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Fandom Murder IV: Eye of the Storm

Location: Among Friends Form: Human Mood: Calm
Vaati nodded. "I felt like I was close, though... Anyway, My name is Vaati. How have the accommodations been for you so far?" Vaati offer a hand for shaking and smiles. He knows that with Jason, they were only two persons away from having the Miami Group back together. "I have a question though, Have you EVER heard of an organization that kidnaps normal people like us for horrible testing and torture? Because these guys are totally evil, right?"

Stormcloak Stormcloak Aegis Aegis Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
"No, but these guys are a special kind of asshole and hopefully the only kind". Jason walks over to the wall next to Leons bed and sits down on the ground, He goes to reach to take his helmet off but remembers that he doesn't have it. He's been doing this for a year and for some reason can't break the habit. As well as the fact he couldn't recognize his friends he was wondering if these People have been doing something to his memory.
( Aegis Aegis DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara )
((Also will be away for a few hours as I am going to see Venom))
"Secure. Contain. Protect."


Arcadia Bay was in ruins. The town was destroyed. Officials blamed the devastation of Arcadia Bay on a freak storm which hit the coastline and engulfed the town. It hit national news: Thousands dead by Category 5 Storm. Of course, in this day and age, the whole incident was forgotten in months - and people went on their lives.


It was December 24th, 2019. Christmas Eve.


It was holiday cheers all around Site 19.

Due to the nature of the SCP Foundation, much of the staff decided to bring their friends and family to housing units situated near the Site. No breaks, even on Christmas! Ugh, Director Clef made sure of that. It didn't matter though. It's been a little over a year since the events of Arcadia Bay. You found yourself in your cell mulling over the past year as a D-Class (a professional title for 'human guinea pig') or designated SCP if you possessed supernatural abilities. If you behaved yourself, you'd be free to wander the halls of Site 19, meet some old friends - or enemies. The more you complied with Foundation regulation, the easier it was on you. The less? Well, you get the idea.

Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention?

Most of you suspected Handsome Jack was the traitor.

You were right.

And better yet - he was your Overseer!

He directed where you slept, where you ate, and where you shat.

Unfortunately, Doctor House wasn't so lucky. Before you found yourself in Site 19, our beloved Doctor died in a violent car explosion. Some way it was an accident; a leakage of sorts which miraculously caused the car to combust into flames. Others say it was the traitors themselves. Who knows.

Also, the people chilling in Miami? No can do. It wasn't long before the Foundation caught up to you and snatched your ass right back up.

You found yourself sporting D-Class jumpsuits faster than you could say 'Hello to my little friend!'

It was 9:46pm. And you were all designated to meet at SCP-914 for daily testing.


Welcome to Site 19.

Congratulations on discovering the first traitor everyone! This round is mostly an "RPG Town" type map filled with exploration... as long as the Foundation permits you, of course. Feel free to post as the next round will begin Sunday, 5:00pm MST!

Cast List:
Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes - Toshinori "All Might" Yagi (My Hero Academia)
@Username - Max Ludwig (OC)
@Jeremiah - Agent 8 (Splatoon)
@Zerulu - Elise Fuser (OC)
Storm-Shadow14 Storm-Shadow14 - Kinara Kaal (OC)
@Zamasu - Sakura Kasugano (Street Fighter)
@GinkyGotBack - Master Shake (Aqua Teen Hunger Force)
@doggodaily - Connor (Detroit: Become Human)
LunarDiscord LunarDiscord - Celeste Seshafi Ikari (OC)
@darkred - Colonel Mael Radec (Killzone)
@Corrosion - Nathaniel Renko (Singularity)
@FactionGuerrilla - Kessler
@Noivian - Max Caulfield (Life is Strange)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore - Chloe Price (Life is Strange)
@Caffeine Freak - Touka Kirishima (Tokyo Ghoul)
Maxiliase Maxiliase - Tony Montana (Scarface)
Macarons in Pastel Macarons in Pastel - Garry (Ib)
@Chipdog16 - Joseph Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
@Goldie - Vernita "Copperhead" Green (Kill Bill)
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara - Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)
@Neptunes_Goddess - Megumin (Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!)
Stormcloak Stormcloak - Red Hood (DC)
Aegis Aegis - Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil)
@Alpha007 - The Heavy (Team Fortress 2)
@Spireshade - The Jester (Darkest Dungeon)
@Centurion_ - Nagayuki Tsumita (Juuni Taisen: Zodiac War)
@e_ighth - Takeyasu Tsumita (Juuni Taisen: Zodiac War)
LunarDiscord LunarDiscord - Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)
RAVEN THE DESTROYER RAVEN THE DESTROYER - Ghirahim (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
KandiPoP KandiPoP - Pandora Kokoro (OC)
Ineptitude Ineptitude - Mey-Rin (Black Butler)
@Nenma Takashi - Lilian Ashfallen (OC)
kirimei kirimei - Babydoll (Suckerpunch)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Vaati (Legend of Zelda)
@RageOfInfinity as Barry Allen (DC Universe)

