Music Personified

Drake was in the atrium, listening to some metal music through his headphones. He didn't feel like going to class that day, so he was glad that it wasn't starting a while later. Looking around at his surroundings, he realized that he was getting a lot of strange looks.

"Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer," he snapped. It was getting rather annoying how everyone would still gawk at him. Sure they weren't used to seeing someone wearing combat boots, ripped up jeans and a worn out tank top, but it was half way through the friggin' year.

Sighing, Drake put on his black hoodie to cover up the tattoos running down his arms. He wanted to be in one of the studios at the East Wing, recording some of his music with his band, Unholy Remains. A few of his band mates had gone to GSM for a semester or two, while the rest hadn't been able to afford it. But sometimes over the weekend, they would be allowed to visit.

Inky hummed, hands jammed in his pockets. His velvet stitched-up bear sat ontop of his head, which dangled on the verge of falling. He did a light spin in the middle of the hallway, seeing Drake a while down. He cocked his head, swinging his patterened scarf over his shoulder, and stepped toward him.

"...Hi,"Inksplotch held a light wave. He knew Drake had a reputation for being that 'bad boy', but the fact didn't faze Inky the slightest. There was not really anyone else to talk to, and he was bored out of his mind.
Ray walked in the hallway with her small black ear buds in blasting dubstep inside of her ears even though the buds were small you could clearly hear each bass drop and the shrieks of the techno. Ray was wearing red skinny jeans with black combat boots with spikes on the heals, she was wearing a black short sleeve shirt that said "Dubstep" in big white bold words, she had a black bag to carry her books in that had the deadmau5 logo on it, Ray was bored to death, the dubstep being the only thing keeping her occupied, for once she actually wanted classes to start right now
Silesia skipped down the hall, humming to herself with an earphone in one ear. She felt full of energy like she always did. Although class didn't start for a little while, she wanted to see if she could find someone to hang out with until then. It was boring at her house, and she didn't like being bored. She looked to her left, where Drake was.

"Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer!" He snapped at the crowd. Everyone always gawked at him, having a strange style. Hmm, maybe she would take a picture. She was bored, anyways. Silessa whipped out her phone, went to the camera app and snapped a quick photo of Drake. Hopefully he wouldn't be upset. But in her defense, he DID tell someone to.
((I know I have to be accepted but I'm really excited to join this. My character is Daniel Edelstein, the classical one and a master of piano and violin. Thanks!))

Daniel walked an area of the atrium where the piano was. He saw a couple of other people listening to music. It was all just modern. Nobody cares about classical nowadays. They are just swept up in 'dubstep' or 'pop' or 'rock'. They needed something else. He sat down at the piano and sighed. Daniel's hands began to play the beginning notes of 'Requiem for a Dream' by Clint Masnsell. His hands gradually got faster and to the more exciting part.
At the sound of a camera snapping, Drake whipped around to see that someone had taken him literally. "Are you f**king kidding me?" he muttered to himself, rolling his eyes. At first he didn't recognize the person, but realized that it was Silessa, a girl that he saw in the hallway sometimes. He decided to let it go when someone suddenly went up to him.

"Um...hey?" Drake said to Inky. He didn't really know the kid that well and wondered why he was even here. He seemed to be a little strange, but Drake decided not to send him away.
Friday sat on the first step of the grand staircase, leading to the second floor where more classrooms waited for the students. He adjusted his grey beanie, just like he always did every few minutes, and silently watched Silessa take a picture of Drake, two of the people he'd always been afraid of, but he couldn't stop himself from thinking of the possibilities if that was the situation. "We'd be like book characters." He muttered softly and smiled at the ridiculous thought.

He looked away and leaned on the handles of the stairs, avoiding the gazes from the others, and trying to distract himself by muttering the lyrics to A Fine Frenzy's Come on, come out.
Silessa frowned when she heard Drake roll his eyes, probably about the picture. If he didn't want one taken then he shouldn't have suggested it, it wasn't her fault that she decided to take it literally... She sighed, continuing to walk. It was still boring. She walked up to the grand staircase, where a boy was muttering something. Um.. Alright? Wait, she new that boy. He was Friday, a really shy boy. Well, she was bored so might as well talk to him! "Hi Friday, how are you today?" She asked politely with a smile.
Friday flinched, praying whoever called him didn't notice, and slowly looked up. It was Silessa. Friday immediately wished he had caught the flu today and stayed home. He managed a smile, but it was shaky and reluctant and, frankly, it went awkward. "He--hello." He said, trying to sound confident, but it came out like a squeak. "Hello." He repeated, it was softer, but much better this time.
Silessa blinked. Wow, he sounded kinda scared... Did she surprise him? "Sorry if I surprised you..." She said. That boy sure was skittish! "Um... It's a nice day today, isn't it?" She said, looking out the window to their left. There were a few small clouds in the sky, but for the most part it was sunny and warm. Perfect to be hitting up an amusement park or something, but she was sadly stuck in school.
Friday smiled back, a little more relaxed this time. "Ye-yes, yes it is." He replied, he still can't make himself a bit louder, but he'd have to settle on this for now. They both fell silent after that, the constant buzzing of conversations around them rose back up. "You must be really bored, huh. Talking to me like we know each other." He finally said, trying not to sound so blunt, but who would want to talk to him anyway?

