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Realistic or Modern Mutant Academy

Jacob stood up after finishing clapping at the furry green man who was the headmaster or principle. Immediately there was a rush of students to the huge posters to check out their rooms. Jacob looked over to the posters. "Uh.. well ill see you guys later" he said to the boy and girl he just met, before disappearing into thin air and reappearing at the poster, he scanned the names until he found his room, and the 3 other boys in his room. "hmm room 97" he said to himself ((girls room is 106)). He teleported out of the crowd and landed directly in the middle of a conversation between a rather bulky guy and another boy who looked like he was glowing neon. "Uh hi... room 97?" he asked
Kyle, startled, took an athletic hop back as another boy materialized next to him. "Woah. Talk about sneaking up on someone." His look of surprise was soon replaced by his regular grin and he took a step back into the triangle the three made. "Yeah we're in that one." Kyle stuck out his hand, "I'm Kyle Rhodes. How about you?" He leaned casually to his left side and had his left hand hooked in his pocket. He looked the new boy up and down before returning his own amber eyes to meet Jacob's blue gaze.
Scarlett slid her headband onto her hair, stuffing her latest presents into her backpack as the assembly ended. She laughed as Jacob teleported away from them, and she decided to take the only possible course for her to see what room she would be staying in. To walk. "Thanks for the gifts. I'll see you later." She said to the rest of the people who she had been sitting with.

It took her a few moments until she was able to see what room she was in, other mutants were either pushing or using their powers to check everything out. Scarlett kept her hands in her pockets and eventually was able to see that she would be staying in room 106 with a couple of other girls. Making her way back out of the crowd, she decided she could probably start making her way to her room and finding out who she was going to be living with.
Poet was in the middle of a conversation with this big guy when another boy just appeared in front of them. Kyle jumped back in an impressive manner while Poet just stumbled back, a puff of neon shot out of his body involuntarily.

"Hoooo my god!"

Poet was taking deep breaths, something so sudden really taking it's toll. He heard something about room 97, he slightly relaxed.

"Uh...yeah, room 97 here...Poet."

He held out his hand.
Mila looked confused when she called it ‘umbramancy’, but when she clarified she nodded her head in understanding. “That’s an interesting ability, how exactly do you manipulate a shadow?” she asked her. She had never heard about something like that, not even on the internet where you could really check out a lot of different abilities nowadays.

She tapped two fingers against the strap of her duffelbag. “Well, under these gloves I have these… patterns that has electricity running through them, and it can basically be used to hack into any sort of technology,” she explained, and then added. “Or it can be used to shock a person’s brain…” she chuckled dryly.

Then she looked toward the dorms. “Want to head to our room?” she asked her.
Blake looked around the halls, with gloves on tight. "Normal day..." He muttered. It was more a wish than a statement, as something always seemed to go wrong...he closed his eyes, and started his walk again. "I wonder if..." He shook his head. No one ever talks to him....
Jacob noticed that he had given both the boys a bit of a scare "oh, uh sorry about that" he said to them while shaking both their hands. "Im Jacob by the way" he said .Uh should we go to our room? i would teleport us there but i dont know what it looks like sooo i cant" He said. He had got used to teleporting alot and walked alot less then the average person. He walked off (followed by the other boys?) towards the entrance/exit of the hall, so he had met two of his room mates, who would be the fourth?
Peter watched the two girls he had just met walk away "bye" he said he walked to the board with the names on it. "Hmmm... I'm in... 97 that's right" he turned around and started pushing his way through the crowd, put as he pushed his way through the last person he suddenly was falling out of the crowd... And right into a Tough-looking redheaded guy. "Oh, umm excuse me, I wasn't watching where I was going" he turned around to run but then remembered that people here were like him and probably wouldn't be so harsh. He turned around and saw the guy "ummmm, room 97?" Then he saw the other guys, one who appeared to have a small cloud of neon light coming out of him and... Jacob! "Oh, hi Jacob, seems we will be in the same dorm."
Lia smiled and gave Peter his bird back "ill see you around" she gave the bird a quick stroke on its feathers then made her way over to the board and saw her room number. With a shrug she started walking to her room. She shyly knocked before she entered then opened the door. She smiled looking around the room then went over to an empty bed.