@MLP_Phoenix - Lanaya (OC)
Rhysie Rhysie - Handsome Jack (Borderlands) - TRAITOR!
@DapperDogman - Gregory House (House)

In Danger of Elimination:
@Nenma Takashi - Lilian Ashfallen (OC)
@Alpha007 - The Heavy (Team Fortress 2)
@Neptunes_Goddess - Megumin (Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!)
@Chipdog16 - Joseph Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
@Corrosion - Nathaniel Renko (Singularity)
@Username - Max Ludwig (OC)
@Jeremiah - Agent 8 (Splatoon)
@FactionGuerrilla - Kessler (Placeholder)​

Ghirahim Round 3

Ghirahim had grown quiet with the small group he followed out the window a while back. Much had occurred since then and he hadn't done much to make himself present. Actually it could be easy for someone to assume he slept. Or perhaps he hadn't been giving things much thought and chose to just watch from far away as if when he waited for Link all those times the young hero made their way through different temples in hopes to help or save the blond girl Zelda.

it seemed he hadn't been needed though for the crowd of humans seemed to be managing without him finding at least one traitor. He didn't know how to feel about the two deaths part of him wanted to laugh evilly another made him suspicious what this meant for himself.

'Testing this doesn't sound good' Was the Demon Lord's simple thought. What could they possibly do to the great lord? Well he probably doesn't wish to find out. Which leads to him walking around looking for a familiar face.


Akibahara Akibahara Anyone Anyone
Macarons in Pastel Macarons in Pastel Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Kate listened to the two, a Japanese super hero and a seemingly invincible young man, talk to one another. She sat there, taking it all in: Mr. Yagi was a superhero? Like... in the comic books? Garry couldn't die? She was speechless, although to be fair, should she really be surprised? With the SCP Foundation, a supernatural Storm which "wiped out" Arcadia Bay - like a bad dream. A really bad, bad dream. Her eyes fluctuated between their natural hazel color and an otherworldly yellow glow before returning her gaze back to Garry, "I'm Kate. I'm sorry we had at meet under these circumstances. I wasn't myself. I don't know what came over me."


She stood up, smiling weakly at Garry, "Do you forgive me?" A pause, "For as long as I live, Garry, I promise I'll look over you."

Do you accept Kate's pleas for forgiveness?


To Chloe she frowned and shook her head, "No, I haven't seen Kate ever since the Storm occurred. I'm sorry, Chloe, I miss Max, too."​
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Tony Montana - Awake on his Cell (Isolation)

Tony waking up on his bed... Dark...
I still don't get it. Why the fuck they need us...


Tony felt like life trying to pull him back from the times he came from the boat to America.
Tony... Man... You are fucked...
Tony stays put on his bed
Kinara shifted her focus to Elise as soon as she sensed hostile intent, and the Force lashed out with Kinara's guidance, bending the barrel of the gun down towards the ground. A traiter should not be allowed to have a gun.... however as the Doctor seemed to believe her, she came out of hiding slightly, still hugging Celeste's arm tight.

"049 believes everyone has the plague.... you know this.... just... let me be with Celeste, and i promise ill be a good girl...." she said, pouting at the sentence of isolation, and at seeing his broken pen. "Sorry about... your pen.... and all your guns... and... your hallway..." she said softly, having clamped the barrels all shut of the rifles earlier. "I'll be a good girl, just let me have Celeste... please....i haven't asked for much all this time... let me have this...." she asked, her grip on Celeste's Arm tightening.

The Doctor listened to Kinara's pleas, "Yes, he does believe everyone has the plague, including you." He pulled a notepad from his pocket, clicking a pen and jotting down notes, "You want Celeste with you?" He smiled warmly, "All right. However under one condition: A security camera will be installed to ensure containment protocols are kept in place. Is that acceptable?"

