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Fandom My Hero Academia: Whitewater Acadamy



The king of wishful thinking
It had been an unseasonably hot week, with weathermen across every news network battling for viewers’ attention with speculation as to whether or not the heat-wave would break the currently standing record, or turning a simple forecast into spectacle with blatant gimmicks that did little to inform the actual viewer. Channel 5 tried to fry an egg on the sidewalk, and didn’t get very far into their experiment before learning that crows don’t care much whether a news crew is filming or the quality of any scraps of food left on the street. Channel 8 ran a fluff piece about the top ten ways the Top 10 hero’s like to keep cool. Channel 11 probably got the best segment, when they tried to interview passerby on the street about the weather, and one particularly disgruntled gentlemen used some kind of acid-quirk to melt the microphone. Puns about ‘Things are heating up’ and people are ‘boiling mad’ were shared to the polite chuckle of the news anchors.

Thankfully, the previous evening had brought some much needed rain down onto the city, knocking about ten degrees from the thermometers and twice that many points off of the humidity, reducing the later summer swelter to something that could almost be called tolerable, so long as you didn’t stay in direct sunlight for to long at a stretch.

With puddles that'd yet to evaporate still clinging to the cobblestones at the front entrance of the school., the new students began to arrive. First a trickle, mostly the applicants who came from abroad and had transferred in, with a steadily growing stream of teens passing through the gateway and onto the school grounds proper. By 10 Am, the mass of crowds had grown to sufficient mass that it was standing room only on the marked pathway up to the front Entrance. Volunteers, mostly third year students, directed the traffic as best they could, keeping the lines moving and the crowds docile. One in particular, a black-haired girl of average height and heavy-set build, was carrying water-bottles through the crowds and making sure nobody got dehydrated. The edge might have been dulled, but it’s hard to find comfort in that when packed tight alongside three hundred other future heroes, fidgeting with nervous excitement. The conversation flowed through the mass, repeating the same four or five thoughts with slight variations, mostly friendly chatter or impatient complaints
Emvi Square
Outside Whitewater
Open for Interactions

[Mom -- 9:56 AM]: Don't forget to make new friends

Emma Vickers Square glanced down at the phone in her hand, lips pursed in a light grimace as she examined her mother's latest text. The dreaded idea of high school basically being a reset button on her social (and hopefully career) life hadn't really set in until that single, simple sentence rolled onto her smartphone screen.

She briefly reached upward, lightly adjusting the large headphones over her ears in hopes that the display of being busy would somehow ward off any unwanted conversations until she herself felt that she was ready to have some. Yet, almost as soon as she did so, the influx of students in the crowded walkways ended up bumping and shoving herself into an awkward spot somewhere in the middle of the stream, forcing her to lose her more comfortable position somewhere near the outside of the walkway. The girl almost lost her footing entirely at one point, narrowly avoiding the embarrassing prospect of taking a tumble in the middle of the moving crowd and holding up the school's morning rush.

At least it's not that early in the morning, she thought to herself, entirely expecting the first day of what was supposedly a hard-core hero course to start at the crack of dawn as it did in some of those television shows she saw while channel surfing every so often. She glanced upward, hoping to catch a proper view of the school building above the heads of the other students in the line; with so many Quirks packed together in such a tight space, the simple action was far more difficult than Emvi herself anticipated, especially with a bulky, older-looking student that must have been at least six and a half feet standing not too far away from her. Sighing, she shook her head, deciding to wait until the mass of incoming students drew a little closer, and instead glanced from side to side--and briefly behind her--to see what some of the other students were like. There certainly were more than she had expected for such an exclusive school, though perhaps that simply spoke to just how many people applied every year.

Yet, the idea that she had somehow gotten lucky started to terrify her, and so she snapped her head forward, keeping up the pace of the throng around her with something of a confused and stressed expression.
Hibiki Kato
Outside Whitewater Academy

Breath, Relax, focus.

Breath, Relax, Focus...

You can do this. You can handle this.

You will for sure handle this, You can and will!
Oh god! Can you?!

There's so many people!
No,you can handle it!

You spent the last decade of your life for this moment just...
Breath, Relax, Focus.

Breath, Relax, Focus.

Hibiki Kato stood there in place for what felt like an hour... which it has been. He stood in place for an hour without realizing it. His lips was curled into a worried frown and his body was as stiff as a board his hands grabbing onto the straps of his school bag as if he it would save him from his anxiety and fears but it couldn't. It never did. Hibiki was a mess of a person. To put it mildly.

Hibiki wanted to run away and hide under a rock and live off of bugs and maybe a nice rabbit or two, but he couldn't not after all the effort his parents' put into him to become a Pro-hero. Hibiki let out a sigh and uncurled his hands from his bag's straps and lifted them closer to his face as he curled and uncurled them as if the actions would somehow clear his doubts and worries. He finally let out a sigh and started walking into the school's front area.

Hibiki was like a ghost among the student body, his small and unassuming appearance garnered little notice as he ebb though the crowds anxiously and was about to freak out. He wasn't used to this, He was used to be given wide berth. He didn't like it. Hibiki stood in silence and muttered once in awhile about how "I think I'm gonna be sick." and "Why is there so many people?" and even a "I shouldn't have had ate such a huge breakfast." He felt sick from being around such a huge crowd as his anxiety was all the way to the roof.

