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Realistic or Modern Mutant Academy

"Yeah seems pretty cool so far" He replied. Jacob's home life was pretty normal and his mother was very supportive of his powers, but he understood that alot of other mutants didnt have quite as understanding parents like his mother. "I've met some pretty cool people.." He continued, giving her a wink. After they had finished their Frappe's, Jacob stood up "Ready to go?" he said smiling, he suddenly had much more confidence then before, but was still blushing like crazy.
"Ouch! Hey I said sorry!"

His head was throbbing from the shoe that was thrown at him. He took one last look at the plaque that was mounted to the wall.

So that's the ladies restroom...gotta remember that.

He continued through the halls of the academy, he came across empty classrooms, a few random students wandering the halls, the lunch areas, courtyards, other restrooms, the library. So far this place seemed utterly boring without the spectacles that wandered the halls.

Determined to keep himself occupied he started humming the tune to a song he had recently heard named "MTC". He quietly sang the lyrics, hummed the melody, and imagined the beat, thrumming his fingers against his thighs, small sparks of neon puffing out every time his fingers made contact with his leg. There had to be someone interesting here!
Scarlett walked alone across campus, hands stuffed in her pockets, with a leisurely pace. She took great care to remember everywhere she was going, knowing that someday she would really appreciate taking the time to do so. She had been to school before, and when it came to being accidentally late to classes, it paid to know the quickest paths. She smiled, and wondered about how completely different this "academy" would be from what she had previously experienced. The biggest difference would probably be that it would be encouraged for her to set things on fire. Not that she used to do it, but it felt a little freeing to have that opportunity to do so. Within the right reasons of course.

She came across the front hall again, entering to see that a few mutants were still in there, talking and showing off their powers. Some had obviously been to their rooms already, their bags absent, and she wondered if they had teleportation powers like Jacob did. Or the ability to create anything they wanted like a scooter to ride through the halls. Or flying powers. Or if they could walk through walls. She frowned and thought about that last power. That could potentially grow very awkward for the girls of the school if a guy with such a power happened to be a peeping tom. Although, maybe the school had some kind of magical implants in the walls to stop that kind of thing. Yeah, this was definitely going to be different. She walked back out of the hall and started walking across the front yard of the school, intending to find out how big the place actually was.
Quincy smiled at her cocking his head to the side happy that she was talking to him. He rose his hand up trying to block the sunshine from his eyes. "I don't really mind what kind of game we play. Whats your favorite?" He sat down in front of her and stared into her eyes. "Oh by the way I like your rabbit, Kensii." He brought a box out of his bag and set it down in his lap.
Lia smiled blushing when he winked "I like the people too" she winked back and stood up "let's get going" she let out a small giggle, but went quiet seeing how many people are around "are you sure we should just, disappear in thin air in front of all these people?" She asked nervously and shoved her hands in her pockets, not looking away from him.

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"Oh thanks... Um...but I didn't have a lot of friends growing up... So I don't know many games... I pretty much only had Kensii to play with..."

She blushed slightly, fiddling with her hair as she did whenever she was nervous or embarrassed. She began stroking Kensii's ear with one hand picking lightly at the soft plush fur. Being naturally shy hadn't been the only reason she didn't make many friends. She had been moved around so much as a child that she never really had the opportunity to make any. She was never in one pace long enough. As he pulled out the box, she grew a bit curious.

"Is that a toy box...?"
"I doubt it" Jacob replied when Lia asked him about people noticing "It's New York City, eveyones just thinking about themselves..", He looked around at all the people in the Starbucks going about their business not even glancing at himself or Lia. "Besides, Mutants are allowed to use their powers in public" These days mutant rights was getting better and they were basically treated like normal people. He put his arms around Lia and suddenly they were back in her room, Something was a little off on Jacob's landing and he fell backwards bringing Lia falling down ontop of him. (if someone walked in right now, that would be awkward!).
Lia had her hand on his chest and opened her eyes realizing that they're on the ground and she's on top of him "oh!" She stood up quickly and giggled. "Do you land like that often?" She giggled and blushed darker. She could feel the blush on her cheeks and made herself disappear from the embarrassment, but bade sure her clothes still showed up so he knew she was still there. (Hahah that'd be hilarious!) o

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(You guys are really gonna' hate 32 after this post. Warning in advance for: gore, torture, general viciousness, ect)

[One week prior]

Upon reaching the base, Campbell was hauled from the plane and taken off to a holding room. Meanwhile, 32 reported to his superior.

