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Fandom My Hero Academia: Go Beyond, Plus Ultra OOC

You guys should say something, that's why! It feels like Scarlette and Ryan and all... the... characters EXCEPT me, Luke, Nightblade and Jet Strike fell off the planet Earth!
I can respect if everyone has... LiFeS but let me at least express myself with memes.
XD No, you guys can take your time, it's no prob... :closedeyescryingfrown:
Oh. Okay. Great. That's really good. Can't wait for the villains to bump into the heroes!
That is, assuming they bump into each other.
Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
According to Tobias's plan, they were supposed to split up to 3 groups (2 rescue, 1 roamer) where the rescuers (Ryan in this case) will actively look for the victim while the roamers will look for the villains and slow them down.
While it is true that Ryan did walk with both of them at the beginning, if we are following Tobias's plan here, they'd split up as soon as they enter the red dome.
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre did mention that Kyosuke made himself be seen for a few seconds by the rescuers, but since you said you were waiting for me and FireMaiden FireMaiden to post, I've decided to pretend as if Kyosuke was seen by the roamers instead in order to keep the story going.
If Ryan and Tobias & Scarlett didn't split up, the 3-group plan would have become void instead, considering how every character in the Rescuers' team agreed with his plan.
But of course, you can correct me if I'm wrong somewhere, though I won't be able to do it now since it's almost 12AM here and I need to sleep and go to school the next morning.
Okay, maybe not. Ryans quirk would probably cause too much damage. And when you think about it, they all agreed on them two (Scarlette and Tobias) taking out the villains, so you can make your oc quickly go for the victim? If the victim is close by, that is. You may have been walking right with them but just because you weren't included in DuckMannnn's rp doesn't mean you can't do something hero-y too. Make the most of the situation --- Tobias and Scarlette are probs relaxed now but remember Leon said he had a roar that could burst ear drums. That would lead to them both probs becoming momentarily deaf, and Ryan can sneak up unnoticed and KAPOW leon with fire!

What do you think? Too much? XD
Oh and DuckMannnn just dealt with the situation. Well, Imma post this anyways!

Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
Here’s the problem, tanner was supposed to be that victim, but he left so...

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