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Realistic or Modern Mutant Academy

[One week prior]

After reporting his information to Murphy, 32 was finally dismissed. He was led off to his own holding room, as he was as much a prisoner here as Campbell was. His, however, was a bit bigger. The door was reinforced, although he could still tear it from its hinges should he ever decide to. The room was filled wall to wall with lab equipment: an exam table, file cabinets, a couple computers, a small shower stall, a large tube shaped tank filled with mysterious, greenish fluid. And the centerpiece was a very frightening looking chair. It looked much like an electric chair, but made of metal. It sported cuffs on the arms and front legs for restrain, and a headpiece that looked like a helmet lined with nails. It had been wiped down many times, but there was the lightest hint of blood lingering here and there.

32 went and sat in the chair without even having to be told. The doctor in charge of his treatment came over with a clip board and sat down in front of him. "Subject: Experiment 32," The doctor said to himself as he wrote on the first form. "Your mission was a success, I've heard. Tell me, were you injured during this mission?"


"How so?"

"I was shot in the face."

"Care to show me where?"

32 lifted a hand to point to his lower right forehead, where the wound had long since healed. The doctors wrote on his paper and checked a few boxes. "Did you experience any effects of reset withdrawal this past week?"



"My head hurts." The doctor wrote and checked.

"Anything else?"

"I've been...having memories." 32 wasn't sure how to explain it. This whole procedure felt familiar; he'd done hundreds of times before. Yet he never remembered any of it. "I think it was my last mission. There was a man; he was important somehow. I had to make it look like an accident, so I forced him to swallow all of the sleeping pills he had on his dresser. He cried." 32 wasn't sure why that last part was significant; most of his targets cried.

The doctor wrote furiously. 'Subject remembering previous mission in vivid detail. Subject has gone past the recommended limit of time between resets. Signs of attitude change have been noted.' The older man looked up from his clipboard.

"Is there anything else?"

32 stared at him blankly.

"Okay then. The evaluation is over." He turned to the other scientists in the room and nodded to them as he stood. One came over and flipped a switch on the chair, making it hum to life. 32 tensed. All emotions had been beaten out of him, except for two: anger and fear. Anger to make him the ruthless killer he was, and fear to keep him under control. 32 remembered this chair, and he was afraid of it. However, he didn't dare budge from it.

The headpiece came on, the screw-like probes inside the helmet whirring. 32 trembled, his chest heaving with panic. Electricity buzzed off of them as they slowly lowered down on his head. The screws slowly drilled into his skull, through the skull, into his brain. The screams of agony that came from his mouth were practically inhuman. Blood trickled down his face as the treatment progressed for three full minutes, and then to electricity stopped. The screwed wound themselves out and the helmet rose off of his head. his short hair was wet with blood, his eyes wide and empty. 32 snapped back to reality when the scientists came back over to remove his restraints. His skull quickly began to heal, but his memory was fogged. Why was he in the chair? Had he defied orders? Had he failed a mission? He couldn't recall. It hurt to try and fight the fog inside his head, so he quickly gave up.

"Clean it up and give it its meal," Said one of the scientists in charge. The lower ranking white coats did so. One came over with a wet rag and wiped the blood off his face and head. Another came over with a bowl of what looked like greyish slop. 'No waste food', they called it. His body would use everything in it, seriously reducing the need to create bodily waste. From the way it tasted, it very much could have been bodily waste. But 32 was hungry, and the food was almost luke warm. He made short work of it, and gulped down the glass of water offered without questioning.

"Get it in the shower, then put it back to sleep." The head scientists said before leaving. The bowl was taken from 32 after he finished, and he was taken from the chair and led over to the shower stall. 32 stripped off his uniform and got in, the water cold. The blood that was missed from the wipe down tinted the water for a few moments before it ran clear again. 32 only stayed in long enough to wash off the sweat and grime from...whatever he had been doing before they reset him. Once he stepped out, he was taken to the tank of greenish fluid. They called it a 'stasis chamber'. It was where he slept.

