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Fandom Murder IV: Eye of the Storm

The bear-hugging tackle snapped Kinara out of her fit, and made her blink a few times, the tears no longer streaming down her cheeks again as she remembered where she was, stunned and unable to move for a moment before she realized whose arms she was in. "C-Celeste!" She cried out happily, throwing her slender arms around her larger lover, and nuzzling her face into the woman's chest before wriggling her way up and smothering the larger woman's collar bones, neck, jaw, cheeks, forehead, and lips with tons of tiny, happy kisses. "Oh I've missed you so much~~ They wouldn't let me see you, said I hadn't been a good enough girl." she said in between frenzied kisses.

After a while she planted one solid, passionately loving kiss to the larger woman's lips, breaking it only to speak again, her tone lower. "I... had a vision... the Force... it cleared my system of the drugs... showed me... everything to happen.... Another SCP will... break containment... big lizard.... They can't kill it, but it can kill them... all of them... IF I don't tell someone we'll all be in danger." she said, shuddering and then burying her face into Celeste's shoulder. She took a breath and sighed. "They'll be coming for me soon... I've never had an outburst like this... but... this.. .they'll come for me again..."

LunarDiscord LunarDiscord Akibahara Akibahara

Celeste Seshafi Ikari | LOCATION: Within Site 19, D-Class Ward | WITH: Kinara ( Storm-Shadow14 Storm-Shadow14 )
Celeste breathed a heavy sigh of relief, holding Kinara close as she came to an showered her with feverish, happy pecks from the shoulders up, returning whichever of them that she could when they came to her lips. She kept her arms snug around Kinara's torso throughout the ordeal, happy to hear that she wasn't the only one hurting for someone to be with after all of this time, mentally sneering some as she explains why they had been kept so separated from each other. That longer, passionate smooch to her lips was much easier to give back however, the mercenary feeling that fuzzy kind of warmth that only a sweet kiss can bring spread through her, her muscles easing up some, letting the Jedi continue to speak for the both of them as she recounts the visions she had. It seemed pretty serious if it had shaken her up so bad, but the only part she could really focus on was the idea that this lizard being mentioned would kill members of the foundation and cause some sort of diversion or breach of its own. Sure, they would all be in danger if it was that powerful, but it might also be the only chance they have of getting out of this place.

One hand came up reflexively as her lover planted her face into the shoulder before it, petting her softly as she continued to unwind, shaking her head lightly at her last statement. "N-No... I won't let them without... without saying anything at least. We can blame it on one of their monsters..." She started, her voice crackling some as she forced it to keep up with what she wanted to say, still hoarse despite that. "But... I don't know if you s-should tell anyone. If this lizard doesn't bust out... I don't think we're leaving this place until we're dead... and... and Fuck that!" The larger woman manages to end off her statement with some conviction finally creeping back into her tone, thought it was clear it would take some time to get back to the usual volume and aggressiveness that it normally carried.
The bear-hugging tackle snapped Kinara out of her fit, and made her blink a few times, the tears no longer streaming down her cheeks again as she remembered where she was, stunned and unable to move for a moment before she realized whose arms she was in. "C-Celeste!" She cried out happily, throwing her slender arms around her larger lover, and nuzzling her face into the woman's chest before wriggling her way up and smothering the larger woman's collar bones, neck, jaw, cheeks, forehead, and lips with tons of tiny, happy kisses. "Oh I've missed you so much~~ They wouldn't let me see you, said I hadn't been a good enough girl." she said in between frenzied kisses.

After a while she planted one solid, passionately loving kiss to the larger woman's lips, breaking it only to speak again, her tone lower. "I... had a vision... the Force... it cleared my system of the drugs... showed me... everything to happen.... Another SCP will... break containment... big lizard.... They can't kill it, but it can kill them... all of them... IF I don't tell someone we'll all be in danger." she said, shuddering and then burying her face into Celeste's shoulder. She took a breath and sighed. "They'll be coming for me soon... I've never had an outburst like this... but... this.. .they'll come for me again..."

LunarDiscord LunarDiscord Akibahara Akibahara


"Get on the ground! Don't move!"

