Mutagen: Reboot

Katie Jensen

Satan's Little Angel
Hey this is where you sign up for the RP please don't God mod and be serious when creating you character. You can join the RP once I'm happy that everything is in order (I'll reply to the posts don't worry) When creating a character sheet please make sure you add the following things:(fields with * next to them are required)




Image of character: (if you don't have one it doesn't matter)

Sexuality: (more for benefit of other RPers you don't have to add it though if you don't want)

Powers*: (up to 3 powers, don't god mod or be stupid with them please...meaning don't make your character unable to be hurt, it's not cool it just sucks...)

Personality*: Background: (not required but it is preferred) Extras: (anything you feel is important enough to add)
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Name: Seraph (her real name will be disclosed later on in the RP)

Gender: Female

Age: 21


Powers: Advanced Regeneration, ultra speed/reflexes and super strength

Personality: despite leading a huge organisation of potentially dangerous beings, Seraph can be childish from time to time. When it comes down to it she can be really serious but when there's no immediate threat or danger she relaxes a little and becomes more friendly. If angered though you might want to hide (you can't run due to her super speed but you can hide xD ). She has been known to break things when she is extremely angry.

Background: Seraph was only a baby when Mutagen was first established. Her parents had created Mutagen as a safe haven for other mutants like them. For a while things ran smoothly, mutants arrived in droves and settled into the community and everyone was happy. On Seraphs eighteenth birthday soldiers from Russia, China and America coordinated a three-way attack on Mutagen, almost wiping out all mutants living there. A few managed to hide, Seraph being one of them. She was forced to watch the execution of her parents from her hiding spot and was later voted to be leader of Mutagen by the remaining mutants. In just 3 years she has rebuilt Mutagen and it's power and weaponry now rivals that of her enemies. She swore she would destroy her enemies and she meant it. She accepts every mutant into Mutagen, unless they are feral or destructive, and makes sure no harm comes to them. If any of her agents are harmed she'll make sure that the person responsible suffers for it.
Name*: Aura

Gender*: Male



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/proxy-3.jpg.34e47b074b1704bc3b335f9525daba28.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147927" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/proxy-3.jpg.34e47b074b1704bc3b335f9525daba28.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: Straight

Powers*: flight (due to the wings) enhanced reflexes and able to appear invisible when he stands or sits completely still.

Personality*: caring but ruthless towards enemies.

Background: (to be revealed )

Extras: hates being confined to small spaces like cages.



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Name*: Emily

Gender*: Female

Age*: 19

Image of character: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/images-119.jpg.1ee481ce523d7c55a67c49df24b44cad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147926" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/images-119.jpg.1ee481ce523d7c55a67c49df24b44cad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: Bisexual

Powers*: Rapid Regeneration. Heightened senses (touch, smell, sight, and Hearing.)

Personality*: Emily is a Typical Sarcastic person. However she doesn't always use sarcasm. She tries to hide it, but she is realy a sweet person.

Background: to be revealed

Extras: She doesn't know any of her own powers. She was outcast from human sosiaty because her extremely pale skin and bright green eyes. This prompted doctors to look at her DNA. They found that it was mutated and soon she became a Surgical Playground for the humans.



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Name*: Tao Kaka

Gender*: Female

Age*: 19

Image of character:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.png.79cdcffb15fbcffbb17a14d339d338c5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147923" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.png.79cdcffb15fbcffbb17a14d339d338c5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: bisexual

Powers*: enhanced agility and durability, a strange tail which gives her heightened balance

Personality*: a bit of a clumsy idiot, she does what she wants or whatever she deems appropriate, which usually means not appropriate at all, almost constantly searching for food or napping under the sun, a cat, but not in a cute and cuddly way, more an annoying yet terrifying thing

Background: nothing much, originally just a lazy child with a love for food and particularly sharp blades, the blasts changed her completely, messing with her mind and giving her an attention span of three seconds yet the sheer fighting capabilities of a squadron of soldiers

