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Fandom My Hero Academia: Whitewater Acadamy Rules and Stuff



The king of wishful thinking
  1. Basic rp rules (aka, don't godmod, metagame and such)
  2. Follow rpnations rules.
  3. Don't kill or seriously injure another players character without their permission
  4. All IC posts should be written in third person, paste tense.

  1. You are allowed to use canon quirks (with the exception of all for one and one for all)
  2. Keep it simple. I don't want nor need a overly detailed scientific explanation of how your quirk works
  3. This isn't as much a rule as a clarification, but while it's against the rules to kill or seriously injure another player, your quirk is still allowed to be capable of doing so.
  4. Certain canon quirks require special permission from me to use. They are overhaul, rewind, brainwashing, foresight and warp gate. So just send me a pm if you want to your character to have one of those quirks.
  5. Needless to say, any quirks with the same or a similar effect to any of the quirk listed above isn't allowed.

In an attempt to encourage some healthy competition, Whitewater Acadmy a ranking system for their students. Not only does a high rank come with a pretty nice name tag and some minor privileges, it's also a great way to impress any potential employer in the Pro-Hero world, as you climb the ranks you gain more enticing privileges. However, only the most focused stay at the top so don't let the rewards influence your work ethic poorly.

There are two ways to climb the ranks. The first is by getting good scores at test, field excises and school events. The other way is challenging other students to a duel. Duels can be anything from an fight to a pie eating contest to pictionary. If the challenger win, then the two students swaps rank with each other. The loser (regardless of who win) also becomes unable to challenge another student to a duel for three days.

Students are separated into specific departments and classes. Your character will be attending Class 1-A, in the Heroes department. This is a boarding school, so you will have your own dorm room. Upon receiving your admittance letter, your Student ID (Which is also the key to your room) along with your School Uniforms should have been delivered to you before the start of the semester.

If anythings unclear, just ask me and I'll clarify it.
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The Whitewater dorms are located about a five minute walk away behind the main school building, and they include many features to make the students lives easier.

Each specific building is allotted to one class and has the classes number and letter above the door. As class 1-A you will be in one of the newer dorm buildings that come equipped with many different rooms to help you in your studies and training.

The building itself is 4 stories high with a under ground component.

Dorm rooms:

The dorms are equipped with one bed, a small washroom (toilet and sink), a desk, and a dresser. Any other items and personal affects must be brought in by the students. The dorms are individual, meaning you wont have to share a room with any one. Male and Female rooms are not in separate spaces, so a male room could be right next to a female room, but the rooms do come with a lock that only your specific student I.D. can open.

Communal Area:
The Communal Area is what connects the dorms on the upper floor to the main entrance and all other main floor rooms. It serves as a living room space giving the students a place to hang out in their free time. It has two tv's and 2 large sectional couches. The room contains a satellite box which has access to mostly every channel you can get, except channels which show forms of nudity so no hbo for you guys... The room also contains many gaming systems, ranging from old to new. There are also some easy reading novels on a book shelf.

Training room #1:

Training room number one, aka the quirk training room is a area where students can train their quirks freely outside of class, as well as spar with their other class mates. The room is monitored to make sure nothing gets out of hand. The room itself is made up of a reinforced Titanium alloy which was created using a creation quirk and is virtually indestructible so students can go all out. Items can also be brought into this room to assist in training.

Training room #2:

This is your common weight training room, its prohibited to use your quirks in here as it could damage the expensive equipment. This is for those people who wish to enhance their physical limitations. The room contains free weights, weight machines, treadmills, A super treadmill (For those with speed quirks), bikes, punching bags, and a boxing ring.

Training room #3:

This is a dojo type training room, it has a hard wood floor and basically gives the students somewhere to spar hand to hand and train in mma styles of fighting. The room also includes some wooden and foam weapons such as tonfa, nuncucks, and Shinai for students who use weapon style combat. this room is also monitored to make sure nothing gets out of hand and the use of quirks is strictly prohibited her as well.

Washrooms/Showers/baths/changing rooms/laundry rooms:
All these areas are connected to the communal area. Each of these areas are separated by gender and can only be accessed using your student ID card to confirm your gender. The baths are like a large hot springs type bath where everyone shares the same tub, while the showers are individual. Each of the areas (except the laundry room and washrooms) contains lockers which can be used to store your personal items and instead use a simple sin code so you dont have to carry your student ID into the showers, baths, or gym with you.


The Library contains books on everything from general studies to quirk studies Helping students to advance their knowledge in basic knowledge to more advanced knowledge. There are quirk based books which cover general quirk types to more in depth specific quirks. There are also a number of auto biographies on heros explaining their quirk types and how they handle some situations. There is also a dvd section containing a series from the Trainer hero: Coach who goes over everything from some basic moves you can try with your quirks to some more advanced and specific stuff. This is suppose to help students advance their quirks and come up with new super moves.


There is also a small kitchen and dining area in the dorm building, while the main school building has a cafeteria this area is meant for students who wish to go not eat from the meal plan options and cook for them selves, there is a weakly order based on the students needs which are decided by the students themselves and based on a budget. This budget also includes snacks.


There are 3 on site pools at WWA one for all the classes of each year. The pool for the first years is connected by a under ground passage way from the dorm. The pool has no life guard most of the time so students are liable for what ever happens. The pool is usually used for free time but there is a certain set time for the pool to be used for quirk training, which is when a life guard is present. The pool also may be used for school sporting events. There is also no dress code policy in place for the pool, as long as you dont swim in the buff your fine, but during sporting events or training events the school swim suit may be required.

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