you no shame?! And no, of course I don’t have my flag with me, to answer your fool’s question! What is this, amateur hour?”

Then, as if he hadn’t just gone on a casual Shakespearean-level tirade, Monty leaned in to hear her next words, which were uttered close to his ear so as not to be overheard by the currently whittling Alsany. As she told him her account, he couldn’t help but raise a brow, perplexed as to how such a thing could even occur.

“Is that so… How interesting. Thanks for letting me know, Cee,” Monty whispered thoughtfully, mind set in motion. Much like everyone else at camp, Monty’s image of Alsany was very surface-level, though he never thought of her to be a crazy person, like most were inclined to believe after the sudden deaths of her friends. Truth be told, he sort of hated the way most people treated and spoke about her, though he had to admit that he wasn’t totally immune to suspecting her motives from time to time, only due to the fact there were only a few logical conclusions as to how exactly she survived such a tragedy. He still remembered how camp had descended into psychological chaos after the incident, and how unfortunate it was for Alsany to be the lone scapegoat of everyone’s self-blame and distress.

He’d always wondered if there was more than what meets the eye when it came to the timid, frenetic redhead… Which was probably why he was more inclined to believe that her sudden alleged hallucination was the result of something more interconnected to the strangeness of Blake’s untimely arrival.

“Oh, right, where are my manners,” he smiled apologetically, hand stretched out in a formal gesture towards the mortal at his side. “Allow me to introduce Ms. Blake… uh… unknown last name!” He quirked his head to the side, the name and face of his mortal companion somewhat ringing a distant bell. Was she perhaps a daughter of one of his mother’s business colleagues? He’d probably seen her at a fundraising gala, if that were the case, though that would’ve been before his transition. Before he realized he thought of camp as more of a home than the hollow apartment he was raised in. “And yes, as you both may have already guessed, she is, in fact, a mortal. That’s the reason we’re here, actually. I figured it would be a good idea to take her to Chiron.”

coded by reveriee.

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