Extras: she has three particularly large blades hidden in her huge mittens

The thing covering her face is her actual face, however, if a light is shone sirectly on her face, it reveals her

Her mittens do have thumbs

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.c5e7c124ca6d163dbbaf383552f25403.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147930" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.c5e7c124ca6d163dbbaf383552f25403.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.gif.4219194bb45fa8afcde66e1ad7f09861.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147931" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.gif.4219194bb45fa8afcde66e1ad7f09861.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.195226250ce96ca4f4627b0ee95c91b0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147932" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.195226250ce96ca4f4627b0ee95c91b0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Actual face



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[QUOTE="Aurath Moonblood]Name*: Aura
Gender*: Male



View attachment 327272

Sexuality: Straight

Powers*: flight (due to the wings) enhanced reflexes and able to appear invisible when he stands or sits completely still.

Personality*: caring but ruthless towards enemies.

Background: (to be revealed )

Extras: hates being confined to small spaces like cages.

Welcome back :)
Name*:Soldier 177, he goes by Ghost



Image of character:


Sexuality: Heterosexual


Super strength


Can jump high

Personality*:Quiet, cheerful when you get to know him, paranoid(Will be explained in the background)

Background:Soldier 177 "Ghost", was genetically altered into a super soldier to win a war, but after all that has happened, they were gonna make him part of a kill squad that is to kill anything that wasn't in safe areas from the blasts, and fallout. He escaped and has been wondering ever since, looking of his shoulder, waiting to be retaken by the new world military.

Extras: A fitting song for him :D


[QUOTE="Aurath Moonblood]Name*: Emily
Gender*: Female

Age*: 19

Image of character: View attachment 327271

Sexuality: Bisexual

Powers*: Rapid Regeneration. Heightened senses (touch, smell, sight, and Hearing.)

Personality*: Emily is a Typical Sarcastic person. However she doesn't always use sarcasm. She tries to hide it, but she is realy a sweet person.

Background: to be revealed

Extras: She doesn't know any of her own powers. She was outcast from human sosiaty because her extremely pale skin and bright green eyes. This prompted doctors to look at her DNA. They found that it was mutated and soon she became a Surgical Playground for the humans.

Also welcome back xD
Trust said:
Name*: Tao Kaka
Gender*: Female

Age*: 19

Image of character:

View attachment 327268

Sexuality: bisexual

Powers*: enhanced agility and durability, a strange tail which gives her heightened balance

Personality*: a bit of a clumsy idiot, she does what she wants or whatever she deems appropriate, which usually means not appropriate at all, almost constantly searching for food or napping under the sun, a cat, but not in a cute and cuddly way, more an annoying yet terrifying thing

Background: nothing much, originally just a lazy child with a love for food and particularly sharp blades, the blasts changed her completely, messing with her mind and giving her an attention span of three seconds yet the sheer fighting capabilities of a squadron of soldiers

Extras: she has three particularly large blades hidden in her huge mittens

The thing covering her face is her actual face, however, if a light is shone sirectly on her face, it reveals her

Her mittens do have thumbs

CERBERUS177 said:
Name*:Soldier 177, he goes by Ghost


Image of character:


Sexuality: Heterosexual


Super strength


Can jump high

Personality*:Quiet, cheerful when you get to know him, paranoid(Will be explained in the background)

Background:Soldier 177 "Ghost", was genetically altered into a super soldier to win a war, but after all that has happened, they were gonna make him part of a kill squad that is to kill anything that wasn't in safe areas from the blasts, and fallout. He escaped and has been wondering ever since, looking of his shoulder, waiting to be retaken by the new world military.

Extras: A fitting song for him :D


Welcome back!


