Mutagen: Reboot

[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]Don't go crazy with that Shadow Imitation xD put a limit on it, besides that welcome back :)

I won't! ;3
[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]First of all there are no Gods and Demons in this RP (once we get a rules tab I'll put that rule there) also limitless power is totally ridiculous, that's God modding to the extreme. I'm not trying to sound bitchy but I don't think this RP is the place for a God :/

I totally get your concern, I figured the character would be a little out of place but sometimes that's an appeal. I did say the limitless power deal was limited to those 3 things because of the whole vessel thing. Nonetheless, I hear ya loud and clear, I'll skedaddle.
Name*: Reid

Gender*: Female

Age*: 17

Image of character:

Sexuality: Female


Healing Factor: Reid has an extremely powerful regeneration ability, capable of healing broken bones and healing wounds and organ damage with ease.However it only functions when she is unconscious.another requirement of this power is that she have the necessary resources to heal the damage as such she tends to eat... a lot.It also allows her to deal with the majority of contaminants just by sleeping it off.

Electricity Manipulation:Reid can absorb and store mass amounts of electric energy and withhold it for future use.She can use it to recharge devices, discharge it for various purposes and detect electric fields, making her a living radar.However for the electric field detection t ofunction she needs a large amount of electrical energy built up meaning she has to choose between tracking or attacking.She cannot generate her own electricity and relies on outside sources for a boost.

Imagination Manifestation: Reid has the ability to manifest whatever comes to her mind however once she chooses something that choice is set in stone until she finishes manifesting what she originally imagined.This power was used to design her gauntlets and now is being used to manifest a suit for her to wear into combat.As such this power won't do anything until she completes the suit and... she's far from there.What this means is she can't manifest a nuclear bomb unless she has the required materials to do so.Which of course she won't be getting anytime soon.Even when it is available it requires a lot of concentration which would leave her open in combat so it's a very risky move.

Personality*: She can be wrapped up in one term, kuudere.Don't ever call her that though, you'll just be earning an internal scorn from her.She's of course a rather calm person and never seems to panic.She doesn't willingly accept help from others and has a large difficulty expressing and sometimes even understanding her emotions.Of course this doesn't mean she doesn't act kind or caring she just isn't warm or fuzzy.She enjoys older music, morelike the sort most of the mutants grandparents would listen to.She usually falls back on it as a coping method when feeling overwhelmed or stressed rather than confide in another person.In terms of food she enjoys spicy and sweet things and disdains anything salty or sour.Despite her calm demeanor, there are a few specific things which can cause her to blow up with anger and she isn't sure what does it.She's also above average in terms of intelligence but, by no means a genius.

Background: Reid grew up in the UK with two very boring and uncreative parents.They named her after the color of her hair and basically slapped an i after the e in her name.Surprisingly she's not dead but, came around alone without her parents.The girl would never explain what had happened to them but, she came adept in her powers and with some experience.

Extras: Reid is an extremely strong and durable girl but, that's nothing superhuman.

Shell Gauntlets: Consider these bad boys her bread and butter.A combination of plasma and physical attack she shreds through most defenses with ease.However they have no built-in power source so she must power them herself.Meaning using them puts a drain on her electrical resources.They come with an outer layer of plated armor which covers her arms but, allows for full mobility. The armor is made of an unidentified material which protects her arms from outside bullets, explosive and melee based sources of harm, it's also the material which withstands the extremely high temperatures the plasma gives off.She can also use them to give off defensive barrier to block projectiles but, they break under stress.These barriers require a recharge time, preventing her from having shields up all of the time.When struck by a melee weapon recoil goes to both her and her attacker.Most of it is directed towards her attacker but, she gets her fair share.They may seem all high and mighty but, they function like a strength booster and allow her to hit much harder.Problem is, is puts a lot of strain on her body and she has pulled things out of socket, torn muscles, tendons broken her bones.Despite this she makes them her default weapon and defensive shell.
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AliceoHeart said:
Name*: Reid
Gender*: Female

Age*: 17

Image of character:

Sexuality: Female


Healing Factor: Reid has an extremely powerful regeneration ability, capable of healing broken bones and healing wounds and organ damage with ease.However it only functions when she is unconscious.another requirement of this power is that she have the necessary resources to heal the damage as such she tends to eat... a lot.It also allows her to deal with the majority of contaminants just by sleeping it off.