"Ah, you look like hell. You really should rest more often," The head of the FOH 'defense' sector commented. He smirked at 32, who did, indeed, look very tired. He could grow back limbs and heal in seconds, but he was not invincible. He needed 12 hours of sleep a week in order to operate normally, food every 3 days, and at least one cup of water per day. His limbs and major organs, as one could tell from his heart, could not grow back if completely removed.

The comment was meant as a jeer at the assassin. The defense director, Murphy, knew damn well that 32 would not, could not, rest unless ordered to. 32, however, remained indifferent. His cold, dark eyes pierced the man as he stood, back straight and at attention, in front of his desk. Murphy frowned and shifted a little.

"Give me a mission report."

"The facility was cleared, all personnel dead. Campbell was secured before I went in search of the formula as requested. The formula was not secured due to the basement level of the facility being destroyed in a fire, likely a fail safe in case of invasion." The answer was cold, mechanical, and sounded almost pre-recorded. 32's eyes didn't blink as they burrowed into Murphy's forehead.

"That's a shame. If we could have gotten that formula, we wouldn't even need Campbell. As it is, you'll have to torture the location of the secondary base out of her. With the kind of power that formula could offer, we could destroy the mutant enemy once and for all, with their own kind at that." 32 remained unmoved. Murphy looked up with slight annoyance. "Well? What are you waiting for? Get to it!"

"My head hurts." It was true; the dull pounded on the plane had turned into a sharp and unrelenting knife that seemed to dig itself into his skull. The only way to fix it would be wipe his memories yet again, and then let him eat and sleep. Honestly, that was all 32 was really interested in right now. He'd had enough of the woman's noise on the plane, and the last thing he wanted to do was go into that room with her. His small comment may have seemed harmless enough, but they both knew the meaning behind it. 32 had been left unwiped long enough to begin forming his own opinions; he was actually suggesting that the director gave him a break. Murphy was having none of it.

"Was that a tone of defiance I heard?" He said, his voice low, barely hiding his impatience. 32 swallowed hard.

"No sir."

"Then get your ass in there and get answers!"

The walk to the holding room wasn't a long one. 32 kept up a quick pace the whole way, not slowing for anything. He was irritated and angry, and the mask he wore over his face itched. The quicker he got this over with, the quicker he got to go back to sleep. God help the woman should she be stubborn. And of course, she would be. That was clear the moment 32 entered the room. Campbell sat in a wooden chair in front of a cheap desk, secured to it by metal cuffs around her wrists. She glared at him with an acidic look, the same that he often wore regardless of who he was looking at. There was a chair on the other side of the desk, intended for him to sit in, but 32 preferred to stand.

"We want to know where your secondary base is, and you are going to tell us." His voice was the same, robotic tone that it always was.

"Go to hell," The woman spat. 32 expected as much. He wasted no time moving this thing along; he, frankly, wasn't in the mood. The soldier made his way over to a tray in the corner of the room, supplied with different utensils. Scalpel, pliers, hammer, and other such basic torture essentials. No one had ever taught him the art of prying answers from people; he'd just been shoved in a room with an enemy one day and ordered to do it. Over the years, 32 had become quite skilled at it. Some people cracked easier than others, he had learned. He liked those people. They made his job easier. But then there were those damn ones that hung on for weeks, until he found whatever figurative crowbar it took to pry information out of them. He hoped this woman wasn't one of those people. He had already decided that this would not last longer than a couple days.

32 picked up the pliers and came back over to the woman. "If you don't tell me, I'm going to break your fingers." The words were so straightforward that it was unnerving. He saw a flash of fear behind Campbell's eyes, but she steeled herself bravely and kept her lips pursed. 32 didn't hesitate to wrap the pliers around her left thumb and crush. A painful scream filled the room, but when it was done, he gained no results.

"Why are you doing this?" Campbell managed to choke out through the obvious pain in her voice.

"Because they told me to." The answer was so blunt.

"They're trying to destroy mutants, don't you realize that? I saw you heal from that gunshot; you're a mutant. How could you turn against your own kind?!" The pliers crushed down on her second left finger, cutting her desperate attempt at reasoning off. Campbell cried out again, but fought the pain.