Hibiki wanted to leave but he really didn't want to and knows he shouldn't. As he knows he can't live a normal life with his quirk. Not after studying his own body as he did. He was truly an organic weapon and a weapon can't be a normal person. Hibiki let out another sigh and waited for an opening in the crowd before advancing ahead some more. He hoped nobody talks to him, he needs at least a two hour prep time before he could talk to somebody comfortable. This is so stressful! ... Okay, just...

Breath, Relax, and Focus.
Stella Cain
Outside Whitegate
Yellow-painted fingers danced across the screen of a phone from within the bustling crowd, paired with a slight frown and occasional 'ding' of notification. Stella Cain had always been a reasonable independent young girl, it was quite necessary when your parents spent every other night on a stakeout, but even she found it odd that on the morning of her first step into maturity the only one who'd deigned to contact her was her sister.

Her criminal sister, no less.

She really didn't want to seem clingy and was more offended by the concept of it than anything else, but wow. Then again, at least one of them would probably be apologizing by sundown by way of phone call and bank deposit, so maybe it wasn't all that bad.

Shrugging it off with a goodbye message and shift of frown to smile, Stella switched her phone into its camera mode and begun an unceremonious series of snaps and flashes. Documentation was important, and there were plenty of things to document in a crowd like this. Some cool mutations, one or two showoffs, many backs of heads and many more palms of hands quickly made their way into her phone's repository as she 'documented' her way through the crowd. It was rude, probably, but she figured the scientific process was more important than privacy, or something. She'd also be able to provide some nice photos if anyone went missing after today, so that was a good thing.


Regardless, she'd probably delete most of these in a month or two so anyone who had an issue with it could just wait until then. Or steal the phone and delete them for her. She supposed she didn't really mind either way. Less work on her behalf, right?
Mei'a Tenebris
Outside Whitewater Academy
Interaction Target: None
Open?: Yes

Even though she was from the area itself, among that early trickle was Mei'a. Not because she wanted to be on time, but because she simply had nothing better to do that day, and being there early could give her a better preview of what else was to come. Namely, the other Mutant-type quirks that people had. Sure, it wouldn't tell her about everyone's quirks, but having at least some idea of others' abilities could potentially help out in the long run.

So she had waited, intentionally standing beneath one of the many trees in the area. Observing. She could loosen her focus on the mist slightly given how it tended to stay in the shadows if there was some, but she still kept it in check. Risking anything this early was not on her list of things to do today, and she would rather be able to attend this school rather than be sent back home.

And so the time had continued to pass, with Mei'a constantly keeping an eye out for potential people who could work well with her as potential friends. 'Would this person be a friend? Possibly, possibly not. It all depends on who passes and who fails before they even start. And even then, add on to the fact that if people do pass, who will be in my class and who won't be?'

...Only now does she realize she's actually starting to mumble her thoughts aloud, and stops that before she gets too many strange looks. She's already recognized some, so she figures that rather than wait any longer, she moves from her spot under the tree, applying the focus on the mist once more, and walks along with the various other people instead of being by herself to the side.
Mathew Pille, 5f2026ce677604dc99c9b8a4c6f25202.jpgOutside Whitewater Academy
Despite of missing his alarm Matt was able to run and weave his way through some ally ways to make it to the mass of a crowd before some of the students. There are this many people a clumped together on a day like this? He couldn't help but realize that the combination of running, the hot sun, and a mass of people was really hot. When he truly started to mold into the crowd it only got worse. Since things were moving so slow Matt began to actually realize what day it was, and how excited he was for the school. He wanted to talk to the people around him and jump around but the scorching heat was enough to pulverize his energy and all he could truly do was stand and walk.

Even though it has been going off for a while Matt just realized that his phone was vibrating in his pocket. He reached in and grabbed his phone which was extremely warm, and opened it to be greeted with a funny notification of "Cringy News Cast Goes Wrong trying to fry and egg outdoors!". It was funny enough to for a quick exhale out of the nose but it wasn't laugh worthy in his opinion. When he was about to put the phone back in his pocket he noticed the time. 10:02am already? This really is taking a while.

When one of the friendly seniors came by offering water it suddenly hit Matt that he was extremely thirsty. He couldn't put his finger on why the heat was worse now then when he first left his house, until he saw the beautiful bottle of cool water. Matt gladly took one with a smile and continued to chug it. He could drink a whole bottle of water in a matter of seconds due to all the track he's done. Him and his friend used to have competitions to see who could drink it faster. 17-5 He remembered was the silly record, he almost always won. What a dumb thing to be proud of when almost everyone on the planet had a quirk. He threw this thought aside agreeing with himself not to be negative, even about the small things.
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Outside Whitewater Academy

Open For Interaction

As Tsurei walked in front of the academy she noticed other students gathering around quickly memorized every face she could see. She had made sure to look at every detail of every person. Crowds of people lining up. Puddles of water from rain, a girl going around handing out bottles of water, clearly nervous people who were unsure of what was to come.