Electricity Manipulation:Reid can absorb and store mass amounts of electric energy and withhold it for future use.She can use it to recharge devices, discharge it for various purposes and detect electric fields, making her a living radar.However for the electric field detection t ofunction she needs a large amount of electrical energy built up meaning she has to choose between tracking or attacking.She cannot generate her own electricity and relies on outside sources for a boost.

Imagination Manifestation: Reid has the ability to manifest whatever comes to her mind however once she chooses something that choice is set in stone until she finishes manifesting what she originally imagined.This power was used to design her gauntlets and now is being used to manifest a suit for her to wear into combat.As such this power won't do anything until she completes the suit and... she's far from there.What this means is she can't manifest a nuclear bomb unless she has the required materials to do so.Which of course she won't be getting anytime soon.Even when it is available it requires a lot of concentration which would leave her open in combat so it's a very risky move.

Personality*: She can be wrapped up in one term, kuudere.Don't ever call her that though, you'll just be earning an internal scorn from her.She's of course a rather calm person and never seems to panic.She doesn't willingly accept help from others and has a large difficulty expressing and sometimes even understanding her emotions.Of course this doesn't mean she doesn't act kind or caring she just isn't warm or fuzzy.She enjoys older music, morelike the sort most of the mutants grandparents would listen to.She usually falls back on it as a coping method when feeling overwhelmed or stressed rather than confide in another person.In terms of food she enjoys spicy and sweet things and disdains anything salty or sour.Despite her calm demeanor, there are a few specific things which can cause her to blow up with anger and she isn't sure what does it.She's also above average in terms of intelligence but, by no means a genius.

Background: Reid grew up in the UK with two very boring and uncreative parents.They named her after the color of her hair and basically slapped an i after the e in her name.Surprisingly she's not dead but, came around alone without her parents.The girl would never explain what had happened to them but, she came adept in her powers and with some experience.

Extras: Reid is an extremely strong and durable girl but, that's nothing superhuman.

Shell Gauntlets: Consider these bad boys her bread and butter.A combination of plasma and physical attack she shreds through most defenses with ease.However they have no built-in power source so she must power them herself.Meaning using them puts a drain on her electrical resources.They come with an outer layer of plated armor which covers her arms but, allows for full mobility. The armor is made of an unidentified material which protects her arms from outside bullets, explosive and melee based sources of harm, it's also the material which withstands the extremely high temperatures the plasma gives off.She can also use them to give off defensive barrier to block projectiles but, they break under stress.These barriers require a recharge time, preventing her from having shields up all of the time.When struck by a melee weapon recoil goes to both her and her attacker.Most of it is directed towards her attacker but, she gets her fair share.They may seem all high and mighty but, they function like a strength booster and allow her to hit much harder.Problem is, is puts a lot of strain on her body and she has pulled things out of socket, torn muscles, tendons broken her bones.Despite this she makes them her default weapon and defensive shell.
All looks good :) Just don't get stupid with the imagination power please xD
Do you have a character sheet that isn't messed up with coding and all? xD
Name: Beatrice 'Bea' Lane

Gender: Female

Age: Twenty - Four (24)

Image of Character:


Sexuality: Lesbian


Bea can summon her weapon at will, no matter where he may be. She says a certain phrase and he'll appear in her hand. Along with this she has a power that makes her incredibly flexible, able to bend her body in ways that cannot be described as normal. 


Bea strikes most people as not serious and very careless, and that is somewhat true. She's only serious when she or the few people that she cares for are some way in danger. She's incredibly stubborn and selfish, not to mention greedy. She is very untrusting of men due to her background and tends to only really care for women.  More to be revealed.