32, although very capable of sleeping on his own, rarely ever did so. He was kept awake for days on end to complete missions, and then put into a medically induced coma in between activity to keep him from thinking too much outside of work. 32 held out his arm for the needle that held the sleeping agent. The moment it was injected, he could feel the effects starting to hit him. He managed to stay awake while monitors where attached to his chest, and a breathing mask to his face. He was then led up the steps to the top of the tube, where he slipped into the slimy substance. And there he slept: floating in green slime until someone else needed to be killed. His bionic heart glowed through the green substance in an almost surreal way.



32 was awoken by the green slime being drained out around him. His eyes opened groggily to peer out of the glass. He was in a different room than before, but this one was also familiar. He couldn't remember why. Scientists in a different uniform came to get him out, and 32 considered fighting them. But then he saw his handler there, watching him being awoken. He then became completely passive, waiting for his next order like the good soldier he was.

Once out of the tank, 32's mask was removed, along with the monitors. He was ushered into yet another small shower stall where he washed off the green slime. When he came out, a scientist handed him his typical black uniform. 32 began to dress as his next mission was explained to him.

"Weapon X has a special recon mission for you tonight," Explained his handler. That jogged some memories. 32 was like the child of two divorced parents: he was shipped back and forth between Weapon-X and FOH whenever he was needed. "You will take your usual gear in case of emergency, but your objective is to observe rather than to attack. There a school in New York that hosts mutant students. I want to go there and gather information. We want to know how many students there are, how many teachers there, if they have weapons, if they are planning anything. If a mutant kid picks his nose, we want to know about it."

"Yes sir," 32 said as he finished pulled on his black field coat. He pulled his mask on over his head, followed by his goggles.
The door opened to reveal a furry green man, it was Mr Lencher, Jacob gave Scarlett a look that said "i thought he was in the breakfast hall?"

"Why Hello, Jacob, Scarlett" he said in his deep and sophisticated voice, this was definitely not the voice he had heard earlier.

Mr Lencher stood there, right in the door way at '6,7" towering over Jacob and Scarlett. For a man covered in green fur he looked extremely sophisticated and was wearing a suit, Jacob knew about Mr Lencher before he arrived at The Mutant Academy because he was the Minister for Mutant rights or was it Mutant Affairs? he could never remember. All he knew was that Mr Lencher was an extremely respected and powerful mutant and not just in terms of his powers but in his influence and status.

"How do you-" Jacob began to say.

"I know the name of every child that attends this fine school Mr Murphy.." He knew his last name too?

"But please tell me why you attempted to walk through this door?" Wow this guy knows everything Jacob thought to himself.

"Well, uh.." Jacob was once again lost for something to say.

"We were just looking for the breakfast hall sir and we thought we'd ask a teacher in the staff room" Jacob quickly said to the school principal hoping that he would believe it and let them go, afterall he was one of few people who could kick Jacob out of The Mutant Academy.

"Then why didnt you knock first?" Mr Lencher replied

Wow, now Jacob was truly stuck on what to say, he couldnt think of anything, he felt like teleporting away but he knew that wouldnt solve anything. His only hope now was if Scarlett could think of some sort of excuse.
"As I'm sure you know sir, Jacob's a teleporter. Having the ability to walk through doors and walls removes the instinct of simply trying doorknobs and knocking. I don't think it occurred to him to actually try either. The brain forgets about things it no longer needs. When Jacob and I realized that we couldn't use our powers on the door, thats when I tried it out. To see if it was really the same for everyone. It's quite a safeguard." Scarlett supplied with a diplomatic smile. "Excuse our interruption, sir. This school is quite enormous and we've both become very lost on multiple occasions. I have a feeling that's not quite finished either. If you would kindly tell us the directions to breakfast, we would really appreciate."

Scarlett glanced over at Jacob, shooting him a return look that she meant to say, 'I said he probably was. Not definitely. Did you get it? A good view?' It was a huge dishonour and a death wish for anyone to lie to Mr. Lencher. Not only was he a completely honourable man, but his height kind of scared her too. She couldn't quite remember what his power was, but she was sure it wasn't just the ability to grow green fur on the body. As a result, of her good nature, she hadn't told a lie. Of course, she hadn't told the whole truth, but everything she said was reality. Jacob hadn't knocked because the thought didn't occur to him to try it, she had actually been looking for breakfast when she has stumbled across this "mission", and now, she did just want to have the opportunity to simply talk with Jacob about their options and limited evidence. Turning back slightly to face Mr. Lencher, she offered another hopefully innocent smile and hoped that they would be produced with no more questions.
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Trees and fields passed by as Ava looked at them through the back seat window. That's all there was, trees and fields, more trees and more fields. Ava couldn't stand it, being cooped up in this car with a lady she barely knew. Ava didn't wanna listen to anything she had to say hence why she had her iPod music cranked all the way up. What happened? How did she even get in this mess? Ava returned to looking out the window as she started to think about the past events that led up to this very moment....


