My Heart's 4/4 Beat (OOC thread)

xD You asked for it

Okay one is called Tiekradiin(tee-ack-rah-den). They're these humans who's minds were so corrupted and exposed to too much dark magic they turned into demons with gaunt, skeletal figures. So skinny you could see every vein and bone in their body. Their hollow eyesockets are just empty of eyes at all, but somehow it manages to ooze black blood. There are three sharp horns in the place of a Tiekradiin's mouth, for offense.

They have tall wings, and despite what I said about Tiekradiins having a skeletal figure, their left arm is overly muscular and large with pointed claws to grab and clench their targets. And last of all, on a Tiekradiin's back is an entirely different big face. Neon yellow eyes, multiple rows of chainsaw-like teeth, and a mucus-covered elastic tongue that reaches over ten feet. If taken too close, the Tiekradiin's back-face will spew a glob of acid upon it's target.
I'm not an arguer. There's no point in me arguing, I'm usually right anyways ;3 I am very good at arguing when need be, actually ^.^'''' I am pretty good at comebacks xD

They would look excellent working for me!

"Deny my ultimate research on crayons a Nobel prize will you? TIEKRADIINS, ATTACK!"
Wellll they do take orders, but that's only if you're the White-haired Witch who I named Zey :3 Sorry Jacqob

Naah you can have 'em. Coming right up xD but I'd be scared to death if I saw my monster creations come to life o3o
Sounds like my mom.

Why would research on crayons be denied a nobel prize?! What has the world come to?!

And Kait, good job. You remind me of someone I used to know. (Somebody that I used to knooooooow~)
Oh god my dad is such an ass. I told him about a promise I made to my girlfriend that we wouldn't eat any sweets for the next two months and he comes home with THE BIGGEST TUB OF ICE CREAM HE COULD FIND. Waving it around in my face and making me watch him stick it in the freezer. I'm foaming at the mouth you guys. I haven't had any sugar in 4 weeks. I'm freaking out. D:
Why no sugar ? O.o I've been trying to cut back on snacks, eat healthier, and stop drinking pop. I also exercise a bit now ^.^ I'm technically underweight so I'm not looking to lose any more, but it makes ya feel good. Now that you mention it, Ice cream sounds freaking amazing ;-;
She was concerned about her weight, but anyone would be if they compared themselves to Victoria's secret models. She said that I would have to go on a diet with her one step at a time even if I didn't need it. I'm dying Kait. DYING.

And that last bit was no help at all. xD
Ok, this is what you do; late at night, lock your room and leave the house through your window, break in to the house quickly steal a bowl of the ice cream (ONLY A BOWL! Don't want to get hard time if you get caught.) then leave making as much noise as you possibly can, your family will wake up and see that a bowl worth is gone(This is to support your claims when you say you hadn't had any.) then you go to the park and eat it, be sure to kill any witnesses. Sneak back in to your room and unlock the door and claim that you were too scared to come out.

Although I advise against it, soiling your pants might strengthen your story. Just a suggestion.
xD ! Laughing too hard right now. What is air? Oh gosh.

But it's cold outside. D: Besides my probation officer says I've reached my kill limit for the month.

(And I think I'm already ahead of you on that last part there << >>)
I'll say it again, you people are crazy xD

But hang in there Luke, drink a lot of orange juice like I do or something :P Eat meats[like Dylan *cough*]
You know what, I'm going to drink apple juice. Ha to both of you. Orange juice? PSSSHHH. Grape juice? PSSSSSHHHHHHHHH.

Apple juice is where it's at.
I suppose that grapes may suffice. Very well, we can resume friendship.

Prunes? Guh. I'm not getting anywhere near that stuff til I'm like... 80.
Hurray! *clings to you* o3o

When I was 6 I thought my grandma's prunes were really big, yummy raisins so I ate them by the handfuls. She had three big containers of the stuff and they caught me with 2 1/2 containers all over my face. To this day I apologize to the bathroom.
I just Lol'd... Auto-correct tried to turn 'pattleball'(an accidental mistake, I assure you.) in to battle axe. Images of an 11 year old swinging a battle axe in the kitchen like a crazy person then filled my mind. Though I think I'm become sleep deprived.
Need sleep... Must... Force self off of interwebs... The terrible thing is that I post from mobile, so it's hard to just quit checking. Luckily, Dylan and Emily will have to be done arguing since Savannah's already off now and I shall be soon too. Soooo.... Byeeeeee *floats away*

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