Storm-Shadow14 Storm-Shadow14

(( Sorry for short ass response))
I open my eyes slowly as I am back in the mansion again. The girls are practicing their dances as the staff busy themselves around preparing costumes and sets. "Babydoll" I hear the voice of the beautiful and strong madam Gorski. I turn to face her as she stands up close behind me. "Whenever you are ready!" She exclaims. I turn to face the full audience of Blue and his entourage as they stand cross-armed leaning against the wall.
The music begins to play. "Army of me" -by Bjork. I close my eyes as I drift away into the motion, gently moving my body to the music. Beginning my routine.

My katana appears in my hand as I leap into the air and perform my attack towards the surrounding guards in Blue's direction. The girls are fully equipped and join me. My ultimate triumph. But it fails. The girls fall one by one...Blue's men grab me down to my knees. He looks down at me with that dirty, arrogant, triumphant smirk as he orders them to take me away. I get dragged down the corridor. No matter how much I try to struggle and fight I cannot release myself. They throw me into Blue's room and lock the door. I am left helpless...

I open my eyes. I am no longer in the mansion, no longer there...I am in a cell...sitting in the center of the room. My arms are imobilized by the straitjacket that was put on me. The room is all white. A bright white room. with soft white walls. Just in case they thought I would try to run into one of them or something. They must have found out who I am and where I had come from. All that trouble to escape and I'm back to square one...

I cannot just give up...I can't....
My emotions begin to take over as silent tears begin to pour down my cheeks. I begin to recall all my pain...the deaths...the things I had gone through...What about Tony? What happened to him? And Leon? And the other sweet girl who was with us?....Where are they now? ...In this dead silent cushioned prison cell, I felt so alone... I cannot move but all I want to do is curl up.
Is this really how I am going to end up?

Macarons in Pastel Macarons in Pastel Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Kate listened to the two, a Japanese super hero and a seemingly invincible young man, talk to one another. She sat there, taking it all in: Mr. Yagi was a superhero? Like... in the comic books? Garry couldn't die? She was speechless, although to be fair, should she really be surprised? With the SCP Foundation, a supernatural Storm which "wiped out" Arcadia Bay - like a bad dream. A really bad, bad dream. Her eyes fluctuated between their natural hazel color and an otherworldly yellow glow before returning her gaze back to Garry, "I'm Kate. I'm sorry we had at meet under these circumstances. I wasn't myself. I don't know what came over me."


She stood up, smiling weakly at Garry, "Do you forgive me?" A pause, "For as long as I live, Garry, I promise I'll look over you."

Do you accept Kate's pleas for forgiveness?


To Chloe she frowned and shook her head, "No, I haven't seen Kate ever since the Storm occurred. I'm sorry, Chloe, I miss Max, too."​

Chloe fell silent for a second after Kate answered her question, seeming to stare at the Christian girl for a few long moments in eerie silence. Did she really expect that to be her answer? After a whole fucking year of not seeing her best friend, one she had just fucking gotten back, and that’s all she could say? Especially after the cultist bullshit she pulled? Especially when Kate was one of the main fucking reasons this all happened in the first place?!

“You fucking BITCH!!!Chloe shouted as she lunged at Kate suddenly, attempting to clasp her hands around the girl’s neck. “You’re the fucking reason Max is gone!!! You!!! I’ll fucking kill you!!!!”

In that moment, Chloe allowed the influence that had been plaguing her for over a year completely overtake her as she lunged at Kate. But she didn’t care. All she wanted was this bitch to suffer like she had to suffer.

Akibahara Akibahara Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes Macarons in Pastel Macarons in Pastel
The Doctor listened to Kinara's pleas, "Yes, he does believe everyone has the plague, including you." He pulled a notepad from his pocket, clicking a pen and jotting down notes, "You want Celeste with you?" He smiled warmly, "All right. However under one condition: A security camera will be installed to ensure containment protocols are kept in place. Is that acceptable?"