I'm nervous too, I'm nervous this is one huge mistake that will be the last thing I ever do.
How did I get here? Did they really buy all those fake credentials? I doubt it. Perhaps they did, perhaps they just saw my quirk and didn't care to read further, Geomancy, sounds great I suppose but there is far more terrifying things out in the this sick world.

Tsurei decided to take a wattle bottle and drink it despite never having been given water so freely. It felt weird for her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw someone beneath a tree but decided not to turn around and look. She saw many students opening their phones.

A phone, something I can't afford nor can risk having, it'd be stolen away so quickly. It makes me abit sad.

She had never been to a hero school, she was a villain, she knew nothing about what a hero would or how to interact. She knew how they fight, how they put up their personas in front of civilians. But what were they like when they were training? Interacting like normal people?
She hoped there would be more action because getting comfortable with classmates is something she knows nothing about.

But I will succeed, I'm afraid, I'm unsure, I'm new to this and it terrifies me so. But I won't let that slip once, if they're anything like villains they are like vipers, once they think you are a little mouse they strike and end you. I'm strong and I know how to fight, I've lasted too long to end in this. Meet the class, analyze teachers and said classmates, perform, finish the school....then what?

This is gonna be a long few years.
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AT: Staff Room
Daario knuckled away the sleepiness that wore down his eyes as the clock that's locked on top of the staff room entrance chimed to announce the time. Even from the haven that was the Staff room, the Transfer Hero could hear the hustle and bustle of the students outside. He figured the volume would increase tenfold once they were all in inside. He chuckled halfheartedly at the realisation but he ended his amusement with a half-groan and a firmer face-rub.

He enjoyed his job of course, but he still couldn't help being drained even if he was doing something he loved. The majority of his life seemed to be spent around kids of varying ages -- anyone would find that tiring. And every brand new school year brought forth new students that he'd have to get to know and hopefully bond with. That was the most important part, he believed, watching them grow and improve on themselves emotioally and physically and particularly their ability to cooperate.
"No matter how much I'll end up liking them, I'll still get a headache every morning." Daario mumbled to no-one in particular. "Ah, no, that's usually my fault in the start anyway..."

The Transfer Hero rested his head against the staff couch for a moment before begrudgingly pushing himself off it's comforting hold. He quickly slipped on the old grey-spotted hoodie that he'd taken off when he underwent a short nap. The longer he taught in Whitewater the more lax he'd gotten and eventually he just stopped coming in such formal attire altogether, unless it's absolutely necessary. Anyways he wouldn't wanted to have something so expensive to be soaked in the rain or sweat-drenched; it was difficult to predict the weather nowadays, even with the help of the weather-people.

His clothing hid the majority of scarring but the one that dominated his nose remained open to the public. It may be the only thing he's recognisable by.

Daario took a shallow breath and pulled open the Staff room door to peek through it. Nobody was at the hallway at the moment and he was somewhat grateful for the respite that would probably be short-lived.
"Still outside, are they? Hope the kids don't catch a cold with this dreary weather..." He hummed quietly. How he made his way to the ground-floor to see the new masses could be seen as impressive; it almost looked like as if he was just rolling, instead of walking. Which he was, because of the heels of his shoes.

AT: Inside Whitewater Academy (Ground-floor)
Daario remained inside the building and a distance away from the opened gates of the Academy, but he could still glimpse the writhing crowd of students from his vantage point.

Coded By || Stonewolf18
Jason Holler

Whitewater Academy, the school for future heroes, and Jason is standing right in front of it. The first day can be summed up as nervous-racking and exciting, and that is what he is feeling right now. He cannot wait to see what lies within his years in this school. He took a deep breath and then he proceeds to walk through the gates alongside his fellow schoolmates. He hopes that his days within Whitewater would be worth it. If his parents have graduated here, then so can he.​
Location: Outside Whitewater Academy
Kimi shuffled through the crowd, a rather nervous look on her face as she ventured through the large group of people gathered outside of Whitewater Academy. Standing 5'5 she was a decent height given her age. Her long hair was kept up in a ponytail directed over her right side. It was a rather daunting task to try and find her way through a crowd, unaided by the fact she had been a bit late to arrive. Her plan to get there early in order to avoid finding herself in such a mess had all but fell apart the moment her morning routine had ended up falling behind schedule. At the very least she didn't have to deal so much with being dehydrated like those who had arrived in a more punctual manner.

"S...sorry.." She spoke out timidly as she was bumped into trying to shuffle beside a rather strange looking kid. Her eyes darted around trying her best to navigate in closer. It felt like it was an obstacle coarse to get anywhere. More little bumps and nudges only further jolted her around as she navigated through the crowd as much as a meek girl like her could. She clutched at her small purse, as if afraid it might drop. It was at that moment the sound of a rather rowdy group of teens could be heard from her side as she passed by. It was just a much more playful shoving match though one that Kimi had managed to find herself near at the wrong time.

A sudden shove of the one kid suddenly sent him flying into Kimi. She let out a sudden gasp, stumbling forward nearly dragging a few people with her trying her best to avoid smacking directly into someone. Her luck only lasted so much as she came tumbling forward. The blond boy Mathew Pille had found himself the unlucky one to be where the stumbling Kimi found herself coming crashing directly into him at full force before hitting the ground. She cringed a bit, narrowly avoiding a puddle as she stumbled up, slowly, looking disoriented. She looked to see the boy, blushing deep red looking rather upset and uneasy.

