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My Super-natural friend

The dog gave a pleasing grunt and Sammi felt a warm body next to her and she rolled over to see Flake, she gave a smile and reached out with one hand to pet him.
Knight's ears suddenly perked up and he gave a low growl standing up, the back of his fur all prickled. He looked towards the shadow of a tree as he seemed to have found something.
Sammi sat up as she saw Knight become suddenly alert and she turned her head to the direction he was looking at. A tall figure cloaked in black stepped out and a pair of golden eyes flashed, "Well isn't it late you two?" A silky voice chuckled. She grew alarmed as Dusk stepped out holding a cane, but it suddenly formed to a dagger, "Maybe this was a much better place, just a mundane, two mutts, and the angel whom needs to be terminated."
Sammi got up and she was shrouded in a cloak of light, and in a matter of seconds it disappeared. Her white wings were stretched out to their full wingspan and a wicked red sword was in her right hand as she stood there. Her hair was no longer black but a beautiful snow white colored. Sammi's eyes were a paler blue, and they narrowed on Dusk, "Leave the mundane world out of this! It is just between you and I Dusk!"
Arthur soon took a few distance away as he didn't want to get in teh middle of the fight. He quickly gets Knight and Flake out of their as well. Flake followed his master and sits next to him, watching the battle with him.
Knight gave anxious barks but stood close by to Arthur as he watched Sammi. She glowered and murmured something under her breath before a white sword appeared in the other hand, "Get back even farther." The female glanced over at Arthur before she threw herself at Dusk with full force. Their weapons collided and metal sang in the air as blade met to blade.
She knocked the sword out of his and managed to strike a blow to his arm, but he blocked it with his arm as it turned to stone, Sammi glowered and used her free sword to slash at his side, giving him two cuts along his rid cage. He hissed in anger and his hand grew aflame before he tried to punch her, but she ducked, stabbing a sword through his arm to pin him on the ground. Dusk let out an anguished cry and chuckled, "Well done child, but try this!" Before she even knew a large burly creature attacked her pinning the female angel on the ground, "I brought my own pet too!" A hellhound stood above her, slobbering as he tried to bite her, but she manged to get herself free so his snout smashed into the ground instead. She ran a few meters away and flew into the sky.
Arthur continues to watch, seeing the whole battle unfold as it was turning into something you see in an MMO video game.
She was too focused onto the hound as it danced below her feet, two arrows impaled one of her wings, and she let out a cry before falling into a tree and crashing by the trunks of it. Sammi let out a painful groan as blood was dripping off of her wing and she had cuts all over from the fall. A sword was aimed at her neck and she looked up to see Dusk and his hellhound, "Awww, you can't fly now little bird." Sammi gritted her teeth.
Arthur couldn't watch anymore. "She's gonna hate me for this..." He got up and ran towards the, grabbing one of the swords in the process before charging at the hellhound, slashing at its legs before stabbing through Dusks arm.
"Arthur what the hell are you doing?!" Sammi screamed in anger. Dusk was momentarily distracted that he didn't notice his hellhound disappeared into a whisk of smoke and the blade ran through his arm, he let out an ear shattering cry and held his bleeding arm, Sammi took the opportunity to pin him down and she glowered, but he gave a wicked grin and disappeared but he spoke, "Next time it'll be the mundane first." Then it was gone.

Sammi turned around to face Arthur, tears at the corner of her eyes and she walked over giving him a soft pound on his chest and she leaned against him, crying, "You're such an idiot, but thank you. Please don't do it again, please." She whispered between her tears.
"I'll teach you another day," She murmured, giving a nod of her head, she looked at her bloody and tattered self and sighed, "I need to get cleaned up."
He nodded. "Best get you home then." He softly whistles to bring Flake over so he knows I was alright and Sammi as well.

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