Storm-Shadow14 Storm-Shadow14

(( Sorry for short ass response))

Kinara smiled and nodded happily, hopping up and smooching Celeste's cheek cutely, wincing as she landed, hand going to her gun-shot scar before taking a breath and standing up straight. After a few seconds, gripping Celeste's hand in hers, she was ready to be put back into containment... even if for just a little bit. She did not, however, want anything to do with the Traitor who had been ordered to take them back to containment, and so shot her a glare. Kinara could kill her.... with her power in the Force it wouldn't be hard to do so... but she'd face repercussions if she did it so openly... no shed have to plan it out. Force Choke her while she was eating.. something similar to that so it looked like an accident. Sighing, Kinara leaned against her lover, and prepared to go back into containment... at least for a little while.
Forgotten Portrait
Location: More?Awkward || Interacting with Yagi and Kate and oh fuck a wild Chloe || Status: Oh Dear

Garry shook Yagi's hand and smiled at him, relaxing and shaking off the other man's words. "Oh no, really it was my own fault, I quite literally asked for it honestly. I'm glad you seem well after everything." And then there was Kate- what to say to that? Of course he forgives her! How could he not? Garry is intimately familiar with beings getting inside your head and forcing you to do things, and acting under the influence of not-so-great things. "It is a pleasure to meet you Kate, and please, don't worry about- well about what happened. I don't blame you at all, it was quite obvious that you weren't in your right mind. And please don't worry about me, I'm quote sturdy I promise. Frankly I'm just glad you aren't as distressed anymo-" Oh dear god this Chloe girl just outright attacked. This was... what is he supposed to do? Intervene? Run? Oh dear, Yagi is definitely the hero type, but he looks so fragile now, so time to do something reckless again. So he stepped between the two and attempted to restrain Chloe, looking between Kate and Yagi with a little bit of panic. "Excuse me miss, um, I didn't quite catch your name so forgive me for not using it, but I would like to ask that you please calm down? I'm sure whatever grievance you have can be sorted out?" He'd struggle a bit, although he's about as strong as the average adult male at the height of 5'8, so he can, with some difficulty, restrain a violent teenage(?) girl. He's not quite sure the ages of people, and doesn't want to assume anything. But now he has no clue what the hell he's going to do now, as is evident by the panicked look sent to Yagi, who he supposed would have the knowledge of situations like this in the past as a hero.

Akibahara Akibahara Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Pandora Kokoro

Location: Another Cell| With: A weird machine Akibahara Akibahara | Feeling: Defiant and manipulative

Pandora smiled to herself. She took the key and swallowed it. Meal number three. She looked up at the researchers and flipped them the bird. "I'll take the hose over the hosers." With that, she doubled over regurgitating the remains of former meals in a highly acidic concoction. "Shoulda read the file assholes." She laughed as she flung the acidic compound onto the machine and the exit. Even if the next part didn't work out. She's be going where she needed to. She grinned maniacally as the corrosion began to take effect. Nothing like demon charged acid to bring a plan together. She knew these idiots would be losing their jobs as a result of incompetence after this and that sadistic pleasure was just what she needed. She felt a shiver run down her spine as the surge of energy filled her. She sat down and smiled happily, like a good little monster waiting for security to lock down the building because of the potential breach. Not escaping would gain her some points and naturally, they'll want her to tell them what happened. She had the negotiation upper hand so to speak and a plethora of knowledge the foundation director wanted...needed even. Well, now he could ask. Luckily the machine seemed unaffected but the exit...now..that was a problem. It corroded, albeit slowly. Enough they'd call it a breach and some juniors would have to answer for their crimes. Unfortunately, the security footage seemed to fritz out in the audio department so who knew what they had told her? Why, they might have told her to eat the key.

"SCP-3487, get down on the ground. Now."

A squadron of MTF agents breached through the door, sporting tranquilizer rifles with a mysterious orange substance contained within each dart. It had enough power to knock most meta-humans and supernatural entities unconscious. However, in the case of Pandora, if the darts didn't take effect, they would at least drain her very essence and cause further starvation to the succubus. You could see seven of them, sporting black-over-white military garb with the Foundation logo emblazoned on their tactical jackets.

Of course, you could either do this the easy way or hard way.

The choice is yours.

What do you decide to do?

A.) Surrender and comply with Foundation staff

B.) Fight for your right to party

C.) Something else.