"S..s.s.s.....sorry! S... so sorry! I... i didn't mean to... I ... I got bumped and... and I'm s... so sorry!" She spoke out frantically moving to him to try and give him a hand despite her flustered state looking half like she was about to cry seeming so worried about hurting him.

Interacting with: Foogels Foogels
Mathew Pilles, e10fa37412039ef057c05cffe9713d8a.jpgOutside Whitewater Academy
Matt instantly looked back at the person and apologized without even looking at them. In his head he thought that the mass must have been moving and while he was staring into space he practically became a wall for the person behind him. When he finally looked at the person who knocked him over he saw a pretty girl reaching out a hand to help him up.

As he took her hand and stood up he said "No, don't apologize! It was my fault, I was staring into space and got in the way, I'm the one who should be apologizing." He whipped the dust off himself and stuck his hand out in front of him "My name is Mathew Pilles, but you can call me Matt."

He smiled with a little bit of a blush, thinking this was still his fault. "Please let me do something to make up for making you fall." Even if he was obnoxious sometimes he always tried to make up for it.

Interacting with: Hanarei Hanarei
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He was finally starting high school at Whitewater Academy.

After spending much of his middle school fighting just about every guy with a Quirk and something to prove, he was finally accepted to one of the premier Hero courses in spite of all the people who had tried to push him to become a villain. As he walked towards the school for the first day, he couldn't help but feel a budding sense of anticipation. It had been steadily growing over the prior few months, but now that anticipation had turned into full blown excitement.

This wasn't middle school anymore. This was a hero course with a better crop of people than he'd had to deal with for the past few years. He finally had a chance for a fresh start.

As much as he tried to temper his expectations, he couldn't help but be a bit hopeful about the next few years. After all, Dante was finally on the path to proving wrong everyone that had ever labeled him a villain. All the training, all the practice, all the pain would finally start to bear fruit.

"Blood Sucker!" Dante stopped in his tracks, in sight of the school as he spun around to face behind him. On pure, trained instinct he brought up his arms to defend himself as a young man shoulder checked him at astonishing speed, sending him crashing into the wall of the school. People all around, many of them students, stopped to try and see what was going on.

"Shouldn't someone do something?"

No one moved as the attacker advanced towards Dante, staring at him with pure, unadulterated hate in his gaze. It was a group think. Everyone was expecting someone else to jump in. As a result, no one did anything...

Eric Stryder had always been on the smaller side. Worse, he was a late bloomer with his Quirk, one of the last in his class. By all accounts, he should have beenn the oddball. Luckily for him, the other boys were too fixated on Vampire hunting. Eric watched those 'hunts' wishing he could join like the cool kids who had their quirks, even if they never caught the Vampire.

When his Quirk manifested, everything changed....

His quirk was called Speed Boost. He could move faster than anyone. Overnight, he went from being another nobody to being a near celebrity for one simple reason: he could corner the Vampire.

Oh and he reveled in the glory. Ge laughed as loud as all the other boys when the Vampire "got what he deserved". Hell, he did more than his fair share of beating the crap out of that monster, and bragged that he felt ribs breaking on one kick.

Yes, everything was going perfectly for Young Stryder until the day the Vampire showed his true colors. Instead of taking the beating, the Vampire had the gall to fight back! Outnumbered, Eric didn't worry for a moment, charging right in to put the Vampire back in its place.


The beast swung a blood hammer right into Eric's legs as he charged. A scream ripped through his throat as he tumbled end over end before landing in a heap. The last thing he remembered was watching the others descend upon the Vampire in a wave.

When he came to, he was in a hospital ward. His legs were covered in bandages, and when he glanced around he could see the other boys similarly bludgeoned.. That Vampire did this... that monster hurt them! Eric tried to stand, but found his legs wouldn't move.. It would take much rehab before he could walk again, but he vowed that if he ever saw that monster again, he would kill him for what Eric and the other boys went through...

That Blood Sucker should never have tried to fight back against Heroes, and now here he was trying to masquerade as one. At least, such were the thoughts going through Eric's head as he stared down his former victim.

"You got a lot of nerve showing up for a Hero course after what you did, Blood-Sucker" Eric sneered as Dante picked himself up off the ground. "You broke my legs back then... So now I'm going to break yours!" Eric lowered himself down, suddenly launching himself forward with a narrow desire to see Dante in pain. Unfortunately for him, he didn't see the bladed rings cut Dante's palm.

Dante, for his part, had been on the receiving end of Eric's attacks for quite some time growing up. After enough time, Dante had figured out Eric's biggest weakness: He couldn't change direction at full speed. To that end, it was always just a matter of timing, little different than trying to hit a fastball. The blood coated his arm, forming a gauntlet as he threw his fist forward.

Eric, to this day, was barely a hair above 5'6". Dante, on the other hand, had grown to an impressive 6'02", which meant his fist had significantly more reach. Even though Eric threw a punch of his own, it never connected as he found himself staring at Dante's blood-armored knuckles. The impact clotheslined him, his lower half continuing forward as he flipped backwards once before slamming, upside down, into the same wall Dante had collided with earlier.

