Mutagen: Reboot

[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]Once Tara posts her character :)

You are so nice~!
[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]I am? xD

Yep! I'm glad you waited for me!

Also I think I won't be creating my male character tonight because it takes forever to find male anime mutants that I like and I don't really have that many ideas for a mutant right now so we can start!
TaraSobiki said:
Yep! I'm glad you waited for me!
Also I think I won't be creating my male character tonight because it takes forever to find male anime mutants that I like and I don't really have that many ideas for a mutant right now so we can start!
Trust me xD It took me ages to find a picture for Wrath
Name:Richard Woods



Image of character:


Powers:Intangibility:Rich can turn intangible, this means when he is using his power, his body can pass through physical matter, this being said, when using his powers he can't be touched by tangible beings, only really having to worry about other people who are or can turn intangible, leaving most attacks being unable to harm him when using his power but this is a two way street, when he is Intangible, if he was to try to touch someone his hand would just go through them. He can't turn others intangible, the downside to this power said before he can't really interact with physical matter, he can still speak and be heard, and even be seen, just not touched, by physical matter when his power is in use. His powers may serve as a good defense, but trying an offense move can leave him open, if he isn't faking out to try and trick others. For whatever reason his clothes and whatever is on his person at the time seems to take this effect too.

Personality:Rich is the type of person who walks around intangible most of the time, but somehow if people play their cards right can lure him to be tangible again even if it is only for a little bit, most of the time not even taking a lot of things seriously, it is rare to see him taking anything seriously really, not even trying when people try to pick fights with him, just standing as they try to attack, him, when he is intangible, even so he can be a good friend, willing to help out if he thinks of the person who asked as a friend, but other than that he is looking for what he could gain by helping, he also tends to be the type of person who sleeps in as late as he can, even forcing himself to go back to bed sometimes most of the time keeping a portable game system in one of his coat pockets, to play when he wants something to do and he is bored.

Background:Rich was never really a normal kid he was born into life with two mutant parents, he didn't know of his powers or the ones his mother or father had when he was born, in his mind he his mother and father, didn't have them, they seemed to be just Human....nothing much really. His father would always get mad at him when he wouldn't take anything seriously he as always like that, he seemed to be a bit lazy from time to time too. Never really doing much work for the first five years of his life, but when he hit the age of six something happened, his powers woke up inside of him like a raging fire.

At first he had no idea what it was he couldn't touch anything! What was this? He started to cry, it was about time to eat for the night so his mother and father heard him crying, when they went to touch him, both of their hands would just pass through him they couldn't touch him. Until his father said "Son your powers woke up as his father talked to him he learned about his fathers and mothers powers, his father could expend his body, making his size and strength grow.

As for his mother, she could control sound waves, after this talk he seemed to be touchable yet again, he had no control over his powers right now, his mother and father started to train him. Years passed he was now at the age of seventeen he now had full control over his powers, but he didn't know what he had been trained for.

Until this day, both of his mom and dad came into his room, telling him he had to help them rob a bank, at first he asked things like why would we want to do something like this until his dad said "Money is hard to come by son, how do you think we had the money for you every time you needed something, his mother and father said "Whatever you do don't side with Mutagen his father glared at him as a way to tell him not to ask why.

Three years pass he had done lots of wrong things until the day his mother and father had asked him to kill someone, this was too far, he said "I'm done, you two." As he walked away as he did his father turned giant punching down at him, but it didn't work thanks to his power he said "I may not be able to beat you both at once, but I'll just walk away."

After that day, he seemed to be wanting to make up for all the wrong he did he would remember what his father said all those years ago, as he went to side with Mutagen, not wanting to see his mother or father again hoping it would be a safe place where he could relax again.



Aiden Gaze





Image of character:




Durability is one of Aiden's powers and it makes him more resistant to physical attacks ....when it works. His power is very finicky and he never knows when it'll be working. It doesn't work at some of the worst times leaving him as easily bruised as any other human.

Enhanced strength is another one of his abilities but the thing is he doesn't know how to control it very well and usually ends up accidentally crushing and breaking stuff or people.