32 almost always went for the fingers first; they were easy and fragile. Crushing fingers, cutting fingers off, but a person only had so many fingers. Five hours into the session, and he was out of digits. Campbell sported a bloodied face, missing teeth, bloody nubs on each hand, and a great portion of missing flesh. Still, she refused to tell him what he needed to know. 32 was furious inside, but his cold demeanor never showed it. He was beginning to take this personally, which is exactly what Murphy had wanted him to do all along. He demanded she tell him what he wanted to know; she spat bloody saliva on his mask. The man turned and left the room, only to return shortly with a manila folder in his hands. He leaned casually against the far wall as he pretended to read it, for effect only. 32 had already memorized every aspect of the papers inside. On the outside page, the name 'Linda Campbell' was printed.

"You live at 236 East Forest drive, Manford, Kentucky. You have a husband and three children: ages 13, 9, and 3." 32 looked over the top of the folder at the woman, whose breath had caught in her throat. "I don't like children."

"I swear to God if you hurt them-"

"Then tell what I want to know."

Campbell's face had paled. 32 knew he had already won; it was just a matter of time and how far he was willing to go. And he was willing to go as far as he needed.

"I won't," The woman finally said, "I won't let you use my work to start a war."

"You've made a mistake." With that, 32 turned and left, leaving Campbell yelling and screaming for him to come back, to stay away from her family.

32 returned a day later, a small body bound and tossed over his shoulder. He dumped Campbell's thirteen year old daughter in the extra chair, tears of fright rolling down her face. Campbell used every foul word in the dictionary to describe him.

"Tell me what I want to know, and she won't be hurt," He said flatly.

"You're sick! You're a sick fucking bastard!"

"Mom? What's going on? I'm scared!"

32 ignored the cries as he went back over to his tray of tools. The bloody hammer seemed like a good option. He came back over to the girl and grabbed her hand, forcing it onto the table. Without hesitation, he brought the hammer down at full force, making a sick crack of breaking bones. The girl screamed and tried to pull away, but his grip was too strong. His dark eyes shot towards Campbell, who was yelling, crying, and damning him to hell. But she still wasn't cracking.

I could be asleep right now. 32 didn't have much patience left when he'd walked into the room yesterday. What little he had left now was running thin. He tossed the hammer across the room and drew his gun.

"NO!" Campbell screamed, her voice hoarse. 32 raised it just enough to shoot the girl in the knee. The sound of them both crying and yelling was deafening.

"Tell me!"

"I won't give you shit, you fucking monster!" 32 raised the gun to the girl's head, giving the mother one last chance.

"Tell me now!"

Campbell sobbed and screamed, "NO!"

The sound of a gunshot filled the room, and the noise level was suddenly reduced to half. "NOOO!" Campbell sobbed uncontrollably as her daughter's form went limp. "You sick bastard! I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you!"

"You have two more children left," 32 said, not sign of the slightest remorse.

"You're a fucking monster! A monster!"

32 turned to leave once more, then Campbell finally broke. "No! I'll tell you! Just leave my family alone!" He stopped and holstered his gun. It was about damn time.
Jacob was extremely embarrased "sorry about that" he said. "Oh, i think someones calling me, got to go" he quickly said and teleported straight back to his room. He covered his eyes a little at the sight of his room, it was covered in neon light "What th-" he cut himself off quickly. This was strange. He was quite tired so he decided to lie down on his bed for a little bit.
"You didn't play any games?" He asked with a face of awe looking at her rabbit. When she asked about his box he became very excited and smiled at her. "Yeah this is my favorite would you like to see inside it and then we can play a game?" He asked just slightly opening the box as he grinned at her. Quincy swayed his head side to side as he waited for an answer from her. "And while we are doing that Ill show you my power." Quincy spoke with excitement in his voice.

@Lethal Multi\-Chara
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The school grounds were big. There was no doubt about it. There were plenty of spaces for all kids of powers to roam free. Swimming pools, a ginormous oval, a thick forest, and there must have been plenty more actually inside the school. Scarlett ran a hand through her hair, repositioned her headband and sighed. She wasn't going to be able to get through it all that day. She had absolutely no chance at all. Turning back to walk the way she had come, she gasped and then laughed nervously. She was an idiot. In all of her exploring, she had completely forgotten to remember from where she had come. Now, in some part of the school she was certain she hadn't been before, she was incredibly lost.

