Piggu Lord
Billy the Kid
Billy was riding his horse, Billy, Handsome white horse he is, anyways back to narration!
Billy the Kid was riding his horse across New Mexico, California, attempting to escape the POOlice from givin' him a good ol' beatin' and rapin' in jail. His momma told him not to get close to those policemen, especially when one of them was a KNEEGROW! No No, Billy wasn't gettin'
raped by him!
But Billy was soon out of luck, he saw a large canyon ahead of him and he didn't know what to do! He would need to stop! But of course Billy, and his horse, Billy. Being the men they were- Oh wait Billy 2 was a horse, and a girl. Either way they thought alike and decided to try the jump!
And so they jumped and......
Didn't even get close to making it!
Billy the Horse let out a loud defiant neigh as she knew they were gonna die, but billy only yelled in happiness!
"We be dun' FLYIN' BILLY."
If the horse could speak he would have called Billy the Retard of the century.
But suddenly a hole opened up under Billy the Kid, the horse simply fazed through and his body splattered once hitting the floor!
So Billy ended up inside a buildin' not sure where but he only yelled out
It was all that Kneegroe's fault. Damn it.