Strengthened immune system. It doesn't really help with combat but it does mean most things that would hurt a normal person badly wouldn't do as much damage to him


Aiden is a very excitable male that can usually be seen with a dopey smile on his face that sort of makes you want to punch him. He seems oblivious to any hostility towards him and doesn't appear to be able to read emotions or the mood well. It's not that he's unable to he just refuses to. He tries his best to be reliable and he is always pushing to gain the trust of somebody making him slightly suspicious. He usually is optimistic and has a love for food or eating in general. He'll eat just about anything and thinks everything tastes good.


Aiden lived a pretty average life with his mother and father. Neither of his parents were mutants but it seemed that a bunch of his family were. Being the child of normal people they didn't expect for him to have any problems and for a majority of his life it appeared he didn't. Until he had fell out of a tree and hit his head which lead to a trip to the doctors and a check-up. To everyone's surprise he was completely alright. But it was long fall and honestly he should of been in critical condition at the hospital right then. So a bit surprised and suspicious they got him examined again with still no injuries.

They weren't sure what to think but they just settled with the fact they're son safe. His life went back to being uneventful but a few years after that something else happened. Aiden had managed to send somebody to the hospital. He got into a fight with some other boys and managed to send one of them to the hospital with thirteen broken bones. The parents knew something was up with him then and he was soon sent off to Mutagen



Makes charms for fun

@Katie Jensen (Finally! A backstory.)
Name*: Aaron Cole

Gender*: Male

Age*: 21

Image of character: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tumblr_nfg5xwyIZC1rugh49o1_500.jpg.7e55fe88ee487ef97cbb9b25e8433cba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148195" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tumblr_nfg5xwyIZC1rugh49o1_500.jpg.7e55fe88ee487ef97cbb9b25e8433cba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: Straight

Powers*: Elasticity. Elastikinetic Combat.

Personality* Aaron is a skeptic and is the opposite of shy . Even though he's learned from past mistakes he still has a problem with being too reckless with his decision making. Blunt and honest to a fault. He's developed a sense of "us against them" when it comes to mutants vs humans.

Background: Aaron never understood why he had the powers he had, he never understood why he had to be a outcast ever since he could remember because of his abilities. He's been isolated from most people because they're either afraid of him or freaked out. He never cared much about the mutant struggle against the superpower nations until he was forced to choose sides when he was constantly terrorized by agents from the superpower nations. He knew they wanted to capture him and hold him as a lab rat so he made the decision to go to mutagen and fight against them.

@Katie Jensen



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Judy Steins

Throw away because i was not like the others.
Judy Steins

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tumblr_nm8ww17dp41rvs7gdo1_500.jpg.7d324eb953d798fd6ad9eefe8e377a0a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148227" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tumblr_nm8ww17dp41rvs7gdo1_500.jpg.7d324eb953d798fd6ad9eefe8e377a0a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender : Male (Androgyn i guess)

Age : 22

Powers :

-Summons a Beast that can protect Judy.The beast is about three human tall and can fly,breathing fire but is defense is really weak.The beast NEVER engaged first but when Judy is attack. (If it seems too op i can try to find other weakness)

-Enhanced vision.

-Can ice weapons if she get attack,but it's only work if the opponents weapons is rather weak.

Personality :Logical,doesn't want to fight unless it's necessary.Judy accept friendship with honor,and doesn't like to see people kill.She certainly run away if one of his friends die horribly.

Background: Will be reveal in the Rp.



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Zedisback said:
Name:Richard Woods


Image of character:


Powers:Intangibility:Rich can turn intangible, this means when he is using his power, his body can pass through physical matter, this being said, when using his powers he can't be touched by tangible beings, only really having to worry about other people who are or can turn intangible, leaving most attacks being unable to harm him when using his power but this is a two way street, when he is Intangible, if he was to try to touch someone his hand would just go through them. He can't turn others intangible, the downside to this power said before he can't really interact with physical matter, he can still speak and be heard, and even be seen, just not touched, by physical matter when his power is in use. His powers may serve as a good defense, but trying an offense move can leave him open, if he isn't faking out to try and trick others. For whatever reason his clothes and whatever is on his person at the time seems to take this effect too.