It was mid day as Ava walked down the boardwalk passing all the little stores selling little trinkets to tourist. You could hear the ocean waves hitting the shore in the background of all the noise. That was probably one of Ava's favorite sounds, It reminded her of the good times she had with her mom. She never wanted to leave the beach. It was peaceful. Relaxing. Ava could feel herself pulling away from reality and into a daydream but was quickly pulled back by a scream from a near by store "HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" Ava sprinted over to where she heard the screams and ran smack dab into the crook that was robbing the store. Both Ava and the robber hit the floor, sending the bag stolen goods flying every where. The robber hurried to try and pick up as much as he could so he could take a run for it. Ava noticed what he was doing and just reached out her hand drawing in every piece of stolen goods the robber had taken. She got up on her feet stumbling at first but started to run after the robber. He wasn't going to get away from her Ava would make sure of that. Weaving in and out of people Ava hauled butt through the crowd of tourist. Feeling a pulse of cold energy Ava lunged at the robber freezing his feet to the pier. Ava and the robber both hit the deck and she gets around him and looks down at him. Huffing and puffing Ava manages to squeeze out "Finally I got you.." The look on the mans face was complete horror. The robber mustered up the energy to yell out "MUTANT!" pointing a finger right at Ava's face "SHE'S A DANGEROUS MUTANT! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!" Ava's face was struck with horror now as everyone was frightened by her. When Ava went to go run off she fell to the floor paralyzed looking up at a dark man holding his hand over her, Weak from what this man was doing she blacked out.

Ava awoke on a office couch with a blanket draped over her. Ava started to panic inside and went to make a run for it till a lady with blonde hair and fair skin walked into the room and shut the door behind her. "Oh you're awake. That's good, time to get down to business" The lady flashed a smile but it quickly faded once she realized the look on Ava's face. "Sweetie I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to help you." Ava's posture was still tense and guarded "Where am I?" she asked anger filling her voice. The lady smiled and told her that she was in an office that helped mutants like her find out where they belong. Ava sputted at what the lady was saying "I know where I belong, I don't need you to tell me." The woman frowned at Ava's remark and turned to sit down at her desk. "My name is Mrs. Crawford and I'm here to escort you to Mutant Academy. You aren't of legal age yet and its against the law for you not to go to school. And you can't go to regular school so your father wanted us to send you to Mutant Academy so you can get help." Ava became furies at what the woman said "I don't have a father! He died along with my mother a long time ago! you talk about my powers like they're some kind of disease that needs to be treated! I don't need your help lady I'm fine on my own!" Ava went to get up and walk out of that office but found herself unable to move "W-why can I move?" Mrs. Crawford smiled as she said "It's because I'm stopping you. You aren't the only one here with powers darling just let us help you." Feeling defeated Ava hung her head. She looked back up at the woman with defeat in her eyes and said softly "Fine, When do we leave to this stupid school" Mrs. Crawford smile got wider as she called for a girl named jenny to come into the room. As jenny entered she was told to go get a suit case and to meet Mrs. Crawford out by the car. Mrs. Crawford looked at Ava and Smiled "You leave now, The school is already expecting your arrival."