Dante stood up, his blood withdrawing into his palm once more as he looked over at Eric. Seeing him there like that reminded him that his past, and the stigma around his Quirk, would not just up and vanish overnight. He heaved a sigh, keeping his eyes downcast to avoid making eye contact with any of the bystanders as he tried to make his way to class without any further incidents....

Eric, for his part, was starting to come around, blinking deliriously as those with medical quirks saw to tend to him.

A caw caused Dante's eyes to raise as a raven fluttered down to his shoulder. "I know I said I wouldn't get into any fights but I couldn't exactly avoid that one, Archimedes...." Dante muttered as the raven preened its feathers on his shoulder. Given Archimedes didn't peck his ear, it was safe to assume the bird wasn't blaming him for fighting. If he was, Dante sure as hell would know it...

At least having Archimedes around helped him calm down. He hadn't realized how tense he was until his shoulders relaxed under Achimedes' weight.

"Now... where was my class again?...." Dante muttered looking around for any signpost or otherwise that could point him towards the direction of his class.... In all the excitement he'd just about forgotten where he was going..

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Daisuke Oshiro
Outside Whitewater Academy.

How exciting. He was finally here! Oshiro had considered many opportunities, many things he could excel at, but being a hero was definitely the number one thing he wanted to do. He just hope he would be able to….well…excel. Could he? He wondered a bit to himself. He looked down and flexed his arm a bit, feeling a tad bit of air being pulled towards it. No. Don’t yourself. He thought. His quirk was great. There was no reason to even consider failure. That wouldn’t even be possible. Yeah! He will get through this. No doubt about that!
This was essentially the gateway to a new life…one that is going to change him forever. Well, we might as well press forward.
Location: Outside Whitewater Academy
Kimi looked down at the boy seeming very uneasy as he took her hand to kept up responding back dismissing her apology for one of his own taking blame for it. It only ended up making her feel that much awkward looking towards him. Her eyes fixating towards him as he extended his hand out looking rather meek as if she was cowering away at his outstretched hand at first. She slowly reached out her hand a bit hesitantly like some injured animal unsure if it was safe or not. She finally took his hand in, holding it gently with a rather fragile feeling grip to shake it. Her eyes shyly fixated up to look directly to him.

"Ah... m... my name is... Kimi.... ah... Kimi Rivers." She spoke seeming to forget to say her full name as she blushed more bowing her head lightly in response in apology as she continued to shake his hand. Her head perked back up as he attempted to apologize more as she looked at him quite flustered. She shook her head waving her hands haphazardly in front of her.

"Ah... n... n... no! It... it's fine... it wasn't your f... fault. If anyone it was my fault. Pl... please I don't need anything." She spoke out seeming that much more upset about it that he was attempting to apologize for something she viewed purely as her own fault. She glanced about briefly around her before looking back to him. She blushed more realizing she was still holding his hand as she quickly withdrew it.

"S...so... what are you doing here... Matt?" She spoke out, perhaps asking a bit of a dumb question though seeming to try her best to try and start a conversation and obviously fumbling a bit in the process of putting up a brave front for it. She tended to have some difficulty with being more open, having to struggle to get past her general shyness around others.

(Interacting) Foogels Foogels
Mathew Pilles, f5c69009ce6356e6de64c283b59720d6.jpgOutside Whitewater Academy
Matt smiled widely putting one hand next to him holding the bottle of water and the other behind his head. "The same reason you are I assume. To become a hero."

He chuckled a little bit before re-realizing it was so hot out. Matt looked around him for a second trying to see if he could see any senior with water but they were all blending in with the crowd or were too far away. His water bottle still had some water in it and without thinking he stretched it out in front of him. "It's so hot out, you must be thirsty, you can have this if you want." After he moved his arm his face went slightly red and he thought he'd keep the conversation going since this was the first person he'd talked to yet.

He looked down at his feet and saw a few pieces of change that he must have dropped. He looked back to Kimi keeping his happy grin, "So Kimi, what's your quirk? I'm kinda like a magnet," He then put his other hand out a little and pulled the pocket change up to his hand and showed it out on his palm "It's not amazing but it's mine and I like it."

He hoped that she would think it's cool but with all the other cool quirks that were in this mosh pit of a gathering he wasn't sure she would.

(Interacting) Hanarei Hanarei
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Emvi Square
Outside Whitewater
Interacting with: The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit
Mentioned: One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost

The sound of fighting drew Emvi's attention briefly, the girl pulling her headphones half-way off her ears as she looked towards the source of the commotion. There wasn't much of a way for her to see exactly what was going on, given the throng of students surrounding the incident, but she did notice the odd appearance of some sort of black bird, flying down to perch upon the shoulder of one of the taller figures involved. Gaunt, pale, kind of ghoul-like, almost? He didn't seem like the sort of person that would pick a fight, and would instead prefer to watch from the sidelines, but considering the looks that some of the other students were giving, and the chatter being traded between them, something rather shocking had happened. She shook her head; first day of school, and people are already starting fights? she thought, her grimace returning as she considered the possibility that a hero school was indeed going to be more intense than it seemed at the moment.