A squadron of MTF Operatives rushed into the scene, M4 Carbines trained on the duo. You could see a Foundation Doctor step through a pair of sliding doors, offering a small smile toward the duo as he motions toward his men to lower their firearms. Within moments, they comply as the Doctor walked calmly toward the duo. "Tell me, what happened here? Why all the commotion? I understand you're a psychokinetic and have a strong bond toward D-3252." He nodded at two nearby guards, who promptly pressed a hand on both of Kinara's shoulders, "Now, I'm sure you're aware each time you have one of these episodes you're going to be debriefed and given proper medication to sedate your abilities."

One of his assistants, some nerdy college graduate with glasses, retrieves a briefcase.

He pops it open, revealing a syringe with a strange yellow fluid inside.

"Now hold still, we don't want to nick a vein now, do we?"

The Doctor pulled out the syringe, the bevel of the needle pointing at Kinara's left arm.

What do you do?

A.) Comply

B.) Refuse

C.) Attack​


Celeste Seshafi Ikari | LOCATION: Within Site 19, D-Class Ward | WITH: Kinara ( Storm-Shadow14 Storm-Shadow14 )
Celeste breathed a heavy sigh of relief, holding Kinara close as she came to an showered her with feverish, happy pecks from the shoulders up, returning whichever of them that she could when they came to her lips. She kept her arms snug around Kinara's torso throughout the ordeal, happy to hear that she wasn't the only one hurting for someone to be with after all of this time, mentally sneering some as she explains why they had been kept so separated from each other. That longer, passionate smooch to her lips was much easier to give back however, the mercenary feeling that fuzzy kind of warmth that only a sweet kiss can bring spread through her, her muscles easing up some, letting the Jedi continue to speak for the both of them as she recounts the visions she had. It seemed pretty serious if it had shaken her up so bad, but the only part she could really focus on was the idea that this lizard being mentioned would kill members of the foundation and cause some sort of diversion or breach of its own. Sure, they would all be in danger if it was that powerful, but it might also be the only chance they have of getting out of this place.

One hand came up reflexively as her lover planted her face into the shoulder before it, petting her softly as she continued to unwind, shaking her head lightly at her last statement. "N-No... I won't let them without... without saying anything at least. We can blame it on one of their monsters..." She started, her voice crackling some as she forced it to keep up with what she wanted to say, still hoarse despite that. "But... I don't know if you s-should tell anyone. If this lizard doesn't bust out... I don't think we're leaving this place until we're dead... and... and Fuck that!" The larger woman manages to end off her statement with some conviction finally creeping back into her tone, thought it was clear it would take some time to get back to the usual volume and aggressiveness that it normally carried.

"Get on the ground! Don't move!"

A squadron of MTF Operatives rushed into the scene, M4 Carbines trained on the duo. You could see a Foundation Doctor step through a pair of sliding doors, offering a small smile toward the duo as he motions toward his men to lower their firearms. Within moments, they comply as the Doctor walked calmly toward the duo. "Tell me, what happened here? Why all the commotion? I understand you're a psychokinetic and have a strong bond toward D-3252." He nodded at two nearby guards, who promptly pressed a hand on both of Kinara's shoulders, "Now, I'm sure you're aware each time you have one of these episodes you're going to be debriefed and given proper medication to sedate your abilities."

One of his assistants, some nerdy college graduate with glasses, retrieves a briefcase.

He pops it open, revealing a syringe with a strange yellow fluid inside.

"Now hold still, we don't want to nick a vein now, do we?"

The Doctor pulled out the syringe, the bevel of the needle pointing at Kinara's left arm.

What do you do?

A.) Comply

B.) Refuse

C.) Attack​

Kinara continued to nuzzle into Celeste's shoulder, keeping her grip tight on the larger woman, her breathing calming. Now that she could feel the utmost power of the Force coursing through her body, she completely relaxed as well. For the most part, anyway. Sighing softly, Kinara kissed Celete's neck a few more times, enjoying the feeling of those muscles against her lips as she moved a hand to caress them. As the doors opened and the operatives made their way into the hall, Kinara's heart rate elevated once more and as the rifles were lowered, the barrels began to compress, being bent in on themselves to prevent bullets from firing on her. As soon as the Syringe was revealed, Kinara shook her head and squirmed out of the grip of the guards and hid behind Celeste, grabbing onto her tightly.

"N-no! You don't need to drug me! I-I'll be a good girl! J-just listen to me! I... My vision... It's... It was 682! He's about to break containment!" she cried out before hiding behind Celeste again. However the Needle continued its path towards her, and once more the guards attempted to grab her so that they could drug her. "Leave. Me. ALONE!!!!!!!!!" she yelled. A Repulse of Force Energy erupted from her body, shattering the syringe, and likely making everyone around her minus Celeste fly at least ten feet back and into the walls. Kinara began to panic again and reached out towards the Doctor, grabbing him with the Force before he was flung into the sharp, deadly mass of metal of what was left of the Water Fountain, saving his life.