Gender: Female

Age: 22

Sexuality: Straight


  • Toxic Blood: Her blood acts as a harmful acid to any living thing other than herself. It is able to burn quickly through vegetation and slowly through flesh upon contact. It can be neutralized with any fruit juice however, her toxic blood is only harmful to living things and cannot burn through objects or clothing. She carries a dagger with a serrated blade which she coats with her own blood for use in combat.
  • Low level Telepathy: Eva is able to read an individual's thoughts for as long as she has physical contact with them. She is also able to touch an object and know the history of it, where it came from, who used to own it etc. However, Eva has no control over how much or how little her telepathy will show her so she chooses to keep the ability's use to a minimum and wears a pair of black leather gloves all the time. However, on some rare occasions of extreme emotional distress or anxiety, Eva has been able to use her telepathic abilities without the condition of physical contact


  • Soft Spoken and a little shy
  • Book Worm
  • Intelligent and Calculated
  • Afraid of spiders and the dark

Background: Evangeline is the daughter of the highly-respected doctor and medical researcher, Vincent Moreaux and although she was born into a privileged family, her father always taught her to stay humble and not to boast her intellect or her talents. Hence, Eva became accustomed to a quiet life in a small suburban house on the edge of the city. Upon her father's request, she was enrolled in an educational institution fit for children with the same social status and there she mingled with the offspring of various authoritative figures in society or, in other words, "the rich kids". She was not fond of school and didn't fit in well with the other children because they all spent too much time trying to figure out who's parents were more powerful and so on, so she chose to spend most of her lunch times in the library, acquiring knowledge. It was here where her abilities became the most potent.

She had accidentally cut her finger on a scalpel before a toad dissection and her blood had dripped onto the toad. She and all her classmates watched in horror as the toad's skin began to sizzle and decompose slowly, and she was immediately sent to the Principal's office. While she was waiting outside the office, she placed her hand on an old basketball medal that had been pinned on the wall and image flashed in her head of the basketball game. Afraid of her own abilities, she ran straight to her father. It wasn't long before word went out about the doctor's mutant daughter and in order to protect her and his family name, Dr. Moreaux sent Eva to Mutagen HQ.
EmiliaReignx said:

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Sexuality: Straight


  • Toxic Blood: Her blood acts as a harmful acid to any living thing other than herself. It is able to burn quickly through vegetation and slowly through flesh upon contact. It can be neutralized with any fruit juice however, her toxic blood is only harmful to living things and cannot burn through objects or clothing. She carries a dagger with a serrated blade which she coats with her own blood for use in combat.
  • Low level Telepathy: Eva is able to read an individual's thoughts for as long as she has physical contact with them. She is also able to touch an object and know the history of it, where it came from, who used to own it etc. However, Eva has no control over how much or how little her telepathy will show her so she chooses to keep the ability's use to a minimum and wears a pair of black leather gloves all the time. However, on some rare occasions of extreme emotional distress or anxiety, Eva has been able to use her telepathic abilities without the condition of physical contact


  • Soft Spoken and a little shy
  • Book Worm
  • Intelligent and Calculated
  • Afraid of spiders and the dark

Background: Evangeline is the daughter of the highly-respected doctor and medical researcher, Vincent Moreaux and although she was born into a privileged family, her father always taught her to stay humble and not to boast her intellect or her talents. Hence, Eva became accustomed to a quiet life in a small suburban house on the edge of the city. Upon her father's request, she was enrolled in an educational institution fit for children with the same social status and there she mingled with the offspring of various authoritative figures in society or, in other words, "the rich kids". She was not fond of school and didn't fit in well with the other children because they all spent too much time trying to figure out who's parents were more powerful and so on, so she chose to spend most of her lunch times in the library, acquiring knowledge. It was here where her abilities became the most potent.

She had accidentally cut her finger on a scalpel before a toad dissection and her blood had dripped onto the toad. She and all her classmates watched in horror as the toad's skin began to sizzle and decompose slowly, and she was immediately sent to the Principal's office. While she was waiting outside the office, she placed her hand on an old basketball medal that had been pinned on the wall and image flashed in her head of the basketball game. Afraid of her own abilities, she ran straight to her father. It wasn't long before word went out about the doctor's mutant daughter and in order to protect her and his family name, Dr. Moreaux sent Eva to Mutagen HQ.
Sorry about the confusion before xD Welcome aboard :) I shall be posting soon
Name*: Yuri Petrov, know as Wrath by his enemies and Emily

Gender*: Male

Age*: 22

Image of character:

Sexuality: Asexual

Powers*: plot twist coming soon >:3

Personality*: Wrath is a sadistic man, he enjoys causing as much pain to his enemies as possible, he even laughs at their expense and enjoys watching their emotional anguish when he kills their friends. When it comes to a fight however he becomes dead serious, he understands that one wrong move in a fight could mean the end.