"Don't worry, you're really nice, I'm sure you can find better people to talk to." He suggested, giving her a forced smile.
Daniel finished playing 'Requiem for a Dream' and smiled. Such a beautiful song of the classic era. He decided to go meet people. The pianist/violinist walked up the stair case and approached Friday.

"Hello! I'm Daniel. I do Classical and I am a master at violin and piano. How are you all today?"
Silessa was a little taken aback. Did he really know she was that bored?! I mean his statement, although a bit blunt, was mostly true.. But still. "Don't feel that way! Although we don't know each other very well, you looked a bit lonely standing here.." Silessa turned as another boy came and introduced himself as Daniel, a master at violin and piano.

"Hi there Daniel! I'm Silessa and this is Friday. That's so cool that you can play both of those! I can mix music a little bit, but I'm not actually skilled at playing any instruments." She confessed, adjusting her stylish cap a little on her head.
Daniel hid his disappointment about Silessa only being able to use machines to make music. Knowing that he had to be nice, Daniel decided to speak again.

"Thank you. I'm not sure if you heard it, but I was playing 'Requiem for Dream' on piano earlier. Such a beautiful song."
"I'm not lo--" He stopped abruptly as a boy approached them. He fell silent as Silessa went to take the lead of this conversation. From where Friday sat, The boy whom approached them and Silessa called Daniel, was good-looking. He had very fine features, it reminded him of something timelessly old yet at the same time his age exhibited his youth. He had to look away to fight the incoming blush that was about to creep up on his cheeks.
Delilah casually strolled down the block of her school. Her low strap back stopped at her backside, and her hair tied up in the messiest bun. Strands hung from the sides of her head and drooped down to her shoulders. Her thin, trimmed resting right above huge almond shaped, brown hues. Her walk had a stagger, and a slight lean, which made her seem all the more cool. She knew she was late but that is normal coming from Delilah. Waving "hi" to the security guard outside, she then wrapped slender fingers around the door knob of the school door and pushed it open, feeling the nice air conditioner blow her curls back momentarily. She had a sense everyone was in the atrium. Yawning quietly, she decided to skip a few more minutes of class, and walked slowly to the staircase, pushed the door open to see the familiar faces like Friday and Daniel. "Hey." She'd say, giving off her casual smirk and wave, leaning back against the door, as her famous casual sunshine beamed it's rays on the others.
Daniel turned his attention to the hallway and saw a person that made him happy. It was Delilah, the R&B personification. She was pretty as a rose in the dawn's light. Almost everyone here had a music player, and Delilah was no exception. But Daniel couldn't see it, so it was probably in her bag.

"Hey Delilah! How is it going?" Daniel asked.
"Pretty well... I'm late, aren't I?" She'd reply, chuckling quietly under her breath, before shrugging it off to examine the two, and how quickly Daniel was happy to answer her. She just simply slipped her small, dainty hands underneath the pockets of her camo jeans. "Eh. It's fine. It's not so bad, anyways. What's up, you two?"
"Really? That was you? That's amazing! I thought someone was just playing their music too loud or something, it's awesome that you can play that well." Silessa said. Although she didn't really like classical music that much, she was awed that someone would spend the time to learn to play so amazingly on the piano. She turned to see another girl walk up to them. She had a messy bun. Hmm.. Silessa didn't seem to know her. Daniel greeted her as Delilah. So that was her name. "Hi." Silessa said, trying to be polite.
Stop it, Friday. If people know you're gay, you're basically throwing your life away. After a few seconds of collecting himself, he forced himself to look at the people around him. He kept quiet, listening to their conversations. He's always been this way, always listening, never speaking. Somehow, because of that, he managed to get himself to where he is right now. He's happy with that, but a part of him always wanted to be like the others. Talking and laughing, not just smiling and listening. He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but closed it again. What are you doing, Friday? He asked himself and sighed forlornly.
"Oh, nothing much. Just enjoying a few minutes before class with some friends." Daniel replied. He turned to Silessa.

"Thank you. I spent my entire life playing piano. Many people may not like classical music, but it is just gorgeous." he said. Then Daniel noticed Friday was nervous.

"Is there something wrong with your friend here?" Daniel asked Silessa.
"No--Nothing's wrong!" He blurted out before he could even think. He stiffened and looked away. "I--I'm sorry, for shouting at you." He muttered as he fumbled with his fingers. He wanted to punch himself, so bad. I'm dead. He repeated this in his head several things before sighing once again and adjusted his beanie hat. I can't believe this.

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