Bea was born to a loving family with two younger brothers and a great mom and dad, she was happy. She went to school like a normal kid, did gymnastics very well because of her abnormally flexible body. She wanted to grow up and be a dancer and her parents took this into account and did everything they could to push her towards that dream. This changed when her powers were fully discovered, though. One day while taking a dance lesson, she fell off of the balance beam, her leg bending in a position that was sure to paralyze her, but she stood up unscratched. Her family had heard of mutants and what happened to them, so they planned on keeping their beautiful daughter a secret, but that didn't last long. When she was ten years of age, she was captured in her home by government officials. There she was abused and tortured while they trained her to be a solider, a soldier they would use for themselves. That's when her hatred of men kindled. She escaped eventually and fled to find some safe haven and along the way found a younger boy like herself, a boy that would soon become her weapon. For about ten years she and the boy managed to survive until they discovered Mutagen.
Name: Casper Flynn

Gender: Male

Age: Seventeen 

Image of Character:



Sexuality: Heterosexual


Casper serves as Bea's weapon, able to transform his body into the weapon shown above at her command. Along with this, he has extreme intelligence but nothing else considered a power.


Casper is very calm and collected, not considered shy but he does prefer peace and quiet. Little emotion ever shows on his face. He's completely loyal too Bea despite the way she often treats him. He doesn't speak unless spoken to or if the situation calls for it. He's one to think of a plan before jumping into action. However, he obeys anything Bea tells him to do, so his actions depend on this. 


Casper was born to a single woman, a teenager who made a bad decision a young age and forced to deal with the situation alone. Life was hard enough for the two of them. His mother tried to provide for them, leaving the kid alone at home while she would work as a prostitute, the only job she could actually keep. She brought home a new guy every night just for the money. She loved her son and he loved her, even though she would sometimes hit him when he did something wrong or leave him unattended for hours at a time. When he was about seven years old, things started changing in the house. For some reason, the kid would randomly turn into a sword. It made no sense to his mother and she was rather scared. She picked him up while he was asleep one day and out of fear of what the government would do if they discovered this, she dropped him off in the forest with a little bit of food and water to last him a week. When he woke up, the child bawled and bawled and searched for hours for his mother to no avail. He found another woman instead and went with her. The two remained with eachother for years after that, both of them accepting the fact that they'd never see the people they cared for again. They managed to survive, accepting jobs around town so they could afford a cheap apartment or a hotel room. This kept on until they discovered Mutagen.

@Katie Jensen
Name: Casper Flynn

Gender: Male

Age: Seventeen 

Image of Character:

View attachment 173586

View attachment 173590

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Casper serves as Bea's weapon, able to transform his body into the weapon shown above at her command. Along with this, he has extreme intelligence but nothing else considered a power.


Casper is very calm and collected, not considered shy but he does prefer peace and quiet. Little emotion ever shows on his face. He's completely loyal too Bea despite the way she often treats him. He doesn't speak unless spoken to or if the situation calls for it. He's one to think of a plan before jumping into action. However, he obeys anything Bea tells him to do, so his actions depend on this. 


Casper was born to a single woman, a teenager who made a bad decision a young age and forced to deal with the situation alone. Life was hard enough for the two of them. His mother tried to provide for them, leaving the kid alone at home while she would work as a prostitute, the only job she could actually keep. She brought home a new guy every night just for the money. She loved her son and he loved her, even though she would sometimes hit him when he did something wrong or leave him unattended for hours at a time. When he was about seven years old, things started changing in the house. For some reason, the kid would randomly turn into a sword. It made no sense to his mother and she was rather scared. She picked him up while he was asleep one day and out of fear of what the government would do if they discovered this, she dropped him off in the forest with a little bit of food and water to last him a week. When he woke up, the child bawled and bawled and searched for hours for his mother to no avail. He found another woman instead and went with her. The two remained with eachother for years after that, both of them accepting the fact that they'd never see the people they cared for again. They managed to survive, accepting jobs around town so they could afford a cheap apartment or a hotel room. This kept on until they discovered Mutagen.

@Katie Jensen

Welcome to the RP :) currently all mutants have been captured and thrown in cells made specially to stop them escaping 

Name: Casper Flynn

Gender: Male

Age: Seventeen 

Image of Character:

View attachment 173586

View attachment 173590

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Casper serves as Bea's weapon, able to transform his body into the weapon shown above at her command. Along with this, he has extreme intelligence but nothing else considered a power.