"Just... leave me alone with Celeste.... I'll behave and comply... just.. please, no more Drugs. I'll be a good girl." she promised, hugging Celeste's arm tightly to her body.

Celeste Seshafi Ikari | LOCATION: Within Site 19, D-Class Ward | WITH: Kinara ( Storm-Shadow14 Storm-Shadow14 ) Foundation Staff ( Akibahara Akibahara )
Well, she wasn't surprised to see them show up, mostly that she had beaten them to Kinara somehow, and that they hadn't done anything rash upon seeing them. Celeste could only wonder why that hadn't opened fire with tranquilizers right away or something similar, though her own tension had died off a little bit from those well placed kisses along her neck, helping to hold back a building, violent outburst of her own at the operatives. Regardless larger woman couldn't ignore the very sudden elevation in heart rate, given that the other's chest was pressed right up against her body for the time being, that feeling slipping away with the Jedi as she squirmed free from both the guards and Celeste herself after that Syringe was revealed. Now, as much as she cared for Kinara, she knew that standing directly between her and the approaching Doctor would only make matters worse, instead opting to stand to the side some, one arm held in front of her partner and the approaching foundation members, hoping they would at least hear things out before jumping into action and forcing Celeste to act.

With Kinara slipping behind her again, she decided to hold her ground this time, her body winding up further and further as they still pushed for the woman behind her, until that woman decided to take things into her own hands, using that force of hers to send the operatives and doctor a good distance down the hallway. The mercenary had almost hoped one of them hit the floor or wall at a bad angle and snapped their neck, seeing as her lover still felt that she had to use such a nickname for herself when addressing them, even though it would have certainly made things worse. Among such violent thoughts, she had barely noticed that the Doctor was saved from getting impaled on the water fountain Kinara had wrecked earlier with her outburst, and it was unlikely that he noticed it either, her attention humping between him and the Jedi behind her as she made that plea. Celeste had to speak up, and she would have to do so carefully, to avoid hurting her standings with either party. No matter how badly she wanted to turn those Foundation pricks into mulch for affecting Kinara in such a manner. "L-Look... If I have to stay with her in her cell, or whatever... So... So be it... There's no need to fu... drug her up a-any further." She swallowed hard before continuing, her throat already starting to ache in response. "Besides... it was o-one of your experiments... that caused it. She wasn't... wasn't trying to pull anything... I-In fact, she just h-helped you..." A few coughs were the next thing to come out of the larger woman's mouth, covering it with her free arm as she recovered, giving the Doctor an almost pleading look after.

That was the end of her rope. If this didn't work, she would only have herself to blame for the rampage she would go on if she was kicked after stooping so low for the first time in her life.
Elise wandered down the halls of Site-19, she felt relieved that she was finally able to be back, ‘Home’, for lack of a better word. The Operative had already changed out of her civilian casual clothes and was now sporting a MTF operative get up, similar to most of the guards roaming the halls. The agent huffed as she turned a corner into the D-block, she hated this part of the site, such a sad and deprived group of humans all hoping for freedom, she’d pity them if she cared a rat’s ass about their well-being.

Just before she reached her destination she heard some commotion from nearby, this wasn’t like the usual screaming from some of the specimens, this was different, this was violent. She quickly dashed to the source of the sound, her heart racing as she expected the worse. As she neared the epicenter of the outburst she saw two woman, one cowering behind the other, as well as the Doctor and numourous guards who has been attacked, she focused on the doctor. Diving towards him and helping him to his feet, she knew something like this would already sound alarms but it was better safe that sorry, she reached down to her walkie talkie, “We need backup at the D-class ward stat!” She knew to keep her messeges short and simple so she left it at that.

By now Elise had raised to her feet, unholstering her pistol and pointing it dead on to the stronger woman as she was at front, “Get on the ground! Don’t make me ask twice!” She barked at the women, hoping that they’d comply so she didn’t have to pull the trigger, not because she didn’t want to kill them, but because she acted the paperwork that followed.