Looking around at her surroundings, she saw a set of dorms near by and figured she could probably go in there to ask where she was and if she could get back. Scarlett laughed at herself now. Good going Scar. You've really done it now. Getting lost on your first day too. You. Are. An. Idiot. She checked her location one more time, felt her fingers tingle with her power, and started walking over to the building to see if she could find anyone to help her. Feeling a little more secure with her hands alight, she didn't will it out and made certain not to stick them back in her pockets.
Through his aimless wandering Poet found himself in the dorm halls. He walked down the hall, passing by each one, a door was open to his right and he peeked in hoping he wasn't getting another shoe to the head. Instead he saw a girl get off of a guy who was in his back, laying in the floor. Rolling his eyes he kept going.

Through more aimless walking he found himself back at room 97.

Huh...too bad I didn't map this place out...

He opened the door and was pleasantly surprised that his lights were still going strong. He looked around the room, taking in his masterpiece when his gaze landed on the boy he met earlier...also the boy from the other dorm room. He knocked on the door to get his attention.

"You're fast..."
Lia watched as the boy disappeared again. A small frown was on her lips, but since she was invisible no one could see it. She took a deep breath and reappeared. She was in her room so all she did was grab a book and lay down. "The Fault In Our Stars" was the title. It was her favourite book, shes read it over 5 times! She sighed and grabbed her sisters old iPod, put her earbuds in, cranked the music and continued reading.

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"No not really..."

She began twining her hair around her finger, her blush increasing as her embarrassment grew. She was glad when he took to the inquiry about the toy box and couldn't help but giggle at his excitement. He really was like a little kid and it was admittedly kind of cute. He had a manner about that all children have, a fearlessness born from a desire to have as much fun as possible. She found herself nodding a genuine smile on her face. She really did want to play and it would be cool to see what his power was.

"Okay... Me and Kensii think that sounds like a lot of fun..."

An alley. Dumpsters. Cold ground. This was all that Myren saw and felt as he stood confused. At first he was running towards Jacob and Lia to tell them something with his hand on their shoulders. Then he was suddenly standing in an alley. In a distant, he could see the two on top of each other. Then during the next few minutes, they were gone....without him!! Myren wanted to frown....but he didn't (because he made a promise to his grandma before she died). He sighed loudly,"...guess I'll have to go there myself". Myren stood stiffly as smoke began to cover him until his body wasn't there. Then, like before, he began to rotate over and over. Eventually, he was rotating so fast that he was beginning to cause winds around him. ".....god please don't make me crash this time", he thought to himself as he zipped down the street, with winds tugging at pedestrian's clothes. While traveling down the street, Myren heard many ridiculous comments: There goes a silver bullet! Oh my goodness, I think I just dodged a cannon ball! Was that the missile from Mario Bros.?

These comments were understandable, for Myren knew that many were confused. But the Mario Brothers joke was totally uncalled for. Myren didn't know if he would be able to make the trip, but he forced himself to do so

*TIME SPAN 46 MINUTES* Myren crawled infront of the academy's entrance with puddles of sweat around his face. His mouth was drier than a desert and everything on him was hurting. "Guys *huff* I *puff* made it", he managed to say before he collapsed infront of the academy's door
Quincy smiled at her when she finally said that she would play with him and suddenly grabbed her hand opening the box as it seemed to suck them in like a black hole closing the box behind them. The box was unopenable by anyone but himself. Quincy laughed and smiled as they fell down with the wind in his hair and he looked over at her not letting go of her hand. The clouds around them looked like something from a cartoon and the plane ,where they finally landed softly into a pile of pillows, looked like something from a story book. The buildings were made of lincoln logs and legos. Tops spun around the city, cars raced around on a set course and stuffed animals were inhabiting the city.

Looking around he stood and smiled at her as he reached out to help her up. "So what do you wanna do first?" He said excitedly practically jumping up and down. "We could play hide and seek?" Quincy exclaimed and looked down at her rabbit Kensii. "Hey do you wanna see something cool?" He asked as if being taken to a whole new world wasn't enough.

@Lethal Multi\-Chara
Sirse had been surprised when he had taken her hand and even more so when they got sucked into the toy box. Clutching Kensii tightly to avoid dropping him, she had tried to take in everything despite the fact that her long deep silver hair kept blowing into her face. At one point she had glanced over at Quincy to see him smiling and laughing. The entire place was both curious and amusing at the same time. Everything looked like something out of a child's imagination, which she supposed it sort of was. As they landed on the pillows Sirse giggled, taking his hand as he helped her to her feet.