Ava heard a beeping noise in her ear, She looked down at her IPod and sighed. It was about to die. She turned off her music and shoved the device into her jacket pocket and continued to look out the window. The scenery had changed to rocks and hill sides. Jenny looked through the rear view mirror and smiled "Good you finally took your ear buds out, We're almost there anyways." Sarcasm filled Ava's voice "I'm completely over joyed" She rolled her eyes and continued to look out the window. Jenny frowned "Look I know you aren't thrilled to be going here but Mutant Academy is an amazing school I went there and I learned so much." Ava turned to look at jenny in the rear view. Her voice was cold "But you didn't have my power" Ava turned to look back out the window and realized that they were pulling down a driveway. Jenny pulled the car around to the front gates of the school. Standing in front of them was a large green man dressed with sophisticated swagger. Jenny turned off the car and got out to shake the large green mans hand. Ava grabbed her things and slowly got out of the back seat. Ava couldn't believe her eyes. This place was so big and beautiful. She walked over to Jenny and the big green man. She waited to be shown around. Thinking jenny was coming with she turned to the surprise that jenny was driving off. Before Ava could say a word jenny was long gone in a cloud of dust leaving Ava with the big scary green man.
Lia frowned slightly as Jacob just ignored her as though she weren't there. She looked down at herself to make sure she wasn't invisible. Sometimes that actually happened, she did it during class once at her normal school. But this time she wasn't invisible. She quietly turned around and walked the other direction.

She found where her first class was held and sat at the back. She made herself gp invisible and crossed her arms leaning back in her seat.
Mr lencher looked at at both Scarlett and Jacob, Jacob could tell that he was still unconvinced, Mr Lencher was an extremely smart man.

"Very Well, I have a new student to welcome to the school so Margaret here will escort you both to the Breakfast hall" Mr Lencher replied as he getured to a Woman walking down the hall towards them. Jacob assumed this was the Secretary.

"And you may want to eat quickly, Your Mutant history class starts in 20 minutes" Mr Lencher said to the pair of them before walking off down the hall.

Jacob had a strange feeling that Mr Lencher knew what he was trying to do.

"This way" The woman called Margaret said sharply to them while walking quickly down the hall. Jacob followed behind Margaret keeping a few steps behind her so he could talk to Scarlett without Margaret hearing them.

"Now what? We could always come back at night?" Jacob mumbled to Scarlett. Night time would be a great opportunity to see if they could get in to the staff room. Jacob had made sure to capture as much of the inside of the staff room as he could while trying to look past Mr Lencher.
"I think that will be our best opportunity. Hopefully, all of the teachers will be be asleep and the students too. We'll go at midnight or something. I want you to know that I'm coming with you though. I'm too far apart of this now just for you to leave me behind. Come to the dorm and I'll be prepared for you to take us both into the room. I seriously doubt that the entire room would be power proofed. Probably just the perimeter so no one can get in." Scarlett advised him, before smiling slyly.

"I can't believe we just did that though. Lied to Mr. Lencher. Did you see his face? He totally didn't believe us, but at least he didn't press us for information. I don't know what I would have done if that happened. I couldn't even make up a lie as I was talking to him. Though, I still am rather surprised you didn't try and knock first. Wouldn't that have been awkward if you had actually been able to walk through and he was just in there. What kind of excuse would you say then? Not the same one you gave him. You'd have been alone too. We're in this together now, okay? Don't leave me behind. I'm sure we'll have to talk more later on about a proper plan but obviously not while she's around, and just before Mutant History. First class of the day and twenty minutes for breakfast."

Harmonia awoke late, of course. It had to be her luck. She quickly brushed through her hair, cringing as she did, getting all the knots out as she sighed, staring her green eyes into the mirror. She smiled at her reflection and put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a red t-shirt. Not many people lived in the dorms, mostly people that either lived too far from the school, or parents disowned because of the "mutany."

Harmonia made it downstairs for breakfast, casually sitting on her own with her guitar strapped to her back, eating an apple and some strawberries. She was a vegetarian so she was rarely seen eating meat. She popped a few strawberries into her mouth as she read some sheet music, tapping her fingers along with the beat. She had some time to kill before she had to go to history, so she'd wait and learn some sheet music to different songs.

( So I tried to read through as many posts as I could xD But there was just a lot. Anyone wanna help sum up?)
Rays of morning sunshine filled the room, his roommates were gone leaving Poet by his lonesome. Groaning he rolled out of bed, quickly got changed. First his black jeans, he pulled on a black undershirt, donned and slightly zipped his maroon jacket, slipped on his sneakers, pushed his sleeves up to his elbows, rubbed his tattoos for a bit, realized he was just stalling now, and left the room for his first class.

Poet didn't remember which classes he had in what order so he decided to find one...he eventually came to a Mutant History class. He stepped inside, only a few people were there...must be breakfast time or something, he walked into the class, he never was a breakfast person.