Casper is very calm and collected, not considered shy but he does prefer peace and quiet. Little emotion ever shows on his face. He's completely loyal too Bea despite the way she often treats him. He doesn't speak unless spoken to or if the situation calls for it. He's one to think of a plan before jumping into action. However, he obeys anything Bea tells him to do, so his actions depend on this. 


Casper was born to a single woman, a teenager who made a bad decision a young age and forced to deal with the situation alone. Life was hard enough for the two of them. His mother tried to provide for them, leaving the kid alone at home while she would work as a prostitute, the only job she could actually keep. She brought home a new guy every night just for the money. She loved her son and he loved her, even though she would sometimes hit him when he did something wrong or leave him unattended for hours at a time. When he was about seven years old, things started changing in the house. For some reason, the kid would randomly turn into a sword. It made no sense to his mother and she was rather scared. She picked him up while he was asleep one day and out of fear of what the government would do if they discovered this, she dropped him off in the forest with a little bit of food and water to last him a week. When he woke up, the child bawled and bawled and searched for hours for his mother to no avail. He found another woman instead and went with her. The two remained with eachother for years after that, both of them accepting the fact that they'd never see the people they cared for again. They managed to survive, accepting jobs around town so they could afford a cheap apartment or a hotel room. This kept on until they discovered Mutagen.

@Katie Jensen

Welcome to the RP :) currently all mutants have been captured and thrown in cells made specially to stop them escaping 
Awesome! Any idea how I can introduce my characters and would Bea and Casper share the same cell or be seperated?
Awesome! Any idea how I can introduce my characters and would Bea and Casper share the same cell or be seperated?

Maybe have them wake up after being unconscious? I'll have my character Raven interact with them once they wake up :)

Awesome! Any idea how I can introduce my characters and would Bea and Casper share the same cell or be seperated?

Maybe have them wake up after being unconscious? I'll have my character Raven interact with them once they wake up :)
Maybe have them wake up after being unconscious? I'll have my character Raven interact with them once they wake up :)

That sounds good to me. I'm going to assume that means they are, in fact, sharing the same cell?
That sounds good to me. I'm going to assume that means they are, in fact, sharing the same cell?

Yes they are :P the cell they are in is specially made so they can't break out, also they have power drainers implanted in their necks to make sure there's no chance of escape (I'm planning the escape scenes as I type :D) so go on, have them wake up and I'll have Ravem react with em

That sounds good to me. I'm going to assume that means they are, in fact, sharing the same cell?

Yes they are :P the cell they are in is specially made so they can't break out, also they have power drainers implanted in their necks to make sure there's no chance of escape (I'm planning the escape scenes as I type :D) so go on, have them wake up and I'll have Ravem react with em
Name*:Maxwell Atori. "Dr.Atori" 



Image of character: 


Sexuality: Varies.


Quantum processing: The normal human brain processes information from point A to point B. Those who have knack for multi tasking can usually process up to 3 variables simultainiously. Atori's brain can process information on a non linear plane, allowing him to take in seemingly endless amounts of variables and process them simultaneously making him the ultimate multi tasker

Permanent memory: Nothing Atori has ever seen has been forgotten, now you may be thinking this isn't a superpower. However his brain seems to have no limit to its storage capacity. He remembers every face, every number, and every letter he has ever seen. 

Formless mind: Atori's mind has long since clasped under the staggering weight  of his intellect. due to this he seems to be out of his mind to most. But in reality he simply has stored and processed so much information and knowledge, that his mind is like an ocean, whereas the average mind is a puddle. This makes him not only impervious to mental manipulation and telepathy, but it actually has many negative consequences for attempts at such manipulations, this can include seizures, insanity, and even a catatonic state, depending on the telepaths aptitude. However should they recover they will find their overall knowledge nearly double.

Personality*: Dr. Atori is strange to say the least. He acts very random and sporadically, switching from ominous and foreboding to diligently creating new inventions. The one thing that seems to be uniform is his sense of superiority, and his bonds. He regards few on the same plane as himself, those who he does he holds in very high regard, and while he may be a bit of an ass to other mutants, it pales in comparison to the contempt he holds for the rest of humanity. 

