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Fandom My Hero Academia: Go Beyond, Plus Ultra!! (Remake number what? 100?) OOC

So I'm thinking that the fear abilities are not that necessary, I more thought of it as a flavor thing, but it makes sense. I still stand by the incorporeal ability, but have a time limit on. I kind of thought to hard on how he would move up or down to go up stairs and stuff, so that's why I said the ability to fly, really I meant that he can "fly" but has to be near the ground. I guess I mean he hivers above the ground and can move up things as long as it's near the ground.
Also maybe the teleportation combined with the incorporeality (I dont know what to call it) would be tok much.
I'm actually really split down the middle on weather to have a summoning type thing or a darkness attack type thing, you know what I'm talking about, I just cant explain.
I think my question is how do those things link together into a singular quirk?

I guess maybe you can have more then one combine if the mods don't mind, and if you have a good explanation behind it?

Otherwise I think you still should narrow it down or figure out how to combine it.
Yep but Jacki isn't the defender, that's Mako. Also who do you guys think Jacki should go after first... Clementine or Xander?
Yeah, I know it's my descions but I'm having trouble deciding which one cause those are the two she knows what powers those two but because Xander can create duplicate arms she has to keep an eye on all of them but then Clementine can essentially make herself partly for both offence AND defence and I'm having hard time which one she should go after first
Yeah, I know it's my descions but I'm having trouble deciding which one cause those are the two she knows what powers those two but because Xander can create duplicate arms she has to keep an eye on all of them but then Clementine can essentially make herself partly for both offence AND defence and I'm having hard time which one she should go after first
Not pushing you for anything but, a Xander VS Jacki fight would be pretty cool in my opinion. considering they both have Quirks that are very Close combat oriented and can only improve upon things they can already do
I think that it'll be a Xander vs Jacki fight and see how it goes from there, considering it's technique vs. strength in that fight. Also when should the Attackers start going?
I'll make the post to start tomorrow morning since most people are offline... Its Also almost 2 am where I am
(This may be really idiotic and not really fix any of the problems but I'm just spitballing here.)
Jonas has access to a dimension of darkness and darkness type energy. He can travel through the dimension from one place to another to teleport. He can use the energy from the dimension in different ways, such as projectiles and utility. He can summon "creatures" from the dimension for himself. I put it in quotations because they arent actually living, just a different manifestation of the energy in the dimension.
Bright enough light makes some of his attacks useless, while fire and light attacks are especially strong against the summons. There is a limit on how many creatures he can have so he can't have a giant army, but that is based on how well connected he is to the dimension and how well he can control the amount of summons.
How about he can take hold of something's shadow and pull a dark copy into existence?

Like if he's walking behind someone, he could tear a doppelganger of them right out of their own shadow. Or if he forgot a pencil, he could reach over to someone else's desk and make a quick copy of theirs.

Weaknesses being that there's no way to disguise the copies after they've been created and that pitch black darkness ironically leaves him with no shadows to pull from. I suppose a similar weakness could be that if something's completely surrounded by light it'd be harder for it to cast a shadow, but cases like that are extremely specific.
I like Grieve's idea. Teleporting, energy sculpting and 'summoning' is too much for one ability. In my opinion, the most fun quirks are the simple ones you can do a lot with, like Xander's division.
Pretty much, the same level, since they are essentially on the opposing sides of the whole Power vs. Technical scale when it comes to fighting
Quick question pbtenchi pbtenchi are the headphones Aden's wearing wireless?
Nope, they got a wire. You can pull them right out. The motivational music was something I'd had planned for him for a while, but I also wanted to make things a little more interesting then Lux coming in and singing him out of the game. Get the headphones, then you can do that.
Just wanted to make sure, and I like it. She was so focused on possible quirks she forgot regular things exist too so I love it!
I know that simple ones are best, but in general, I'm terrible with coming up with fun, unique, and useful superpowers, which doesn't really make it easier to figure out what to play. I like the shadow idea but I'm just not sure it would ever be useful. They would be shadows, so they would be really weak, they wouldn't have the other person's quirk (which makes sense since that would be op) and creating shadow clones from other people would rarely ever be useful. Which is what I got from this anyways.
I don't think it'd be useless considering in everyday life there are normally always shadows. It's rare to be in pitch darkness unless you're in a room with no lights or windows or outside in the middle of nowhere during a new moon and it'd be even more rare to be in a place completely lit with no shadow to be cast. Sure they maybe weak copies at first, but maybe the more you hone the quirk and work on it, get your muse stronger, maybe their forms will grow stronger too? Also it could be good for distractions, or evening out numbers if you're fighting outnumbered. Different things like that.

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