(( sorry I've been gone, busy weekend ))
"You have 10 minutes to eat breakfast and get to class" Margaret said sharply before turning and leaving.

Jacob still hadnt made up his mind about if he would take Scarlett with him or not, this could dangerous and from past experience he knew that doing dangerous things with another person could sometimes be a burden, What if he had to escape quickly? He would have to be close enough to Scarlett to hug her because unlike some other teleporters if he was only touching them, they could end up anywhere along the way.

"Uh, we better hurry" Jacob said to Scarlett as he looked around the hall, it turned out that the breakfast hall was the main hall they had had the assembly in, now there were 4 long wooden tables that stretched the entire hall. Alot of students were starting to leave the hall, probably on their way to class Jacob thought to himself. There were plates and baskets of food placed ontop of the tables. Jacob quickly moved to the nearest table and grabbed a sandwich. He was starving.

He didnt see any of his roommates in the breakfast hall, he assumed they were already in class. Where was there Mutant History class? Jacob remembered that he had left his class sheet in his room, lucky he could teleport. He suddenly appeared in his room, like he suspected, no one was there. He quickly searched his desk and found the sheet of paper. Mutant History - Room 4 it read.

He quickly teleported back to the Hall, in the exact same spot he was standing before. He looked around for Scarlett.

((Scarlett can lead the way to the class, just say that i go with you in the next post, we need to hurry to class))
Harmonia grabbed an apple for the way as she walked past a few kids. They stared at her strangely, then again she had a huge guitar strapped to her back. She walked to the Mutant History room, walking and sitting in the back by the window, where she proceeded to stare out. She lightly placed her guitar on the ground, along with her folder FULL of sheet music. She grabbed a notebook and a pen for this class, beginning to draw elegantly on the front page: Mutant History.
Quincy woke early that morning because of some hunger pains he had so waited for the cafeteria to open up and went in for a large meal before the first class of the day which was suppose to Mutant history. He sat at a table alone with his plate full of bacon and pancakes completely soaked in syrup. He loved anything that had lots of sugar in it and syrup was of course one of those. Every bite to him was like eating clouds from heaven above. After finishing his food he took up his tray and handed it to the nice lunch ladies in the cleaning area and then made his way to the mutant history class sitting in the center front of the classroom.

Once he got there he started looking around the room for someone he knew and he sighed audibly. After noticing the girl from the day before was not yet there he brought out some jacks from his pocket. He started playing a game by himself on the surface of his desk waiting for the teacher to start the lesson. Quincy had never really been found of school because it was boring and he felt like his parents taught everything to him at home.
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"Here we are, miss!" her taxi-driver announced from the drivers' seat.

Rosemary basically leaped to the other seat in the cab and peered through the window upon the Academy, with glaring eyes. Such a sight to behold. So this was where she would spend the next couple of years of her life. "Thanks for the ride!" she said with enthusiasm and gave the taxi-driver the travelling-money she'd been given by her parents before leaving home. She opened the door, as the taxi-driver turned his head to give her the change. "Keep the change, and have a nice day!" she added whilst jumping out of the car. She pulled her travelling-bag out of the car and slung it over her shoulder and closed the cardoor, fumbling to find the list of classes she was supposed to attend. Mutant History and a time set behind it. "Oh.. Oops." she mumbled to herself and started jogging towards the entrance. Great. Her first day, already late for the arrivals, AND late for class. Ohwell, she'd just have to get her ass moving and find someone to guide her way to the classroom.
Scarlett watched as Margaret turned sharply away, Jacob literally disappeared without confirmation but he had a sandwich, and she couldn't see any of the other girls from her dorm in the big hall so that she could go and introduce herself. She sighed and walked over to a near by table, grabbing a red apple, a bottle of apple juice and a slice of cheese. It wasn't much of a breakfast but she figured that she wasn't entirely that hungry. Not just because she had just seen a guy eating a plate full of syrup covered bacon and pancakes, but because of some kind of murderous plot that was beginning to go underway. It all sounded so sinister and in her past experiences, that never turned out well for any who were involved. She popped the cheese into her mouth and was turning when she saw Jacob reappear with a class timetable in his hands.