Personality:Rich is the type of person who walks around intangible most of the time, but somehow if people play their cards right can lure him to be tangible again even if it is only for a little bit, most of the time not even taking a lot of things seriously, it is rare to see him taking anything seriously really, not even trying when people try to pick fights with him, just standing as they try to attack, him, when he is intangible, even so he can be a good friend, willing to help out if he thinks of the person who asked as a friend, but other than that he is looking for what he could gain by helping, he also tends to be the type of person who sleeps in as late as he can, even forcing himself to go back to bed sometimes most of the time keeping a portable game system in one of his coat pockets, to play when he wants something to do and he is bored.

Background:Rich was never really a normal kid he was born into life with two mutant parents, he didn't know of his powers or the ones his mother or father had when he was born, in his mind he his mother and father, didn't have them, they seemed to be just Human....nothing much really. His father would always get mad at him when he wouldn't take anything seriously he as always like that, he seemed to be a bit lazy from time to time too. Never really doing much work for the first five years of his life, but when he hit the age of six something happened, his powers woke up inside of him like a raging fire.

At first he had no idea what it was he couldn't touch anything! What was this? He started to cry, it was about time to eat for the night so his mother and father heard him crying, when they went to touch him, both of their hands would just pass through him they couldn't touch him. Until his father said "Son your powers woke up as his father talked to him he learned about his fathers and mothers powers, his father could expend his body, making his size and strength grow.

As for his mother, she could control sound waves, after this talk he seemed to be touchable yet again, he had no control over his powers right now, his mother and father started to train him. Years passed he was now at the age of seventeen he now had full control over his powers, but he didn't know what he had been trained for.

Until this day, both of his mom and dad came into his room, telling him he had to help them rob a bank, at first he asked things like why would we want to do something like this until his dad said "Money is hard to come by son, how do you think we had the money for you every time you needed something, his mother and father said "Whatever you do don't side with Mutagen his father glared at him as a way to tell him not to ask why.

Three years pass he had done lots of wrong things until the day his mother and father had asked him to kill someone, this was too far, he said "I'm done, you two." As he walked away as he did his father turned giant punching down at him, but it didn't work thanks to his power he said "I may not be able to beat you both at once, but I'll just walk away."

After that day, he seemed to be wanting to make up for all the wrong he did he would remember what his father said all those years ago, as he went to side with Mutagen, not wanting to see his mother or father again hoping it would be a safe place where he could relax again.

Welcome back
TaraSobiki said:


Aiden Gaze





Image of character:




Durability is one of Aiden's powers and it makes him more resistant to physical attacks ....when it works. His power is very finicky and he never knows when it'll be working. It doesn't work at some of the worst times leaving him as easily bruised as any other human.

Enhanced strength is another one of his abilities but the thing is he doesn't know how to control it very well and usually ends up accidentally crushing and breaking stuff or people.

Strengthened immune system. It doesn't really help with combat but it does mean most things that would hurt a normal person badly wouldn't do as much damage to him


Aiden is a very excitable male that can usually be seen with a dopey smile on his face that sort of makes you want to punch him. He seems oblivious to any hostility towards him and doesn't appear to be able to read emotions or the mood well. It's not that he's unable to he just refuses to. He tries his best to be reliable and he is always pushing to gain the trust of somebody making him slightly suspicious. He usually is optimistic and has a love for food or eating in general. He'll eat just about anything and thinks everything tastes good.


Aiden lived a pretty average life with his mother and father. Neither of his parents were mutants but it seemed that a bunch of his family were. Being the child of normal people they didn't expect for him to have any problems and for a majority of his life it appeared he didn't. Until he had fell out of a tree and hit his head which lead to a trip to the doctors and a check-up. To everyone's surprise he was completely alright. But it was long fall and honestly he should of been in critical condition at the hospital right then. So a bit surprised and suspicious they got him examined again with still no injuries.

They weren't sure what to think but they just settled with the fact they're son safe. His life went back to being uneventful but a few years after that something else happened. Aiden had managed to send somebody to the hospital. He got into a fight with some other boys and managed to send one of them to the hospital with thirteen broken bones. The parents knew something was up with him then and he was soon sent off to Mutagen



Makes charms for fun

@Katie Jensen (Finally! A backstory.)
xD 3 mutant characters? Have fun juggling, accepted
NickTonCutter said:
Judy SteinsView attachment 327698

Throwing away because i was not like the others.
Judy Steins

Gender : Male (Androgyn i guess)

Age : 22

Powers :

-Summons a Beast that can protect Judy.The beast is about three human tall and can fly,breathing fire but is defense is really weak.The beast NEVER engaged first but when Judy is attack. (If it seems too op i can try to find other weakness)

-Enhanced vision.