Background: Yuri is a Russian Special Operations soldier. He was once sent to sabotage a major military base in Berlin, Germany as the Germans refused to join the UGA. It was an easy enough job, take out the power and then detonate explosives planted around the base to cause chaos. The Russian Military would wipe out any survivors. It turned out the German's had been informed of the attack and they waited in ambush for Yuri and his squad. Even though they fought bravely everyone in Yuri's squad with the exception of Yuri were killed. With all of his friends dead Yuri surrendered and was taken to a research base where he was used as a lab rat. They exposed him to the radiation that caused people to mutate in the first place, this went on for months until one day Yuri finally managed to escape, he killed everyone in the research base and made his way home to Russia. These days Yuri is a field agent, usually sent to kill high priority targets who refuse to join the UGA or wipe out hives of feral mutants. He normally uses combat armour to gain mutant powers but little does he know something is happening within his own DNA.
Name*: Jessica Foster, known as the Raven by anyone who knows her and her enemies

Gender*: Female

Age*: 20

Image of character:

Sexuality: Asexual

Powers*: Advanced reflexes, advanced endurance and invisibility (If she uses it for too long she passes out, she can use it for around 10 minutes maximum)

Personality*: Raven doesn't mess around, if she's given a job she sees to it that it gets done. She has a cold personality and hardly registers emotion or pain.

Background: Jessica is a sniper for the American Delta Forces. With over ninety-one confirmed kills in the last two years she has risen through the ranks faster than others. Jessica's mother was exposed to the strange radiation after the city she lived in was decimated by the blasts. However, her mother did not develop any mutations. Years later she met a man who had also been exposed to the blasts and they fell in love and had a child. Jessica was born in the year 2000 and developed her mutations at the age of 16, instead of running off to join a secret Mutant community she enlisted in the American Military, making sure they knew her powers as a mutant could help. In just 2 years she was promoted to Special Forces operative and by the age of 20 is one of the most feared humans alive. She is currently active in the UK making sure the mutants don't get too brave, 6 months ago the airport she was stationed at was completely destroyed by a small nuclear device, luckily she had caught the mutant responsible and was now in charge of making sure any attempts to rescue him failed.


