My Heart's 4/4 Beat (OOC thread)

Since I haven't even told my friends this in real life this is a first for me :] So thanks! My two sisters have teased me about it before xP
[MENTION=4322]NellyAngelhive[/MENTION] since we are at that point in the RP, it might be helpful to know what kind of music the girl band plays, so that it will help find a band name. Are we sticking to the RP's original storyline or branching out a bit and picking what kind of music they play? :3 I'm trying to think of responses for my characters but this is kind of important to do that lol.
Ehh.... Lots of different stuff lol. My favorite group is probably Perfume (J-Pop, in case y'all don't know). I listen to rock and metal and occasionally pop music. But not any of that gangsta crap xD haha.
J-Smooth Jazz, J-Rock, J-Metal, Then there is Rock, Metal, Grunge and the many sub-forms of Metal, such as Nu-Metal, Black-Metal, Death-Metal, Pirate-Metal... I just woke up, so that's all I can think off at the moment...

Oh and Viking-Metal, I love me some Amon Amarath!

Can't stand the songs with lyrics that just go on about the singers 'pmpin lyf'. But everyone has their tastes, I just like my music to go down screaming. :nuts:
I like a combination of music such as Breaking Benjamin, Linkin Park[Luke you already knew I liked those two], and Skillet. Basically rock, J-rock, K-pop...things like that but NEVER rap ._.

Oh and I love OST's too :D [original soundtracks from video games/anime]
Oh right! Can never forget OST's!

I still hum FF7's theme... I need to fire up my emulator!
Lightning's theme for the winz :P But I go more into the games that I love but some people haven't heard of.

Okami, Journey, The Last Story, Xenoblade Chronicles, Fragile Dreams.

The list can go on!
Hey, I'd just like to let you all know that I may be unable to post, I've been having a lot of issues with family and as a result looking for a place to settle and hoping things don't get the authorities involved more then they already are. I'll do my best to keep posting every day though, if I don't post for forty hours, I'm happy for Uncultured or Moonlit to take over until I get back. I am not leaving permanently or at all if I can help it, however if my issues draw back on the RP feel free to scrap me. I'm really sorry about all of this and hope it doesn't make any of you think any less of me.
Hmm, the RP seems to be at a crawl.

Also, luckily my situation has gotten better. I'm confident I will be able to keep up with RP Nation.

So what is everyone up to?
Yeah, response rates on the RP have like nearly stopped. It's lucky to get a reply every few days. I hope people aren't losing interest; we haven't even gone that far in the story yet ):

I'm on spring break from college now, so other than work I should have plenty of time to reply!
Aw dammit, the role play is dying isn't it?

Something really sudden and...horrible popped up so I haven't been online for the last couple of days. I promise that won't ever happen again without my telling you guys, but I just want you to know that my posts might seem a little half-assed for a while.

We can time-skip in the rp if you guys want. To the party where the bands are playing.
I really think that would be a good idea. If we don't do something soon, the night that the RP is currently on will just never end and the whole thing will just keel over. Maybe we should tag everyone and let them know that a time skip is in order? That way everyone knows and no one is left behind. That would give everyone something new to post about :)
Okay cool. Sorry guys if I might be replying late I got some academic issues going on plus emotional stuffs to :/
I've been looking for this thread for forever!

I come here with some really bad news. I'm not Luke, my name is Alissa. I was very close to him in real life. Luke is no longer with us. It happened about 3 days ago and it's still been a huge surprise to everyone. I couldn't fall asleep thinking about him and I remembered him talking very highly about this website and you guys as well so I took it upon myself to let everyone know that he wasn't ditching his responsibilities.

He was right. You guys are pretty funny. ^^ I know he had other role plays going on outside of this one and I was wondering how I would be able to let others know too. I don't use this website so I'm a little lost.
Omg what?? No way. Wow. I'm really, really sorry to hear that, Alissa. ):

As for telling others, I'm not sure what other RP's he was part of. If you know the genre, you could search for it in the drop down menu.

I can't believe that happened ): I know earlier there was mention of something "horrible" happening, but I figured it was personal because he never elaborated on it.



[MENTION=4214]Moonlit Dream[/MENTION]
Thanks for tagging other people in that.

Yeah. I don't know how much I'm really supposed to say (you know family privacy and stuff) but his brother was being harassed for a while now and Luke went to stick up for him. I don't really know what else to say. It wasn't because he was sick or it was an accident. Despicable isn't it? Someone actually meant to hurt him.

On a lighter note, he was sad for a while now and you guys really did make him feel a whole lot better. Also, he never did eat that ice cream I made him promise to stay away from!! But I guess I could've excused it if he used Naguru's plan there. xD
That is sad to hear, I hope all the best for his family and his brother in particular.

I'll work extra hard to put 'Lukeitherianera' on the periodic table and share the memory of these brief but fun times.

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