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A mist of black smoke floated through the air and towards the school door. It entered from under the door and made it inside. Suddenly, the cloud began to form arms and legs until it eventually made out a human boy: Myren. He giggled to himself as he looked down the hallway. Now where is my dorm..", he muttered to himself as looked from side to side uselessly. ".....well. It wouldn't hurt to look for my dorm quicker than I can on feet". A bigger smile spread across Myren's face as he snapped his fingers and in the same instant, was a cloud of smoke. He fluttered up to the ceiling and entered the second floor. He squeezed through plenty of walls until he found his dorm: Dorm 95. "Home, sweet home", he said to no one. "...or maybe dorm sweet dorm". He laughed at the corny joke and set all of his bags down. He then left the dorm and wandered the academy on foot instead of using his smoke powers. When he made it to a busy room, he saw a fellow instantly move from place to place without walking...or jumping.....or floating. "...teleportation, huh". Near the fellow, there was a student on with his hands on fire and he was standing calmly. ((This is a NPC guys)) "....so this guy can manipulate fire? Well, there sure is alot of smoke", Myren thought to himself as he instantly found himself forming out of the student's hands. He could see the student's confused look on his face. "Don't worry man! Your fire was giving out smoke....and I can control and transport through smoke so...I thought it would be kinda...uhh.....funny", he scratched his head nervously as he smiled.
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"Oh that's interesting... Does it hurt...you I mean... All that electricity...?"