Background: Maxwell Atori was once a simple scientist working in a R&D department building in one of the destroyed cities. When the city was destroyed he managed to escape the collapsed get building by sheer luck alone. He just so happened to get trapped in the one elevator that wasn't crushed with the building collapse. 

However that elevator didn't sheild him from the Mutagen. He was mutated, but for some reason only his brain seems to have been effected. His conscience and subconscious minds fused, and his brain was brought beyond 100% of what a human mind could do. 

When he was rescued he kept this a secret, and once the mutants became a target, he sought the Mutagen organization...

Extras: Despite having the most powerful mind on the planet, He has next to no actual fighting experience, and in addition to that he is not in very good shape. In field operation he relies heavily on gadgets he has created, for everything from mobility, to offensive, to support.
Name: Kurt Barnaby

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Image of character: Capture.JPG-Normal Form        Bear.thumb.jpg.864c51376cdda86af14792b5dfd97b8e.jpg-Bear Form

Sexuality: straight

Powers: [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Can transform into a monstrous bear; while in this form Kurt is much stronger, tougher, and can run at a faster pace than he could in his human form. He is also resistant against cold temperatures. His claws are able to damage even tougher material like stone. In this form, however, Kurt struggles to speak and usually refrains from doing it at all.[/SIZE]

Personality: Kurt is somewhat arrogant, as he believes that his ideas or plans are better than others. He is determined and isn’t afraid of arguing with others and telling them what he thinks. However, when it comes to combat Kurt doesn’t enjoy throwing himself into conflict that he doesn’t have to and usually tries to talk his way out of something or have someone else handle it for him.

Background: Kurt originally belonged to a circus group, his power to transform into a bear allowed for tricks and performances to be done that a normal one could never hope to be taught to perform. However, it was only a matter of time before people who were against mutants to learn about Kurt. One day after a performance a group of anti-mutant extremists sneaked onto the circus grounds late at night and set a fire. Before leaving the area the extremists shouted “Death to the mutant!” The fire spread quickly and many people were badly burned or died before the fire was put out. Kurt was able to escape the fire thanks to his other form, however, it was clear to him that the circus was in ruin and it almost certainly due to his presence there. Without much of anywhere else to go, Kurt remembered a place called that the ringleader had told him about It was a place that mutants could go to be safe, a place called Mutagen.

Extras:  Kurt is proficient in a few circus acts like juggling, balancing, and using a whip.

(As a side note: still trying to decide if his other form, should destroy the clothes he is currently wearing since he becomes much larger or if it should do  that thing that where the clothes just sort of disappear and reappear for convenience and no one really questions it. Let me know what you think.)
Name*:Maxwell Atori. "Dr.Atori" 



Image of character: 

View attachment 174336

Sexuality: Varies.


Quantum processing: The normal human brain processes information from point A to point B. Those who have knack for multi tasking can usually process up to 3 variables simultainiously. Atori's brain can process information on a non linear plane, allowing him to take in seemingly endless amounts of variables and process them simultaneously making him the ultimate multi tasker

Permanent memory: Nothing Atori has ever seen has been forgotten, now you may be thinking this isn't a superpower. However his brain seems to have no limit to its storage capacity. He remembers every face, every number, and every letter he has ever seen. 

Formless mind: Atori's mind has long since clasped under the staggering weight  of his intellect. due to this he seems to be out of his mind to most. But in reality he simply has stored and processed so much information and knowledge, that his mind is like an ocean, whereas the average mind is a puddle. This makes him not only impervious to mental manipulation and telepathy, but it actually has many negative consequences for attempts at such manipulations, this can include seizures, insanity, and even a catatonic state, depending on the telepaths aptitude. However should they recover they will find their overall knowledge nearly double.

Personality*: Dr. Atori is strange to say the least. He acts very random and sporadically, switching from ominous and foreboding to diligently creating new inventions. The one thing that seems to be uniform is his sense of superiority, and his bonds. He regards few on the same plane as himself, those who he does he holds in very high regard, and while he may be a bit of an ass to other mutants, it pales in comparison to the contempt he holds for the rest of humanity. 