-Can ice weapons if she get attack,but it's only work if the opponents weapons is rather weak.

Personality :Logical,doesn't want to fight unless it's necessary.Judy accept friendship with honor,and doesn't like to see people kill.She certainly run away if one of his friends die horribly.

Background: Will be reveal in the Rp.
Welcome back
Aaron775 said:
Name*: Aaron Cole
Gender*: Male

Age*: 21

Image of character: View attachment 327643

Sexuality: Straight

Powers*: Elasticity. Elastikinetic Combat.

Personality* Aaron is a skeptic and is the opposite of shy . Even though he's learned from past mistakes he still has a problem with being too reckless with his decision making. Blunt and honest to a fault. He's deceloped a sense of "us against them" when it comes to mutants vs humans.

Background: Aaron never understood why he had the powers he had, he never understood why he had to be a outcast ever since he could remember because of his abilities. He's been isolated from most people because they're either afraid of him or freaked out. He never cared much about the mutant struggle against the superpower nations until he was forced to choose sides when he was constantly terrorized by agents from the superpower nations. He knew they wanted to capture him and hold him as a lab rat so he made the decision to go to mutagen and fight against them.

@Katie Jensen
Welcome aboard
Name*: Luna

Gender*: Female

Age*: presumably in her early 20s

Image of character: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/1396108-bigthumbnail.jpg.815ee1b13d7e49362b3dfc7b4ce400c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148378" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/1396108-bigthumbnail.jpg.815ee1b13d7e49362b3dfc7b4ce400c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: (more for benefit of other RPers you don't have to add it though if you don't want) Bisexual

Powers*: WallCrawling, others mutations have yet to be known.

Personality*: somewhat odd. Usualy kind

Background: recently escaped a place referred to as "the Institute". A holding place for mutants to be tourtured and experimented on. Most lose all of their sanity. Because of the things that were done to her there, you never know what may cause her to freak out.

Extras: is on the border of insanity. Can still be brought back. Refuses to wear anything but the strong cloth bandages she was wrapped in



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[QUOTE="Aurath Moonblood]Name*: Luna
Gender*: Female

Age*: presumably in her early 20s

Image of character: View attachment 327968

Sexuality: (more for benefit of other RPers you don't have to add it though if you don't want) Bisexual

Powers*: WallCrawling, others mutations have yet to be known.

Personality*: somewhat odd. Usualy kind

Background: recently escaped a place referred to as "the Institute". A holding place for mutants to be tourtured and experimented on. Most lose all of their sanity. Because of the things that were done to her there, you never know what may cause her to freak out.

Extras: is on the border of insanity. Can still be brought back. Refuses to wear anything but the strong cloth bandages she was wrapped in (and the underwear beneath it)

Character accepted
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148491" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Nicknames: Boa

Gender: Male

Age: Seventeen

Sexuality: Asexual - Uninterested

Powers: Boa has the ability to communicate with snakes and control them. He doesn't do the latter much, though, as he feels his snake friends shouldn't be controlled. They have free will for a reason. He is slightly poisonous when touched, just making the toucher light-headed and dizzy, possibly falling into an unconscious state. His bite is highly poisonous, but he doesn't rely on his bite much.

Personality: Boa doesn't talk to people like himself much, preferring to stick with his snake friends. He seems to prefer standing, unnoticed to the side, and listen in on people rather than actually interacting with them. Though snakes are generally associated with wickedness and sin, Boa is generally a kind-hearted person with a negative outlook on life, a weird mix for sure, but the truth. He starts out calm and collected, but the second he is harmed in any way, he is quick to lash out. He is soft-spoken, polite when he does speak and tries not to cause trouble.

Background: Nothing is known about his past, whether it be because he rarely speaks with people, or the fact that he just doesn't tell. Most people assume he was raised by snakes.


  • He is never seen without at least one snake on his body. Never. He feels alone and vulnerable without them and will possibly cry if they are ever taken away.
  • He has more than twenty snakes in his room of all different types. Small to large, poisonous to non-poisonous. Adult to baby. He knows them all by name and talks with them regularly.
  • When he speaks, his voice is never above a whisper. You have to lean in to actually hear him.
  • He cannot read.
  • He is most often seen with a boa constructor, hence his name. The snake is a large snake, but small when it comes to boa constructors. He wraps around Boa's neck like a scarf.