Following another set of jostled movements, the sound of a camera app caught her attention, her head swiveling to the side just in time to see an odd blonde girl take a snapshot of her with her camera. She blinked, raising a hand in what seemed like some sort of reconsidered wave. She herself wasn't sure what she was actually doing with the hand, and so she slowly lowered it a few moments afterward. "Uh--sorry, am I in your way or...Something?" she asked, pointing a hand vaguely in the direction of the fight. As far as she was concerned, it was far more likely that the other girl was more interested in capturing pictures of the fight than she was of her, after all.
TSUREI FUKAYASHI Closed until GM's next action/post, waiting for progression

I just watch the two boys fight. It's a fight. Something I've seen a thousand times, been in a hundred times and lost a couple dozen. We see it happen all the time. "You got a lot of nerve showing up for a Hero course after what you did, Blood-Sucker" You broke my legs back then... So now I'm going to break yours!"
Ah so revenge it is. I know the feeling. The kind that consumes your thoughts. Makes you seek the harm of the one who caused you it. I had hurt someone who broke my heart once. We were kids but we liked to compete. He was my ray of light and I was gonna move into his place. But then he told me he didn't care about me at all. I freaked out and lost control. He ended up so badly beaten that he was out of commission for months. He never bothered me again.

The fight lasts none too long as it is ended in a moment. Tsurei notices the boy with the speed has trouble changing direction. He ends up eating a punch and getting sent into a wall. Tsurei' s eyes slant. Like a viper waiting to strike.
I see. I'll keep my eye on this so called bloodsucker. Blood powers would make such a good villain. What a shame..no..I'm not here to recruit new villains. I need to take this place down. If that's even possible. What am I doing to myself?

Said Bloodsucker sighs and talks to a raven who flies onto his shoulder. The boy seems lost however.
I have no intention of interacting with him though. There is nothing I can say that will do anyone any good. I'm just as new to this school as everyone.

Another conversation between a boy and a girl. The girl seems nervous...
Should I even be concerned about a normal conversation? Kimi....and...Matt. Very well who knows what they are capable of. I have their names at least..if that counts for anything at all.

Tsurei heads to enter the school. She's seen enough. There might be more time, perhaps an announcement. If not she can at least get ahead.
What more is there for her here in front of school?

She leaves herself to her thoughts. Planning her interactions if she has to make any.
Your name is Tsurei Fukayashi, I didn't need to change my name because nobody knows it. However.. How many people would recognize my quirk? I wont have a choice but to use it..Let's hope it can come off as some coincidence. Orphan. I can't prove I have a family because I don't. Crap. I didn't think of a cover backstory.
Why did I wait till now to plan all of this? Dammit. Okay. You're a orphan and you have gone through basic schooling and got enrolled in this place. Whatever this hole is. You grew up in a orphanage so you don't have many friends.

All was done. Now she just waited. And waited she did..........

Mentioning One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost , Foogels Foogels , Hanarei Hanarei
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Aditya Levin
Human Spectre
Whitewater Entrance
: Katakon Katakon
Mention: -​

The weather was clear. A perfect day for a walk to school if one lived near the neighbourhood. One might meet his prospective classmates on the way, and it could be the beginning of a wonderful friendship. Many stories involving high school students started like this, but reality, of course, was not so predictable. In fact, not everyone could wake up and had a leisure walk to school on their first day.

For instance...

"I'M LATE! " A voice shouted in exaperation from a two story house as a boy in his school uniform, ran out of the window.

Window, not door.

The figure was none other than Aditya, who set up his alarm at 7 PM instead of AM at the previous night. Droplets of water fell from his hair, not even dried properly after his bath. His shirt had wrinkle all over, as if put on in a hurry -- which was exactly what happened. Really, who could blame him? It was better to arrive messy on his first day than to arrive late.

When school was in his sight, it was not yet time to get in. Aditya sighed out of relief and descended from the sky. He wanted to feel how to walk through the school gate on his first time to school, like a normal student. Not that a normal student would be able to attend an academy dedicated to train heroes, he thought to himself.

All thought of worries vanished as he passed through the gate through a crowd of student. A grin appeared on his face. He was really there. He hadn't really expect himself to succeed, but there he was. Properly on his way to school. Looking around, many students started to strike conversation with one another, either old friends who they had known previously, or a completely fresh acquaintanceship. Maybe he should try to talk to someone as well.

After observing the people around him for a while, one student catched his interest. It was a boy, just shorter than him. His hair was unnaturally white, but what caught his interest was how nervous he was. With a smile, Aditya approached the student.

"Feeling nervous? " He tapped the student's shoulder as he smiled lightly. " Don't worry too much about it. This is just like middle school, right? "

Hibiki Kato
Outside Whitewater Academy
Interacting w/ Damafaud Damafaud
Please don't talk to me

Please don't talk to me
Please don't talk to m-
"Feeling nervous?"

Hibiki let out a panicked screech as he turned around to face the talking voice aimed at him. Hibiki turned around to look directly at the source of the his panic, and it was a tall blond boy, Hibiki bit his bottom lip as he tried to collect his thoughts and words. Hibiki turned fully to face the blond boy who dared tell him this is just like Middle school, Hibiki couldn't help but show his contempt at that statement before saying "God, I hope not, Middle school was awful." Was all he said in response. Hibiki told the truth he hated middle school. He was teased and mocked for his quirk due to it not aligning with flashy or "heroic' quirks. His was monstrous and ugly. He shouldn't hide it.