Scarlett smiled and walked back over to him, "You're back and you've got breakfast. Let's go to class." Jacob followed after her and she assumed that he hadn't been to the room before. Thankfully for them both, however bad she was at navigation and finding things, they has actually just been in the building where the classrooms were all situated. Room 4, Mutant History wasn't a tough find and it seemed that there were people sitting in there already. Scarlett chose an empty seat near the window, and Jacob sat down somewhere too. Her books were back in her dorm room but since the start to the morning had been a pretty busy day, she figured she could always ask someone near by if she could borrow a pen and paper. Although, it wasn't usual that a teacher actually started teaching on the first day, especially when all of the students were new to the school. Scarlett certainly had no impressions however, that going to Mutant Academy was going to be anything like normal school.
Class begins

Jacob spotted Scarlett waling towards him, he followed her out of the hall. They walked around a little bit until they saw a building that had
rooms 1-9 written on a metal sort plaque. They entered the building and Jacob realised it was the same building that the staff room was in, the building they had just come out of earlier. He noticed the Carven wooden staff room door at the end of the hall.

Almost halfway down the hall, they found room 4. When they entered Jacob noticed that there were laready quite a lot of students there. He looked around and noticed a few of his roommates were already there. The boy he had only breifly met who could maipulate neon was sitting near the back of the room, he watched Scarlett go and sit across the other side of the room and then he went and set next to Poet.

"Uh, hi" he said before a man entered the room, the man was bold and looked like he was around 40 or so. "Quiet!" The man called the class. The room went silent. "Hello and welcome to Mutant History! I am your teacher for this year, Mr Bennett" The words "Mr Bennett" appeared behind him on the Black board, as if an invisible man was writing them. "I see most of you do not have your books, that is fine for this lesson but please bring them at our next lesson on Thursday" He said again.

The next hour of class was spent talking about the history of Mutants "The first publicly know Mutant appeared in 1962" he went on to say. "But many people believe that Mutants have beeen around before Jesus Christ!" Everyone was expected to write this information down and Jacob's hand started to hurt.
Scarlett squirmed in her seat, wondering if she should indeed get something to write all of the information down. Mr. Bennett had stated that they didn't need to worry about it all for that lesson, but she was still regretting her decision. She would have to try and remember it all then. From past and previous knowledge, she knew a bit about the history of mutants and some major, influential people who had such a role in trying to improve the lives of their kind, but she assumed that she would learn an entirely different kind.

Back in elementary school, her teacher had taught them about mutants, but it had always been quite biased. The teacher's son had turned out to be a mutant and she had disowned him instantly. Any information they gained was mostly hateful and destructive, outlining the worst cases of mutant caused events. In this class however, she was growing of the opinion that this wouldn't be so difficult to hear.

As Mr. Lencher was an activist for mutant rights, it meant he had the belief that mutants and humans could work effectively together. Any opposition towards humans, would presumably, not be permitted within the classes. History had always been an interesting subject. Scarlett's biggest worry about completing such a task would be about how fast Mr. Bennett was going to write up his notes and then take them down.

Scarlett glanced around the room and tried to recognize any of the girl's from her dorm room. Whether thy hadn't actually decided to show up, or she just couldn't see them, she figured she was actually quite alone at the moment. Just like normal school then. She smirked at that thought and looked down at her desk, listening to her teacher speak about mutant history reaching all the way back to before Jesus Christ. If she were to consider it, Jesus was probably a mutant himself. It would explain all of the water to wine changing, the walking on water and possibly the stories about healing. To say that she was a religious person, was quite an understatement. She preferred atheist.
Poet sat in the back of the class all by his lonesome, just how he liked it. Unfortunately he was never good with schools and sitting through lectures so he was a bit nervous. A steady thump resonated from his "desk" as he rapidly tapped his fingers, silently mouthing the lyrics to a song. He watched students file in, some openly showed off their powers, others just kept it to themselves. Then Jacob and some girl with red hair walked in together.

Poet smirked, the semester just started and he's seen Jacob with two girls...the first time might have been a bit intimate, he was glad he didn't see the whole thing. He watched Jacob walk to the back, his eyes locked on the seat next to him. Jacob greeted him with a rather nervous or unsure sounding hello but Poet returned the favor. Before we could say anything, the teacher walked in, silencing everyone, Poet rolled his eyes. Then the lesson began.