    42.1 KB · Views: 24
(I feel like I may be a little out in left field with the nature of this character in terms of the direction you seem to be angling your RP in but what the hell)

Name*: Astaroth, Astarte, Ashtoreth, Ishtar, Inanna (Body: Kiara Capello)

Nicknamed in higher circles as Easy A, Entropy and the Humanizer.

Gender*: Possessed body is female, A is gender-less.

Age*: Body-22, A-ancient

Image of character:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/b50.jpg.b2bbb8638978b38817c2b366febcf2e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148504" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/b50.jpg.b2bbb8638978b38817c2b366febcf2e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: Pan


Near limitless power limited to inciting rage, lust and hallucinations into almost any being, stereotypical possession party-trick stuff (contortionist feats, wall-crawling, levitating, etc) and the near infinite knowledge of a demon/pagan god, use of more intense power would destroy the vessel.

Inhabited body sports some demonic semblances due to possession but is no more physically powerful or durable than that of an average 22 year-old girl.


An extremist advocate of free will, anarchy and social Darwinism, A wants nothing more than to take you to the edge and then give you a nudge. Fallen from grace for it's ideals, A roamed the Earth taking on various forms to promote and perpetuate war, sexuality and procreation, as well as other facets of uninhibited self-indulgence, as a God or Demon. Will actively instigate and is almost always completely impartial to the cause; A is only around as long as it's enjoyable.

Do what you want, when you want, how you want by any means necessary-kind of person and is thoroughly enjoying a newfound humanity and the pleasures of the flesh.


Pretty self-explanatory; A got ideas, ideas did not fly in stick-in-ass society, unable to be killed A was punished for ideas, was banished from Paradise for ideas, spread ideas as god, was rejected by monotheistic religions and labeled evil for ideas, did not care, still spreads ideas.

Kiara Capello, the body A inhabits, was a girl born into a mutant household. She had been born with very developed psychic abilities and was especially adept at communing with ethereal and astral projecting. She managed to get to relative adulthood with only a few close calls. That is, until she decided to use her powers to research part of a history project for her University. While projecting into the Catacombs of Paris she met A, disguised as an old man, claiming to be a French painter born in 1789. A answered her questions about the building of the Catacombs and life in the 1800s and 1900s. When she took her leave, A followed her home and sent her soul to the Valley before she could rejoin herself. A then stole her body and began spreading its special brand of sin a new way.

Extras: Basic weaknesses, the body is mostly human so it's vulnerable and A can be repelled and temporarily trapped and incapacitated by a variety of seals and charms.

A song too I guess




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[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]
View attachment 328167

Nicknames: Boa

Gender: Male

Age: Seventeen

Sexuality: Asexual - Uninterested

Powers: Boa has the ability to communicate with snakes and control them. He doesn't do the latter much, though, as he feels his snake friends shouldn't be controlled. They have free will for a reason. He is slightly poisonous when touched, just making the toucher light-headed and dizzy, possibly falling into an unconscious state. His bite is highly poisonous, but he doesn't rely on his bite much.

Personality: Boa doesn't talk to people like himself much, preferring to stick with his snake friends. He seems to prefer standing, unnoticed to the side, and listen in on people rather than actually interacting with them. Though snakes are generally associated with wickedness and sin, Boa is generally a kind-hearted person with a negative outlook on life, a weird mix for sure, but the truth. He starts out calm and collected, but the second he is harmed in any way, he is quick to lash out. He is soft-spoken, polite when he does speak and tries not to cause trouble.

Background: Nothing is known about his past, whether it be because he rarely speaks with people, or the fact that he just doesn't tell. Most people assume he was raised by snakes.


  • He is never seen without at least one snake on his body. Never. He feels alone and vulnerable without them and will possibly cry if they are ever taken away.
  • He has more than twenty snakes in his room of all different types. Small to large, poisonous to non-poisonous. Adult to baby. He knows them all by name and talks with them regularly.
  • When he speaks, his voice is never above a whisper. You have to lean in to actually hear him.
  • He cannot read.
  • He is most often seen with a boa constructor, hence his name. The snake is a large snake, but small when it comes to boa constructors. He wraps around Boa's neck like a scarf.