She tilted her head to the side a bit, an expression of genuine wonder on her face. As waited for the girls response she crouched, tucking her book back into her bag and then pulling it up on to her back. Grabbing her parasol, she squeezed the stuffed rabbit a bit tighter to her chest. She made a soft motion that indicated they should indeed start heading to the dorm. Turning she began to wind her way out of the crowd and towards the exit to the hall. Out if habit Sirse clung to the shadows as they moved towards the exit. Reaching the front door of the hall she opened her parasol, bringing it up to cover her as she stepped outside. Standing just outside the door she waited for Mila.
Jacob turned at the voice to see Peter, "Oh, cool.." he started to say before a crowd of students started moving towards the exit, he got pushed a little bit and called out "uh.. ill meet you guys in our room" he said as the crowd continued to push eachother towards the exit. He was finally pushed out of the hall, he looked around everyone was heading down the halls and up and down stairs, he had no idea where to start, he looked around and saw a girl holding a stuffed rabbit but decided not to say anthing, he just wanted to find his dorm, the crowd was so thick that he just decided to walk through them, literally. He made himself no longer have any mass, so basically he could move through anything. Students gasped as he walked straight through their bodies "Uh sorry" he said. He regained his mass at the front of the crowd and quickly moved up a set of stairs and turned down a crowded hallway looking for his dorm room, after less then a minute of searching he found it. Room 97. He tried to turn the knob, locked. He couldnt be bothered searching through his suitcase for his key so he just walked straight through the door. The room was quite large, 4 sets of drawers and 4 desks and 2 bunk beds.
Peter walked through the crowd, trying not to push anybody, eventually he saw a laminated piece of paper taped to the wall, saying: dorms 90-99. He walked down the hall until he saw the room with gold painted numbers saying 97 on the door, he tried the handle, the door was locked. Then he had an idea, he seemed to be able to have full control over everything he makes, his Hawk being completely loyal and seeming to come to him whenever h called it in his head. He put Jack on the floor and Jack flew to the windowsill at the end on the hall. To test he made a mint appear on the floor, he then held out his hand like a Jedi using the force, and, to his surprise, it rose off the ground "that is so cool!!!" He said aloud, he held his hand over his mouth. He created some air, made it flow into the lock and got a picture in his mind of what shape it was inside. He then made the air disappear and created a key out of Tin, he put it I the lock and turned, the door unlocked! He opened the door to see Jacob already inside "How did you get in here?"
Myren impatiently sighed as he saw a huge crowd bombard the hallway. Instantly, held his arms out as smoke began to devour his body. Before long, Myren was a full mass of smoke. In smoke form, he easily went around everyone. He could see a few coughing from inhaling the smoke. "..sorry guys!", he called to them, even though they didn't know who said it, for he was only a cloud of smoke. In front of him, he saw the same fellow who was teleporting walk through the students! 'Geez, how many powers does he have', Myren thought to himself as he watched the person walk through the dorm door. Seeing this excited Myren. He HAD to introduce himself. Without waiting, he entered through the door's cracks and saw two people, who were most likely roommates. Quickly, the smoke began to form arms and legs until he became normal again. While on solid ground, Myren sneezed, exhaling a little smoke left over. He then held out his hand to one of the two roommates,"Hi guys! I'm Myren! Nice to meet you". With a big smile on his face, Myren hoped that he didn't get classified by them as a weirdo.
Jacob heard someone enter behind him, It was Peter he seemed surprised the Jacob was in there, due to the door being locked "Oh, uh i can sort of walk through walls too" he said. He suddenly saw smoking coming through the key hole behind Peter and before he knew it, the smoke had taken the form of a boy. Wow thats something he had never seen before, sure there were alot of people with the common powers like fire manipulation, shapeshifting, flying and even his own power he thought this was quite unique. "Hi, Im Jacob and this is Peter" He replied to the boy who had introduced himself as Myren.
"Well it's nice to meet you Jacob", Myren replied, still having a big smile. "....don't tell anyone, but.....I totally wish I had your powers", he whispered to Jacob. He was indeed telling the truth. Myren imagined teleportation as AMAZING. Going to china. Then going to Australia. Then going to France. All in one day. He wish he could do that. Instead, he controlled smoke and transported through it. However, one thing that Myren liked about his powers was that he could transport in different types of smokes, such as a tornado of smoke. Or a spinning bullet. Usually he just flowed as a cloud of smoke since it was less dramatic. After shaking Jacob's hand, he noticed Peter...who had just gotten shocked when he saw Jacob enter without a key
Quincy stepped in beat with his heart beat as he approached the Mutant Academy reaching the front gate. He looked in and around seeing some people staring at him as he peered into the gate. He walked into the school grounds and looked around as he avoided people to walk to the conference room. Quincy pulled up his bag onto his shoulders and held his bag in his arms. Quietly he stood in the back of the room listening to the speech and escaping at the first chance.

Walking into his room and setting everything down staring up at the ceiling he sighed. Quincy heard people across the being quite loud and sighed trying to take a nap. He tried processing the new surroundings were and how life was going to be. He covered his face with his pillow and sighed loudly. "Stop being so loud..." he said into his pillow. Finally he opened up his door staring at the room across the hall and walked over knocking on the door.
"Alright guys! I think my friend has made it here", Myren announced to the roommates as he turned back into smoke form and left the room. By friend, he meant Quincy. Quincy had met him a while ago on the streets after he escaped his foster home. Ever since then, they had been close friends. In fact, Myren only joined because he need help with his powers and because Quincy was going there. As he made out of the dorm, he saw Quincy coming towards the door. "Oh what's up Quince", Myren said calmly to the irritated Quincy. He could tell that Quincy wasn't happy. "....dude what's wrong? Were we too loud in here?". That was most likely the answer, for most times Quincy like silence. A lot of people don't know this, but Quincy is literally the most child like person ever.......and that explains his stupendous ability to transform into a giant teddy bear
Mila shook her head. “No, it doesn’t hurt me. My hands get all warm when I use it, but I can’t feel any pain. It kind of makes me tired though,” she admitted. Then she followed with the girl to her dorm-room. She wondered how many other people there would already be in there.