Akibahara Akibahara Storm-Shadow14 Storm-Shadow14 LunarDiscord LunarDiscord

Status: Shattered
With: Nobody, nor did he care

Leon's hand collapsed over the side of his cot once again. His eyes opening like rusty hangar doors to reveal nothing but a vast emptiness on the inside. After arriving at site-19 over a month ago, life had been significantly different to the decadence under Tony's care. Leon didn't know where to find his friends, or even if they were here for that matter. More importantly, where was Yuri? That was HIS fiance dammit! But he was pretty sure that's how The Foundation liked to do things, and it sure as hell was forcing his compliance.

Secure. Contain. Protect. Wash and fucking repeat. Where was the protect part of this? They weren't doing any harm! Leon clenched the fist of the arm that wasn't fractured until he thought about what they may do to him, or worse Yuri if he acted out again. He didn't settle in so well at the beginning. Regular fights with the guards. Regular ass-beatings. His skin remembered the slow crawl of the taser's electricity through his body. So many bruises and all for nothing as the one time he had a realistic chance of escape he was subjugated with the pain of a 9mm tearing through his humerus. Luckily, that happened only a few days after Leon's entry into site-19 and he knew better than to try anything so bold anymore.

Leon pulled his good arm up from the ground and took a solid look around at the deplorable environment he found himself in. His cell was small, even compared to the others. It allowed him to simply crawl into a cot fixture carved into the wall, stand up, and on the occasions he needed to he could use the restroom. However, he rarely did in his cell as it left the stench in there for days. It was gray metal no matter where he looked, and the kind of meals Leon used to get in school. As far as that goes, he didn't know if the others were getting better treatment, but he did know that the overwork he was getting was a result of his defiance at the beginning.

You may have seen Leon before, but if you did you could tell he was different. There was no more fight in his eyes and a quick glance would reveal that. If you looked longer you could see it was only the husk of a man who once meant something. Now he had shackles on his mind, and uncertainty in his heart. He preferred "D-class" or even "SCP-4509" or "SCP-9786" or whatever his number was; he would rather be called anything else except Leon. That implied he had some control over the situation. Leon pulled his good arm up from his side and laid it over his eyes. Most of the time he couldn't sleep even when they gave him the time to. Anxiety began to filter through his mind as he counted the seconds until he door would pop open-- the artificial outside light blinding him-- and the scientists would begin testing. However, they didn't and he knew that they were late. They were NEVER late.
Forgotten Portrait
embarrassed blush.png
Location: Awkward || Interacting with Kate and Yagi || Status: Really Awkward

Garry was understandably uncomfortable in the current situation, even though the young lady seems to be completely different from when she 'killed' him. May as well make amends with her, or at least ease her mind that he wasn't in fact dead and she should bear no guilt. Scratching the back of his head shyly, he gave a small smile to the two that actually knew him to be deceased and quite headless last time they were in the same vicinity. "Ah, well. How do- Oh yes, I tried to inform you before it happened, but I can't quite die. Sure it's quite unpleasant to, hm how should i put it? Right- quite unpleasant to Wake Up from such a blow, but nothing I haven't done before. Although usually it takes a lot longer to knock me out from a head wound so I thank you for at least making that part quick." Jesus Garry, you're going to scare them. Resisting the urge to facepalm and backtrack as fast as possible, he was regretting bringing up the exact event, because what if they didn't quite recall all the details? Switching gears as subtly as he could, Garry decided he'd have to plan future conversations that involved people seeing him die and then meeting him at a later date, it was becoming alarmingly common.
hmmm blush.png
Well, how to bring it back around and stop any potential freak outs...? Maybe he should just bring up snacks, that is something he never messes up. But sadly snack talk will have to wait, better stop two impending panic attacks first. "I really would like to meet you two formally, there wasn't really a chance last time, and I'm afraid I actually had no clue at all as to what was going on. So! I am pleased to formally introduce myself, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintances, my name is Garry!" Introduction delivered with the brightest smile he can muster, Garry stuck his right hand out for either of them to shake- the left was still holding his warm peppermint tea.

Akibahara Akibahara Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes @whomever else is there
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Yuri was crushed. She thought she was finally safe from all this. She thought that she would have been able to live in peace, but it appears the foundation had other plans. The worst part is she didn't know where Leon was. Her heart began to race as she though about what could be happening to him. She wanted to go look for him, but she didn't want to know what they'd do to her if she went to far. She didn't know where the rest of the group was either. SHe began to worry about her and their safety.
"Is this really how I'm going to spend the rest of my life...?"
She hadn't gone through many tests yet, but she still worried that the tests would get worse and worse. She sat down on the floor feeling utterly alone.