Background: Maxwell Atori was once a simple scientist working in a R&D department building in one of the destroyed cities. When the city was destroyed he managed to escape the collapsed get building by sheer luck alone. He just so happened to get trapped in the one elevator that wasn't crushed with the building collapse. 

However that elevator didn't sheild him from the Mutagen. He was mutated, but for some reason only his brain seems to have been effected. His conscience and subconscious minds fused, and his brain was brought beyond 100% of what a human mind could do. 

When he was rescued he kept this a secret, and once the mutants became a target, he sought the Mutagen organization...

Extras: Despite having the most powerful mind on the planet, He has next to no actual fighting experience, and in addition to that he is not in very good shape. In field operation he relies heavily on gadgets he has created, for everything from mobility, to offensive, to support.

Welcome :)  just like all other mutants right now you are in a cell that you cannot escape, though I assume from the amount of posts you've been liking you probably know that xD
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Name: Kurt Barnaby

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Image of character: View attachment 174402-Normal Form        View attachment 174375-Bear Form

Sexuality: straight

Powers: [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Can transform into a monstrous bear; while in this form Kurt is much stronger, tougher, and can run at a faster pace than he could in his human form. He is also resistant against cold temperatures. His claws are able to damage even tougher material like stone. In this form, however, Kurt struggles to speak and usually refrains from doing it at all.[/SIZE]

Personality: Kurt is somewhat arrogant, as he believes that his ideas or plans are better than others. He is determined and isn’t afraid of arguing with others and telling them what he thinks. However, when it comes to combat Kurt doesn’t enjoy throwing himself into conflict that he doesn’t have to and usually tries to talk his way out of something or have someone else handle it for him.

Background: Kurt originally belonged to a circus group, his power to transform into a bear allowed for tricks and performances to be done that a normal one could never hope to be taught to perform. However, it was only a matter of time before people who were against mutants to learn about Kurt. One day after a performance a group of anti-mutant extremists sneaked onto the circus grounds late at night and set a fire. Before leaving the area the extremists shouted “Death to the mutant!” The fire spread quickly and many people were badly burned or died before the fire was put out. Kurt was able to escape the fire thanks to his other form, however, it was clear to him that the circus was in ruin and it almost certainly due to his presence there. Without much of anywhere else to go, Kurt remembered a place called that the ringleader had told him about It was a place that mutants could go to be safe, a place called Mutagen.

Extras:  Kurt is proficient in a few circus acts like juggling, balancing, and using a whip.

(As a side note: still trying to decide if his other form, should destroy the clothes he is currently wearing since he becomes much larger or if it should do  that thing that where the clothes just sort of disappear and reappear for convenience and no one really questions it. Let me know what you think.)

Well if the clothes rip then it can lead to comedic scenes after cause people are gonna question the lack of pants but also if they disappear and reappear it can be just as funny because people can ask where they go xD anyway welcome aboard, you're currently in a cell that you can't escape. Just act like your character has just woken up or something :)
Well if the clothes rip then it can lead to comedic scenes after cause people are gonna question the lack of pants but also if they disappear and reappear it can be just as funny because people can ask where they go xD anyway welcome aboard, you're currently in a cell that you can't escape. Just act like your character has just woken up or something :)

Alright, cool I'll decide which to go with soon. I'll try to get a post up later on.
Name*: Lilly

Gender*: Female 

Age*: 19

Image of character:

Sexuality: Bisexual, but mostly leans towards guys.

Powers*: gold eye can see threw walls and the like. She also has a verry slow regeneration, although it doesn't heal severed limbs unless the limb is sewn back onto her.

Personality*: thinks the world is cruel and her personality reflects it till someone comes and shows her different.

Background: to be revealed 
Name*: Lilly

Gender*: Female 

Age*: 19

Image of character: View attachment 185815

Sexuality: Bisexual, but mostly leans towards guys.

Powers*: gold eye can see threw walls and the like. She also has a verry slow regeneration, although it doesn't heal severed limbs unless the limb is sewn back onto her.

Personality*: thinks the world is cruel and her personality reflects it till someone comes and shows her different.

Background: to be revealed 

Short and snappy xD make sure to read the rules then come and join in :)

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