When they were outside she walked in after Sirse and looked around the room they stepped into. “Looks… livable,” she mumbled, and set her bag down on one of the beds. She had never actually been sharing a room with other people before, so this would be new. But having a bed and a roof… and free food, was at least something. She took a seat on the bed with a sigh.
Lia smiled brightly when a girl walked into the room "hey! My names Lia, I'm one of your roommates" she giggled and looked at the girl who just sighed and sat down "I chose this bunk" she pointed to the top bunk from one of the bunk beds that's in the corner, and giggled again.
Mila looked over at the girl who spoke to her and nodded her head simply. “I’m Mila,” she said simply, and then fell back on the bed. The bed’s here were really soft she noticed. Better than the last motel. “Soft…” she mumbled, and then rolled over and grabbed her computer.

She took off her gloves, her strange markings showing. They looked like tattoos, but they were really veins that ran with electricity. She touched her computer and a few sparks started to fly, before the computer started typing codes out by itself, without her having to do anything but look at the screen very concentrated. She really wanted to check up on the hunt she had been following in the FBI's database.
Sirse stood nervously in the doorway, trying to figure out the best place for her in the room. With four bed and the desks there was still plenty of space so she wasn't to worried about that. What she was worried about however was the large bay window that was spilling sunlight into the room. Clutching the rabbit tightly to her chest she sighed and entered the room, quickly moving to the side and tossing her bag onto the empty bottom bunk before crawling in to it herself. Now at least partially shaded from the bright light she was a bit more comfortable. Staring at the window she fiddled with her hair for a while pondering what to do. Glancing at Mila she noticed the girl had taken her gloves of and revealed the pretty designs that ran over her hands and arm. Figuring that these were the veins she had mentioned Sirse tilted her head.

"Your veins are really pretty Mila...if you don't mind me saying so..."
The boy named Myren seemed to really like Jacob's powers. Before he could say much more the boy had transformed back into his smokey form and left the room through the key hole. "Well, that was cool" he said half to himself and half to peter, He looked at one of the top bunks, and instantly teleported on top of it, "This ones mine" he said. He then teleported back down to his suitcase, opened it and grabbed some clothers. He teleported about 15 times in 30 seconds, to and from his suitcase quickly putting clothes in the drawer. "Uh ill be right back" He said to peter, then he teleported out into the hallway, atleast he meant to, he was still learning his powers so he actually ended up teleporting straight into a doorway, knocking a girl forward.
Myren looked at the still irritated Quincy who wasn't responding,".....okay, bro. I'll give you time to yourself". Sometimes Quincy had little tantrums....just like a child. He turned back into his smoke form and looked around the hallway. "I don't feel like being a cloud this time, I wanna go faster....maybe like a spinning bullet", he muttered to himself as he began his process to becoming his spinning bullet smoke form. Most times when he used this type of transportation, he'd lose balance and crash, but he didn't care. Slowly, the cloud of smoke began to rotate. Each second going by the rotation would move faster. Soon, after a few minutes, he rotating at such a speed that he resembled a huge bullet. "LET'S GOOO!!!", he yelled aloud, eyes full of excitement, as he zipped down the hallway. He knew at this speed, he was going at 78 mph. He avoided plenty of people, moving up and down throughout the small room, confusing people who didn't see him because of his speed. Suddenly as he passed neared a dorm, he got unexpectedly stopped in his smoke form, with the momentum throwing him head first into the dorm's door. BOOM! He layed on the ground, in front of three girls. One was on the computer and the other two were chatting with her. "...what the hell. How did I stop", he mumbled to himself while looking at one certain girl whose veins were bright blue. She must've had some kind of electromagnetic field....that's the only explanation to how his powers suddenly shutdown on him

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