Suddenly, Hibiki let out a forced smile and closed his eyes before speaking up, "Didn't your mother teach you not to speak to strangers?" Hibiki said in a threatening voice. Suddenly Hibiki opened his eyes and the once purple color was replaced by pure red orbs and as he kept speaking-"You might just be talking to a monster-" Hibiki said as horns started to sprout out of either side of his head, they were jagged and bent forward in crude formations. A few droplets of blood fell from the horns tips down to the sandy ground below.

Oh god Am I doing this right?

Is this how you come off of as an alpha male in high school?
Oh god is there even a peck order in high school???
Fuck! I am far too gone I might as well go all the way.
Keep going or else you'll just look silly!

"But if you must know... monsters like me don't feel anxious... they feel fury and justice .... For I am the wings of despair, for am to be "The organic weapon: Grim"." Hibiki greeted dramatically while screaming internally the entire time. "But you put me at an disadvantage, what perchance is your title?" Oh god why did I ask that after all that!? I told him my hero name without prompt but yet I made it sound like he asked for it!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-
Stella Cain
Outside Whitegate
_Line 213 _Line 213
"Ah. Mm... Yes, you are." Her eyes flicking between the other girl's and her phone, Stella registered a slight bit of surprise as to her reaction. She supposed it was a reasonable one, but in her neighborhood, she'd have soon been yelled off than apologized to for doing this. Real polite of her.


The camera's light flashed once again in the girl's eyes and a grin spread across Stella's lips. That was much better. Nice centralized framing, bathed in sunlight, and the bustle of the crowd all made for a photo with a certain je ne sais quoi. Probably. She didn't actually know all that much about photography, so it could have been rubbish for all she knew. She didn't know all that much about French, either. It, regardless, served its practical purpose well enough. Furthermore, if she was co-operative enough to let her reshoot...

"Hey, thanks. That second one came out far better. Can I get a name? A Quirk rundown would help too if you'd be so kind, but that can wait if you're disinclined to that sort of thing." Hmm. It was supposed to be rude to ask for a name without giving your own first, wasn't it? "Stella, by the by. Newspaper club." So was lying, but that didn't really bother her. It'd streamline this process, and the consequences were a bridge she'd cross when she came to them.

The sun was high in the sky, the small puddles on the ground the only remnants of the rainfall from earlier. The longer the day went on the more unbearable the heat became, and it was already unbearable. The lavender haired girl let out a sigh. Just another face in the crowd. Although unlike all those around her, she wasn't filled with excitement, or nervousness. No, she was filled with a steady case of simple discontent. Not truly angry or upset, but there was an almost palpable dark aura swirling around her. Perhaps that was why the students nearest her simply ignored her presence. Nobody wanted to be the first one to talk to the gloomy girl. Not that she could blame them considering she'd have just as hard a time dealing with some gloomy person. Even so, she knew she'd have to get over it sooner rather than later otherwise it would be a long highschool career. If you didn't make friends early on, you probably weren't going to.

But even if she knew that, even if she knew she should be outgoing, she simply couldn't bring herself to do it. Being forced to stand out there in the heat to join some worthless hero school. The entire situation just put too much of a damper on her for her to go out and chat with people. It's fine. There's plenty of time. While you have to make friends early you don't have to make them instantly. She doesn't even know who her classmates are, so there was still time and she was sure she'd get over her hangup and adopt her usual resignation by then. Sparing a moment from her own silent pity-party she looked around at the mass of students assembled. For the most part it was just a whole lot of chatting. There was the odd stand-out case like the group of students looking at something closer to the entrance, or people going around taking photographs. But for the most part it was pretty benign.

With a sigh Toki directed her gaze forward towards the school itself. Even beyond the fact that it was a hero school, they sure weren't making a good first impression. She was dripping with sweat as the rays of sunlight bore down on her. Even the thin white shirt of her uniform was wildly insufficient at keeping her cool, and yet that was the bare minimum she could wear. Was there a reason for them to be kept out like this for hours on end? She had been standing there for two hours already. If it wasn't for the wrath she'd have to endure she would have simply turned and left and gone back home. Alas, that was simply not an option. She brought her hand up to the collar of her shirt, beating it back and forth in a meager attempt at getting some kind of circulation going. If they kept them out there much longer she'd just have to say screw it and bring out one of her shields for shade or something.

School Entrance


Aditya Levin
Human Spectre
Whitewater Entrance
: Katakon Katakon
Mention: -​

....He didn't know how to make of that scene.

Where should he start with? Yup, the beginning. The boy, the same nervous boy he previously noticed, had turned into a horned devil, grew wings, and spoke like an antagonist from a story based plotline, introducing himself in an archaic and cool way. Aditya exaggerated the description a bit, but the gist was there. His answer to the dramatic and over the top lines?