Standing back up she quickly adjusted her skirts and pushed her hair from her eyes so she could get a better look at the place. Everything was so colorful and lively and despite the brightly lit area she wasn't feeling weak. She tried to focus but Quincy had a habit of speaking fast, and she had just barely caught his first question before he asked another one. She grinned at the thought of playing hide and seek, it was one game that she was actually very good at.

"Hide and seek sounds fun... Oh but show me what's so cool first..."
Quincy looked back down at Kensii and his eyes glowed white for a brief moment. After they stopped glowing he smiled at her and spoke "See look!" He pointed a finger at the rabbit as it stared up at it owner and its ears twitched atop its head. Quincy smiled and jumped excited to play the game "Oh I guess I told you I would show you my power didn't I..." He said not realizing that he had already done so. He took a few steps back from her and rolled his head from his right shoulder to his left repeating this motion as his body puffed up and became fluffy. His eyes and face disappeared. The entire process was probably actually quite frightening despite his childlike nature but afterwords it left a gigantic brown teddy bear with buttons for eyes and a nose. "Ta dah!" Quincy said amused with himself and his now bear mouth not moving as he spoke.

@Lethal Multi\-Chara
She tilted her head to the side, curious as his eyes turned white for a moment. She was pondering this when he pointed at Kensii. The stuffed animal was gazing up at her, it's soft ears twitching. Sirse almost jumped in surprise, he had brought her stuffed rabbit to life. Turning Kensii to face her she nuzzled the rabbits nose with her own, giggling when it twitched its nose, plush limbs wiggling slightly. Her gaze returned to Quincy as he took a few steps back. Her eyes widened as she watched him turn into what was essentially the largest teddy bear she had ever seen. It was oddly adorable and much like the ability to bring toys to life it suited him.

"Oh wow... Is it okay if I touch you..?"

She tilted her head, blushing with embarrassment, but stepped closer none the less. She absolutely loved stuffed animals and to see such a giant teddy bear was exciting. She just really wanted to hug him, to see how soft he was as a teddy bear. Kensii in the mean time had climbed out of Sirse's arms to settle on her shoulders, little nose twitching slightly.
Quincy laughed at her amusement with the stuffed rabbit and happily hugged her in his huge bear form. He spun around in circles and laid down on the ground. "Sure you can touch but I still wanna play hide and go seek okay?" He said trying to make sure that they would eventually get to play the game. He sat up staring at her cocking his head to the side. As he asked her behind him was a family of wind up tin ducks that were walking toward presumably some body of water. The sun in the sky remained perfectly still and you could tell that it looked like something a child would have drawn with crayons.
"Kay we can play...though I don't know where such a big bear would be able to hide... Then again..."

She giggled running her fingers through his plush fur. She was pleased with the hug, as he had been just as fluffy as she had expected. She supposed it might be weird to some people, sitting inside a childlike world in a toy box with a boy who had just turned into a giant stuffed animal, but Sirse had gotten used to seeing some pretty weird things already at the Academy. She also found his carefree and energetic attitude oddly contagious. She was coming out of her shell a little bit, her shyness being replaced by a sort of joyful excitement. This was displayed in the way she was bouncing slightly on her toes as she spoke, moving Kensii back into her arms.

"So who's going to be it first... You, me, or Kensii...?"
Quincy smiled at the thought of it being hard for him to hide. "I wouldn't worry about that...You and Kensii can be it first Ill hide." He jumped up and down making the ground shake "and as soon as you fine me you get out of the Toy Box." He looked around curiously and thought "Now lets change playing field." He grinned as around them the ground started completely flipping over like tiles. Quincy stared at her with his smile waving good bye as the tile they stood on flipped. The sudden area they were now on was like night time with the moon drawn in the sky and tin owls in the trees with their necks clinking as they turned. However the strangest was that Quincy was no longer standing in front of her anymore but instead hundreds of bears that looked like him were just laying motionless on the ground or against trees. Some of the bears stood and walked around but overall it was actually quite a creepy scene. "Now find me..." A voice seemed to say from the sky.

@Lethal Multi\-Chara
Peter walked out of the library holding a few books on mutant powers, he then walked back to his dorm. When he arrived he was surprised to find the walls full of colored lights "what the?..." After looking around at the lights for a bit he settled on the other top bunk that Jacob hadn't claimed. Peter lay back on his bed and made a whole bunch of mints appear, he then made them hover and flow in different shapes. ((Sorry guys, I'm going to the beach now, I'll be gone for a while, you are welcome to puppet my character if you like)))
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