KandiPoP KandiPoP
Pandora Kokoro

Location: Another Cell| With: A weird machine Akibahara Akibahara | Feeling: Triumphantlyheh.png

Pandora smiled pleasantly and waited. She got what she wanted. "Show me to my cell, boys. I've got a date." She giggled innocently. She was of course restrained and escorted through the halls past a number of D-class personnel. She hummed pleasantly to herself as she was shown to her isolation cell. They unrestrained her and quickly threw her inside. She smiled and sat in the middle of the cell she chuckled and laid down and closed her eyes. They would send her food eventually. For now, she had to wait. Her soft melodies filled the cell with a pleasant sound, her lips curled into a serene smile.
scpmight.pngToshinori "All Might" Yagi

Location - Site 19, D-Ward | With - Garry, Kate, and Chloe | Condition - Already tired of this shit

Garry certainly was right to suspect that Toshinori would get involved in this. He stepped forward at about the same time the boy tried to squeeze himself between Kate and Chloe, though the retired hero opted to focus his efforts on the blue-haired teen. A hand grasped a hold of her wrist, pulling it away from Kate’s neck. His other hand rested on her shoulder, though his grip was firm enough to serve as a warning to stop or he’d pull her away a little more forcefully than either of them would like.

“That is enough. I understand how upset you must be, young miss, but this is not the place to start a fight. I don’t know if you’ve taken notice over the past year, but ‘D-Class’ doesn’t exactly afford us many luxuries around here. Misbehave and they’ll be more likely to toss you into one of their sick experiments. I’d really rather not see that happen to you. Besides…” he trailed off in his calmly-spoken plea, taking a moment to cast a sideways glance down the hall for any guards or Foundation personnel. Satisfied that none were near enough, he continued in slightly more hushed tones.

“If we want to have any hope of escaping this place, then we need to work together. All of us. We can’t afford to tear each other apart before we’ve even come up with a proper plan.”

( Akibahara Akibahara , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Macarons in Pastel Macarons in Pastel )​
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thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Macarons in Pastel Macarons in Pastel Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes

Kate didn't have enough time to react as she collapsed on the floor, some blue-haired SJW had her hands pressed against her throat, choking the very life out of her. Well, attempted at least. As a carrier of a Master Plaga, oxygen wasn't a necessity to living as it was for most people. She groaned in irritation, eyes burning a malevolent orange once again. Her mouth opened wide, ripping sinew and flesh, and revealing a massive freakish EYEBALL which glared directly at Chloe.


Chloe felt a hand clasp her D-Class jumpsuit, a fist prying her off Kate's body, as her left arm began morphing into a fleshy tendril, a Xenomorph like 'skreee' erupting from Kate Marsh until...

She stopped, her monstrous form retracting into her body and she collapsed on the ground, crying:


"I'm sorry.... I'm so, so sorry..."​

Kate had managed to effect Chloe before All Might or Garry could intervene, her tendril managing to shove Chloe right into her ass and into the floor. With a tear of anger in her eye, Chloe looked to Kate, balling up her fists as she stood back up.

“Just stay the fuck outta my way or I’ll fucking kill all three of you...” Chloe threatened as she shoved past Kate and All Might and walked off.

Akibahara Akibahara Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes Macarons in Pastel Macarons in Pastel
Kinara smiled and nodded happily, hopping up and smooching Celeste's cheek cutely, wincing as she landed, hand going to her gun-shot scar before taking a breath and standing up straight. After a few seconds, gripping Celeste's hand in hers, she was ready to be put back into containment... even if for just a little bit. She did not, however, want anything to do with the Traitor who had been ordered to take them back to containment, and so shot her a glare. Kinara could kill her.... with her power in the Force it wouldn't be hard to do so... but she'd face repercussions if she did it so openly... no shed have to plan it out. Force Choke her while she was eating.. something similar to that so it looked like an accident. Sighing, Kinara leaned against her lover, and prepared to go back into containment... at least for a little while.

Two Foundation operatives, a 5'6'' Asian male by the name of 'Adam' and a 6'2'' Caucasian male named Robert, nodded at each other, "Ma'am, you and your D-class girlfriend are coming with us. As Foundation staff, I'd like to once again notify you ARE being watched by security cameras. So don't try anything stupid. You can talk, you can make love, we don't care. As long as you're not planning to breach containment." They slung their P90 submachine guns around their waist and walked toward a set of sliding doors.

"Ma'am, please don't stray far behind."

The Doctor and security officers in the room awaited your response...