Akibahara Akibahara Anyone Anyone around
Storm-Shadow14 Storm-Shadow14 LunarDiscord LunarDiscord Zerulu Zerulu


The Doctor coughed briefly, sitting up as Elise stepped into the room, "Wait!" He groaned, adjusting his coat jacket, "Wait. Let's hear what she has to say." The Foundation soldiers trained their rifles once again toward Kinara, preparing for the worst. Above, you could see the lights flicker momentarily, before switching on once again. Everyone in the room looked up, before returning their gaze at the two lovers, "So, you believe a containment breach is going to occur? Trust me, SCP-682 has been securely contained. We're not worried, but..." He stepped forward, his expression stern, "... If you have one more outburst, I'm afraid we'll have no choice but to undergo cross testing with you and SCP-049. He's aware of your existence and believes you have 'the plague', whatever that is. So, are you going to be a good girl?"

He idly turned toward Agent Elise, who willingly revealed herself to be a traitor, before nodding, "Agent Elise, escort these two ladies back to their cells. She's going into isolation for a day or two for her outburst. And..." He reached down, picking up a pen, it was split in two, oil was leaking from the crack, "... she broke my favorite pen.

(( One traitor left ))
Location: Around? Form: Human Mood: Contemplative

Vaati Yawned and got out of his cot, deciding to take a walk around and get his social interaction for the day. He takes a quick pace, but makes sure to avoid any major disturbances that's happening around the area. He idly waves to Yuri's cell as he passes and let's his mind wander and begins muttering his thoughts. "How much longer are we going to be stuck in this shithole? I mean, from what I've seen they could get any retarded hobo off the street to do these damn tests, and none of us have shown any capacity for the supernatural, as far as I recall. I know I've been careful at least." He steers clear of a screaming woman with a gun, taking another route to avoid whatever that drama was. "Maybe it was because they drank those potions, but then why grab Tony and I? I couldn't have been because we were in Arcadia, could it? That was an entire year ago! We moved on! Wait... Where am I?" Let it be said, Vaati is not good with directions.

Vaati Looks around, lost. Akibahara Akibahara Zerulu Zerulu Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @anyonereally
Yuri noticed Vaati wave to her. She walked closer towards him slowly.
"I don't know entirely where we are.. and I don't think we have anyway of getting out either.. I don't understand why they'd go out of their way to find us either..."
She had a few tears in her eyes. She didn't want to seem weak but she couldn't hide her desperation anymore.
"I just wish I knew where Leon was.. I want him to be here..."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Akibahara Akibahara
Storm-Shadow14 Storm-Shadow14 LunarDiscord LunarDiscord Zerulu Zerulu


The Doctor coughed briefly, sitting up as Elise stepped into the room, "Wait!" He groaned, adjusting his coat jacket, "Wait. Let's hear what she has to say." The Foundation soldiers trained their rifles once again toward Kinara, preparing for the worst. Above, you could see the lights flicker momentarily, before switching on once again. Everyone in the room looked up, before returning their gaze at the two lovers, "So, you believe a containment breach is going to occur? Trust me, SCP-682 has been securely contained. We're not worried, but..." He stepped forward, his expression stern, "... If you have one more outburst, I'm afraid we'll have no choice but to undergo cross testing with you and SCP-049. He's aware of your existence and believes you have 'the plague', whatever that is. So, are you going to be a good girl?"

He idly turned toward Agent Elise, who willingly revealed herself to be a traitor, before nodding, "Agent Elise, escort these two ladies back to their cells. She's going into isolation for a day or two for her outburst. And..." He reached down, picking up a pen, it was split in two, oil was leaking from the crack, "... she broke my favorite pen.

(( One traitor left ))

Kinara shifted her focus to Elise as soon as she sensed hostile intent, and the Force lashed out with Kinara's guidance, bending the barrel of the gun down towards the ground. A traiter should not be allowed to have a gun.... however as the Doctor seemed to believe her, she came out of hiding slightly, still hugging Celeste's arm tight.