Welcome back :)
[QUOTE="Olivia Acerbi](I feel like I may be a little out in left field with the nature of this character in terms of the direction you seem to be angling your RP in but what the hell)
Name*: Astaroth, Astarte, Ashtoreth, Ishtar, Inanna (Body: Kiara Capello)

Nicknamed in higher circles as Easy A, Entropy and the Humanizer.

Gender*: Possessed body is female, A is gender-less.

Age*: Body-22, A-ancient

Image of character:

View attachment 328184

Sexuality: Pan


Near limitless power limited to inciting rage, lust and hallucinations into almost any being, stereotypical possession party-trick stuff (contortionist feats, wall-crawling, levitating, etc) and the near infinite knowledge of a demon/pagan god, use of more intense power would destroy the vessel.

Inhabited body sports some demonic semblances due to possession but is no more physically powerful or durable than that of an average 22 year-old girl.


An extremist advocate of free will, anarchy and social Darwinism, A wants nothing more than to take you to the edge and then give you a nudge. Fallen from grace for it's ideals, A roamed the Earth taking on various forms to promote and perpetuate war, sexuality and procreation, as well as other facets of uninhibited self-indulgence, as a God or Demon. Will actively instigate and is almost always completely impartial to the cause; A is only around as long as it's enjoyable.

Do what you want, when you want, how you want by any means necessary-kind of person and is thoroughly enjoying a newfound humanity and the pleasures of the flesh.


Pretty self-explanatory; A got ideas, ideas did not fly in stick-in-ass society, unable to be killed A was punished for ideas, was banished from Paradise for ideas, spread ideas as god, was rejected by monotheistic religions and labeled evil for ideas, did not care, still spreads ideas.

Kiara Capello, the body A inhabits, was a girl born into a mutant household. She had been born with very developed psychic abilities and was especially adept at communing with ethereal and astral projecting. She managed to get to relative adulthood with only a few close calls. That is, until she decided to use her powers to research part of a history project for her University. While projecting into the Catacombs of Paris she met A, disguised as an old man, claiming to be a French painter born in 1789. A answered her questions about the building of the Catacombs and life in the 1800s and 1900s. When she took her leave, A followed her home and sent her soul to the Valley before she could rejoin herself. A then stole her body and began spreading its special brand of sin a new way.

Extras: Basic weaknesses, the body is mostly human so it's vulnerable and A can be repelled and temporarily trapped and incapacitated by a variety of seals and charms.

A song too I guess


First of all there are no Gods and Demons in this RP (once we get a rules tab I'll put that rule there) also limitless power is totally ridiculous, that's God modding to the extreme. I'm not trying to sound bitchy but I don't think this RP is the place for a God :/


Kuno S. Peace





Image of character:





Shadow Duplication: Kuno is able to make a shadow duplication, that can be used as a decoy or a way to attack since the shadow will do what Kuno does and the shadow is able to hit things.

Shadow Manipulation: Kuno is able to control shadows with any extent. The shadow may be able to confuse the enemy by showing them their teammates, or scare off anybody.

Shadow Imitation: Kuno is able to send out a shadow that will be able to let Kuno control your body, and force you to things that Kuno does (Yes this Shikamaru's power... Shhhh)


On the outside








On the inside









... Nah I don't really feel like it...


Kuno suffers from schizophrenia, although it is very minor

Will be shown throughout rp
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TheWhiteScarf said:


Kuno S. Peace





Image of character:





Shadow Duplication: Kuno is able to make a shadow duplication, that can be used as a decoy or a way to attack since the shadow will do what Kuno does and the shadow is able to hit things.

Shadow Manipulation: Kuno is able to control shadows with any extent. The shadow may be able to confuse the enemy by showing them their teammates, or scare off anybody.

Shadow Imitation: Kuno is able to send out a shadow that will be able to let Kuno control your body, and force you to things that Kuno does (Yes this Shikamaru's power... Shhhh)


On the outside








On the inside









... Nah I don't really feel like it...


Kuno suffers from schizophrenia, although it is very minor

Will be shown throughout rp
Don't go crazy with that Shadow Imitation xD put a limit on it, besides that welcome back :)

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