<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;">Name: </span></span></strong><strong><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;">Ashley, however she calls herself Sliq(pronounced "Slick")</span></span></span></strong><span style="font-family:Chewy;"> </span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><strong><strong>Gender:</strong></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"><strong><strong>Female...well used to be. Unidentifiable but takes female pronouns.</strong></strong></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><strong><strong>Age:</strong></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"><strong><strong>14</strong></strong></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><strong><strong>Image of character:</strong></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><strong><strong><img src="<___base_url___>/proxy.php?image=" class="ipsImage" alt="proxy.php?image=https://s-media-ca" /></strong></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><strong><strong>Sexuality: </strong></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"><strong><strong>She likes guys more, but then again- No privates.</strong></strong></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><strong><strong>Powers*:</strong></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"><strong><strong>Shapeshifting: Her body is made out of slime from the mutation, making her able to change forms. </strong></strong></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"><strong><strong>Slime body: The substance she's made out of now is sticky like glue without her control. It goes on anything she touches, making her unable to wear clothes or they would be ruined or dissolved. She likes to pull pranks with her slime as well. If you want to taste it, it's usually watery with a hint of bitterness. This substance drips out of her when she tries to maintain a normal human form like sweat, oozing out constantly. She's trying to have control over this but to no avail.</strong></strong></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"><strong><strong>Durability: Her body also allows immunity to physical attacks. Burning and chemicals and anything considered "magic" or superpowers can hurt her. Also when a blunt object hits her she absorbs the impact but it isn't comfy.</strong></strong></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><strong><strong>Personality*:</strong></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"><strong><strong>She's usually chill, but easily angered. Adventurous and a little of a prankster, she's that cool girl at your school who likes to play video games and maybe hang out with other guys because she's so cool, y'know...ok I'll shut up.</strong></strong></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><strong><strong>Background: (not required but it is preferred)</strong></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"><strong><strong>5/5 2006, her birth year-Her parents aren't that mutated but have the genes required. She was born a normal, pretty, cute baby girl. She was born in the USA, New New York.</strong></strong></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"><strong><strong>9/4 2016-Life has been pretty normal and her genes activate when she turns 10. No changes other than her bed being wet every morning with what was thought water.</strong></strong></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"><strong><strong>4/9 2019-She awoke from a nightmare and sweating profusely with a blue, sticky substance all around her. She was fine and they went to a hospital to check it out. Her symptoms were obvious and after 5 days, they figured out the cause. During that 5 day period, her internal organs felt mushy and felt like water. Soon after she woke up feeling different. Then she got up and checked her hands, which were a different color and melting. Doctors immediately had no idea what was going on and tried sending her to Mutagen. One year later she arrives, a bunch of mishaps of her being in public delayed stuff for a year. She found out how to control a little of herself, and she thinks her parents are safe at home.</strong></strong></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"><strong><strong>5/5 2020-Jack and Martha Ven are executed for harboring a mutant in their household.</strong></strong></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><strong><strong>Extras: (anything you feel is important enough to add)</strong></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"> </span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"><strong><strong>Diet: Water and other fluids are her only diet, however food can be dissolved in her and she gets nutrients.</strong></strong></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"> </span></span></span><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="font-family:Chewy;"><span style="color:#0080ff;"><strong><strong>Weakness: Too much water can make her dilated too much, effectively killing her.</strong></strong></span></span></span></p></div>


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TheOnlyCatbug said:


Ashley, however she calls herself Sliq(pronounced "Slick")


Female...well used to be. Unidentifiable but takes female pronouns.



Image of character:



She likes guys more, but then again- No privates.


Shapeshifting: Her body is made out of slime from the mutation, making her able to change forms.

Slime body: The substance she's made out of now is sticky like glue without her control. It goes on anything she touches, making her unable to wear clothes or they would be ruined or dissolved. She likes to pull pranks with her slime as well. If you want to taste it, it's usually watery with a hint of bitterness. This substance drips out of her when she tries to maintain a normal human form like sweat, oozing out constantly. She's trying to have control over this but to no avail.

Durability: Her body also allows immunity to physical attacks. Burning and chemicals and anything considered "magic" or superpowers can hurt her. Also when a blunt object hits her she absorbs the impact but it isn't comfy.


She's usually chill, but easily angered. Adventurous and a little of a prankster, she's that cool girl at your school who likes to play video games and maybe hang out with other guys because she's so cool, y'know...ok I'll shut up.

Background: (not required but it is preferred)

5/5 2006, her birth year-Her parents aren't that mutated but have the genes required. She was born a normal, pretty, cute baby girl. She was born in the USA, New New York.

9/4 2016-Life has been pretty normal and her genes activate when she turns 10. No changes other than her bed being wet every morning with what was thought water.

4/9 2019-She awoke from a nightmare and sweating profusely with a blue, sticky substance all around her. She was fine and they went to a hospital to check it out. Her symptoms were obvious and after 5 days, they figured out the cause. During that 5 day period, her internal organs felt mushy and felt like water. Soon after she woke up feeling different. Then she got up and checked her hands, which were a different color and melting. Doctors immediately had no idea what was going on and tried sending her to Mutagen. One year later she arrives, a bunch of mishaps of her being in public delayed stuff for a year. She found out how to control a little of herself, and she thinks her parents are safe at home.