"Never I met a monster such as you, nor do I care if you are one. " Aditya hovered off the ground, now looking down at the Monster with a serious face with no trace of his previous smile. "What is fury to someone long dead? What is justice to a wandering spirit with no path to follow? " He hovered closer to the Monster, lowering his distance from the ground as well. His eyes were merely inches from the Monster, staring intently. "I am just a ghost of myself, someone detached from the world," he suddenly leapt forward toward the Monster. He didn't run into him, like most people would expect, but passed right through him as if he was air, "the remains of a human will. Human Spectre." He fell silent.

Unable to keep his face straight anymore, Aditya burst into laughter.

"Man, that was good! You're a fun guy," his feet landed on the ground with a thud. He patted the Monster's shoulder with a grin.

"I'm Aditya. Aditya Levin. What's your name?"
Shane Fischer
@ Whitewater entrance

Fischer dragged his feet across the entrance to Whitewater grounds. Seeing the amount of students already on the grounds made him briefly wish for a useless quirk. Something stupid, like blowing bubbles from his fingertips. Anything that would have prevented his family from making him come here. He was a soldier in a courtyard of civilians. Fischer didn't belong here.

With a heavy sigh, Fischer stepped up to the crowd, keeping his distance as he scanned the crowd with mismatched eyes, thick eyebrows slightly furrowed. There were too many people for his comfort, as evidenced by the way he tugged on his tie, and then the collar of his suit (another choice he didn't make).

His scan revealed which he already knew. People were already chatting and getting hyped for the year, and here he was standing around like an anxiety-ridden, overdressed retard. Fischer tugged on his tie again, trying really hard not to look at anyone

After a few moments collecting himself, he tapped on the nearest person's shoulder, overwhelmed with the amount of people and noise. He had no clue what was going on.

Fischer spoke up, quietly but confidently, "Excuse me. Where is class 1-A? Im supposed to report there. I think."

As he spoke, his body unconsciously snapped to attention, his heterochromatic stare going distant.

(Purposely vague interaction to avoid stepping on toes. Free to do with anyone.)
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Emvi Square
Outside Whitewater
Interacting with: The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit

There were clubs? Actual, real, functional clubs? That was something of a surprise, as well as a relief--at the very least the academy wasn't so fast-paced and hero-centric that there was no time for anything else. Whether or not she'd actually fit in at the school seemed to be continuously up for grabs. Even so, Emvi swallowed her panic--hopefully she looked decent in that random photograph the apparent journalist had taken. Maybe having a chance at being in the school paper, or whatever it was, would be a good way to break out of the new-student shell.

She snapped back to reality as a prompt for a name came. "--Uh, you can call me Emvi. Emvi Square," she replied, offering a light smile as well as her hand. People still shook hands at hero schools, right? "It's nice to meet you." Hopefully she took it. It would be weird if she didn't. Still, the situation was rather strange already; since when were people taking interest in her instead of, oh, I don't know, random fights elsewhere on the sidewalk?

"If you're in a club already, you must have been here for a while," Emvi asked, rubbing the back of her head--either to push back her first-contact nervousness, or to form a swift save if the hand went unshook. "I'm a freshman, so...What sorts of, uh...Stuff can I expect? Things don't get super crazy all the time, do they?" A brief glance back to the area of the fight. As a few students cleared away, Emvi spied a dent in the wall. She looked back to the safer visage of the student next to her, a far safer and more normal sight by all means.
Claudia Diamante
She opened up the Maps app on her phone, and turned on the GPS function. No, no, no, this had to be the wrong place. She had somehow ended up in some fight club in some street that was just a letter off from her destination. The blue arrow on her screen turned left, right, ascertaining its position, before realigning itself to face north. She gave a few more futile taps, as if it would change the truth that she had found her way to the school that she was about to spend the next few years in. She inhaled deeply, and trying to make her expression show as little disdain as possible for the scuffle going on at the school grounds (on the first day, no less! What brutish apes did they let in here?), and sauntered right past. She allowed herself one glance behind her, then quickly turned back, not out of fear of being discovered, but out of a growing sense of despair. The albino musclehead was now talking to a bird, as if the creature could understand human speech. The more time passed out here, the more her expression was beginning to betray her. And why the fuck were there so many immigrants? Half of them, no matter which direction she looked, looked Asian. Probably had one of those hard-to-pronounce names like Fukuyama or something like that. It was hard enough trying to remember every Rider name as is, and now she had to deal with a classroom full of names that lasted 4 syllables and above? Jesus H Christ on stick. She was beginning to feel unwell.

She was broken out of her reverie, if one could call it that, when someone tapped her on her shoulder. She turned around to come face to face with a young man in a suit that stifled even her. She nearly choked on how formal he looked. And in this unforgiving weather! How he had survived this long to wander in through those gates so far was truly a question for her. He, however, also had a question for her.

1-A as well? I’ve only just arrived her myself, I wouldn't know.” She pushed a lock of hair behind her ear, and gave the young man a second once over. He was impeccably dressed- she would almost go on to say that he was much too overdressed. Well, he was better off overdressed, than to be underdressed. Or acting like a complete fool. She willed her eyes from wandering away from the young man, and steeled her gaze. The combination of his expression and his clothing could only mean that someone forced him into that sweltering suit. She pitied him, she really did. Perhaps, for that reason alone, she deigned herself to interact with the poor boy. “I can only assume you’re to be my classmate. The name’s Claudia. Think I could join you to look for 1-A?

Elysium Elysium

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