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Fandom My Hero Academia: Go Beyond, Plus Ultra!! (Remake number what? 100?) OOC

Stitcher is loosely based off one of those hard-ass military instructors everyone hates but ends up crying at the graduation ceremony.
Jackis quirk is based on when cartoon characters do the whole pretend to be someone else and when two characters do the exact same thing
Aww man, you guys used so much imagination filling in the blanks of the course! I was dead so I just used GrieveWriter GrieveWriter 's obstacles... although I really wish I could've wrestled with a robot and had a dance party with spikes. Ferryn would be a L O T more hurt XD
My plan with the NLV currently is to abduct as many students as possible and take them to Leader. Not sure on the when, how or any other specifics.
Considering making a couple characters for the NLV to fill some gaps, but even if I like my ideas I don't want to make too many characters, especially all in one place. Wondering if I should or if I should instead just see if any of you want to make someone with a teleportation ability. (Mass teleportation feels basically essential for any lasting organization in the MHA world, plus it makes for real cool escape scenes)
Considering making a couple characters for the NLV to fill some gaps, but even if I like my ideas I don't want to make too many characters, especially all in one place. Wondering if I should or if I should instead just see if any of you want to make someone with a teleportation ability. (Mass teleportation feels basically essential for any lasting organization in the MHA world, plus it makes for real cool escape scenes)
It'd be fun to write a villain not as serious as Prof. Violet. I'd like to give it a try
I can imagine Shay joining the fight, too.

"Wanna see a magic trick? Now you see me..." The opponent's vision goes pitch black. "Now you don't."
Still considering whether to make a villain or not. I could probably whip up something good, but with how long Mako's posts could get I fear just how much scrolling two characters would necessitate.
Still considering whether to make a villain or not. I could probably whip up something good, but with how long Mako's posts could get I fear just how much scrolling two characters would necessitate.

Well, you probably wouldn’t have to always post for both of them.
Are there enough teachers? I'm not really good with non-student characters, but I'd like to try a motherly mom-type teacher if you need someone to do a class XD
Are there enough teachers? I'm not really good with non-student characters, but I'd like to try a motherly mom-type teacher if you need someone to do a class XD
We've got 4 teachers already, but don't let that stop you making one, make whatever characters you like.
I'd just like to state how much I love the CS doesn't have a section for backstory. It lets me do all sorts of fun stuff like the Stitcher reveal.
Why not just scrap the siren song part and change it to a siren screech, just noticed we don't got a quirk with an emphasis on sound so...
I was trying to read what has happened so far and was thinking the same thing. Perhaps since she is a bit of a wall flower maybe she just didn't stand out to the others during the exam, and is actually just really late? I'm still reading (Just finished the entrance exam) so once I'm done I might have better ideas then that.

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