Poet scribbled and wrote like a maniac, the professor wouldn't stop for breathers, he constantly lectured and Poet was starting to falter, by the end of the class only 50% of the lesson was recorded in his notebook. When class ended he gave a mighty sigh and turned to Jacob.

"You get all that?"

Harmonia had her sheet music off the the side on her desk as she grabbed her favorite red and black pens, beginning to write out the notes, making sure to copy down every thing. The teachers voice was absolutely annoying. She tried to remember some music in her head as she copied down the notes, tapping her foot along with the beat she was hearing in her head, that was until she heard another boy tapping as well.

Harmonia chuckled and tapped along with the boy until the teacher gave her a dirty look. She almost instantly tensed up and stopped as she went back to writing her notes, tapping her pen to a certain beat as her blonde hair went over her face. She bit her lower lip, sighing as she looked up at the teacher, glancing up as she listened to the teacher, getting down all the notes, and rather neatly at that.

When the class ended she gathered her things, making sure nobody touched her guitar, it was her favorite thing, and it was clear she was a musical genius.. But nobody touched her weapon. Sure, she could get a new guitar, but nothing was as special as this one..

Ava was left by herself with the dean of Mutant Academy. She looked around trying to avoid his gaze but eventually had to look at him. The big green hair man towered over her with a big smile on his face. "Hello and welcome to Mutant Academy. I am the dean of Mutant Academy, Mr. Lencher. I see you have all your stuff still, Why don't we first go put that in your room and then head off to your first class." His voice bellowed. It was deep and loud and it kinda reminded Ava of a lions roar. She slightly smirked "O-okay.." her voice was soft and you could hear the nervousness in her voice. Mr. Lencher walked quickly over to the building that held Ava's dormroom. Since Mr. Lencher was so tall Ava had a hard time keeping up with him.

They finally arrived at Ava's room, "Now this is where you'll be living this year." Mr. Lencher pulls a key from his pocket and hands it to Ava. Ava looked down at his hand, It was ginormous! Especially compared to hers. She softly took the key and unlocked the door. As she opened the door it squeaked alittle bit but the room looked cozy enough. Ava found text books on her bed for every class that she was taking and looked over at Mr. Lencher giving a look that said 'Do I really need to take all these?' Mr. Lencher laughed, "My dear, All you need to bring out of that stack is the book for mutant history, That's about it for right now. But we do need to hurry, I have to get you to class." Mr. Lencher turned around on his heels and started to walk to the stairs. Avas eyes widened "Oh sh*t!" Ava quickly grabbed the book off her bed and started to run after Mr.Lencher shutting the door behind her. She finally caught up with him , Panting and out of breath but she still caught up to him. He looked down at Ava and started to chuckle "Im sorry my dear I'm the type of person that likes to get stuff done and fast." panting and outta breath Ava looks up at him "Yeah I realized that." "AHH we are here" Ava found herself outside of a door that read "Mutant History" She felt nervous for some reason, Maybe it was the thought that she hasn't been to school in so long she didn't know what to expect. She took a deep breath and regained her composure. She looked up and Mr. Lencher who had a look on his face that read 'Are you ready?' Ava nodded and followed the man inside.

A pulse of energy filled Ava as she entered the room. So many powers in just one little room, It was painful for Ava to be in here. She grimaced but tried to keep her composure. When Mr.Lencher walked into the class room everyone seemed to have lost their voice and turned toward him and Ava. "Good Morning class, I would like to introduce you to Ava Smith, She is new to your class and I would find it very much appreciative if one of you would team up and help her find her way around school, I would do it myself but I have a lot of work that needs to be done. I'll leave you to it then." He looked down at Ava and smiled "If you need anything just come to my office okay?" With that being said Mr. Lencher walked out of the class and shut the door. All eyes were on Ava now and she didn't like that one bit. She saw that there was one last desk in the back of the room that's he quickly made a B-line for. She down in it and looked around two boys were staring at her as she took off her hood. "What are you looking at." She hissed at them but they just turned away. She looked out the window feeling a little bad that she was mean to those guys but they were staring at her like she had three heads. The pain was still there and she could feel it. To much power was surging through her and it hurt. She grimaced again grabbing her stomach.
Rose shoved the door to the academy-building open with one hand, as her other hand was taken by her mid-sized suitcase filled with the little things she'd bothered to bring from home. "Oh.." she murmured as her gaze travelled over the inside of the academy-door. It was HUGE. Especially compared to the little town she came from. "Well.. This won't be a nightmare to navigate.." she mumbled sarcastically to herself with a grump noise as her eyes moved to the watch on her arm. She was REALLY late. Her eyes was frantically scanning the room for someone to ask for directions, but she found herself alone by the entrance. Seemed like it would be a LONG first day at school. "Better get to it!" she whispered in a overly enthusiastic tone with a grimace on her face and started down one of the hallways.