"049 believes everyone has the plague.... you know this.... just... let me be with Celeste, and i promise ill be a good girl...." she said, pouting at the sentence of isolation, and at seeing his broken pen. "Sorry about... your pen.... and all your guns... and... your hallway..." she said softly, having clamped the barrels all shut of the rifles earlier. "I'll be a good girl, just let me have Celeste... please....i haven't asked for much all this time... let me have this...." she asked, her grip on Celeste's Arm tightening.
Jason woke up, his head was spinning and his ears ringing. He looks around the room to see a small confined room with a black steel door towering just in front of his bed. To his side was a simple and small Toilet with a sink placed just above. He looks down to see the orange jumpsuit he has been wearing for the past year. Jason moans as he puts his hand up to his forehead. "Another glorious day in this hellhole" Jason mutters to himself. Today was his first day back with the other class D's after he lashed out against a Scientist. He stands up and walks over to his door and waits for it to open.

As it opens Jason sees the blinding white walls, floor and roof. Jason walks out of his cell with is head down. He nearly walks into the wall due to still being groggy from waking up. "Alright, It's been a while I should go find Leon".
( Aegis Aegis )​
Status: Shattered
With: Nobody, nor did he care

Oh. He guessed today was that day. His time in solitary was coming to an end but they were being slow letting him out. Leon was a bit of a trouble maker, but now he had been shaped into the way that the Foundation wanted him to be. Compliant. They had been holding his friends over his head for a while and the only person he actually even heard about was Jason.

The door unlocked with a metallic clink as they slid open. Leon's eyes were fried as the whir of the hydraulics sent the door opening in either direction. He vaguely heard some orders being barked as his ears struggled to adjust to anything but the silence he had been subjected to. He felt hands grab onto him as these seemingly shadows grabbed him. His eyes struggled to reveal their forms as he was drug out into the hallway.

"SCP-7567, welcome back to being something closer to human. Welcome back to being a D-class." A white lab coat fluttered down into his face as the voice knelt down to look him in the eye. "Looks like he's a bit exhausted. How many tests was it again?" The kneeling man gestured toward one of the armed guards with him. "I believe it was 27 over the last week sir."

Twenty-seven? Leon didn't recognize immediately what this number meant. His mind churned until he connected the key words he managed to pick out "tests" and "twenty-seven". Oh. Leon thought as he struggled to his feet in the long, white hallway. Leon could see clearly that there were three guards and a scientist as one of the guards smacked him in the back with their submachine gun. "MOVE ALONG." The voice was warped through the guard's mask and Leon couldn't even muster the strength to acknowledge them.

He was forced along until he reached the end of the hallway and with a wave of his key-card the scientist opened the door leading out into the common area. Leon was free to walk among them again for now.

Anyone Anyone
Yuri noticed as someone began to walk in. She watched as the door slid open and a shadowy figure walked. She squinted her eyes to try and see who it was. She couldn't make it out for sure, but she could eventually make it out as Leon. Her eyes suddenly lit up and smile formed on her face. Finally something to give her a little hope. She got up and immediately ran over to him stumbling a bit. Her arms locked around him embracing him in a loving hug.
"I'm so glad you're ok!"

Aegis Aegis
Status: Hopeful
With: Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

Leon saw Yuri and Vaati across the way. At first his eyes struggled to cope with seeing that distance. He saw a figure approaching and he strained his eyes to see who it was. As they began to close in, he saw that they were small, feminine an--

Leon was knocked from his calculation by the force of someone grabbing him, or so he thought as he felt the grip loosen and heard something. Glad...? Leon was a bit confused until his head lowered and he realized it was Yuri. He was in poor shape and could barely manage to form a smile with his cracked lips. He wasn't exactly fed properly in solitary.

He slowly craned his arms upward in an attempt to hug her back, but soon collapsed forward into her grasp due to exhaustion. Leon hadn't slept properly in roughly a week. Too many tests for too long.
Location: Among Friends Form: Human Mood: Wistful

Vaati smiles as he watches the couple reunite. Normally he wouldn't give an octorocks skeleton about how others feel, but he had grown attached during their vacation. "Careful Yuri, he looks like hell rolled over him. Let's get him back to a cot to rest." Vaati walks over to help the pair up, and lead them back the way they came.
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Aegis Aegis

Yuri grabbed onto him as he began to collapse. She started to panic a little. What on earth did they do to him to make him like this. The thought of it started to make er angry. She clenched her fist with a pained expression on her face.
"What on earth did they do to you..."
She hugged him tighter with a few tears trickling down her face. She's made sure not to squeeze him to hard, so she didn't hurt him on accident. She nodded as Vaati can even over to help lift him. SHe trued to lift him with all her strength and proceeded to get him somewhere safer.
Aegis Aegis
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Status: Exhausted
With: Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

Leon's vision kept fading in and out. Although his eyes had adjusted to the light new problems began to take residence in his body. As his friend and lover carried him... somewhere... Leon noticed how thin he had become. His arms appeared to be showing bone and he felt that if his friends hadn't been there he probably couldn't keep to his feet. His head was pounding from what was more than likely dehydration and his mind felt cloudy.