5/5 2020-Jack and Martha Ven are executed for harboring a mutant in their household.

Extras: (anything you feel is important enough to add)

Diet: Water and other fluids are her only diet, however food can be dissolved in her and she gets nutrients.

Weakness: Too much water can make her dilated too much, effectively killing her.
Welcome back :) Make sure everyone knows to mention you when they post or at least hit reply


Noire Lakes​





Image of character:


(Like this but with all her limbs in the right places.)



(It's questionable)​


Noire can create objects using something called gray matter but these creations only last for three minutes.

Noir can read minds but the catch is the person can hear her thoughts too.

She can see things when she touches objects. This usually makes her faint so she hardly uses it.​


She might come off as strange and quiet when you meet her but soon enough her slightly hostile nature shows which is used to drive people away most of the time. She doesn't act like that often though but if somebody does get to chat with her she might be aloof and distant while also being kind of reserved. She barely says much and isn't the person you should look for if you want somebody with a lot of energy. She doesn't seem to have any problem with saying morbid things.​




Like in the picture she has a lot of stitches of unknown origin along with some other injuries.

Has a habit of biting the skin off her fingers.​


Iris Eerie





Image of character:





Can manipulate fire

Poisonous saliva


Iris is a arrogant, self-assured girl who claims to be one of the toughest people in the world. She ignores any type of criticism but will entertain the person who criticized her. She doesn't like to be bored and will sometimes start talking to others randomly. She can be described as obnoxious and blunt but when she starts to actually care about someone and it's not just flirting or teasing she becomes more protective and will attack anyone who insults them. She isn't the best at making friends but she doesn't really try to. She is sort of lazy and says it's too much work to try. If something or someone does catch her eye she can be kind of clingy.




She's attracted to shiny stuff

She goes by the name Elusive.

@Katie Jensen (Next character will be male! If there is a next character.)
TaraSobiki said:


Noire Lakes​





Image of character:


(Like this but with all her limbs in the right places.)



(It's questionable)​


Noire can create objects using something called gray matter but these creations only last for three minutes.

Noir can read minds but the catch is the person can hear her thoughts too.

She can see things when she touches objects. This usually makes her faint so she hardly uses it.​


She might come off as strange and quiet when you meet her but soon enough her slightly hostile nature shows which is used to drive people away most of the time. She doesn't act like that often though but if somebody does get to chat with her she might be aloof and distant while also being kind of reserved. She barely says much and isn't the person you should look for if you want somebody with a lot of energy. She doesn't seem to have any problem with saying morbid things.​




Like in the picture she has a lot of stitches of unknown origin along with some other injuries.

Has a habit of biting the skin off her fingers.​


Iris Eerie





Image of character:





Can manipulate fire

Poisonous saliva


Iris is a arrogant, self-assured girl who claims to be one of the toughest people in the world. She ignores any type of criticism but will entertain the person who criticized her. She doesn't like to be bored and will sometimes start talking to others randomly. She can be described as obnoxious and blunt but when she starts to actually care about someone and it's not just flirting or teasing she becomes more protective and will attack anyone who insults them. She isn't the best at making friends but she doesn't really try to. She is sort of lazy and says it's too much work to try. If something or someone does catch her eye she can be kind of clingy.




She's attracted to shiny stuff

She goes by the name Elusive.

@Katie Jensen (Next character will be male! If there is a next character.)

Are you going to be able to juggle 3 characters? xD Welcome back btw!

Isaac Aminta





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Water Manipulation-Isaac can manipulate water to do whatever he sees fit.

Water Healing-Isaac can heal minor wounds with water.

Ice Creation-Isaac can create ice shards as projectiles.


Isaac is strong willed and strong headed, He used to have the worst temper when first arriving at Mutagen HQ but Eventually found a way to tame his anger and his power. Still seen as a “hot head” To keep up appearances now Isaac is calm and collective and generally thinks before he acts.


