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Fandom My Hero Academia: Go Beyond, Plus Ultra!! (Remake number what? 100?) OOC

What is it?
Thanks for asking. I'm not planning on making them unless no one else wants to make a number one and we need one. I just like the idea.

It was originally an idea for a villain I had thrown away, but the other day the idea of them being the no.1 hero just smashed me in the face. Kind of inspired by my love of villainous heroes and how psychopaths often find themselves in positions of power.

Quirk Name: Joy
Quirk Ability: A horrific mutation quirk that makes it so the user can feel nothing but happiness and is always in a peak state of mind. The user is happy at any and all moments, no matter what. Physical pain doesn’t bother them, they can’t feel mental pain. No boredom, no tiredness. This quirk allowed the user to train his mind and body to the absolute pinnacle of perfection. Due to the simplicity of the quirk and the exact nature of how it works, quirk nullification quirks don’t seem to affect it, much to the users' disappointment.

Personality: Charming, Charismatic and never without his signature inspiring smile, Liberty King (real name) is the darling of the masses, taking out crime cleanly, concisely with minimum harm and with the perfect amount of spectacle. He is a friendly man and is popular around the world due to how nice he is. He’s known to donate huge sums to charity and regularly hosts charity events. However, this all is a façade over his darker side. His life and the good he does with it is ultimately meaningless to him, as he would feel the same regardless of what he does, and he knows he wouldn't bat an eye killing children for instance. He had hoped that by becoming the ultimate pinnacle of modern heroism that he would be able to find a purpose to his existence, but he still feels nothing except happiness.
That's cool! It kinda makes me think of how one punch man thinks he's too strong and so every fight is boring to him.
So kind of curious but what do the teachers think about the class, so far?
Bushido is excited to get into the year, since its his first time teaching, he hopes to see the students grow and improve. He thinks they show alot of promise
Bushido is excited to get into the year, since its his first time teaching, he hopes to see the students grow and improve. He thinks they show alot of promise
Hmm neat, I do fear his wrath for when, not if, WHEN either the entire group or Jacki pushes herself over the edge in trying to prove themselves. Especially since he's already seen Jacki's stubbornness to not give up in a fight, even if it's obvious to everyone else that she has a 99% chance of losing the fight
...I hope I'm not making Jacki too OP on the physicality front, I just imagine despite her age, she is pretty physically sound especially when it comes to climbing and such. If she is too OP I can and will tone it down, cause I thought if her Quirk isn't mediocre or better then she would have a pretty higher than average speed and mind
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That he thinks about half the class are useless dreamers and that nothing but the most drastic and awesomeness of actions will change his mind

*shrugs* He's a realist. He doesn't see Heroes as heroic individuals, but weaponized quirk users charged with taking out criminals with powerful quirks that the police can't handle.
That's fair, meanwhile Jacki has enough of a massive stubborn streak, that if someone tells her she can't or or shouldn't do anything then she she is going to prove them wrong even if it means getting herself hurt in the progress, hell it is the reason why she decided to attack Bushido back in CTF.

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