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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Shandragontear said:
Does he make it to the empire? Will Sotil become Celestia's personal jeweler? What adventures will he have in the months to come? Will his services be commissioned by a certain pink alicorn while in the Crystal Empire?




Hehe. The thing is, only one of those can be really answered. He avoids popular figures for a reason, and a lot of my little ticks in posts were never called out :P
KageYuuki said:
Yeah once she found out he really wasn't with Chrysalis' hive she'd let go of informing her about him. If she even remembered it after everything that happened that day...
Wouldn't chrysalis still question what iden has been up too? I mean he is not where his objective is.

Just putting my thoughts up.
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I can't really think of much for Shina other then I didn't want her to learn phoenix fire till another season after gaining more experience for it. But in the moment her rage just felt right for it.
Not much for Indicus except for maybe the idea for the wings. I was going to make them just shadows using his magic and in spell form but I kinda figured that if he had wings they would need to have feeling to let him fly better and went from there and so real physical wings sprouting from his back via runic magic was born then the branch of logic letting Indicus know some runic magic was created for the abandon house section.
Oh yeah, afterparty... Umm there really wasn't much that changed for what was originally planned for Fang. Well, outside of it going for Fang/Indicus xD

That ship has long sunk I'm afraid.
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Indicus has poor luck in the romance department look at his first relationship ended after a couple years via asshole killing his squad
With so many characters I have to do them one at a time. So I'll start with Firecracker season 2.

Leaving out any after party fun facts from season 1.

So the largest change is that he actually was supposed to be the one to kill off Rosy.

I had a heart wrenching dialog planned out for the two of them talking about the old days.

I kinda brought that back in Firecracker's epilogue.

Rosy: she originally going to live. I even started to cook up ideas of her and Indi getting together.

But it fit her character better as it developed to go kinda overly attached ex girlfriend and then my game of thrones style evil mind kicked in and..yeah.

Lavender Moon: I originally wasn't even going to use her this season.

She was added on to move the story along .

I honestly did a lot of that in the past 2 seasons.

But I also add characters to interact with other players. And I know I messed that up this season but I was so over burdened with family illness and school.

I also have a few things about her this season I may take out all together should this get penned into a consistent narrative.

Steelheart: I planned on her growing up a bit more over this season but she endded up being more frail and childlike.

I'm not complaining about her character growth but I feel like I killed off a strong female character and left a damsel in distress.
Even Fang and Luna ended up in a damsel in distress moment. Seems to come with a dragon that can burn your very soul

(How Fang didn't break her wing again, idk)
So I know this is completely random but there are two fandoms of RP that I just can't seem to find a stable group on that can actually see a plot through to the end. So I thought I'd pick everyone's brains here sense this is the second season we've successfully completed.

Does anyone know of any good stable Attack on Titan RPs or Animorphs RPs? (I'm probably the only one here old enough to know what Animorphs is but I thought I'd try.) >.> I don't care if they're on here or no another site I'm just looking for a stable group that don't just suddenly loose interest.
I know what animorphs is but I never read the books. Lol. Attack on Titan.... I haven't had much luck with either
I am aware of the animorphs though I didn't watch it read them.

As far as groups well...

Attack on titan pops up all the time here but does just as quick . the other I haven't seen.

Though if your looking for a furry Rp I'm your gal
viska said:
I am aware of the animorphs though I didn't watch it read them.
As far as groups well...

Attack on titan pops up all the time here but does just as quick . the other I haven't seen.

Though if your looking for a furry Rp I'm your gal
Good timing. I just put an add up for the mermaid RP I mentioned a while back. And as I said the mermaid/mermen will be more like anthros/furries/scalies rather then looking totally human on their upper half. xD

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