His compatriots turned a few corner. Leon's vision faded blacked. They carried him a little further. Leon's vision illuminated back. They laid him on a bed. Leon's vision faded black. This time he felt someone's hand grab onto his through the ordeal. He couldn't see anything right now. He could barely hear, but his sense of touch had never been better. His brain afforded him that at least.
Jason regains his composure and starts going down the hallway. He reaches the end where there are two guards standing there, Keeping their eyes on him. Jason turns to his right and starts going down the path. The walls of the facility all looks the same and it was easy to get lost. Luckily for Jason during the last year he has been slowly scratching into the walls and making small, almost unnoticeable markers helping him navigate the labyrinth like facility.

A few minutes go by and Jason finds himself in front of the common area of the facility where most of the D class convened. He walked up and eyed up the two guards stationed by the door. They stepped back and allowed him to swipe his key card to enter. The door slides open and Jason slowly walks in. He looks around the room and sees mostly unknown and new Class D's until he see's his old friend Leon talking to two other class D's and one them looks familiar but he can't quite put a name to them yet

( Aegis Aegis Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara )
Once Yuri and Vaati laid Leon down she sat down on the floor beside him and watched him. She had tears In her eyes, but she had a look of determination in her eyes. She wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt him again. She'd risk her life if a she had to. Even if a gaurd came over to take him away she's wouldn't let him. She continued to hold onto him until he got up.

Aegis Aegis
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Jason See's Leon collapse into the arms of one the Class D's and put him down on one of the cots. He dashes over to see whats going on and then recognizes One of the Class D's as Yuri, Leons girlfriend and a long time ago a part time octopus. He looks at her and then down at the other class D. He met him back in Arcadia bay but hasn't talked to him since they arrived at the facility. Jason looks at Leon, he is a lot Skinnier and roughed up.

"The hell happened to him?" Jason asked while looking back at Yuri.

( Aegis Aegis Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara DerpyCarp DerpyCarp )
Location: Among Friends Form: Human Mood: Exasperated

Vaati looks at the new arrival with an 'Are you Serious?' Look on his face. "He was in Solitary, so I can only assume they tortured him for shits and giggles.." He looks over at Leon and sighs. "Leon's tough though. he'll pull through well enough. he just need some Food and Rest, that's all... I hope." Vaati Reassures the others, muttering the last bit under his breath.

"You're.... Tim, Right?" Vaati asks after a brief pause.
Stormcloak Stormcloak Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Aegis Aegis
scpmight.pngToshinori "All Might" Yagi

Location - Site 19, D-Ward | With - Kate, Chloe, and Garry | Condition - A bit spooked

Toshinori allowed himself to relax a bit when he saw Kate's reaction to seeing the most definitely dead boy once again, though he felt a bit guilty for the relief he felt while she seemed so distraught. Well, he wasn't seeing things, at the very least, unless both himself and the girl were sharing such a hallucination. Of course, what was the alternative? That the soul of this boy was haunting the both of them?

The retired hero listened patiently as Garry explained the situation. So, he couldn't die? That was quite the powerful ability, though it was certainly unfortunate in how it manifested. All of that having been cleared, he gave the boy a smile, reaching out to accept the hand that had been offered to him.

"Toshinori Yagi, though some call me All Might. I'll answer to either," he explained, not bothering to hide his old superhero identity any longer. He didn't see the point in trying to hide it after everything that had happened. Besides, all three of them had seen him in his Muscle Form back when he fought Kate.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do more to help you back then, though I'm glad you're okay now."

( Akibahara Akibahara , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Macarons in Pastel Macarons in Pastel )
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Jason is taken aback for a second, when Vaati said the name Tim he started thinking about his old friend Tim drake. God its been forever since he has talked to anyone from back home. "No...no my names Jason" He replied while deep in thought. "I remember you from Arcadia but we never really talked, What is your name?"

( Aegis Aegis DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara )

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