When Isaac was seven years old him and his older brother got into a fight and Isaac killed his older brother on accident, When Isaac's father saw this he called the police. Isaac was taken by the United States army and tested on, he was tortured for years for the purpose of the United States making a super soldier after years of this when Isaac was 18 he broke out of the facility killing everyone there. Isaac ran to his home killing his father for the betrayal and stole some of his dad’s clothes and his dog tags after Isaac changed he ran to the airport and got out of the country. After Isaac landed he heard rumors of a safe haven for mutants that was in some place that used to be called the united kingdom.

After arriving at Mutagen Isaac was on guard and was angry at everyone that tried to show him kindness, On his third day at Mutagen Isaac, went outside on a walk trying to burn away his anger. After he blew off some steam by blowing some stuff up Isaac was tired and sat down under a tree trying to think of ways to control himself more when he thought back to a conversation he had with Seraph saying that he could try meditating. Isaac laughed cause he wasn’t going to sit in the forest and just do nothing so he went back to Mutagen and headed to his room tired, when he got to his room he was pissed at one of the guards and was going to burn him but decided to calm down and give meditation a try at least. Isaac will never admit it but the meditation did help calm him down, The next morning Seraph issued a strict training regimen in case Mutagen falls under attack Isaac hated the training and always trained with his rage beside him and the meditation at the end of the day. After a While of this Isaac started to dress more friendly and change his hair style trying to forget the past he also picked up reading more philosophy books. One day Isaac wakes up feeling different when he tries to do a fire attack in his room nothing happens and he freaks out so he gets dressed and was going to tell Seraph when he knocked over his water bottle and in reaction went to go reach for it the water bottle stopped in mid air.

@Katie Jensen
Os1r1s said:
Isaac Aminta





Image of character:





Water Manipulation-Isaac can manipulate water to do whatever he sees fit.

Water Healing-Isaac can heal minor wounds with water.

Ice Creation-Isaac can create ice shards as projectiles.


Isaac is strong willed and strong headed, He used to have the worst temper when first arriving at Mutagen HQ but Eventually found a way to tame his anger and his power. Still seen as a “hot head” To keep up appearances now Isaac is calm and collective and generally thinks before he acts.


When Isaac was seven years old him and his older brother got into a fight and Isaac killed his older brother on accident, When Isaac's father saw this he called the police. Isaac was taken by the United States army and tested on, he was tortured for years for the purpose of the United States making a super soldier after years of this when Isaac was 18 he broke out of the facility killing everyone there. Isaac ran to his home killing his father for the betrayal and stole some of his dad’s clothes and his dog tags after Isaac changed he ran to the airport and got out of the country. After Isaac landed he heard rumors of a safe haven for mutants that was in some place that used to be called the united kingdom.

After arriving at Mutagen Isaac was on guard and was angry at everyone that tried to show him kindness, On his third day at Mutagen Isaac, went outside on a walk trying to burn away his anger. After he blew off some steam by blowing some stuff up Isaac was tired and sat down under a tree trying to think of ways to control himself more when he thought back to a conversation he had with Seraph saying that he could try meditating. Isaac laughed cause he wasn’t going to sit in the forest and just do nothing so he went back to Mutagen and headed to his room tired, when he got to his room he was pissed at one of the guards and was going to burn him but decided to calm down and give meditation a try at least. Isaac will never admit it but the meditation did help calm him down, The next morning Seraph issued a strict training regimen in case Mutagen falls under attack Isaac hated the training and always trained with his rage beside him and the meditation at the end of the day. After a While of this Isaac started to dress more friendly and change his hair style trying to forget the past he also picked up reading more philosophy books. One day Isaac wakes up feeling different when he tries to do a fire attack in his room nothing happens and he freaks out so he gets dressed and was going to tell Seraph when he knocked over his water bottle and in reaction went to go reach for it the water bottle stopped in mid air.

@Katie Jensen
Welcome back!
[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]Are you going to be able to juggle 3 characters? xD Welcome back btw!

Such little faith! I had seven characters once so I think I'll be fine.

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