Just as the lights flickered on and off again. In what seemed to be in unison, everyone looked up at the light fixtures above. Goddamn mechanics. Is it so hard to do your fucking jobs? Yet, you knew something was off. It wasn't long until your vision came into fruition - and you knew it.

LunarDiscord LunarDiscord Storm-Shadow14 Storm-Shadow14
Location: SCP Foundation Site 19
Interaction: None Orprettymuchanyonewhowantstotalk

Absentmindedly wandering the seemingly endless walls of the foundation, a certain maid had clearly changed drastically during the year she's been held in captivity. Her pigtailed maroon locks had been chopped off into short, messy layers while her treasured uniform and glasses had long ago been discarded, replaced by the standard D-Class clothing and revealing her sharp, hazel eyes for all to see.

Inwardly, she lamented their loss. No doubt she would be scolded by the young master for losing them a second time if—no, when she escapes and returns to the manor. She has caused him enough shame by being captured in the first place, by being forced to work amongst their ranks. She would most certainly escape from this horrid place, she'd stake it on her pride as a servant or she would die trying.
Handsome Jackc72e043ecf7edce1b001be6291ab5e4a39a43a61_hq.gif

Years later....png

It was well after the events of Arcadia Bay that left quite a thing on Jack as right as for heading on the Medical team vehicle with Doctor House (What a funny guy, not gonna lie) and Pandora, the one he protected with the might of his life before turning back into his Maniac and dictator-ish behavior as he was now within "Site 19" of the SCP Fundation, but not as a guinea pig or something, rather enough as someone who was watching over them, somehow he had control of where they slept, ate, heck and even went to take a dump. Now it's your turn to see for yourselves if you could survive in this hell which may potentially turn into HIS hell but that's something fate could take a choice for later.


Behold "Jack's Office". This is where the "president" of Hyperion would watch all of you over your stay and see how [all of] you suffered and planned different things to do so you can do a runner which was something he could let happen otherwise well.... he's very much done for. The current events would kinda keep him busy watching your way of reacting, defending yourselves and general tolerance on being there. One of the current situations he was watching unfold could be described by the following if given in short words; The detainment of one of the Low Threat (D-CLASS) subjects which of course was not unfolding very well given on the fact of noncompliance and well..... the people at the Maintenance part not doing what they're supposed to do as he saw from the live action broadcast-ed to his office.
"Guess someone's gonna either have a huge salary cut or a nice talk with me" he said to himself as he thought what to do with the laziness of his workers. Though Jack could have someone strangle a few bit of useless employees, it was best for him to "motivate them" with a few threats right as he leaned over on his desk and spoke into the microphone that lead to the Public Address system of the complex


"Hey Mechs, why instead of being lazy you go and do what you're supposed to do? Otherwise one of you is gonna have a little chat in my office." he spoke as he got a bit Loud in a threatening manner "COME ON PEOPLE, NOT MANY LIGHTS ARE WORKING ON THE D-WARD, GET TO FUCKING IT." as Jack then stood up from his chair


walked backwards and turning around as he looked through the windows of his office. "Gooosh this is so frustrating." He once again spoke to himself as he stared down at some of the stuff that were happening below his office while thinking on what to do with the non-compliant people within the facility itself.. there was no way part of his madness was gonna stop him from doing shit or completely giving a fuck about everything that was happening, talk about Hyperion and how he managed it back in his home planet.

Akibahara Akibahara
Location: SCP Foundation Site 19
Interaction: None Orprettymuchanyonewhowantstotalk

Absentmindedly wandering the seemingly endless walls of the foundation, a certain maid had clearly changed drastically during the year she's been held in captivity. Her pigtailed maroon locks had been chopped off into short, messy layers while her treasured uniform and glasses had long ago been discarded, replaced by the standard D-Class clothing and revealing her sharp, hazel eyes for all to see.

Inwardly, she lamented their loss. No doubt she would be scolded by the young master for losing them a second time if—no, when she escapes and returns to the manor. She has caused him enough shame by being captured in the first place, by being forced to work amongst their ranks. She would most certainly escape from this horrid place, she'd stake it on her pride as a servant or she would die trying.
As she was walking the halls, Chloe ended up bumping into Mey-Rin by accident. Truth be told, up until now, Chloe hadn’t seen this girl at all. Probably because of all her inward brooding and shit. As such, Chloe decided not to be a total bitch to her unlike she was earlier. Maybe she could salvage at least one relationship here, she thought.