She passed door after door, none with the sign "MUTANT HISTORY" engraved or written on them. She stopped at the end of the hallway and narrowed her eyebrows, in a thoughtful matter. Once again she looked at her watch and cussed to herself as she'd missed ATLEAST half the first class. She turned on her heel and half-jogged back the hallway she came from and returned at the entrance - Where she'd been earlier.

"Let's try this way then.." she mumbled to herself, and looked about her. She covered her mouth with her hand and giggled silently. Why on earth was she talking to herself? Probably nerves. She felt the annoyance grow like a small tumor in her head from not being able to figure her way, right behind her forehead. It was similar to a headache, but she pushed it back, forcing a smile back onto her face as she was skipping down the other hallway. A few minutes later she stopped as she saw the door labeled with "MUTANT HISTORY", and caught herself in wanting to jump of relief. Her mind was starting to play tricks on her, asking if this was the right school..

She took a deep breath, and braced herself for the awkward situation she'd be in once she opened that door, not only late, but almost too late to the very first class she'd have. She turned the knob, and entered the room with a nervous smile placed on her face. Her green eyes gleaming. But as she entered the room, most of the student were putting their stuff back into their bags, leaving one by one. She sighed and stepped aside to let them pass.
Poet was in the process of trying to memorize the portion of the lesson he wasn't able to write down when the green-haired man came in, the voices hushed and there was no noise at all, save for Poet's tapping which he kept up. The green-haired man introduced a blond haired girl.

Guess she missed yesterday.

He saw it, all eyes on her and she didn't like it, but she powered through it, making her way to the back of the room, she noticed Poet and Jacob looking at her and she got rather nasty.

"What are you looking at?"

Poet jerked his head away, feeling a bit awkward that he and Jacob out of all people were called out when the class was entirely quiet.

A little while later, yet another girl walked in, right when everyone else started leaving. On his way out of the class he stopped by the girl that had called him out, burning the word "sorry" on her desk in neon, leaving without a word after. Passing by the girl who walked in a little late, he patted her lightly on the arm.

"You'll get it next time."

And left to find something to do.
The energy that Ava was feeling started to go away and so did the pain. Ava looked down at her book and notice the word 'Sorry' was burned into her desk in neon. "What the-" Ava was taken by surprise, Who wrote that on her desk? One of the boys she hissed at? She started to feel even more terrible than she did before.

Great, way to go Ava, That's an awesome way to start out making friends

She sighed, got up and started walking out of the class. She didn't know where she was going or where she had to go next but all she knew was she had to get away from all these mutants and fast. Hitting the hall way the Energy started to hit her again. This time like a tidal wave. There was so many people in the hallway switching classes or going back to there dorms that it was to much for Ava to take. She let out a loud groan and dropped her books gripping onto her stomach. But the pain wasn't stopping at her stomach the more powers that got around her the more she absorbed and the more pain she felt. It started with her stomach now at her head. She let out a faint scream as she took both hands to her head. She looked up trying to find an opening to where she can get out into the court yard but all she saw was more students walking by all looking at her like she was some freak. "You've got to be f*c- UGH" Ava was in to much pain. She moved her way to the wall to help her stand forgetting about her books. The pain felt like a brain splitting migraine only it was 10 times as worse. She remembered getting these as a kid. When they were in crowded places like this. She could only take so much before she faints and she knew it was coming. It happened to her once when she was 10, When her mother took her to the fair. The pain was so terrible she ended up fainting in line for cotton candy. As she got older the pain got less and less painful but it had been so long since she had felt a pain like this.

Ava bit on her lip as she made her way scaling the wall to get to the end of the hallway. She needed to get out. She had to get out.

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