“Oh shit sorry,” Chloe said as she looked up at the maid. “I don’t think I’ve ever even caught your name. You new or something?” Chloe asked in some botched attempt to make small talk. God, it’d been forever since she had actually attempted to talk to someone like a normal fucking human being.

Ineptitude Ineptitude
Location: SCP Foundation Site 19
Interaction: Chloe Price ( thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore )

"Well then, you might be surprised to hear this, but I was actually brought in here about a year ago." Mey-Rin waved away the other's apology with a dazzling smile—without her glasses obscuring her face, the maid could even be considered beautiful. "My name is Mey-Rin, by the way. It's a pleasure meeting you, Miss..?"

It was of no surprise to her that the two have never met before. After all, idle talk had never been on her list of priorities as much as escaping has been during the past year that she's been here. Not to mention the fact that very little people wanted to associate with the sharp-eyed maid in the first place, not that she blamed them for thinking so.
Location: SCP Foundation Site 19
Interaction: Chloe Price ( thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore )

"Well then, you might be surprised to hear this, but I was actually brought in here about a year ago." Mey-Rin waved away the other's apology with a dazzling smile—without her glasses obscuring her face, the maid could even be considered beautiful. "My name is Mey-Rin, by the way. It's a pleasure meeting you, Miss..?"

It was of no surprise to her that the two have never met before. After all, idle talk had never been on her list of priorities as much as escaping has been during the past year that she's been here. Not to mention the fact that very little people wanted to associate with the sharp-eyed maid in the first place, not that she blamed them for thinking so.
“Chloe Price.” The other said, half-smiling back. Not because she didn’t like Mey-Ron or anything, but it had been a year since she last had a normal conversation with anyone, really. And attempting to do so now, she almost forgot that she had forgotten how.

“So... if you’ve been in here for over a year, I guess that means you were in Arcadia Bay when all that shit went down, huh?” Chloe asked, having our two and two together almost immediately.

Ineptitude Ineptitude
As Yuri sat beside Leon she began to think. She heard that someone had died, but she had no idea who could have done it. She sighed as she's pondered on who the culprit could be. For some reason a person named Red hood came to mind. She couldn't exactly tell why since she didn't know many people or their personality, but something rubbed her the wrong way about Red hood.

Akibahara Akibahara
Status: Exhausted
With: Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Stormcloak Stormcloak

In and out. Leon could hear bits of the conversation unfolding around him. His stomach clawed at him and begged him to eat. His throat screamed and begged him to drink, but his body failed him and left him to die. He would be. If not for his friends. Leon's cracked lips spread apart as he pleaded in a low tone "Water...." It wasn't loud and if you weren't paying much attention you may not notice.

His eyes ate the dim light of the room just long enough for him to perceive Jason standing next to him, and for the first time in a while, he saw Yuri's face. A month had been too long a hiatus from such beauty. Nay a day. He once again found himself in her attentive care, and judging by the fight in her eyes Leon was here to stay for a while. However, his vision quickly caved under the strain of sleep deprivation and malnutrition. Leon was glad someone had risen to the challenge of site-19. Maybe all hope wasn't lost in the others, but it was surely lost in him.

After a brief glance upon his lover, Leon felt his consciousness cave under the immense weight of the situation. As he did, his thoughts drifted to the evil of Arcadia bay. That Celeste, or whatever her name was, seemed like she was up to no good.
Location: Among Friends Form: Human Mood: Worried.

Vaati, despite being in human form, still retained his excellent hearing, and quickly moved to provide Leon's call for drink. He grabed some in a cup from a nearby sink and then he gently lifted his friends head and held the glass to his lips. "Drink up, I know whatever they did to you was hell." He let him drink for a bit, before pulling the glass away to let him breath.

Vaati then turned to Jason. "Keep your head down please, I don't need to care for two of us. That goes double for you YURI!" There was a slight edge to his voice, as if he hadn't forgiven Yuri for something she had done in the past.

Aegis Aegis Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Stormcloak Stormcloak
Yuri still unaware of what she did wrong. Moved back a bit as Vaati yelled at her.
"O-Ok sorry..."
She didn't understand why he was mad at her, but she was still grateful towards him for helping Leon. She gave a little smile as she continued to hold Leon's hand.

Aegis Aegis DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

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